34+ 4 d 1j
eublished Daidy (Sunday exceepted) during
the College year, at
OFFICE: Times building N. Main st., opposite
pott office.
J. F'. TisOMAS, '97. WI. W. RUiESto.'98.
E. L. Gotooro, '98 L 1'. 1. Loois, '91.
0. ii.l.sss, (1N. F'. S. SNisONS, '9.
C. B. I3< HRISOo, '9(> L.
L. C. WALKERI, '96.
W. W. Thlayer, '96 L. S. it. Smsithi;'96L
S. W. Smil -h, '97. WI. It. lorrill. '915.
J. L. W~alsh, '93 Al. IR. Ii. Skillmiao,'08 L.
C. B. Boo, '985 i. Louise Dodge, '99.
B. DI. Metheany, '99. R. torwin, '99.
The subseriptionnpoice of tiseDlily has
tiers reudacod to 11t.00 ini advsoce for the rest
of the year. Leavresubscriptiosut the
Dlaily office or wilths . C. Mioyer, C. of Al.
Editor of today's paper,
F. Al. LOOMIIS, '9S.
'The Athliio' lslrd los very proper-'
ly tetlldeitheStr iiSilt'0tc of the 'tar-
oily "''91." Tenniiis ha~s 110t reeivs'sl
enougli encioturagement heretofosre iol
it lass perhalis been slot dest liLt y
oters'b ranichei5sif atlestics. 'Tiere is
Cesrtaiinlysnottinog which (anii tet:
from t'esigilty of tilt' varsity "A1"
Letter from Dr. Hoff. .
The followsiing letser wasoec'eive'd
this miorinisg froii Dr. Htoff, of the
Desntal Departmient:
"Ann arbrtis'.Atlrii 28, 1890t.
"Ini ordtShat the rtesponsibility for
a maotter, tsliicii hass receivedt't several
nioticesO in yotrs pr i ma'hly tietplaiced
wohere it lbrlongs, 1 rall yousr latteniioii
to St'e followilig actioni had todaly by
it' Detntal Faiculty.
oger sit the 'Varsity hbiseball tainlithilt
M1r. E. 9'. Deasb e allowesd to 119'
bill this yells, was caertfully consid-
ered in all its bearinigs. In Justlce to
(tM. e. an'lls anii his fuituirs'sorter as a
prtofessionailliai, -\t'bseliesve't(losthis
entire 'timeeasoit'itrgy shioiilsd bt'giveni
to his lse)15gte wsoC rk; iei'ertetti'rsei
sec-tfilly but rsegretfutilly decslinet to
girat theis requslt. 5tthi ilieetinig the
f'ollowisig rlulltionliwas aldloptedi,
gsoern'inig thb iistter'liills'efsitsuie:
Whereis'ss t'esslts of aiiail 1ba1se-
(till pldlyinig list'tisprdu deoiltttsrmitiso
of this hiaindsans insgers if sioli thor-
titer' is to imi Iri is tes'hiniclal-
(it'es it is'thereby5011110olved, thitiaf tier
C'olleigne tftDeiital Suirgeriy slhill tie a.
miimberis'of' 1o'rlply ill a19' colege' or
"eery iespec'rtully,
"N. S. 115 FF',
'fennsis Recognized.
At a mieetinig if tSlit'letics' oail
lst iight. it 'Ils deitdeid's to granlt a
Homeopathic Agitation. . TUCKER & CO.'S'
---- Line of Bieycles at prices from $409 to
'T'e old qustsion of thie remiov'al of $0aind $79, are uoi-to-date. W1e rent
tue iillieoislillie iiiditcsl colle'ge lhli, ood repirif wheels.
againi beeni brotight.sill by9'a0reneleO
oif liii'mnamuais o ll't-5s to (9cii-t Los-A tdark hbsis, silk linedi oi-er
1551 the Ilegenits to rt'ls'ase tedp rCoot, lmlite isy Carsver & 9Mackasy,of
iit hint 1plac' it ini Detrsoit.. I is'Chicao. Finderlesase retiurnlstim'h
elainresi that Griace Ilospinsil is noiw Psi LUpsiloni iose sod receie rewliard..
tiioosglily tiquippedl and ilhit st'e s- For Sale-bHighl:grose itciyrle isi first
tablisilienlt of tie eollctge in ctonnec't- class eoniditions. Musst be sold iln it tw,
Sioi wvill grelatly tacilitate inistrucstioni. days; $35 akes it. 9leyer's siew,
Thelo ls'geni s hletallrealdy'filied ianstood, 46 17. W9illiamns t.
oniiswsr. stilt ing isbetfore, that th' Cost-Ahosit the niali tsbildilig. a5
11w' (sisiuposeto be5'illegail 1111d1that laties' goltl wratei, opiesifacet',9'al-
it wil bedetrienta to tewefarethitn. tPleasereuntsew d'of
of thoint lstitu~tioni.C'has. F. Sterilig, lire uand receieis reosurd.
Dto yots trnt a loot'high gradl" (0-
Chance to Hoar Ingraham. cycele it agent's prie? Call at Doily
'hsaftersnooin at 4 otclock ill till _________________
LastLctrer'Rosinmt'eiehbrs o," 'fT'etDuily'till he drlts'ered for thit
thit Oratorical Association twill be( remoaindser of the y'ear for $1.
givenl illopptortuniity to heiriF1. L. - _____________________
Igrahamiiideliter his 01ratsio ilon IT1'i1,T 1',1* T H al
"Ge'ttyshtuig" orhicellt'till plist i iii
compiletitioni at Chiceago next1 1ridayi S. L. .A. COURSE.
Lttii h uuulb.t t115 RIDAY EVE,, MA
Tfhursday,. Apr. 30, for cS 5)( s allVLu
selioris owill 110(1 ill (ith 'hlal liat "1
Freshman Meeting.
'flit'indteprndrnts ofSth(le cllss of 'ti)
wihi t'ofollowtsig twt''chioseni as
canodidates for the.' Oras'le lbtsii'l: 11 uin'
IH. tIlidon. (G. It. Sinis, (C. .. Cart-
ttrigiiS. 17. A. Dtit'is.said 5'. 99. 9W'ih-
10e'. 'The calileill"also Ilissed L 'res'o(-
1iitioii to ssipplort frtre~srnit iityn i tesO.
Thle lisial election twill leielrd I'lihsy'
last written thotise swill be ouiabie to beep
hsis re'gagement at Ansn Arbor owing to
illnsirs. Ishit plaee list beensiecrreil
of Cornell.,sehio sill lecture on,
ill allooiognit to hit'wSotli by a Sennhis 'Vaosito -"1'iiereaftte'rto thic oilier
SfthSlt'first-claiss singles in the fasl
ehallipi oiiad this step, srhiiX11 shiouhl tenisn iis ourime'ilt. TheiI" 'haslot
bat-i'been taske'nbefore'. till Idoiimiihi (t't'n giori ii tnnis heretofort', ioh
ho arolsi'econsidierabl'etnthuhsiasmin ilthoiughithis shor t lhisbeeiinisrohe'slt
lTennis neSxt tall. control of thieAthle'tic As4ocialill.
_ Basebaill \haisuiser 8Shhilds sahbillittedl
A 11500'grand stralnid is ,iii addition to I hi rtport of thii'vot-ionshtripi. Thennis
St'eathlei(ilibovuhitillw h e teryg hoig er C'ahllhius tes htithhis eesig-
naio~lli, twhiitiwa000ccpte~Sd. 1Is one-
oeo'teis espneiually his it isstohe aesrĀ«il eeetda tonx et
good onehiS. Tlen'pprciahttioni of theit gieof liii' Board.
stiittiondy of thie'ftot tiat the Tfraick 9Mann er 9'light tta5 autluor-
granld standil is assure'Sd ceaSlsily h zeb oprectllh ig'itll sit-
l1v ti'ed 111 t''to 1prfec 11551'd elto~s S 'i.r
exhil'rinS'(theiduallmee'ts proposediti sl fori-
and illsom sustatia fo tucgo) 1151 'aliterliatasd ihit.shhbale
and hisshoillbe lon at he arl ltht on' oi'bth ioflimes'eints trill
ipporhtuitiy'-tti110i (ffer-h'slfi. Sat- he arra'edg((. 'lit'datehfo' thle t ui-i
urdahly's cllie oithi Oberhlitwill he this'forill~iaeftowill bie nterTune 1' 0.
frst impor5litaniitilt' of thiS season, andt Paintings in Court.
i'iitturdhy shiould blide ah' " grashnd
stad dy."A lrg crwd illnot Xslit liuis heeni brougihby thelu-
etlihillerIiiy."tA leigo erootilrtrilll1105e
elily shiow Chit'*v-arsity that gonod tooriktri9 oIetr eei -st~t
painiutingintSiho sssons'of N. 11. Root.
wsill beo'aluied, bit it 11119'also ht' t of Cowa to- hinli t(bin'ents'hsay19
recognitiohn of St'egt'herosity of the alt' inledlill thi teirmisof ChicLtewi's
Regenits. till., Yisterdoy N. 11. Noon, \N. 1'.
T ---ii'A. 10. C. Iooerhg' 1. -d
tain. Filer toill nrcceise 1500 11(1,y Prof, Tyleris a 5,sishied orator asid cannot
returningug to the lioisei, 10 1 C 110r1mfilSoplls
Plase. Ad~ission., 50 Cents
Soucrihe for the Daiiy. Lecturle beginus at 8 o'clock.
Yen shiould see onr stock of DAIDO INS
We are obliged to mIove from onr present store soon
and Ihave secured no now location.
To Close Our Stock
We are offering a good mandolin at $3.85 and a fine
one at $4.45. Some better ones at $6.50. These
are rare bargains.
GUITARS AND BANJOS dnring this sale $3.50
to $7.50. It trill pay yon to look.
Ann Arbor Orgvan Coo.,
51 S. Main Street.
"WWe ;Sell Bicycles.
This lilhtter of prohibitinigSt'etise of
the camsniotoa~lks tby- bicyclists is ont
in wohiei it toill hairdly- be necssary
ho re'sort to severe measuresht'. It isI
only sinec toown boys have beguni to
une Chit'owalks for "scorchlhig" thiut
thuere has been any canse for conm-
plaiCt. This ran easily be stoppecd by
requestinlg the townl policemieni to an-
rent asiy Swould-be nracinigowheinen
woho insist on training en the t nhvtr-
sity or-lks. The indnlgence of a
reasonable use of the rampns side-
-walks to woheelnmen Ilas beconie a cus-
tom wrhich should hardly be with-
drawnbhecauIse of the ill-manners of
a few bicyclists when a lunch easier
remedy is at hand.
liarlowr, A. ..Aldrichi andl F. N. 9hiir-
glib arrived(lfroimiColdtis er to latteml
anti csosuct the ease. 'fle pinhtinigs
are vtlused lat atoiut $.-)Q.000. II. I1.
Barloow-will.eshonutt hit' iiio'n'ssity
sidle 51151 toot'idlge ahnd Lo ct'idgr osill
appear for M1r. Itoot.
If your bicycle nceds eleanisig or
repairing. Tucker &, Co., 11S N. Fourthi
ave., is the place to gct good soilk
done and at prices that oill siit sll.
WXe rent and sell wheels, also hav-c a
full line of np-C-date shhinires. Our
mnotto is 'Live and let live."
The '190 class memchorial tax is to be'
paid Co the class treasurer, M1r. Cole.
The amount of the tax has been re-
duced to $2 each. G. H. WOODS.
Chairman Aem. Committee.