9 + O0 f* ______ .The Citat two-stepc omoseo(d by 1T.
The ilnb-rest show n in toe colngI Thoimson, ant istsued yth 'a
-alchdI~ Candidates Ara Requested to Re- yagllltoth anl at lAe-PbiigC.;By iyMc,;i
Pulse Diy(Sunday excepted) daring oggifo ftefauu cor lx thlteso.t ypity, Mfnlish .,I
the Colleoc year, at port at Once. anlder Saleint, :at the (tront Optera 0ofnh aetiice fntnlI
to a vory catelty two-step and hao met
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, rierS'irpireki 2tillthii'toise, 1Ma<y 13, has beeni rgeatly aug- wsih grleat sacress. Te compatoser lts
tltucE.: Tiimeo biiding N. Matn at., oppiteiteitti511 t ostdi ili~lt~ cetdicatetd it to ' Chat,"'Bay City's pep-
post office. itnxioisly for disnet'etiies 5 oic t tat litt'sto Itappetar a" "Hautiet." Mr. tilor hltlorous anitisociety weekiy.It
ont, tttt they tiart'vry slow in dtohtig Salt ik's liortrtiytii lhisttea'n etialietig- cello for 50 00111s.
st. Dor igeg lintellr a ittltitt ave e Las' tl isome11 tf tile critics 11110 (c1tfer
'J. i. TriitsAS, '97OhA. lliles, 98 withhimitiaistotheiprieiittr*stConct'ption NOT'IC'E.
0. 11. 1lS. 't3. 1'. S. Siotros, ts. ttf Sll tr'act, a'ndlit1t. btit itillis itt'i tog o iiiiwil tttthld iic0 to tt'ocAt'il
It. C. Usecostotut, '9s ug.att 111alsitl li tiiilsitstitly trelt-otnitby thicyt- rcii i-l ehiiTiedyAti
spknt edi be ocli ut aOi rllteae-or eas h apr--t , t6:20t 1. it t tile litime ofM's
171 ItNAGIaiG EDITORttis C.Ttthnsoon. 52 S. Thaetyr st. Alt
wottk 'i t a t rttdci tithe t hlt'ettictii 1.1. 5111111 a pit te thiat is in not slit
G. B. HIluaSOt','tIm L. i ltht I~Ci iteresttd are iirgt'ntly reqtedottlft
ncotuti-&ca SOANAI It is dost' rd th t~0-at altheielttt shold.Mr. ti'ii.b'tiiili's "ttotI, li tistsidileie,
L. C. WALK-Et, .'Mii. _ I-itzlirtiei-k tooleltthimnknits'iihittie
ASSOCIATE EDITORIS they twill try orir ot ltSotnly Sit -ct,
Wi. Wi. Tttayer, 'it L. S. t. Soith, 'tW L. biit cii others whcio arcesitlitig to tr\
S.W.I Soith, '97C. 'i. It. Morrill, '6itS.
J. L.IWal-sh, 'its M1, 11. 1. SOittoiao, '9S L.
C. it.Rto, '9s5It. Louis; hott e, 'ttt,.
13. 0. hhl'ttany, '5tt. 11. t'Coin, '9i9.
comili'ttto t'he til 'iwhether Shoy
list- cline ot-Sbiugittthis lute he-
The sotioecriptioit crice ofte Diliy boo fcfore or noti.'Ste wo-trk will be light
beeti reduedcto St S l i~i tiarti fits the res- ~trl ot i-lti rct' - ti
of te year. Loose saboer iptiotisat the ito irs dwl e-ue oec
Daily sties or twith Pt. U. Meyer, C. of Mi. malli's cotitilonianidirc'tuireltti ifs.
News Statid. 'T-tlt-tel ar t'llet'ocd to rpt'ilto t
Ossing Cloitrestire if oilier 'iworik Mir. Sr.I1". itzpatritk ttheSitel-tS vi-crt
1N'. 11' Itlic'hs is Cotlictleti to resit iifteittotttoll adlit' sillteitll tSltohots
fisi thie athlleticedetitorsiptof te ieclitoSoti.
Daily atha ltlpsiltinis Sticeitforeit' - Nut distaitc'eunint-rs aletit'lit-stut-
ctuil. Me. ltigb's' suee'esttu'will itsi-ctd,i-itthtetre is to -haniti'f-ti'nic-s
'ish Itditsirs to tbscom'eCitiiatc's for 'liihuler~i-s hatve onlty jus. toloaiti
SloelpioitiotilatireqesteOtd ttiretort So at 't-ork n tut hie poltetvatltirs ilili
the n Ittliug- editor ct onet'. Ct'ttti t joltiti hate hot ye(t tdtnilt' t155-ii,
ititores ntectciessatrily be' Itelti-) at thtu'rtpirltiular tevenits.lout ti's-
heero of the Dily- Boardt.'ioktgIstitttge'. '-ililt'
_____________________ forte mii ilt' 'italic titS bicyc-eIt'ac-.r
The t, rack esonicihats It-ll ti tihe-rtire 5100soigetlit tousmeout a1 oncei.
clots Sotfar, oswingg So tattous re'tottlO.I - Faculty Concert.
but ieverythiing pitsto to I iiekiitg Afitil cticr otogs-t t lt
all touinid fromt itttnoilo. 'Tegre-tlc
Scittittiof MItsis last nighlt. Tflit' t-
ne'ted is for til-i,caoslhere is a :gotod I
- rat is iehlt-tl te fctilossiSi tttlhceo
opliltttfttr IletsIliteltli c's-c- et
I Sonata ll C.i uiajtit-" Stttetut-thtitt-
OilSli' It~titlt, ~ui Slt' ttititct e'ge, ffitor s 'tt iis.'ceIllo titt
the Uiversity Intl harlstti'ie ~lywith l .nnl, ~ :. ..~ -.,
is itet'lily Stileo ticolitSil t'e spoctattrs Miss ('hiorloite (). Slots', gt'ne.oi
tnoth asto L t'e iltI'lii ;g Sic'intendsi anis tit i iht Stctitlitttisl lt l os pata y~
to t-oi-ty, atdots nOatuirabln-ss ititd lieg eatents salisfa'Sor-ily filledi. All-
lluiiiltityl ctt iiillitt She it' otfalsorb- 151590 No. -15 5. CUniversity' ait'.
tig attnttionl aitti lrtis's St' heldepett't___
"I a iet" o lesapilosoptnhit ha n ve s'y il
lie ttisusally lpa~intd, hli ci ctied I S. L. A.COURSE.
wi-iit moikitng kilontearicteuofttfShe lA ~
pincle tatnt lt'ss te peat-d Il iilie FRIVAYE ,,A RL Id2
huts apprd Ole the it'stage inirecatt i V. L2
yearis. i tis Slits Stilt-S tin ityi'
pterihps that hatts lrast-itso 11li t- i
Ietiii toSISdit. Stilsitit' s l 11 t i i o
'i hratr s aiprodtiontlit is h
itt Nt-st ork i -tb iliy yea'ill' o . iit. ItVile
ehitnietul ctfetSorftte lt iItpeirattc'i'oh T York (City, tillletr
St'e ghotsItittnd Site atltct ur tilie Itof tlcli
te st-tttit- t'i iciitt, it is shtill411IT'-. on .
tsei otte ite'looita e ofIcvingillros1
cliosuly asotheit' iettIs of a prtlt'il't--A~
etd titirstiltl ialow
111 Datrkesi t msia conettts toSt'e
'The Dalily 'isill b lie hs Ecetforthett
remindiite of te yeare fotr $l.Lec'tuire begitis t 8 o'cllckf.
___Yon should see our stock of MT.ANIDO LI N S
AL 510areolligfd to mote fironm our present store soon
altd base secuied nio new location.
To Close Our Stock
We are offering a good mandolin at $3.95 and a line
one at $4.45. Some better ones at $6.50. These
are rare bargains.
GUITARS AND BANJOS doting this sale $3.50
S to $7.60. It will pay you to look.
.inArbor Organ Co.,
Ann 51 S. Main Street.
WffWe Sell Bicycles.
the tntcytitst atus btetn mitittistet
all thiii''snotein gyminaisiutmtwrk,
tht'resoldbtI hee titmes its many
mentt tasee newts- 5ilhg foir tihe ta-k
teant. 'mtet'ei-is been eohtsilttraSle
sonests abtil an~nounleig wiht
chanct tShere trill be fttr tile traeh
toni, btthSere is ito loutger ally sx-
cuse for leashkitent to hold bttcke he-
cauise tt'ey thittie nothintg 'itill bt olte
this Ster. 'The trctean eIitwtill, of
coutrse, nttble st-nt to Chicago to cent-
pete i inte Westerntiitercollegiate A.
A. A. gamneis, bt there is te tirotpect
of bc-tug setlto NestYtrk to comtpetc
in the AmtericantInhttercollegitate
champlti~ioshisfor lily.ettndidate 'i-li
makes sueci a showrig aito sein like-
ly to stin t otinit there. Besides thits
thtere tre mtis w ithl the Detroit A. C.
and the Univeisity of Chttcago tn pros-
plect, in additon to the liegotiatious
-withIllinuoisand California tiniverst-
ties, end there wi-il he itwo or niee
university field days held here, the
dates of which will be announced in
a tesw days.
Lest-About the ntain building, a
ladies' geld 'iatch, openi face, Wal-
tham. Please return to steward's of-
ice and receive reward.
organt,tiy Stessrs.,Zetz, Spic-tco, Abtcl
atnd Stanileyt;recitative uantdtuti-itof thue
C'outttefromuttie"lt'"iiug' of IFigiro,"
Mozat, by Sit'. Luamtson;tI 'ittituc
Sonta i ftmintor, toy Sr. Ntoitz -itit
Pirof. Sicticy t "Itotisiuce t Do'-."tiss
('tle, tuy 51r',Abelt;h a ttselecinfroml~
Roessinit's "SttlttSituet'," tiy 2S1r.
Laittot, attdl'tidor's "Sere-naite," fee
ianiosflhtte, 'ioliti, 't-tllo antd torgcti,
Zeite, Ablandtu Statnliy.
Captatn of '9Baseeball Team.
A mteeting of the candttidates for tile
'P9 basoeball team Nvst-tsheldiyesteetda-
afternoon, at wihitA.lBoydl, Sigmac
Pi, -asuattiouisly ilectetd cin-.sth
Ahout tity caindidatleosete hpreset,
fromtiwhiichi '99ioughtl to select t good
Riev. C. F.' Weiser, '960, has bet-n ap-
pointeid profeseor of fGermtan ini the
Dtetroif Hight Scheol, in place of thus
ltate Prof.SMiller. SMr, Wetser is a Ger-
man by birth and has been in this
country since 1880. She is a gradtuatte
of the Theological Semniary oftfhes
Getrntan Evangelical church at St.
Louis, Mig., and entered the University
in Mtarch '95, comnileting his, studies
for the degree of A. B. last semecter.
He left. for D~etroit Tuesday morning.
Swan Linen paper, for mortgages.