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April 02, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-04-02

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VOL. V 1. NO. 134.


VOL. V I. No. 184. ANN ARIIOR, MIChIGAN, TII URSISAY, APIIIL 2, 112 (3. Fout's l~Aoios- 3 ('tours.

+ U BICYCLES. Characters in "Julius Cea1a"
I We detire to give notice that we for ,
biccl bui tssts eaon.wjj Will 1Be Ably Preeted(.
haveeretain the a e cy for t he 45'
4144 A T® 14$Ai~~,i ne~s pe grp
h 4k t ftt tntataft oul atstonet ofs tahMoo
BHE3 N-HU R It<ln'4444 lAil loltene ln
I ftat e eaetefateteaich as 91 tittevenrt at : t ft' (ratai f t ?ett-
this t ats loto beea so greatly ta-
gRoved 1that tar shallaf keattatou atr 44 fa-aaabttrt off t at- t ita lfoatdory
leader. t 1,ftheabest leta at$8f54
atd $100 yua can fad. Ste atota rtat te t B r ell lltt of I t f.Trte-
1 SofltheOfCLI 1PER. a fone414
wittteatat$6553to t .wa' rleor bottfe00 f4 aodtt tatt o t tt oart it he ut' fay
trcestatta 'OTerostash orrasy 114
p4 aymnts tosattato' at'e frt-tof Noot tatt 111'tt :
N0THE ANN A-RBOR ORGAN CO, jwhoa-tavettt hetr taad tetat 'ta!-, sta':
S. MAIN ST. frilttlatthe tutartafor of tttlsweaktaof
f'th e tt adi g tdttaarfers. far ttogfaat
tdesign tto p 'ttfis fltaf s l aft It a lt
stla altly sat ena ttas ltaaot- ' tftare
A ^IGL [Tsttrt 'tantorOatafoy, thas taeet tott-tttly
aatlttarett to.
t11t1'0 taa'trttotf Brutt st ts gitet
In an averttisement i tatiti t ti J, . . litf'sr. I, wtttt S;otttt fast
be wothtl more thataia coltttat
aa of glitteriag gettettlities. Very thttntots i ltttttrttglast ye athattlt
woell! (ttioi't'afsty nnaatt in tt t' Nrtftr
T he Single Fac tt-lsius nt Leplayed bftI1'. Is
flat I wish to itmpress upon ler, '6,t wtoton ttos itt If a ataat
youra mind is that I have y coteat't andatataso Int far tlgttthtat
fr the fitest lte of yart befoat.
B Y C f Juis(ar is to btat'ty~et by J.1
in Ann Athotr. Ramblers, the Otatotrical Asseefat.Ott,intat[lts
Waverlies, Etges, Witnton, ear seeettay of ttao Norlttt.ta 01r"t-
Ml~onarc'hs, Littointoms, atd torfeat lteagttt.
plenty f lotwer pricod wheels. Atntony wlt be playdf ty V. C.
Our C7. of M. Special is Tul h w. ot "" tc
4 worthy of its name-a $100 tttstoi ottateat tsttet
for $$1). of ota try, aexetleatdoaetratd
4 OWN'S DRUG S TOR.Ot to O aais 0t attr~~t'tt a
tatttatt of F. X. Caretataty, whoasfa
IMWPO:RTAN'T NOTICE.ytallr tats toat honot ats a dbit
Mss PThotaotttuanant i ss Orbotlot,
G .H .W LsDthta Pa 'ritt art Ctltltftrttft-
(. T1.'/\I.I) rlas ely ae two of Prof. 'ati-
The Leading Tailor, blotts s leiratudtatents fttetctio.
atnd otnly direct Importer n the city, Thtaselloo'tfae tet'oter ltaratetes
has just received his entire sleek of tattooeentic-ta tftly cos eata st'-tt
Foreign and Domestic Woofens for of ttefr ad Ttubiatt o fie trts, Sto
Sprintg and Summer 16 at te least liatnorfaat of waitha fs lt'e
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN. eottt citizen, playtd by M. Olott,
Full Dress Suits a Specalty. sta to '1te leader of fl uathebst'iea'.
i ( ts -Tisatia.te fir-tte tat at'lab tory
W AH RS BOOKSTORES of te Uivtesty that efu~olnts tatte
ofS-f110 re ee tl go otoordt otlett'
Prof1 - lettes it soould be tsafa'oieai tathela
exttotevon of eftnkiltg roomtaithtt
University Phyico Parahtteater.
p (F ( ir '+{Wtlt Hold Annual Eectin al.
-7[le- clly, - Mana'ism The annalleton of freOar'.
Now o1dale. Aooiltion mill beheld estaoTues-
Now oaSale. day tt 116:30 p.to.itt Roone 24 At tas
WX J' J..J"n ameting fle ofice s o the asea-
.X~k ~.~ ton ta dwil be ofectd for te folos fn
U~pTowa, Dow Tw, yat and dlIgtC Oapotfea to1h
Ust ersit aoolsor, oppostr Court house
20 . tts St. 4 N MintsSt" Nithorn 0 torleaf I ea to


Idtander Will Contain Letters
frotmtlWell Known Writers.
Zitt' women'tas edtioIofttI1-fat'I ltatati 'a,
stltala i ~lt .tf,,ttvtr ctatAt;mrl fi, stilll
omtta tfta It t to owritt'tae lthetat setatt
of flat' sottatattas eaatasfttata by tanay
otf Atta ait-ao famtaotts! If -a tay tivat f taa
Irottat't, txpra's-fi;tagItaera :'os aoal
f)ylat~al rtlfitta' 'or ot aatat. Aaaoag
f'lliatnamber tl;are s
I l'itt I Sat at i'ltt'l .rt
lla'tttttl Sta laa'aos War
(ft-It St'lesIi Itt Waner
It. If. .'-taatdItrt
Itto tcliftt""aaItoft Iloti ltt- '" ifitat a~
r'tl t cittf DrttAssttIlazct'heafldaeatatt at'
sfthe laaf oe. Mtoba'r, flat' ittatit a'l'rI
ttf1 S'flawttrs ofthraLrftetat tIes t os-
t'at.t soft'lt '(eaf irstta' li tilItf.ai

Basebal Men Pratciicinc Daily
on the Campus.
'Theat 'ttftflttft-s Itt' tltt' otitstftoIast'
tat-1iat a atff'fI aagtt lI te ft."a tft-t-S very
f'ttt-tt. I tt'lisaaat s ttttt atttata a Feal'
tltitit111ctattOO Tf flta artokIf-lttt f Ilat'
ftaif.Killattatat, wholat fts 1lit ca t-t'l'er
tag a ttt tro i lttota t si' l'11 t tat a etit("M -
lt'-sty tfa'tttsa 1, sAtas ititt,-'-ft' Itty
fotat fa'fitrst fittat'. Nolletofthe ftchltI-
irs latsa' -el putt' t-tat tall 150 tc 1.
ytet, bt1talljitt- pratia'ftag tifty. NN' tI-
tait', ,illtet, 3Atatli cttatati tlto'4w aiter
ar' fla' prott'tttatitat'tat atatatftt t', -For
fa3st 1ft1 tot'o taffatt oft' ta'<t: .yte'-
Oteati, S. ( 'att1;)at, tftrttta li' AtatiAt titet
11h,11 i', tab till i liaa soffwla tit
tke lfettsa aoldpast ,i( f lat-tI Ionts

ta !;ri at ftt attttttt' iatit Ili I,'() AIisboftt-:tg t-f.e ,sti itstattta'

a~e'st 111aaIly tat-latrge':i atotla It l1.tt ti-t
flt'It' tttttttf. Aft "sittft tt'o's istwill Itt
filld 1ff st-ttto lMi s fatata Sltit' I
Season Tickets on Sale,
The l :f' tterer of theAt' l f1fit'.ls A
cfttli ai sll be' atitt'11, tabo .tlta' taffat
watla aallft ot to Itt.1IIt. atl if f ttt
tttatttt aaifr-ttatf110 to 12:1ff oatFi-
tif' ftur fla' tolapos of 'stlittg sitsjta
titfcI'stl, o, hIt ~asftaif :.utas.
l 'ttget~s oftaf fitotf olletati' to.;ta11t
fotr $f1 .0ttaf i,tat l ftta ottf or ft 2502.t
silN11 be ptIaasa'tt t t il tt f ite fpitr-
ctt,t fti'fty toattfbers of fate zs tatt-
tifoat only.
'Ilais 3'et'taiis tttiatsi't ftoar' t's'at
flat' r-t(hantitfoft-fa' rosotlaig at att
:;at te nt fc lat ftoif ti' at-firatt ga-toat, ttat
ft to haopieAthat, is mtaany wiltaketiot
s' ~itagt'eof i I ta+S Is aoyIflt',.
J A8. It. lI'I I<:l'tff, tare,
Jeffersonlan :too ety.
'h, =Tat'l'fft''stttttt Soitify NNrill frea
"~t'at t'e fttlfacstsittg tt'g't111ttaftni ht:
tltatftttg, itt. ('raos; decaattiotn,Sir.
let-a; eatofy, B. V3. Koltauit; oration.
itt'. Jattolel; -ttlei r. t'BIoot; bio-
0r1tfli',1 itt'M. Sta'aaaa1tiitatt; oan, Mr.
SS'iierty; impartoptaft dtitustt'
4taffi1Miae i\.,I1.tir. itfe, nralitS'e(, IMlr.
A41tlotata; dhii'tt', "ilesaoi , 'thait the
puley of ferritat aggla;'ata lizt-ttoettf
ftoiaf fit'etpursued by Sa 'the Cnift'

Staress. Ittft-e iaitlii'itJarlo ifalifi-
ter, Stftltlts tIad Mt'tittia at'(ta.tall
A traitttgI atf i' soafoI :a 1 pa t-
te-naItt tatrtaiag tat 45-ii i fi ii tst., -taf
flt'e fltttttass'tttg att s t- ora li':t'ttto
tkills, aIIC cltlttats. 0 'ttttillttp tilt, L1SeYart
if'. tt('tt a tarit I aitt t, flt'is atatot
tsroti- en01. LAfore swill bta ken ia&
s-ott s a ty .divtita' Ia rottpertafaa-tat.
Thlat ratt asill it'tak to f t'eatlt-
ItitBl-ttforpactit' ta's :ot t ra4to It
grounditiis itt fropfertcontttiiot,.'n"Ititfat
Sftita-rdatyflt-i-y trill f1;ay ifttir 11fs4
gtatne wif f'iitht 101aiataAgtit'attattd
('ralelgas opofnenctts. (Ossinigto flat'
'tacktoof alattadti n,] the la' asssait aon
Itats dtidetdltat tatildt a t oof fatt'ata'h-
eans. 'They ~ 'wilt fa t' at In ffttirlk' v-
tioo%. oatti cap~aleiof hld n.-f alit
hutnaitetdapertsons, a'afa,1 -wil ftt' ilc(Aito
010 the sitiso t lt' ifflt-leieldt, 0 trlt-
Itheoldiai rattittsat, attta s- itt fiait
totted in tutlae fotr Satfirtlas gttlat'l.
Meeting of 196 L Class.
The seontlar lalsorchatstaat-lt agl;ilta yes-
telraLti- for t fitt'putpose of etfttSitletftof
flat qitesttion o .10tof ictr, aon-
agatia iletd t ocitlo anity elttru-
tataon illflt'eltattor. Ala bout cvv,s ptpa
tin iuaa atitrrf's fteffotrt to aeteo-
Splisdi i~nytfttttgand after cnet- oteOna

isffot,"aflt-natire 0 Xtt~t'gtttitno one recisved na totjoety, ttoeIti-et-
I. J. Truitnaa, negtive, If. L. 'Norris ing adtjournerd, leavitng lilt' unsona
and D. J. Prugbo. exatly as before.

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