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April 29, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-04-29

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r - + FIRST CASH PRIZES. «"5On iea rinipal of the Wrhite- REGENTS ET YESTERDAY.
W e MustMove algae coo.H nee h
Th1tr l ns cuyhon ihgn isWsosi' ~~tiesty of Wisonsin with ti
Thestoe w no ocuphas' Iieio-n 1insltiscnsi's n.class of 96i, tking ~the itit-lslsrAthletics Given Attention and
bees sold. We mustseehnew ous. on
qures 1 riltural Contcst. Drctome' sysii eter o heAppropriated.
IWDaly Ine ardly sythaitie
'W N utCls O ti Atottt. &a-etcsitter Mr .D. Luin, tiof Iiithewih i' ttieei. it lage ts have appropriated $,
04 our stik of music goods, aod Siterulttison(e.aofot iii Iltltell it te i i o l' eii tii.'iipt
ttteyclez.We olter orleswhitch eof \iciigati, anti particularlythde
n1 ileithiooit o rcsi oeetit~adsad n oae
menayhn sobyes ot flit ittfI re r ichaf dlillatter to heiioftijtietlchy tisgretsoiato
WN UIES o h icst fRiseosisinthe IbeItttill theepater lioibentcire ya ri onh-
iiTHIS MEANS BSIESmcrnof $tI0t to he awardet irinprioes's Aosne of lt'ejudges I read l h erteetirya oilst e"sfresy n°'h giutrlD-wek leesassimtcdadeusae tht
1' "id t he 'li t A lel it'A55(eirtli.
5$ If ysusetianeythinogis the I t5,tO n'"le gieiitrl t- totttfethIttSti saenli
muscinwlee gas oi pices this InesiondIiths fi'tttcties.' Ifcots te l olir is att original tad impt-theAhltcl-o at
ITHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN Co., to~ili ltiadtepfrtssititishitoldie scr- atoaniltflt'escsondlislittle' inferiot' itt A 111011itifee oWas atpitti tii
1 ltfulls antitiofi Ily examned titid itrs' it i. If is ottle~sfoodthafltifMr. S Els- lsf tgli'slmeetiigiffit'eatitletc
5 S.MAIS~T . seatfeithfailft'hettooses of ft' dl'cis- It-:halfs sot-tid tooluabtlettl'fellowsh-lipi BoatdvicltI-lill rptet'lthe'5'fflB'foardo.
BUY BEN-HUR BICYCLES.etotoessoldi le tdisutssdilatud t't'ltt f(otoitia 'tl'i'liiytitli rof.iT'ihomali's retn'gtithtisitnI, eo-
tiCouba o oIr eyoth icpeies otnsideored. It vvtssexpted lat trtu engotoi'fftis paper, tlsthat t cso y h eus bthsd
ft Itoftitiu's prooses")ssteo O itltt oii-lSitii fitl'rywsi eior astotE losit. Assistant
it's onthfiexortatfoionit i t 5111t' tgi- get it for lputfliatliot."' li'tiilietrIfY ttes'ifioteo fbel'mosi-
culturaslfoortodctfes shouldciv't'it'i-on atmnetl -nt___________fr ea te o
GO D P E ' lettiot, alfttughleccat-li t-ititifttwas Yesterday's Gamns. tuu A tiltlFltii retu p oiltedifi
peirfe'ctly fie t''I fale ayiti5 t titl o eaIn1th fi-i t I l i'itsrot in'tltg
foitt's lproptosls. giun'frott oStginatwcc-yste'rdaty wcch itrcttorstifoot-etfeyor atlt' stltry
" P~ trofessort'Ela'deiedltilto tritcc en N's tos lteif'tislug ote il site of l'the te a-i wrs'tt ct' 'oi ii'g. Ihis wst
_ cl IC" th S - le tcop'tiition to tl stounts il t' ycc'ilss of lt'e rototos. 'flete cc- liiioter ountilfilt' text itettinlg colitit
./ ~sttei' rsit''iies of-aMihigtanid W otieleothltattsi-iti'ell'flitte ist' su llth apitmetts for nitearo
coutst tinun aittttstit, atatl1'u'ufes or moalt'iiiltoaing cliulthshtterhtioifti oi' ccillle tittdi. At net othtt's mei't-
W. W'1-g~~.'I. II' oilcc'llof tileItnicversiat f Nlctatfaut ~fof fhei0''arstfy in lit'e r'commntiliontcill e Iatidi
aiintintnessotDrI'. It. Cooleyyitf te ftcc'as aitaliaihas gmtleutilllft'h thtIstrucore I'. .Johnsotn hieitttde
AND IVuiesify ofatMi-iigat, atdtol 'tfesort ltt'tinoinhn hcititttctuiiitd tlltf fii' tttijun ior tififssiradlsteirt'ary'tfltata
TI ~ Wit. A.St-offof fli f'iliersifa of aiciitatti cwithi itsitili'andilreitledihfefactutltatt a Sltayof $2,00,tt
ii 1*11'111C1* W insitcotsettetito ittets jL'uge. seitnd titiHlecd's sifflie.CondoiuuiithoAsiotya' cois gis-ttelt'e e ugitteu'uiutg
Tfhree'rliies cweoffeed, cia: ati lst ttt'am ttixft ad Isttti'l it ettoc':Ihvto despatmtuteft onttiferthlii'degt'eo''tf
G QJ T linae of $12atseottilprie. of ss, cldiiri.butt _atiotut : os- utitkuhtuiteili'teoft'if sonotnt'itholietsof ti-
Gitnuth idrizceltia'of $50. 111"etari-ots lift''ditilAi ht'-] ligiuritig degt'eesaftert'n ,ott'l if
AND Titetimue for the deiterci'yaof fle e'iiit a-ucut oiit. iut. chul 'lt ios it'ipOSt-graiduatetacork. Nillan Parer
c(/ + CI./ B fetifiscesss exptaitredl Janualray a:a thuoird uiig cs-t-i' iltS'n tiltIss'Winntitgcctie givenitheIlt'egui' offt
18t, daudthefii'jiudgs ave, m lit lthe ars ha' hthuotittgsen it till: it.'t . DS. Di' Coipehtla cctas gtaiedileaivci
rfollowcoiug a oc'tar'ls:T'firist prift'etloToa's gmeit'wilbc lle is totaOlof abtsento s attdlt'e Methiitust
S -~~~~ ii~~~ C. 1. Eutetlk, of the f'uiveesila' of II -:15 olock. 'Tii batteliies soll 'geetl t'uuft'iettte at (l'c'ilaudt, IO.
Mic'higtnithfluecuoutdlplilaeto W,'.A. Wains andu Ctodt on0, i Rtirfitrcl 'liie lhomeuoti'de'patmenuu'lf-tas
Are up to date and a little be- foutft, of fte IUiersity of aMichigan,.citdh pr~utugerorBtue ls. Aitri tuhs fist tallocedo 51fr exrt corkiuchatlitg
yond. ansdft' firt Iliac to 1). Wv. Maloney, tu-a-.lo'titiv Htlausu ac ttis I uupit.oo t oti ittttteanuuttt'utstsof thatdept-tt
1 h Man"_'l y "{. of te lf'uic'u'sifa' of Wisosiei. ifle uteusts too srec'ynSloliglrst'ti, et.Thet'iss fth . uf linitttuui't-
ateVx11 _. . . 1toeik wcas b loru t I ffy'r ccill ittilhuh(il d itol'. utttit s 15intts'a Se'u tot ilfi utpis.
tfarmtnturleDiatontOhio, Noiumuher 'cste'tlas stoc: Tlii' tegitts ofei to photiitul ae-
IMPORTAN~T NOTICE. 170tfff, vocs graduafid at Witen- 5 -'cea 1 2 3 I 7 5 I SiIf h: hlllrictia on lt'e "atiutis isfar at
beg Collt'ge, SpringieldOl. hio,. in i r..0 1 3ic)'1) 1't1I: 5-t8 2 attitg is cneouredu. 'hroincc-ug cill
18Sf),A. 13. oitht thu.fs'fet lhoiuous of1 ' i5t 51' - 0it0i 1 01 0ti---, 7 -1 still tuee loi dc ll. ius tot- tuu otuo
V T ' I D fle Class. He subsequuenty'enroilledil toirie'l'5Sc-ifotto]Cdltihtt. hiocus' takentcut-ase sveralswiutudocs'shltist
G\\.../// 1.r-.."A"II.Ias a grautae studetoti ittihigante "41 hitfitgr. 'T'55'-tt i tcsOt-hbte enbouken tandul tonsiderabhl-c'tluut-
The Leading Tailor, AgricsulfturatlCollege' andltshitfle ii- Ifittc', Btolhttuiugsfota Sihilep pauttrtfushitobuuiloitgoulthfle
stu ony drec Imortr i th ciyversify ofafithigan, reteivinig f'th- trnl utukeu-Ba' St-tit ', ita'a' 2 tamphuus andt RegentutDenticwas tashet
has just received hisensoirs stock of gree of t. S. at fle formi'esr . in tt1801, tt. Ihif'Sa'ouor fthok11fletutt.
Foreign and Domestic OWooens for :uId Ph:t,.at. th1110later int189). fT, The tBoar idedsrihuthat patieitnts
Spring sod Summer'96,5attught three years. 140191-, itt Avolonu Final Action Taken. fromuthet stte silh to ohblid woul
CollgeTretonMisoho' Atpro-o't'eeivedatitalfuthli'e usutlrteit
- Ctl2eg, TreHiNnTat SToutri.AARliAt's'Thet'nuterangesantdtowcill bf utiltutil Jaunura'.197. Aft that datte
NO. 2E. WAHINGTN ST.NEAR at Ite is a gradnut'eostudent in estiu- 0o1nfts'eiorhs silt'ofthe fiat-he. dir't- yla o-l a'ruagtfl'ful tf,.$
Full Dress Suits a'Specialty. onutes inthle PUiersiy of Aiehligani. lhacross frotm thu s' icentuflleshtroh ewbek m dth ulrae,$
___________________________________ atr. WW. A. Cotts ws-an csinaKenof Iswelve luhudredoldollarseof theustsnb a i.ssiusoftufolo su
totnpa'cialio CumSdalHoeoorte pprlhioplritted theflt'egnts sill he shot, ftthimrig sssioun lustisugless
~p c a nhusfitc~ fitt"fltoet-ts usedl foot'l et uoth'ii le grasnds stand,Ilithnott o our andte fli'uterno'ontt met'-
yarsts of age, sudhaingy himsel. antI whlichs wil sott abbsou 71)1. T'flve s-f1m aesgshu attuflte
attending no lreparatora' hight shool hurt takingosfubosttivelrottha. ttioeo
Baebll Suples Lwnor college. aMr. Cottts taught sitool these oct11 ho set asido for the use of Track Men Must Train.
Bsbl Supis Lanfor tout' years in Canada, and enterced levsttu tdIouefetmnsi
'Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis fle lacy departmentUimversiy of bathmrooutms will he lacdl tetweenThfle owet weather of Ithe lst twoo
Supplies, Sporting Goods of A iehigai, Octoer 79; graduatedshrthee roomss. The cottag for tle odays ha iteferedeu'soumewafifI
evr189. He thost entered ltmo graduate gouuhcproil ot$0 idot11hle trasokeprtie tthsite runners adu
evrydescription, law clas, 189, taing special literary totntohta urdoless hae kept 0u0 their worinSEOR TCKADPI S k.srtgndhvuedhestr its
ovork. I~~~~~ork owill e ini upon0the gantd Oatig ii tc sdtm tuilf
D. W. aaloney coas orn on a fauout stand mnd cotfago anisn as fle aay acuk ohen timote er osas snot
SE U TC N RCSin TemnpeauscountyWionusin. ainnc cc,~tcondiltion,. Calif.Leoy reqluests
o'S Irgularly, lhaving littlo taste for ct bpeverta h rsi fn s h otbae tinwn ,co oos vr
'S lLA ~ {I . B ooks Later he aquired a desire for clay as tnmetiun is very short ass if
aeducation and attended theo liver oill bh necsar' forlt'sem to train
Up Town Down Tauss ding fle preent season.
Ulnlvrst PBonhstre, Oppeshts Court i huse als Normal School for two year, every .ay ifIthey ar to "of into
2inS. slas St. d N Main St He taught in the district schools, and Subscribe for ohe Daily. shape.-

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