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April 02, 1896 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-04-02

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Time Table (Revised) M1arch 1, 1896.
. M. AM
Malland Ex-3 50 Mail_-____-8 38
N. Y. Special--__ 5 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 30
Eastern Ex--10 12 N. S. Limited.--- 9 25
Atlantic Ex____7109 Pacific Ex--12 15
0. N. Expres-__ 5 40 Western Ex____2 0
G. R0. Express ___11 05 Chi. Nt. Ex----10 V1'
GR.Ex.----5 57~
0. W. RunnooS, H. W. HAYES,
H. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ans Arbor
) t:

Our Great Easter Ope ninw', Saturday, April 4.
Newest Styles in Puroiture, Carpets, SRugs, Draperies aod (hiss. A 5s 8i Strlieg
Silicer Spoon or o, beaotiful boson ivens cith each porchoat se aounting to 50tc o
mesc. baskets ;given to childenoins the moin.
56, 58 anid 60 S. Malin St. Furnitusre.
Hoearried. The lorgest andsinOest assortmeot esvcr shown in Anso Arbor. Soils
fr-os $14Sto -i;). iPants from$4ftoIs$i2.
We hknosethal twe cis please yoo oodi 'twill please you0t0 loO at our somples before
buying sprint- furnishingcs.
F. J. Glen, The State St. Tailor,

Timse Table, Jan. 50, 1896.I
505.Many New Scholarships. ,11ip1 shall gise heir Sndis-iSded1 illc
7:21a.m. *7:40 am.-totirsues nanr iIlohr
*12:20 p. M, 15:00 a. m. [The Stcussyleooias, olt-l tiis el.il O Ooie
4:15 p. m. 9:21 p. m, TnIiIrly(ftuii.I iii15Ofll-tiill ,4 0 long sg ty (enjoy 11he
All trains datly except Sunday Tl icnlyo nyvnc a
onsTraina run between Ass Arbor and Toledo ('ededlet o estalish:nl5111,ehr GISIb~gC(ois ile es cf She Swhile, i cilsnliife
R. . SENET . GREENWOOD), Agent Laeil} liirtison i 'un~atifo !eIi. w Ailli 0the ilit-ilise of its~ e iler, as
coro.l-eeit of Liloeriai i~Sudio,;oiid ew17'lrtcs in t iiISS)eei of (lift. cAil-
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY, 11Se Advantlicimeni of KiussslS-dge,"57pinltliSISS to erzoiluhils 5011 fellosv-
t55Sely-.sev eni new w solipsds hips «-11 511. lii h e nlyliup1oni viVdence1
Time Table, Oct. 27. 1895. fioseof ,efSi ifl~lhlliiilil txcept~ionl biit iilt l tn he cr,li1111d51e.
fla hipsoftea;rc;atanulLeave Ypsilati from Cosgresu st., 7:10.,8:05 - - -__
and 11:00 a. in.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:15 and values of $22,211). (Of Sls:,' eighilt of NOTICE TO FiOOTBALL "MEN.
10:45 p m.
Leave Aen Arbor Jusctioo, 7:40, 9:15 aned tSl value of $100) is yc~il and fcc: liii- All foriter football pllayer atid. all
11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 1:45, 5:30,7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 toeilteUiest h xeti
P. a. 11i11, alle01)111 ily to glldtllis eftos sSe niriywloeelfn
SCNDAY TIME. hecomie canidtesforthtt e~i teamnet
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 1:30,3:30, lli( Unis-t-rity'. out-eens fellolwships fall lare requecsted to report coalStle
00,06:30 and 9:00 . a. of Slit: v-due of <$i10101.a eaS, 110-i;$101)0.st,.
Leave Ann Arbor Jusnction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, campuinear 0.1 tfe llitsiilli esi-sty
7:00 and 5:30 p. a. deoo oIu ia'ola <ll1iet a s41 nfrspi
Care run on city time Fure: single trip 15 15130oelI llllll 10eiilt-lt:ya . IIfrOIli jr,iraclie4e.
cnsrontrpticetrs 15cerots. ,, i
rent; rund rip Wa. F. PARsKER, Sept it 0511ii1to19 gilllti~ill-of airls itli Old iplayers willhe sefout tachi new5
to11011Siblyhe11d1)for Os o y~r.aimen. II. 11. SINTII,Captaiti.
STU DE~NTrS TI rlitendeditfor (Ituiidi~tilils for te 'O7 IASIIBALL NOTICE-,.
If yenuwwant good reliable life insorossce cult degree sof I'll. fD. Five Sestior Felclos- All fl.ildiuats f::r '97 bh-ieill teenit
onsFred T McOombeotffce No. 1, .y1 0oto h niaisi 4 )(Ll
iFoorth use. ships211) of til: valor of $8010 a year-, tttaylllitOtleillli at1o-o
emaery affrilcult(:foacIl-le.
19' 1h1l1dfarre111-Sc 51 111, 11153,-are: dli E w lItSiNI
Bicycle Repairing. a. Lu 11:55 witolive It un Sit - liptaii.
glrIl of Illt. f). af t ttveresoy.
Bicycles Enameled and all kinds 1,11is hliirols ill adf:-lowiIi arm-
of machine work.e tbihdndrtepoys o1fte
No. S ]ast fLterty St. s-i11111:o,se, 1 t I5il.lntlI oft51
REN'ISCIII.ER, 1i is~silo aotl dfsll::ss-liif-s 111111
SK sol 11forilenli of exlI5Fi ii.51 lilsil~tls
P1IOT0C 1 tAsv Hr.! iltshl 1ree l. lunde1:lr S55 hi.1tt I" °
.ANN 1 ARBOR. lttlICH.I re 111iss 1(1.1"lrcs linle:1 to.1roe115 1
Ils ,foI r irllcsies of tlily S hiss r (I A
lost ece~.ived a Latrgeand Elegat whisdIs irII to aSle 'a, yearIoIllsx:if,;)11
Lino of V7Tsew adar ivddiron. fr
11il ie1111115of :'teilly. :Tile ,sll-1111
Hot Lunches, Chocolates and
Eon Bonn. elroullixliiI i, xsil theIlls isiliIlef Is man
l yi')lnile 1-tllois lsi5I 11n FI. Ii~, 11
tifleen, aut-c i10g151 I fissve sta~-s
20OS. State St., Sager Blocks. Isr nlblsOhlS 12u:e la
psedalogS-, uchiistry-, lisllgy a1d11 ' everveoc(,
~ A NJPA ~ nlsllheiissi. v0.e itolffer -eI.'al i"i -
II)h ot o g r a p h e r vslifliges to t"1g:.ststt- of ally iii -fi- ~j. )c
15 Washington Block. lilti'll l xtll ulstre tise degressf Pih. 10).
______________________________________Tis: liveei'olr Fellslxv11.slil' ::e left;
TuuP & 6O S. STATE 111:1-15 111-aes:i~nlilt 151to1an' fisel, 11n1
*STREET. + + ill ilonlybhI-iluledIlas tuetils cf spe- .
Cal en them for cil 11r1111515' iappear. hUrler tlt's s -s- 2d Se rni ester.
Fine Lunches,
Fine. Chocolates, 11isni1il e11 l55ible for a g; ". t0:itE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING
and Baked Goods, of tile- Iifivtrsily is hsld a1seec.7trslsip
Try Our Lunches. or fhx-e:1S111 ipf or six years: onie youa Opposite LAW building.
atf $1010 aud free flifion, Iwo years lit TERMS $3 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR.
COTRELL & LEONARD, $0*00 iand ihre yearIs at 800, re'llewel TEKNEGRE ILADHL
Albay. N , allrogress said pruonise is RAILROAD TICKEfTBRK S
Makers of -su ti Iii11 the-selectiotn Of cvndlidats- IRIVU~
11t1ecpialha 1iht ilad ecc Iti n7 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL.
Cas l 01taillet21 -11il ~t -fstuN aill be PITEY
ieu~ni 8.Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes
for Yale '96,Harvard The .inconfibent. of all the l - hscI fllrl~ CATERER,
we add with plearicton '9 lid fl fi . i NGiAIEK1 LI 2. n Wshing-
plaueMcia uichndsehiohla: ships and ellose II UtonVIet.

Commencing tO
Jacos&A Iall
Washington Block.
~rand Opera House.,
Lincolna J. Carter's Gransd Scenic
0 srtisof specisal scenery. Slide iof lse
Fa1st Masil. Nlsscssra Pall by SMoonlightu with
Bisieg Mist. Practical wssrksing hFrsiue, utud
14 Prcighu.C(srs, xeiths Illomise a osuse,
Th~e Da.=o bie. Rualistic lier cen--se sind
Steam 1B1asf Explsiono, and 130 sthser start-
inn- effects.
Prices, - 35c, 50c, and 76c..
4e~~' Perhsape a " U. of
M." spoon or pink'
A handome lino,
~of suitabloehiovelties..
S0um1 musiss Iseftues, Uissueof V iltutsa
July 1 tss Sept. 1, 15ll. leor studlents anul
practi-tionsers. 27h syearsi e. ac-stsslsinse, ad-
dress (1. 0. SCisarhofisle,s-h .Va.)
1t. 5. MINORI, Secery.

41 OUr -t f - 5e0
The Onlg Sleeping Gar Line between To-
ledo and tolumnbus.
The Osig Sleeping or Drawing Rooemcar'
Line between Toledo, Columbus and
The Onlg Driwing Som Car Line between
Toledo, Clulmbus send Cherleston,
W. Ito.
Pullman Sleepers between Coslombus and
THE ONLY LINE with 4 eraineseei way daily
betweenToledo andilumbuahs.
THE ONLY LINES wiehs aicnseaesh way on
Ssndaye between Toledo and Columbus.
THlE ONLY LINE with 5 trains eachway daily
between Toledo, iBowlitng Green atd
TE ONLY LINE with 2 trinsemch wayailiy
beteees Toledo aned Charleten, W. Va.~
aned the Viraiiss.
THE POPULARI LINE between Tolede, Fosto.
ri seBuyrs,Granvi1110ansdNewark.
FullinIformantion. relative to ratee, time nfl
trainsec, will b5 cheerfully furnshbed br any
Agentef the Ohio CentrailLinee.

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