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March 25, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-25

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~g ~ cotu~inisse ins all iabout1 115 (01) Addti-
ArI~j~44' ~I..+I. Vo ins art'constantlly ba. il- madce, land
101110' V(ry inipt .rlit 0callectioaswill
Published Daily (Susnday escepted) during goon be recceived, ainsoig which is ass
the College year, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ixhauistive' i-olleetiontof (it Slilfllialt-
OrrotE: Times building Nj AMain st., opposite ga"h. D.Rc rdo, fte
post office. Aiceiltali Schloal of Classsical Study
EDITORIS it Atseis, isiiosv cllecting photo-
XV. *. Humms, '9, w. W. TIIAyo, '96 L. irralps of everytinig of interest in
E. L. Cemssm, '08 L 0. lions,'93. thait city. Whiens these isso collections
J.L - 1~, 9 A rive 5i5the faiculies of the Fine50Arts
G.B.ItOusIsos, .M F Departmlent for illuslrsoting Greek aini
- It~omnali lieicl re wll lie uneiuledt~
M0 tEAGINII EDITORt iiinbtis csintlry.Withiin -afew days
..F. TnuAS, 'lit. laut .tswo hlltiredtislaern slides,
BIUSINESIIMANAGOER ilinstrating" classical subjeclts, hare
L. C. WALKoER, '96i. teen receivied.
ASSOCIATE EDITORS Dincusned tho Memorial.
L A. Pratt, '91 G. M. iBeath, '96 P.
S. SR. Smith, 'lii L. B. B. Metheany, '99. 'The senior lawy class met yesteriliy
F. Simous, '98.' Ii. B. Common, '91 IM.
P. A. tiucila, '98 E. C B. Sloe, '98 D. frielrice fcl bielg ii
qusestioin of class sileiltrial aliiii aI
The subscription price of tie Daily has
been reduced to $1.25 in advansce for the rest session of inearly ainhiordiies'isd
of the year. Leoavc subscriptions at the mostly to tall succeedeid iiin rinsact-
Daily ofilce or with P. C. Meyer.,1U. of A1.
News Stand. lng jsist eniougihtiisiniitss to ieaVe tile
nacttter cloudted with gireal-er tiiteT"
Editor of todtay's paper: tiiiiiy thtan ever before. '1111' Yal'
F. M. Loi)MtS5, 'hiS. wiiciiilci beet'ialeii and till pireviis
In utiliinag vairioistsSchemeiss for
the Wonien's Iittilig fuiiithefilea901 in tt iisli a roiielOlti
of holding a laster exhibit appatrenatly co niitee of thtree, D. tP. Hughes, D.
E',. Miner andI LeoBtzcel, woasiap-
hs lnt beenls sggi'sted5 to the clili-
pointesi io ascertaf ii sslitit.i sonlid
oiittees ini charge. There are miainy
poster esn~tnusiatsts in Aim Arborias'tl ot oscr'onol1aiiii iiia
to those nows'atdornaing tile wall oft te
sodsass xhibt wold hve tart
suc a~ exabi wold aveh~at'y -lass lcctire roomn. If itie expense is
s0u190st frontsii sllai ' siesi. Itit s ei-
,rel prctiabl td s wrth ofnot too great, sonic suchinemtorial
tirey pticicabe s. i svntis ofwill problably bse left,
The class attjosirstldtos sles. t si ne51
If tony agttstion li:sa been startelliosir Friday, ss'le thie laiss le:=tire
looping tossard list forusatisin of a roomntos be secisreti iil soiie sdefinite
ca-o1 es'ltis'e society it miust rest osi lection svallibe takin if sosiemesnr
rather "sbs g (round~s. No gl.ot)ing of the chaos shosv:nsore amiionifor
mnonpoly hs been foriied by the Alnn ss os-.
Arbor sierchants idai, stuldenlt is Football in the Sixteenth Century.
ssre of col'ti'his tr'eatist i any Football s(eem5salsvayo to la's-c badc
ntore. Boots ansi uptptilieis cots lie puir- otpoaieits ssho cotulit see niothiigli t s

New Book by Mr. Dixon. B)lent to the low ilt , clcthlthDe
tReveessissetss is Tribune.] j oislnhAoloithlipaser, tt ersslt of
IF. i.Dixos, al- M.tat i patilt-al - sswhiht s fisy de-istclesi by toe tsaiuiits
t'coiiosity isathis'U'sivetety of MNlclii- itsart Il. of Ilis book. The Strong
:;air, is lt' asihor of a sery smltitblceonncrstissiosi ha s been a sttcc-sa o fis'
volumte jst istiest by 'T. Y. ('rolscel as the stte of lossa is coieeirn.' tl.st
S to.. Ness'York, esntitleti 'SI te 11Rail- fhis tuc05lsss ybeeii bt partial, be-
rtsoct Contro, Withli '-Stiory of ts cssuse of lheiiiuiier-cllnate rssitlic~lioti.
Dev'eltopmsent in Itws." To atidti ts Is Isfits eoscllsti11g par. the ator
iutlreit therte is ans 1-page issrottue- shwsuset tesc'ess of sin' Iarties-
tions by trot. Henry- C. Adins, iross's lar foris of comumiission s is ticienit
soc of political econiomast Anu Actibot. usonsthree ircossstatwoes: laracter
State llroad control grew ot of of ipoplatils, iidsstrial e slditian. 51151
tise abiuse oif priie'gesbty tle 'aeSirle 1stgeogrlilliliil lOttation ips Iltleorv s
corporaortionls. Mr. Dlixoits artiutsits'that iks giest rairotad tpobtem is to
trace-S tse efforts of use slsto rp. be wsorketl ot throighis. si sisss of
Picl wsiths thiss setteidproblem. Ii"plls pss-rs beseeiiestateandtiia, isalts
Woaic s ivied nt for osinasisios. 'Tie olumle prets
ss's'kis ss-ittt tlotosr hrl. iin oeof ue srong(st aduaa~ea~i
t ehit hei'sisolste lalost 5)leil0'lB twrgsliitiisfothle state cotrtol orsp-
esal coitstrietiots of iailroads i osso rvisiostof rairoids.
'previouts to 1970. a losisttiosnl viici ANOITHSER SOIOLOGY LECTRlE.
ss'IIadsi tvanice of teieeds of tie A. lectre 011 The elatiots of So-
staste, and l ssliiclt stasrlly 'Ii t cs- cety to D elnqents' will be given
oriast rtaes, to tinfair iis-riilisil- by Reiv. Lee S. MIcColitet, of I)e-
hiosts gisvinig rise to thessccalect tronag- trait, ina the letre roosii of Tapipa
Hal, WVednesday, at 4 oclock. iee-
er tso-esncit, slichi eslisins~ted ifle tres skil be g-el at tislhon'es-ry
triumphlil of thle (Gratnger party-, andi We'sdnesay tp t Arl 22.
this lioasisfe of he socollidcit(ialii-tds
NTC.ACsinrlawo 5t.AW, telw The oannual election of the Univer-
s1 ais a palrtia.l stices , it fwirledt to salt's sity of M ichian Athleic Assoialioss
Piroblem"!silregard lo ttscriiiiation, wtill be helti in the chapel at 2 p.i.1., t
potling, rattelilt serlsc, llinittec onC 11Strtay, April 4, 1961.4
of stay, dionages, oercharsge, ec:. 0s JAS S. PRIENTISS, Pe.
t ad donse in te ast, as; Dr. Dlion One front suite. $2.50. One single-
sows ithIle secondd hat of this ill- runes 75 cents. tiurnace hea, light
porlaltswork. The result 1f Ibs fal and bath. 20 S. Ingalls st. 13
sae ws thie atdoptions ot its ill s1 Ssbcrbe for the Suily.
Mr. Rose iiill be pleased to show all 'the
latest and nobbiest effects in Suiting,
Overcoats an l Trouseringrs of the latest
importation. Your, attention is solicited.
Uodi aleCo gCoual,

chsctet is ciheaply here a-s in Detroit
or Toledo.- If a crusade is desired, an
existing evilca easiloly be fousnd in
tile tibillh Ittisstlie, ss-bii .is not at
al~l issiog-:asary. Hiand:bills cosie ,s art
sutpplemiensts ssith the Detroit itip lhrs
antI are thrust into .onr pockets sat
the iost-othice as a type of biusinss
cotutrtes y tilith is supposed to b: ropie-
semitaotive of the manessscr in wsih the11
adsvertiser conuctcs his afAirs.
A dttlstribotor for the .Afislefic Asso-
ekabton says caught bunoing the bsills
horned over to hiiiit ofseek. He swas
mneroly indiussginsg ii:a. omoltitllpa:0
flee of chstibstors svlthlih811014 19
universal; at any rate no ono is the
loner by it. Thte usalisplrinsg flooding
of theo camhptu5sswithsbasndbhhls nigihi
lie prevented by the agih-ssho ss'lto
are tasting about for' sotne practical
Fogg Museum at Harvard.
fllarvard Crimson.1
Since ite openn of the Fogg Alrt
Mttusensm in Oomber Professor Abhpore
has been constntly additng to the col-
leetlon of plitograptss, and it hs Boss

brokein bottes.and al sos'oet's in iiit.
The fohlloislg is taken'sifromtsa corres-
poBdent 11 thieHarvsasrd C'imson:
'Sir Thlooas FI-ni.intshte' (oversn-
ottrs, 1557, speaks otf '1 olte ltdahte,
ss'Here'iniis nothing bust bo'tstelyc tfury
midaSextretie siolence, swheresof itro-
ceedethhturte, cald cons; suenlly ran-
coursr0111 sssli4e due rietyie-wIt
them that 190 5woundl~ed, swhIerefore it is
lt ieput itn perpchtal silensee'."
Wisconsin Will Row Yale.
The eaust andil sest axtr to smedago-nisa
tis sp~ring its a bcstt rae' b ',tss'e-eii
thme t'iis-;t'siy of Wis( osin inds"tthe
Y'ale fr'e'shmaniser,-ss-. If wss-toorfiniall-
hntended to ho-ve thse race on lune 22,
as a port of the eoninesseiest s exer-
cises, but the daite has bl-ici atsgd
to Thusrsday, June .18. Wise,;otisi1n twill
take the long trill east and thme cres'
will meet on bale Saltossall, wyhicht
is nearNesv Haven. 'the raesvill
probably be for tswo miles.
Lot--A gold rinig in tiiversity Still
near the Preuidesnt's door at 8:!5 lsst
Friicay night. Finder titease leave at
desk in M1ain Ltbt'rary am l. receive re-

tie must extensive in thisacounltr, Ivard.

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