r~j .o l
S We desire to give nstic: that we CrnIt Pormso heFv
" Proos to make a big idit for Concerts
444 bicycle b-ess this season. We S
h ase secred the ageacy far thse ____
ID.A Y'TO N Tihe fulil program ifuth11e0seiesaof
IM4 Bicycles, which has esrned a 14
X11 high repuat*0tis one 011of the if liMa y Festivl concerts isasfoilo ses:
il bs wheels made; price $100. We 11
414 retain the agency for tihe $4 TIHURSDAY EV17ENNG-WAIINE
BJ BN-H UEZ1014 Soloists-
rht xcellent weewhichls 5 l Fran l ollse-Klofsky, Ssirao.
1 this easol venso511greatly 110- b liss Gertrude Mily Sloin, Contralto.
N1 proved thait me 51111a1101 ase r N ir C.. arroll 1101 rti LarldTe'Ir
aild 0100 you cela0find. We also 81 r. Max Hein~richl, Baritone.
se1ll e CblIJ"PER . a1105144MrGadneti loll,>ss lritaise.
weel at $to t8a. AWesmakeour 11
prcstalk. Terms, cashllore'asy 1444l1PROGRAM5,
4141t I. Lolsenllrill, I Art,
STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN COR 414 Frau labfsky, Elsa; Miss 01te11, OrtrcIC,
5N S. MAIlN ST. i 1111 TeIramalli : Mr. Oer~bilsl, Lohenc-
~~ grill.
_______________________________II. Tristan sldId solde,
(ii) lllrspiel-Orchestra,.
U N lii r ii III. Die Walkulre-Sieglllald's 1Lo1e0S011,
U I U .. I U! IV. Faust Ovrre. etra.l
In an adve'rtisernent is said to v.r, , vrhmr hnde11~ i)Tare
of dlittorilig geiierailities. Very (0) SOhellllenr,Sti.
p. ~~I ~ 'l iDie Meiester'singer.
The Si gle, act 1()11IlobersAddress,
Tu ~rnieFatMr.Henih
(b1) 1 01spell,
th'tt I wtisih to imsptess up9on Orchlestra.
yourmindi s that IIi haoeli)y (.lldOctor15-001511 Mllllenellrlo' 111Albert
a ,, 1 , 1:, 0-4. Staley.r
M1i. VasVen-tiss Pogers. Harp. AFFAIR AT BLOOMAINGTON.
Mlr. Jobs J. Mlc~le11l10, lOrg~ls.1
1. Overture-"Ray Blas,'--lilesdelssolls Stateiment of thle TIrouble and Its
It. Ilarp Soo-"Moreaa Caractoristi- tu.
qu---r, -----... ------arish Alvao~ls
Mr Rogers.
IV. V'ilinlSolo- "Ronldo a(lriccill'.l,"__
----------------------Saint-Salens 81111iti its5 m1u1ch-11 115 bere1gr'e'tedii ilat
Mr. Zeil. ll'.1111 011111111CellC111'11111 1110 leffiristh t
V. "Are Ilalia . . ..------------Mac etti
VI. ,Symponoic Setches.-----Ciladleleb BtcIur. As 1'lea 10is('an111 1ea~ ilielid thi
a "Jublilee."
I1)''Noel0." fcts ill 0111'c(1,01'r111' 1111111as110lollw:
cA 'lagrom 1Bal1ad. 111l1111'serllilisiCalf fthe111' sl'll Iilli-
Ob1.11IFillide Cadiz---------.-----..Thorlle
VIII. "Thankl be0111 0111." "Elijah,''.--- gave'1111111111tlie' I'l Isll lilllil'iIlg' Ihis
-- - ---- ---------- ldelsscbh gill' s' 11 umpl~i' iire 11e it to ll'1 1110it
('loress, Orgalnl111111Or'chestra.
tonductors-EmiI l lvllaveslid Allbert ";'111110', 's1'i' 110 id tl, 0il'il0)Idarkness0
A. Stanle'y. 110 11i0r11551,1. 111111)1 lls'h1111111
S kTUiII5.hVEVENING 7:30. Ililtriiv111'jl1''l111Cr 111
Samson 0110 Delilah iblic~al 01O111ra Iltree' 111111'tl'l' IIC111ll hoIr 10l11211'11111heyl' s5
acts, bly Cam ille Sainlt- .wells. deie. etowo asulprlZ
Sl~oisl's: l15C'l clll sls110l~illii
farlth 011.1 B i ~e 10 B
.A-Ma 'OaMaa°Soloists-
ill Anni Aib~oC. MIbinurs, Sir. Alberto Jonars.
Wavorlies, aglos , Wintono, M.Jl' il'lrcl
1'ulillfiCl, Linnintini's, 011(1 I. Symlpllcl 0)0' major (1l s.)
II10'iY tyo loii. )I((I 1110l. (D~edicated tol Jalles BuacelI iel )1, Ic. silent
OtrU. of M . Special is of the5 Cllicccsty'oat Mielligoll.)
srrlyof its nbtme--a$100 tosO A. A. S01111cr.
slositoolAdagi-Alleged 111111011 1roppoll.
for $85. Adagill c011mllto espressioner.
STOME $ cherzoIII tr iace.
BROWN'S DRUG STORE. e-Allegro eio
II.Blst0llafoBahiton~e slnd tlrchestra,
O T T NOTICE.slr. Max's irih
+7 III .sllncerto Llltl "Ealperoc"l 1101eIhoven.
Alleges-Adagio parsolsso-Allgr
Mr.WisMH. A D lAlIberto Jonas. -
The d Ti t'olldllrct.-ilr. Emsil .sicaollelvr aiid
TeLeadtng Tatlor, Albert A. Stanley.
arid otnly directnImporter in tihe city, (0001inacy Piano Usesd.)
1100 just received 111$ entiro stork of
Foreigns and Domestic Woolenso for FIA VC C~EI.L.NO
Sprinlg and SLimrnter '16, at soloists-
WASHIGTONST. NAR MIN. illis'slRose Stewaret, Sopralno.
NO, 2 E.WSIGOST ERMN. Miss Grrude May Stinl, Coitl cIto.
Full Dress Suits a Spcaly Mr. EtvanssWllliams, Tenor.
P0l~ Signor Olileppe Campanari.
(.Cnductor-El 1MollIealia ier.
1.Site for Orestra, .M------- ocsoaxhi,
.Special, Sale. (a)Algomt.
e) Slots Perpl00055
If. In Nntire IWorthi (Creationl)..---..-Illidynl
Baseball Supplies, Lawn M~r. Williams,
III. Letter Aria . . ..-----------M oart.,
Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis Miss Stowart.
SportingIV, Prolagae-" I Pagliaccl,"...t.eoacavallo.'
Supplies, Sotn Goods of Sig. Caampanart.
every description., V. Fantasle,"RomeQotnd Juliet," Scetitisen
SSE OUR TOCK AD PRICESVI, Aria ° Jeannte dAre,"..----~lebrg.
SE un TO K RIESVII. Quartette fosm " Rigoletto,".V__Serdi.
__________________ss Steswart, hIiss Stein. Sir. Wi'lliamis, Sit;.
VI.Overturo. 'Sautula,"--.oaldnark.
Up Town, Down Tows, Soloists -
Utveralty Bookstore, Opposite Coart~ouee Miss Rose Stewart, Soprano,
20i S. State St. 4 N. Mtain St. Ir. Berman Zeusz, Violin,
Del1l1h1-- .--------- rs. Nllllcl'sle BicI llood 1(or' ill'i'ani. lllonstl'slled at this,
----------si,;. Cir peC talssllsari t IIs giviig xo n thel 1111' olrItuit~y t
Abinierleebl, Old I ellrc S eselet------- tis'clstr'e'the 1,11111' Corfe11ited 1to li('tii-
- ---------Ma. Ga~rdner S. 1.5111svnI
nio' Cult ote tsIti' ilcl V.l 1s;01 Aer.1ti 11110~ilg
Attn t'l p1115'aitt o 111' inn 1bou5 he 11111 :sxtn1111endn1
fu111111 III) 110)-11llIbe('slitd1111'
Today's Game With Saginaw.
sst 01st durn;th ' ct'in 'illl'. ''0 l ; 'rsa h1I't st'tllsl'the od lactt~llll 15s1o.exited
111111'10ells' Bm- rat0)111't1 1t' nfildI Itha stl' 11111e 111ma ll de li ilti to ill
which lit w ha s'st s'rll1111' 151110)a t ities Is sitl iss1)t s i d t ha'st' Islicssth's At sho
eri os ltlli bel' x1 pe'tliiis han in 5eithe 'r 51I111'lltnt 'solish 110)l1o1wesjts' 1s'sl 1ti'
of te pece~in p11ll55'1oda's ny lll!I stiss Ss'clssti. CIssllsAts
'Itleis t'ss ist x1hs 1"11(' sst'Ittsr 111111 H 'Stlai l l 1t' tist1 sits''elstos
f~is lsr. o hsili s.eason. gal. rdiscss ion isi 'taiS exs01C s ston, s lo , 11 111or
Ferry. 7
Rlalise Issed .......- -----....-- .Anderson IWias 155no t ick el1510)l Cs C sillyroa
'Ilsio ris , .! .....c.------.----.---- inmon st '.extl S gst 111(11 b I t I soat ts1'
or pe "-------'-- s'eIhe tco ldsitaris'. At (Iis iis s tlior
Ollyde ...---------------- ........8------ s-- '-- sersdI Mlslslting)attsn ilistat ds. 111'r bosisss han1
Physical-----------amination----- D. ns Ilsoai't'te u denlyra'n011 10 1111 Coul
110)1111100 St'XOIIII, 11110'11 Ii ii Ills' Il1ltrOklli
hinsol e't'J'ols lh'Si'il0)00 set~sl~l' Jut ll slilof tt'heissii iti'iz. iliThli'
Phy( t sical Exa011nrtiaonse. 11 lsos'ies thens'xII 11111us' wss srrs'lt:
aoills t tsshh 11111 lik 1,a1'stsiesssl It lht.
Dr. Fii iOlt'geral hshi e0'u00the cod. litote tto re, Sxto n01, ' taught tile
'hs'e-4of.physia xmtosan111 d511 llrtte- a0n111 WatkrIils'were'nt'h tohIg fond
11110t eeryoirronedeiitoe ealli- T e llssl apai.'tislovrh11011, 111111111110
disd to11regasthereatisnelasg t hr'are Hoalmesg as SxtnJ', anrseiisgltarlt 0si
SalOn h. (ti0, -sa or Ihe ls'tnlyt' oac' 101 ' $lbutt si'ollreesed. llliaellli'hl, ilet
ltt'lllnhtl a ss a hozetiti o att.h t ly1111 tlt 110st ' Ilatil lt, tlhhee theylI)hI ll1lt the
Theii4:151uhcls stles breetnldrollpectrisaiar il e'vling.s lll'ils
ast ithewthefrtthe w elrconiued i Ohslnlsihsadoerliight, aedyftelr
asl ;a hr i uhitretc is l'till asler, brhoug0ht su1110it'or
Iwias no e'xc'use for the blulnder, if, iln'
The Doily will be deliveretd for tile deed, it was a bluhnder owl 11110 it (lcas
rehmainlder of thme year for $1. of 110r10 spite.