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April 27, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-04-27

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!We M~ust M~ove l
The store we non' occupy has I)$
been sold. We must seek new NMf
We Ms Coe pu
itpcle'. Woter uiceswhc
will sell goods of low prices
mean anything to buyers
f you trut anytisn in ~e f
music line get our plethIis f
sit S. MAIN ST. i
In an advertisetent is sal to
be orthinore thats a1colmtnt
of glitterittggeterilities. Very
well !!
The Single Fact
that I wish to impress upon
yocr nind is that I have by
far the finest line ofu
in Ano Arlior. Ramblers,
Waverlies, Eagles, Wintons,
Monarchs, Lisminoms, ad
plenty of lower priced wheels.
Our U. of M. Special is
sorthy of its name-a $100
for $85.
The Leading Tailor,
ua only direct Importer in the city,
has just received his enire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Summer 96, at
Full Dress Suits a Specialty.
Special Sale.
Baseball Supplies, Lawn
'Tennis Rlackets, Lawn Tennis
Supplies, Sporting Goods of
every description.
Up Town, Dow Town,
niversity Bnkstor, Oppsite Curtlouss
20is. Stat at. 4 N. Mats S.

Senior Law Class Annual Scores
a Success.
The ResGe stute of thiseyear's setir
lawe class will btt plact1 oil saltomorlti-
row tmortnitig. If is cotsidrably
that isecd by 'l5 L. teS the scheper
edtiifotiis1110111bttet boun. Te
typographiclal wurk othitl year's ts's
tiois sholiot higer 'gade ofscerk
dosticbyltheIliandilPress atd thit
hcalf-tonies were funrnish1ed by lihi Bit-
ter Entgravinig Co., of ICicago.
A very ittretig sketehs f liii
first ean of fthelow deptmenlil't. Prof.
latmes l Campibell, is furtnisiedl by
J1uge Cooley. flit frotisiect of lihi
biok is a hof-oie portrtit tf Prtf.
Camplbtl. atnd a portrit of Judgeit
Cooly itmstediatly ipreedes his ari-
cie. Seeral lartices contribtuttediy
mietmblers of lihi factly ae accotm-
iai'd by fttll-iagt'portrits f lt
writers. DistnlHutcintis cotntriute
an artic-ie on "il awusSholiiof
Todtay: ts Wokc atntiFutctiots,"
Pirof.IfKnowtoni writss on "'fElit Yes-
terdlay of Leigl Ecacttion." adl Prf.
Thei' irize story, "Two Brokei Chail'
ters," is by Mrs. Matde C'tltwel
Prrry, who also wonth ie ('lsalait
prize for tile bst silet stoy. Two,
otheir stories oti legal topics att coi-
tribuitedl; "Mly(Client,AMr. Bartliway,"
by W. IV. Tayer, '9i6 L, tnS "Justice
tJuticially administered," by -Miss Ltula
Dickinssoo, '99.The vere cotribtd
s 'Tihe Wyor," by G. f. Barker;
"The New Woman," atd "Atmbitioti,"
by If. SE. Nothonb, tie class poelt;
"Summtier Fatntasies," ad "'Te Last
Waltz," by A. Ml. Stith, and "'o
Edith," by C. L. _MGuire.
A feature of the bootk is the history
of cacti class, and that of the senior
class, written by J. L. Lone, is rou-
ciaily good. The graduate cosil-
tory is written by J. E. Bland, that of
the second-year lss is cotriuttd by
B. i. Riley, anld the freshmetn'starc tde"
scribed by T. . Shepherd. The work
of the summer tow sciool is outlined
bsy H. tR. Macltt. Drawitgs re co-
tributed by E. S., erry, '96 L, C. B.
Parsons. 99, and 'T. G. White, of
Grand itapids. T°he attractive cover
design is the work of Mr. Proots.
iHalf-tonie portraits are given of all
the menbers of the law fuculty, anl
there are several cuts of tie college
buildings, together with the usual por-
traits of the oficers of the variots
University organlatiots
.(ontinued on Second Page.)

*"A Comedty otErrors," MRS JAR l2 SY'S WAX WORKS."
Sliis- r1o111Satut'tdty's sglint. 1
'there overet fwety rius, tutu' hits and Women's Gym Fund Increased
sevel ti eror's mast'illttheii first itlii.g, by $175).
aid of thiesi' StgititiwT got tilit'tti of
tie rn nd mutst otftt'hts, hut A large audltiect' grt'et'til et-
Mcigigtt''tdini all Pt'sr'.sthEI uttioilof Mrs. J.let''s WtaxXW'orks
'Te 'varsity wettofi pieces lieeearly~it Uiversity I1101 Sliturtlay' tigiit ,tixd
I5osiblealidgnv e ll t'xt'tllt'titex- tilt' proceedstislucrialstuthe fundt for
illiitilt of howtvnot to ithay 1it1.ohetlt'Otoire I l5'tlilshltiitby $175.
Psleit' t int'e gitlil thtyitr nci lt l ii'lgti'1l')ctflliill
som~iewhait t tulhit'gltil' easa Ita ndiilanto thit''BttonnMatrcul, hatd
apperedto e i "of dly"forei si f theindilietnmtkitig theirs, while' the
it~tlitaletS o tic' liii 'tiffmes wereiut'ecevally
slit, wiile' Fridlay's taile'itliastine of z'tfttl'lststituss''''itun l
the reties eo~tes i ver ieel ol ifrott ill'eDeri ) uilr, hp
Silds de id lie itest battiing wouutk preservelthItiacP 'lt:tetxprssion ex-
ftor Mischigani, istshreliltsellit i t'e iett''ttof Itan is waxlswtorks anti at-
tisi indtS oto-ttaggt'r i is tetinith, thotughift'e sltlowsitt silies wire
'lit-in'tginig illPtt's tits, whiii' lit' ot itu'eof Pt'efat-us, olte's 'stet'illy
picws lie usual ititmttr oitt olnLord siByrotn, retainedi a.mtst woodent
hase ttthis srt'tit. iF. Hemp'iitll, wvhto cttor cont esilitlee during It'e entire
Isio vt't'ety cti ttils, sec'inttg a flygaelit. 'tu'heirt.tctis when'ti Srs. Jlii-
11111falut lln llteunitinig traucks.Thic'eleditlthem ttildadjusted ltht'miweuit
1 2 .1 4 51it 7 8 ; ly extecutedias shiotuldtbetie iiaction

Mlichiganui . 1 tilt2 I0 4 1 24-1.4
Saginawt....1:) 53(it) 3 0 2 Ills-2
Shits- lIichigsttt15,.Saginiais-19t. ic-
t'ors-Mtic-higati 14, 8,,gitnstv1l. 'T'wot-
bsase hits-Rtslhbunt, 'Thoirpet'(2),1.
Hemphisiill, Scihtli'ey, ftitstisigsttit,
Shields. 'T'hree lilie'hit-Shiehlds.
Strusckcout---ty lStiller 3, by Alleni .
't'itiis-2:5. t't jlihtire-se-hhlouI.
'Tilt' tttig ordeir'w's' :sefotllows.
8Sagittut tv-St.Slatr', c Rtbuntt, se;
C'. tlHmphill, if; F. He'mphslihllsf;
Shil-asigc'rc;.'Ale'n, is.SMichigant-Stt'-
5-ioney, 21); Wstis, rf; Btloomling-
LShsields, t'f; Sliu1tsuatst, if; Ste'ard,,tab;
'S'odasy's Pilli' 'still hit'calitd at4-17)
o'clocksandtSeSymuotur wsililhptobatbly
xutnplirs'. Sagisntss's bttelry trill lit
teeny anid Sitosger tinSlut', aid their
baottinig ortdtr 'still othicruist li t'ht
same, e'xcept that Pl(Iiie still itplay
secood base. For MichigansASiKen-
tie 'sill plasyIfist:luase andtihie bttery
u'sill be Scott ttidlHlmes or J. Coni-
thon. Deasis still reftises to come out,
ltlthoigll nothiinu gappea'rs to bte in tilt
waiy of isupilyinig. 'the professors
ttaider wh'iomii te has 'worttk halve tall
bteen seesiatid slot otne of thetmthtis
anmy objectioni to offer'.
Convention of Delta Chi.
Tlhe first conventioni of DeltatCull to
lie held in New York city uvas the st's-
ISion thiesusonth under the ausepice's of
lthe chapter at News York U niv ersity.
Bertrand ilchtenberger, 'ti LP, of tun
local chapter. was on the toast t'st
for a response to "The Exescutive

cit allwsaix figure.
(Stfstetdivs'rins frotustthc'reglalr
hprogramthltie first ws'sssthis'damets'of
tt' histotricalh chambelat'u theii llselut'it
to ostt ii l t' 'suirsugthir'ec'tionu sld
walkced off liii'ceiiiof the stge'be-
fore thsckeys cotulsdcatch hit ndsi
turtns ilasi-ounisd. T'it'misc-i'laneout'ss
chsatiuberw'st-sturhbe'dby tIn ianut
'ssho pusedi'tlheut'turitanuStaiden'u, lip-
ping tilte(ci's's' Stoveri-' i ill'e1cour'e
of laf it urtit. Absoit thlutihul'onic
of '1'ciuiysoiu's tight Brigade' uuc' luby
e'xpres'andl wao brought tut to the
staege tied up its exptess papeuur titu
the'reu'nuirapputuuedhussd put tstrides'his
(rocing) hotrs'. Thu luast suirprise ws
'scen the foothbalhlplayer (Soun) wst-t
wsoutud up.Ic' be'gsatimsinsltgowiy
at first, but suid'eily1and11rathurtuss-
e'xpected phunteud the balil out inito list
ShissMcCobub, whvlo is a purofessonasl
her cockne'yliccenlt,uanduShit-nfru'equenst
atllutons to hertin ~timacity wsith tutu
Queen, atnd in fact 'sithi allthue royail-
ty s'sas all one tould wish fur, as a
typical Sirs. Jarley,
Great credit is due all thuose i' 'ho
hint forlt lhi-r ettorts Iii so pralse-
wsorthsy a cuse, and espuecially to Sit's.
Lombatisrd who had getiesal stupervsion
ofutheb entu'rttuiutcnt, Stauge S1litiager
Ric-hiaruds atid Fitnancil A laimiutr
iPrentiss, through whose efforts thue
puroducustioitws a "sioral" and finain-
cial success.
Brow-n is scheduled to play Pt'nnsyl-
vania today at Philadelphia.

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