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April 27, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-04-27

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Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the College vsar, at
OCE: 'Tines building N. dain st., opposite

(Cotttintted from iFirst Patge.)
The iisul laotls roster is gmiren, and
the dePartnto of 01organiztontoutsoi
record(s is 5(1r'y5coiplete atndltac(curatite.
ine 1pag e lidvotedt to "g;rinds'' ott

POSt o0f000. the lay professors andst tude'nts.
EIDITOR." ( The business departmtent has made ottl
T1. F. THOMsAS, W5. W. W0. ttUGuEa, '9S. exceetlentt sthowintg, there beintg abot
E. L Griss it, 98 L F. At. Loomss.'9S.
0. 11. ItANS, '9t. F. S. SIMuONS, '9o. fifty paiges of aidvertisemienits. 'tlhe'
lit. C. CUooorwoos, '98. edition hoood itt sheep wilt he sold for
M VSNAGIUiG JIOT0It $1, atndste other editioni will cst 75
G. 0. HIt iSON, '9(iL. centts.
0BUSS15iS LANAGSER Thiei'editor's of the Ices G(Stsae are
L. C. W~ALaER, '9i.IH.I. lttrtttt.mai gineig editot', C. S5.
ASSOCIATE EDITORLS inaihbuiesilmgr E.S
W. W, Tliayer, '9) L. S. S. Soititi. '0tL. 1Fetry, tttt editor, It. S. foovert. swere-
S. W'. Sniiti, '97. Of. it. Moritl,'90. tiry, J. '1. Harringion. St. It. Siurte-
J. L. SWalsh, 's M. 1it. It. Sila, vutt').1.9teve.IS .L'tt.r
C. i. Sloe, '98 IU. LontisDoitge, '99. watD.B Che rH A .Cnl'
It. It. Aetticany, Os. II. (Coriii,'55. I1. Y. Sainit, H-. AN. itarnies, IE. L. \oir
Thiesubscription price of the tDatty has ______C. ___._Lund.
been redluociltw.00in tidvancetoe thteres~t
of (ho year. Lease suhscriptions at the An Opinion of Michtgan'n Teanm.
Dlaity ofibce or usith I. C. Meyer, U. of SM.
Neas tSaiid. 't'tIie last ttnutber of the Illitti gives
- tir fotlowitng review of Mirtiihit's
Esditor of today's papter, wr i tevrtoigtswt it
0. tL HANS. '9S.
uvilitim ti'titrktbl gowti f lii titchesr, uvas stetady, waittel tiast's
lawy diepartmenit, ttatn t tthemembesaof coiely, tittt atowedtitmitslf a gootd
'9t L. assuredty titvs'ri'reson o tbe bittter.Il~e was tiot ably suppottiedt
piroud lof toeic les (lestae..Intddtin by ('ontdotnwthose lassedtbalts prtosvi'd
toSi t rut'sonttle'gtaltiat's tile' ostty. Theie Misatntiinietl is tiot S
depatm'tient rei'ordls wtiieiistake it goodis as to for'me'r year~s. Ttis' wthole
'rlttublete o every lawr studet, thStie 'nlttlayed listlissty itistaswioke froin
boc nai4ettoig-li 1-'itiversity mt teirlthttilgy unly it crtitial110-
Su'i toin tterest stutdenits ii i ' heohits'r t. tmybete rego
dlepatmiets. ''ito' tmttter its leii otlS io tths servtce. 'StieN gave eviitence'
adiriably stioseti ant arratnged atnd a of a maiittager with smiall cotntrol over
greatteat of cedefit is due tht'ettditors.St'e itteiwtheni asway tromt tittos'. ia
otto wet's'otlige'dtto bug o rk u on co'mtuparison with ts' ('iiago teamo, the
hatter lhts soiiesuhtithSte best of it."
therrpiublicaition befor'e'anty othe''r_____________
boaird. S. L. A. Annual Election.
Slay ?22 Itts bien set aside tby thet' Last Saturday ts' alntiatl lctionts
fatuity of' Ohio state 5' iiversits' as of elsetors So ehotose She offiiecrs fsor
"Ilighi School IDay"' at StStistitution.the' tuttos'ts' Lere t'Assosciatiioni fit
No res'sitatios swill tie' held,.blisthslthSes'comiitgyeiar ws'rs'heldinithSit'vat.-
studtstslswitl spendit li th iy asti;asous de'patrtmients. 'T'efolloing suere
gideuss tienster'ttaiers of t' high 'se'lec'td inishe lites'r'y andt s'tgits's'i-
schlouils wuho wilt soumseIs toi,,lti- ing depatmenituts: 1". A. Osbotirni. ".t'
bus fisott tll tiarts sof Oiotoo itisptect ttrst,. I'.'I. Swsani, A. 1'. ltot'ksueli,
St'e tniversity. 'Thley' will tlso dotheliir L. A. W'odarid, It. 1. We'instein, G. 5'.
hisS So indue' their visilor's to attenistGCltettandIt I. C. Patti. The othetr' te-
te slate sunive'rsity ini preferstie Si, iarttilits thosetir fotllowinig: Law-
iany5 simiilar inistitutioni. This is ta '90, D. I. Prslgli . C S. Davies, W., SI.
methtodi of britiging Slit',stniversity ii Stions;'97,t. . Wh'bite; 'ti, (2. 11.
c'laos'r touchliuithite high sebools Eiiig, ..ILtPruitt; 1tost grautate, J.
whlichtuvwilllndtobtedily result in Smuch-l E1. Blhand. Deituul--tu. W5. Joslin. Sl ei-
good. It souitlditcertainly laceompilisli it'tl-S. S. leKetizis', I. S. F~ogg.
itmity idesirabSle' liittt"s. MSliigt'ui 'heselectors will tasse'mble Satuir-
cotuld adoptthSils Iplant with pirofit, for dity, Stlay 9, to elect tse regular Sfi-
it wvould at letast provei' n 'xcellent ces"
jineatis of maiukinig Sit'eswuns of te L'ti- Y. M. C. A. Eleots Officers.
vernity better kntown thtrouighout the
state. The annual election of te Pniver-

J. S. Lathera of Michtgan Wins. CALEND)AR.
'fTse ortitorical contest of SloItSler- Fri., Slay 1-iloourt Guild Rleceptioni
stitegi 'rl'tiititttiAssttci' 'i svas at i 7:30 IS. is.'
hielid Statuirdauy afts'rnionii Nusbirry Stat., Mauy 2--Warsity vs. Oberlin at
Itll. It was wonti Sy '1. S. Lttth'rttAtnArbor'.
Sit Siritgutisltegte Tio 1150 ued., Slay G'-Anntuial conisert of
i'iivs'rstty Glee, Batnjo andS Mandtolin
tsrtiis were as foullouvs:u aisiisrs, C'lsubs.
titouighitSndromptositiont, 1, 1, 1; tde- Thturs., Stay 7-'Varsity vs. 0. S. iv.
livery, 1, 1, 1-totaul 5; tairns, 2, .', 2; at Attn Arbor.
2, 2', 2-12; Snowdtoni , , ; s. , 4--Stat., lay J--Vat'stty vs. Chiteago at
22; .Muiliti, -,4, 13:; 3, 3, 4-21. ('iticago.
Stst., ,fiay 9-Preseittatton of "Jstltuts
II this' svet'tagai ddutre'ss;watts de- Ceser
Camrin Vsalentinieteater, Tolsedo-
livesre'sSSy Hon. S. F. Dietkie, sif Al- AT'l'TO IYLSS
Milt, ottSt'heritnciple'sof the proii I f you~r bicycle needos lstinigor,
Stilt patyS. rultoirig Tiriker & C'o.,iS , \. Foutu
'.'hofliuesoof St'estte 'associtattin iae., is this lliceto sgut goo'd'soilk
s'le'ets'dwt're'11'. 1B. Hatrrisoni, of SBich- Sdite anti ric ites tattwsill snit till..
j 5'e rtilSandise sll wvheels, also has's' a
1.iiai, pre'tsit; i '.A. Caltmis, uf
wfull lute of up~-to-dte s'sundieis. 0O11
Adritan, avit's'presidetnt; -N. 11. Bowen,'intottso is "hiv's'and let lit"
if ihetesttet' uttil Sschool, se'sretary;
O.ioyer, of Aliontut reresr; J. S. UnJtiv'ersity Hall.
Latheitrs, of Shtehitgtil, mnatge'r tof let'-
S~ir' biretut.S. L. A. COURSE.
As.Track Captain Appointed. FRIDAY EVE,, MAY IST.
D.utikStsuSaSt'r otutthas leen ippoiteds'
sistatStraitscat'ali andliSets inosw-
searly palrtuf St'e afte'rnoon, iii traiitng
liie rnners, hlers usanth jumpert'ls.
Allhis i'itiiit'5s''rs gs-tt Sill t itlas tw iritten uhat She with be unable t'o keerp
Sturdlay. 'ftse tracts los beent isollsd itis siigageaeuit at Annt Arbor ouinegt
iltesshonlit plass has beensecrued
aginani Ttu'rainor Fitzpatrickis iseesp-flsT , U R
il his rutnneurs and urdeisrs isbusy~PR OF. MOS[S ART L!f
Thur Stale-Ili it girasde bucyesin irst:', of (~ousell, who sill lecture on,
(-tass c'oditionu. huist lbi'solin asf 1.sikWASHINGTON, AS 'MYTH AND
sttand, 46 E. William set r ui'sAS4 REALITY."
Prof. Tyler is a finiushed itator anod canno
Lsost-Abtout thSie'matin hutlilitg, at fail to piease.
itudie's' gold swateh, oipen fare, Wti- d n ".f c 5 Ce t
tit. Please return to stewsard's of- so ,5 e t
huve atud receiv-e ruswatrd. Lectulre begi is at 8 o'clock.

Youalhouild seout stock of MT ANDOLIN S
We ate obligsd to rhoTe from our present store soon
anid hivsecsoured no new location.
ToClose Our Stock
WXe aae offertng a good matndolin at $3.95 and a fine
one at $4.45. Some better ones at $6.50. These
are rare bargains.
GUITARS AND BANJOS during this sale $3.50
to $7.50. It will pay you to look.
Attn Arbor Organ Co.,
51 S. Main Street.
£SWe Sell Bicycles.


Saturduay Saturday's ball gaines re-
suited:.tBrowynI, Tale Si; Cicago S,
Whitings 8; Illinois 16, Northwestern
2; Harva~rd 4, Dartmouth 2; Purdue
25; Rtose Terlunical Si; Holy ('ross 5,
Williams 4; Iowa P. 5, Grinneli 3;
Beloit 15i, nutt Medical 10; W5abashu
5, DePauw 3.
Swan Linen paper, strong anti dun-

city Y. '51. C. A,.ivas hield on Satturdaiy
evening. 'The followutng oticers wuere'u
elected cur the ensuing year: Presi-
dent, G. G. Crozier; vice president, hR.
Adonis; corresponding secretory, 551,
H. Gleysteen; recording secretary, C.
Beach; treasurer, C. M Tyroi. 'The
association is perfectly agreed ont re-
maining a separate body from te S.
C. A.



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