THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. TRACK MEN ARE WVANTED.' AT THE GRAND OERL;A ROUSE.1 NEW MUSIC. 9 + O0 f* ______ .The Citat two-stepc omoseo(d by 1T. The ilnb-rest show n in toe colngI Thoimson, ant istsued yth 'a -alchdI~ Candidates Ara Requested to Re- yagllltoth anl at lAe-PbiigC.;By iyMc,;i Pulse Diy(Sunday excepted) daring oggifo ftefauu cor lx thlteso.t ypity, Mfnlish .,I the Colleoc year, at port at Once. anlder Saleint, :at the (tront Optera 0ofnh aetiice fntnlI to a vory catelty two-step and hao met THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, rierS'irpireki 2tillthii'toise, 1Ma