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October 14, 1895 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1895-10-14

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Manufactured for the present season, are oniy sold by us.
PRICES: Swits from $15 to $20. Overcoats, from $15 to $24.
R. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Cutter and Crossette Neckwear, High Class Furnishings.


37 S. Main St,

At te Gand per Hose. rof Kesey pok. ; Saturday's Football Games.
M ICdHIGAN 1'ENT AL A te rad- pea-ose-Pof -Klsy poe
Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. Ale event looked forward to w-ill The addiress by Prof. Kelsey ini New- The reosults of tile footbill games.
nAST. WEST. mnore thau, ordiiary interest, llieitrie°- berry 11alliday morinig arouzsed plaiyed Saturday were as rollowo:
S.M ail and E -3 0 Mail -----AMI430(aly~, isthe' comingiie iilagi'eet of (Otis great initerest and c eealed a deep iii- Nrhesen44,Armour Instituite 0);.
N. Y. Special.... 5 00 NY.Special---- 730 Sinera te xan Oea01ue ettreson H iegnb eiliodiiilg aCiaoAtltcAsoito5, ~iv
Easters Ea---10 12 N. S. Limited...- 9 0325 e tte(mo Oeahueietl~n~. ~ ~ CiaoAhei soito ,Iuvr
A. M. Pacific Es-i-i1 57 Friday (eeingi. lHe will onrwseit his thieory~ of Jesnsliuit forthlini a recenitoiyfllios0;nieitofMn.
Atlantic Es__.747 P.M. iyOIlios0Unvrtyftlnie
P. N. Express....- 5 40 Western Es.....- 7 00 11(50aind highly successful roimnticllpullicat~ionliof1He(11y7 loll &dtoo. 'This sofa (0, Minniesota BlotfC(b b0; Wa-
G. R. Esxpress ---11 05 Chi. Nt. Es.---10 208 riii Vloi it aibid' hoy i reobsIro i h
0.11. Es . 0 57 te at bod.bashi.I0, Noblesville 4; Wisconsin 00)
0. W. RUEco~o 0 .HS, In thiis play- Mr. Skinner has, it i5 dearth of aMiere rebel. It was ushoin1.a1e0 orest 35; I boors 28, Tpufts 0;
G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ass Arbor sai, a very stronlg 19a1f :an1(one19to lototn193li on differet C. view 1 eot8,Rpn0 ae8 rcel
whc ewllcrany o utc. rn h -toi 9stcve. o hit A. C. 2; Hlarvarod 4, West Pouiit 0;
Ann. Arbor RailwTay. 1201re are fews actors is liolislicol ill butthose inulot=go1111at 111 . 1 1102('it tistPrineetoni14, Lafayette 0; loornell02
Taking effect Sunday, April 7,1894. 'their vork or as palinistaiking as Otis oithithe tbe theory, a0e( o-;:led by thoe Western Reserve Ciniversity 4; torlue-
atinslaeAsAbrom e ntaSadSh=iner'. He los workeod a lonlgIigtm ,r_tflltst of (tiikers, 111119 1histova0ts0 32, Un~iverlsity IfRKeitoicky 0(1 Waeu-
sNvORi. SOUTH, 1toattalin tillposition svhichel 1n'o1050ho' direceetlllano id (.brg2),CeShol2;tlillil
8:00a. m. *7:15 am.Ibr,2,CsScolI; _hina
*12:39 p.mT. 11:30 a. m. ohols, 111101it is ce(rtaiinly 10.1119901ell Prof. Keseoy thien welt. at loegth on Uiest 6 eynClee4
4:15 p. m 9:00 p. M. vioblehone010. flie toral ligolleof th'(le till conlfessions of ogloosi s.Ito' reaod iieist t, eioitoloe4
SUNDoi RANoSa 1:01 . 11n0113 sl11 lreoich vaiglt90ol 10109. 1lrwrills 010011woorods stating Itie attro- CALENDAR.
G3 oing Sooth at 0:15 p. I. -oraoocois 'sillooi. 001100livedout110011 01:' holoool itlionliof his oiiiotiooial 111001 Ott. 1, Unitarlianll 8'liorc,-liSp. In.-
Trains Soodoiyruno ibetiweei Toledo and lmiiddle Of till ifleelith rooenoory candolslirilolal faolrios 101101 lov Illeilig new vYpsiaiifi Orceostraol Soety ill "U'Iily
habr' ucio ny Trains ran between-Ann Arbor and Toledo -whlose lifo'was11511foill of romanoce 11 resoolutiions inl his heoart if lie111a1 hiso Club cooi-se.
All trains daily except Sunday. Oi os l~hbosiigi stf .hf'tohoei-r 10 olhie ~ (o.1- sriy v.tlvt
Aget gII.f loolNfNphos sGoollP11111.oo hohioigis 0011ligion"l103-y oiiioo-rs, Fri., Oct.18, 4 19. 10., Athohetic Field--
W1.BENT0.PA.Toledo 0. t5
mikl the scenerly 11111 oostumoies 11000>uoooloisloeo i18I aS 010rforrool too.lii Aoinual fall fiel lay.
0 Y" 05 11l as handsome ahillartishjtibt Is this hlteomois tohfo'ss'sho'foolishnless Oct. 19-'Varsity vs. Lakhioresoh0t.
ANNAROR YSIANT S' B hsti-ia~lycorret 105 possible. 'To of his ag~oostie hlifo anod dlclares his Fri., Oct. 25,3, pi. n ., nlive'rsity H al
Time Table, May 26, 185. this 0-hill oesigoos foriboothiwreo(oIh- fitiil ho0 fstll -'i lh. -Seltalor 10. 11.thill, S. L. A. c~otrse
Timel'hil h inropeo. 311-. Skine's 00011- l'!oryooe rogretsoswih Prof. Kolsey Oct. 2G--Vhrsity svs. Caose School.
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 6:00, 0:00thnIeadn.yt.afwiiueso
and 11:00 a. m.; 12:0, 2:19, 0:00. 0:45. 9:130 and 1(,11113 is fair ahoove'theo'standard001 osullhy :0p111110nth uprto sa.Otssf ot ho' 110111101 30 f11to-os.111005to Nrhetr.' bsbl addt
11:00p rorJucio,7:0m.0 n
11:303 a. a.; 1:15, 2:40, 9:30, 7:15, 10:00 and 11:00 Skinnier soill givoe butf a sinih tefo p:-terilod of lis owvi life. have been calo-od togtlior, a01101 tohhu
p. m. -----n'th" scity. ,h-IS' beinig hinade for Olihnlefrlatico-
SUNDAY TIME.- .. . hsThe Forty Club" h'et'lsylo'aht, a -iilarrge hullh(ll f o
Leave Ypsilanti from Con gresst.,l:3t. 2:30, (xrald Opo'ratloouse, Oct. 18. 2
100,06:00and 9:00 p. m. P'ivef-o entisAph.Dlt toh, nsehoal handihdateo-u0111fool-fall pra1c-
.elsve Ass Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:20, Sheeting of Women's League. - iii ire.IhBattinhglconhstitutsihltie lnhihilat
7:00 and 9:30 p. m. I'M___ l Kap11paIsi, PIi hisihooo,1B00:1
Cars run on city time Pare: single trip 15 TeaP n i-i h aeogn ftewr oe
cents; round trip tickens 25 cents. Af Ohio' etinlhg ofti'e(chil he~ i110 ilo 'i,110cO~B of the exorcut0110'
TM. P. PARKER, Supt. icoold1a social club for thicomo~inig sell- (11 . ~thhr or101'Iitr
___________soil,_________________R______ be-hiknofOhi',Washethe.ethhholietI,
Saturday,1 the resiglooatiohi of .Atrs. Ctar- 01,shll s-lmo iil0l 1 ho-ildlings. 1'icttlrts frallme(oh siile 300.
MAMMONTH IP AL 1a:frmth"carmnhi f h 1ah i:Ib." The purptose'ofle ovait. 240
gymnihasiumhilcomliniittee5vwas accepthedl oilglhanctia-linistIto give Oh seriossof Very phlent foomsl at 30 CIhrch
-AT-soithi regre. 3isSole waslaipoited Lance's tholing Ohio-owinter-, anioto m1135110 .Furnace heat. A fewv boarders,
a Ii2 ~ C B s chalirhmall to succeedl Mrs. Ctlhllhh. OlliOi-e-li f 10 0O boihhhg desired. 3
Removed to 18 5. State St., Sager Block. Mrs. Copelandch 5a10 plnedon the tip01wsithi it(Germanyh R~Ech fraterhnity FrnC.Sihtecrofhevo-
Seot and Culd Lunek, n at All HSurs. adisyylibol'. oStudioo110thetoitihoer(AnrionecArborhov'olocora 11811-
________________________________patliic departmnlt- in lace of lrs, toers, t l helosen ff09111the nupper clasos- hil.'sstuora OioA.ArorOra
,.sme only. Ali exCoti'S cstore.tooof

1 11 RIP"AN"S


The modern stand-
ard Family Medi-
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humaftity.

lhachlwsoshils gonel'awa00y'Pf0101Ann
The 'Womien's Leagtue has beellill-
viteod to jolin the Stole Federa~tion. of
Womiiens ltubsslid oill 1robbly 'do
Archbishop Ireland Will Lecture.
Archbishlop Irelanhd, of St. 2Paul, 115s
been secured 00s011 additional attrahc-
0ti11 00 Ohioalready stronig prograin of
0110 Students' Lecture Associationl.
Everyone knowvo of this speahker, anod
Ohio Association deenm themnselves
fortunate in securing thie arelhbishol
u1080 thio, occasion.,
For thle biggest (200 pages) 253c note
book go ho Schaller's Bookstore, 19 R5
Wushington st. 21
All students' supplies at Mummery's
Drug Store.

live, one' fromie(a101 society, will have'
entire' chalrge' of laffaiirS, 111001thiefirst
101110' soill be given hnet Fridahy oeven-
ig. October 1S.
Too'cello playe'crs wvahlted for 0110
tniversity O~rchlestrah. Apoply to J. J.
McClellan, director, It School ot M.u--
sic, 1
Fine U. of M. Stationhery at Schal-
lee's Bookstore, 190 5. Washington at.
-A very pleasant suite of rooms for
$2,. stove 1100001, is for rent at south -
west corner of Mtonroe and Thayer,-
or 42 S. Thayer. 2T
At 4 N. Fifthl ave., very nicely fur-
nished front suite rooms, furnace hleat
and bath. Also table board for a Pim-
ied number.

Trade at Schallers Booksotore, 10) If.
Washington sO. 23
Whisk Brooms for 10c at Mlum-
Advertise in the Daily.
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A Requesto
Rteaders of the Dffty- wiUl colt-_,
fer a favor on the Editors by men-
tioning this paper when dealing
with advertisers.
Suiting to order $12.10 up; Overcoats to
order $13,6Sup; Trouserlegs to order S3. 5.
Cleaning. Dyeing, Preasing and Repairing
a specialty
Merchant Tailor, 20 S. State st., Ann Arbor..

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