(continlued from Firet Page-.)
Pablished Dliy (Sunday ecepted) during Airt. Ingrahamo paid. a lcasimtri1b-
theeCoClthrb year, at ne tto G .1. 1i.. Leas a, S(Jolar.
THE VUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. saldo l idefot.stati. -l bat "we were
OFICE icTimes huitldg st., opposite
tact al~ce. lbtin prilncuiples, not itdh."
W. W. lmojes, '9-., . IV. TIIAYRo, 'ii L.
E. L Giasomua. '98l L 0. IIANS. '9.
E t)LT ft-I' 7-CXIIII'1
G. B.hi. dA oOil, '15L.
.I. 5. THOoMAS, 'lit.
BliSIN3O 1NJ''a AAI'rH
L.1C. IVALKEla. '96i.
L A. Pratt, 'P6i 0. Alt. ltroth, 'o6 P.
S. f. Smith,'liiiL. hi. h. ,ietheany, '99.
Fi. Simons, '981'5 . i. i moe, '9t7AM.
Fi. At. F"Oy'1, '9FE. C B. Rtoe, '98 1).
The saibs'riptiona Ilrice of tile Daily hoe
been reduoced to 01.251 in advancie for the re~t
of the year. Leaveasubscripltions at the
Daity office o1 with Y. C. Metyer, U. of 1
News Staol.
'lThere stoutsld b'a etstrogGood Gov-
e't'tttti'it(tltb formteitht'te at the
nieeloag llliltito fetheld'fitrtt'hleipurll-
p~ose.IffoIr 110olt-err eason~l, XI'needt
the organiati to offset the variouas
paltlilllltptlfiticlfocyaa:mizaatilllleiin tht
Pttlvertity. 'Twirt ittbitce k Seatfa
ofI fhr North was billir, ceren for thea
Soulth, Ittiii t tthanherowntri tphwoutld
AlMt. ('Itlt. Sittinottnmt"IteussianAct-
loceai-y" ifescribei theflu'ssianttforti
(It toe ('nl fest' '. lit f iefXIta~icutt i
e'I thalltte ovI'tlliI9 litftRussiatn
atoctraelcy is thivitilbfl'.
Aft'. At.XW. AMectz ott "Tbte Arltet~ll~
QuIetiont" covredl tiichthe11wsautll
groeto as ffhat1guile,' 1111' b19-Ar. Ilet-
kelle, lteir subjeci, beinlg;liii' oili.
lie -axe' ai briet'f'isltoy off11' Ar-
other1' tttitts 111111endied iha alsssiett-
hellus fill Artnia.
'Te jugoslfrs tee -err9llingf 91'E'.
'Plulit 1a111 1C'mposfition-ll 1111.
Levi Ill. Barbour ttlgl'til). IDetroit;
that shoitld hot fbe fpresent wher'e9 pall- f11' tttSilc.lilci c .te
tial idteas are supfpfosed or lbe intt II.~ ('attlild (Ohio tillC Viv i itu1),
format1ive' ;Mtel. Wietll ne Ite ifitb to ('ofenibito, 0.
fttrtish ttiit-fattis'.illId taitil f. Deliv'er'y-Es-Senttor 01T'. '. LPalmuer,
Tithe con~test fast ttigtt wasI onte
wortfty tf tlie 1U wN-. esily 1111 to~ 11,111 1151
Wil eel'celt11)cI'lctei'tt 10 ila After dofibecatitt a sholrt Bute11 1111
nletilg f te or"InNesenOrtor fizesl '.111re a91-l4t-1lfd lae tltclg el~alfedf.
;helal Lealgue. Afciiacttatai'i's to
addt 0111 11111'eI til fis16t lif victorci's
crion atnd aardlitedl ff11 trstilioittl
we111 nev'e'rt~ lineter 99111 tha elto 11111 i
palft if itose c-lho}endat Atiellighi ;all
;stall agaiti be lh el. Ift this dter-
mtihtlttiohisto barfoif e upf by' the1 frllll 11''ehv tioo (maly orlatocs, fore iii' it1111
ttaount ef aortk. ottr coIitetleals huai'e
nothuig to feari. upfoni whatt they 1r111, aitd ace tilOle
Aesi el 11 own09t, the April follutifec illcftg9' infiluenlcedi theeby. Thei ifeali.
Wilt be issuted as a woatietfe editionicaiutfa.oao ossto ris
vogilt90ce, 'gead eltttillti~ot, giiod
Ti ttombier promises to fi t ibove the ago
average ini literary9 excllencie anad tde-getre111l'l'l't2'5otaan.
TeSeniotor 99110~ hleartify, laflflalth-
wel er9'Ees ful tonage comtu tnd1111t fao4ct tlas h d idi uoosmne r
quenss. he pbliction. by elte t file pfizes. to the euccesfut con-
w omeit of the Utaniversity htave fleet) all
'The hiatnjo Club fucnised tilt' hitsic
too few, file 01119 nile exept ithfb re-
fer the ev'elting and~ we're wTell ce-
Cenat edfitioni of liii Dily that 11110 ed hsisterfis ~petae
ever thent attempLtfed'I w'iII 1111 tanual, be'fore a home auldience this seasone.
The Amulcet, ptblisedi otice in atouilt 'Tae mtacings 1100 as fo110ws:
'84, bett for sinte reason it was. 1t11- TnHOGT AND COMPOSION.
se'eeesefth. fet fthis thilifler efthle W~ilcox--- Sur.Cafl ahu
Inlanider be enc ouraged ais a stimtulus Cerlebile----5 1
Ameso _---
to f-ixther' joinllrlitls fc effort 011 the1 loeroham ---
fart of the wo01men. Mertz --------'
Palmer. Fulten. Fiteh
Republican Club. Wilcox.-----
---- De ahi--------.
Tihea R'avry fepublican ('lull ms-------
maeets at New9berry fll fthis e'ebning. OIraha-----7.
The useetingr Witl he devoted to ex- Merfz -_-----2 3 2
Total-Wilcox. <i; Drahl, 2A Berhebile, 25;
lpeudhng Rtepuiblican doctrine and to Ames, hi; fa-robam190' 'utoos, 25; Merez 21 ft
the transaction of osuch business as Washburn Guitar for sale, Arguts
nmay come before the club, office. 128
Communicationis, At the City Churches,
fEditore of theI. of A. Daily: fev. J. Al. Ruady, of QuIficy. 11., 99lit
f 9'l t timakei IletilloltfhroughsakloltSthllfay'atthfe Cfurcha of t'fist
y11111'columnits of 1i1t19nove llltprise'oatuS. C1119i'scty 0e.-h10o . n.,
95515flhias been 1intitediIIby- f1. f. "Jetsus b as Coqfueed"; 7:05p.it1.,
Prettyaly-Iil p 9 lainthe IT.liot A. "1119'e is fte fLgfht offte Gosel."
1Da11lyofatle difl'posaf of fhis bIlrlll5Everyl'l9' etiby-of theI' (-flll-1sfoldic
every no11001, i'fnie forlncthl. Ths be fpreset as fRev. Aft.Rudy desies
11109l'tlis 101111'whtichlis g iffty 1111- foto wlteaitfersonlly9. All otierarlae
______ tPr'byerani chrich-Relgularsr-
Edilt'.V. tfA. Daftly:9ileli 0:30 a. mi.: Suday sc-fxuol al 12
As tfill'y1119 lai-icalee th'lodtof 11.; IJuor C . l t 31It.;11.Seior
l'Otilitnnifatiol betwe eti lui'elelt C.1. af 6:10 p. i.; sfole vtie'5 lt
bIodyIan11d l 1''its1 ost'7:0 h. il.uet f"('trisf adl lt
to cl yo11 r ttenitionul tal hc' way(9'i (111a.5A99lletitg lie Sown-tiby
wh~'i helue atlti5mlltis beiig 111111-('fa-is b'itiey."
(fdoellitlp latiulart ly i'1'grtof fISenior Social.
tie rase of Il~lllafllts.
toi 111' 1111sf 11111at(11as1t1111h1'f d ' at(Grages Acdemy19Friday, Afril.
filles at alt hilss ts e at 1r1111ndTi itl be-ttheftlatls lessocial giei
liepfalredf fo Ilnake it themo110sit
illconiitot fo us, athugh anin-bisotilloee y-cfgivet. Ties-ma1109'be
qfiiillythiee leebeen ruorsliilr 1111(
onewasupfora.fc Iitite ata rolcured f a o f11 lth11'eocial eaitf-
tine. tel. The pice oof tIet'Iikeis'1(11n1
te lftl'lulditl't will tbe sfriclly limid
Theul't.lfingf barlt 99 le 1irlahlltlly Ilffylll~l
fils 111-'llp1u11intfo lodiitionain iil. For the Women's Gym-
Tihecw arte little iftigs, bititaulghtf ta Tie folf9loig llhl1)u1 1111acvtie'n
be1 ti' 1111e' easty' t'il('fiI by : recivedl for fle Wome's(yinna-ifini
littleere an attenion.of6 .L if roiTh 11 tils l' fty-Icifiu luercy
Meeting of the Regents, fDtot 1;tneIea~dLtrr
Cluib of Deifroif, $71; thit Woini's
Tin' Board olit Itgetllc lef ysterda~y' (lub1, o an~inltg, $71 ls. Lly .
ilft110111, btler~y litt l hiltss S tout(:1 l forDr.Elih.ti Lfphan, ot
illlfa'flwoi-,vastrtallclIe('(. Aot ljNorthvileAiti.,151.
two ihmiwese '' inielx'cutiv1'ee- I'Te l'hitskerse ('l1b1 batulhi ~t99as,
elon diet-ussihirg-matersife xen thtlse,. 1b11thtilahucel'lfor tis e've'nigils bln'i
it 1isntlclarnii t anlll iy' fadntlative abandl~onet'. Tield011cub flis isll-
artilli9'Iw ast. Abof t. a ec lia I'l, 1(1 i ters' is al.(f 1111' format~lin
efpentfilane:litillg ~liettS o(It iitilitof 0a111099neli the fllniear futurie.
imtnfo'anlceIafter thefieicutive es sonIV',atfed-A hustin sfewaid for
after whichth e boatit alflohrtit'. I board andt roomas. S-I S. Aain o.
The Daily will be delivered by carrier in Ann
Arbor or by mail to any addre ss in this country
until Commencement for $1. 25. If, after the last
number for this year is issued, you feel that we
have not earned $;1.25 this amount will be refunded
to you.
Your attention is called to the fact that the
Daily is the only paper publishineg complete re-
ports of University events. It is the Only medium
by which you can obtain a record of each Univer-
sity organfization.
I Subscription may be left with .any editor
of the Daily, at the Daily office or at
Meyer's News Stand. Subscriptions sent
by mail should be addressed to the busi-
ness manager.