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March 19, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-19

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Published Dully (Soodoy excepted) during
the College your. St
Orricus Times building N. Main ut., opposite
post office.
W. W. llessues, '00, W. IV. Toavtn, 'OIL.
E. L. Goososno, '00 L 0. lOaNs, 'Os.
J. L, Waiso. '00 01.
G. B. tisoossos, '05 L.
.1. F. Toonosas, '07.
L. C. Wasosco, '00.
I. A. t'rutt, '10 G. It. Booth, '00 P.
S. R. Smith.00 L. B. B. bletheosy, 00.
F. Olsuoss, 00. 11. II. Gummon, '07 00.
F. A. Fucik, 'ION. C B. Roc, 'SOD.
The sobocriotios once of the Dully isus
seen reduced to 5125 is odeusce coo tise rest
nO the year. Lease sobseriotioss ut the
Dully office or with P. 0. Meyer, 17. of N
News Otood.
Editor of toilay's paper:
00. L. GEOSMEII, '108 L.
The Dsiily wislico 51)72511 tO rs'niiiid.
oil colilis'ets'sl wish use Inivo rsit~ that
it losiblislis's ill liotices 'if gs'iis'sal iii.
terest froc silsi hint u.s isO always
ghiot to bruit oll articles of :sesvs in-
terest 10 oltIolelils. 'fists slilIlliCO to
those ssiilsisle iof ilie 1iiis-er'sily so well
as Ihose consicelesi with it.
Sevelal 511110 01111)0 woos' forisied l.s'ie
by Ilie olsiolenis fossils psootiesilas' stales,
hut this year lIolliislg las .1e1'11 hesird.
of tloeiis. There SrI' several fosiiclioiss
whirls these clubs ('sill liert 501511 slid.
one of she 111005 ilisllsrlslllt of Ilielos iS
the ocesirliag of lieu' oltlslslits frisiss ilie
states which the clsihos re~0I'l'oell0. 'illis
estii lie 51575'o'111101l5115'5l lii iii liott'r usly
titan toy senslhag 1ouosible sli~ils'siis
collies of the t'isivs'rsity 1)11h75s!,itsliOs,
ollicisil oust shlslent. ('silisiIlg froiii
those who sire aclslsslly 5111115'litO iii Ihe
t'iiiveroiiy, these lloblis'aiioias will
thus receive more atteuColl 1111111 they
woesbil. if they were rs'ceivs'st through
ally olbelal ehsliilIOl. 'I'lis'rs' is heed
foi' closer tousIs betweill Ihe Culver-
oily out those who are coIltelu~olatiiIg
"goiBg soiasewlirre to college." Such
oi'gsiiaiaatiolas as slate clubs ilre pecu-
liarly litted to accoiiiplisli this objest.
We are of the opiniou that Manager
Shields hiss agalis provost his well
known ability iu arysingilig the sched-
ole that was onslousiced yesterday.
WOOls a good tealil it itioulil be a long
list of victories as svell as a Iliustucial
success. AnsI as Michig1ln svill iiot
meet any of the eastern teams this
season, the series wills Chicago ulust
fill that want, which it undoubtedly
will if Chicisgo fulfills our expecta-
tions oust wins a niajorily of Ihe
games on the eastern trip. Further,
if the series should by any posstbitity
result in a tie, the attractiost of the
ii h iind ecidin0 .me ri t here in
ur atwuldproT nu a dcx-

Grand Opera House Only Once--Tomorrow Night.
Special Engagement of the Distinguished Tragedy Trio,
Supported by a Select Company of Twenty Finished Artists in a Splendid Scenic Revival of
- - - Shakespearen - - -
Seats now on sate at Watts'
"OVith the single eseeptioss ol Ilesry lee- I Jewelry Store. "There save sore many prodoetioss oc
1 102's production several yours ogo, 'Vise I 'Tiso Merehunt oc Venice' is this city, is-
I Merchustol Venice' neverhudso protontioso - ciodisgtlsutoc ttis'hordNansleld, sutnever
oc wortisy a settisg on a Delrost ot go as th 11 1 PRICES one bolter qOipped sconicully or better 0- 1-
hoessit by 1110 llussord, Onese 01 Boson j aeced asto tise' disc thus that oc lOse Bon-
I St tise tletroit thIco a la t ~ AND $I coca, Opencer. OBries ('onsooay lost night.'
eight." Delcait free Press. N sss.h 0 1000 35~, ~ -'sVushineten Post, Nov. 10. 1 Ia.

i~ig carol that the coffers osf the Alli-
bIle Association treastily wollill sviili-
otit dolobt be overflowing for molly
veslrs to coiiso.
Verily, Mr. 'Ohirisis lssio Ilisasicial 10
sveli as baseball ability.
Society Programs.
'ilso' .ls'flel'seliilila Soois'tv Isrssgrslili foic
osoniglil is sos follsswo: llcsisliis. D.
Seolt; olecisansalisis, Iteuj. Jacotoosol; s-s~
ssiy, 1. .1. Trulolnlo; biography, 0. 1111ff;
ilailiroiIilolu discoassion, altirliosol is's', Mr.
Bisilsol, ilegalive, H. 1111ff; slebals', 7272'
sislvesl. That tusitiso iii olsolo' lollivor-
shies should lie free." aihronalivo', If.
Ilsiiiscii Slut .1. 'iV. tlslrl, Ils'gsoiivs'. IV.
C'. Alotriclo and. D. ti. Preoch; scilic's
'Phi' prograisi of ilic Websts'r .Ssociely
for Saturday Iligist is 515 follosvs:
Oteading, J. MeCiolce; essay, 1". IV.
Slob; orsitissia, J. If. Lsowlon; liii.
larollillIols. 1. G. Tout, If. 11. i0hoo'crsif I
oust J. H. Itclteosvn; dobole, "ttesol-
vet, Tint stale conirol of the lisosoor
Irsiflie is adoloted ill South 5'saroiilisI
lorevail IlIrotIglIolIt the Iinitc I States."
slhriiialive, G. MOCelDowli lalisl IV. C.
lOolOclas. negative. J. Jeweil slut t. .0.
Vert; critic's leport.
Wili Read from "Macbeth."
Prof. ltober~t I. Fultola, desin of Olse
Ss'hssot of Oratory at Ohio Weslyen
University, ss'ill give a recilsol of liii
houl' sioitt si quarter in the law leelsore
roooii loolaiglit at S oclocis. Tile Irs-
foslor, wloo has been asoocisolesi with
I'rof. Trsleblood in tesocising oratory iii
Esoissas City as svell as iii other schools
Ibroughont the wool, is an olol friend
here, and alt will be ghid. to listen Iso
hiln tonight in his "Jlachelb." (Ira-
lorical tickets will admit heldors. 'J'lse
nooiiiual fee of ten centa will he eloarg-
ed for others.
Will Not Give a Fountain.
'Ninety-six suet halo afterBoon and
decided. not to invest us meniorial
money in a feuntain. The autter was
continued. for a week in the hansls of
the coonmittee. There was consider.
able dtscussion ever tIle maiter.
Opinion seems to be shout evenly di.
vifled between a erholarulsip ant ii
new grand staud. Miss Louise Idaconi
woes elected class historian vice Miss
Louise Fleirmau~ resigned.

Ill the coillilig Goalorical 1-01110-st
Oliors' elisoilot lol' 110 sslslolsiloss'. tt 55.ellIs

Will Celebrate the Anniversary ot
Yale Lit.

Os 1110 Ilist this ills loot-is s'sot-ois't Iso OVate Nesesi
Oslo ill Ihe blOt 01101 in this neat con- Gie the 2lsl of Msircls the shktio'thI
to-st slsosslol toe sloholoosI. 'tile islea cf ihnhhis'o'rsshry of tIle Vile t.itersiry M:st-
getting tlhO 1 crossol of hsoosisy ys'ilero sicihse wilt he celebo-ats-ot by ~s basosoesel.
11111 ss'sstleh'ihsg thscool atosseot she ball to ill sshsichs lise sohunishi amast tile sisosho's'-
ghe 011151511155' sot shtffero-iIt ii ervsios is groolsiates sire sleophy interested. Ilsony
siboossinsiblo'. If a Isisin esihsisot will oso 5 soon, ss-lio ss-ere ollee estilors of lOse
hits Ills-rib, let ilihil list wish. 'h'lse coil- Lit. who hssss'e silice u-on sIislthio'tissls in
to-st bisla fssir to toe so very 'Isoss' 0110 1150115 ways will etthior be joress-hit or
5111(1 isi sileli so esise 111)5 toreisaresl thilli- senol grs-o-lthsg, osslollg 1115111 XViihi5ilsh~
leo lillY svtoi Ihse dsiy. Tlso- isslers-so 00. lfs'sioIo, ':17, u-iso is oflen caliesl tile
of the tIhix-ersihy is sit ollhlse aist lasslhs- "lOather sof Ysihe Literature," svho
110 ohoollst slalist ill 0 lie 15'i55' of seek- hOrslctis'shhh7' founsho-sI ihe laSt., sinsl ste
tug lo iisssiss' lhse ushiller of Slits ('seill sigisest Ills' sos-er; LisshisIld 52. Mitchell.
lOse irile w'tlsiis-r siussl she ss'lsss Is-ill 'It ttls Msirveht; tfdhhioilist t'hlsrs-hhs'e'
riglstflhlh5- rehsoeseilt tiS ill Ills- Northern Sleollissihl, '.sl; Aiishreu' D. I's'liihe, 'VI;
hiraISriesIl Lesigils'. Ahhotli"h' bsosl fea- ('hssiollon V. Leo-is. '12; Dslhsiel C. (Ith-
lube is hIlt jiuslges mussy issisass Oh" coils- slsais, '22; trof. Whollisis It. Louhisbuly,
hsslanlo, elsoss ahIsh ssllsjss-t betors'hisisssl '.ob; IV. As Limie, '09, 111511151)7lll)7 sOstilsl'
by etuliphy glalleihlg lot ihie pate-s. As of the Now Tools Ofvehling lost; 111511.
I lhlhdersishslst it. fairness null espec- - IV. 11. Sherry, '72, ss'ho Is-its hits lireole-
hilly liuillrshhil3- shloslhsh be ssbserveol cessor in Ihie s-aisle office; Prssf. II. A.
by evi-ry hi~O5Ohi ihllei-e5100t iha usagog- Beers, 'Oh); A. II'. ('0111111, '100; Do'. hi.
hlig lily hurt of hiss' progrhlsi. The A. Susitls, '09; Whhhisimn Henry ttishlOhi,
tisnis allot hliolss-y 1)111 ihitO tile seiscis hs 'lit, aust Dr. IVihhissin Lyon 1'1101100, '07.
cssishestssnhs is nol 10 be lssughest .st ss'hso u-ill preside at the bonqolet 10
1511(1 75 1 5's)115150115 11 lOll a Osur ofsshliee tosathinso she s.

at his' price .shssllhst ho giveu. Leh
011000 110 110 sihilshshtuse neat t5Oishsly
nighlh; the 0150511500 xvill tiostleosland
tha.t Isis 00511i1511 tO lhh5Prs5O'ishlesI fsllly 55
ss-ehl alill the lIiisIiehheO ssihh enjoy the
ssssns- none 1110 hess. STUI)ItNf.
Wan a SucoessOul Reading
Through 11 lhiisnuhd.erstalldihhg the
Dolly diol not get a noised of the reash-
big by Prof. If dsvimm Trnhelshood at holy
lecture roossi Vnesd.ay ol I ocloeho.
The read.ing svas vs-sy sssccessfuh ansI
law lecture room u-as crosvded by sin
lhpprecia-tive audience, The sirst coal-
ing given u-as a sebeethoil from "Niehi-
oh-as Nielsloby," in sthoheho the difficult
characters, Squeers Nioshaohaos, Snilke,
and. others svere inoperoonated in a
most excellent usonner. Tile second.
- 'leclion given Ivoos "Robert of Sicily"
boy Lou 'elboss', 'nfl the oftor 'n hin

Will Chunge the Play.
Ahthioslghs the Ihohlford, Spehacer,
tiBrien oggregsthiou hash phoessi ".InI-
ins Caesor" 011 tho' basllsI for tOrishny
lliffhit, thirosIgh Ilse efforts isO Prof.
Truobbood alit Ohio f)rotsricsml Assocho-
hion Ibis' "Meachiant of Venies-" svthh be
7sresented. 'rise date of this' Iniver-
sOly "Julius Caesar" has filially beeti
set f or April 0.
The sludeuls reheauso four tillIes
per week, tioe last rehesorossi being
held at the opera house Ivhsell IhO
whoobe play is perfornact.
Of Interest to Women.
511-s. Masy Lou DicIthilson, one of
the founteox of the National King's
Daughters and its preseist aerretaty, -
and also pr 'dent of the N. fionab
Council f Women, will give an . -

profess. or ole' fi Ihe r siding 0-1111 twa at 2SoO o'clock. Mr. Dhelsineon is B-
der anonhees of the IVomen's League.
beautifod isocuns by Eugene Field. Her will he one of interest to'
MISS C rl tte 0. Stowe, general all women. 'he Leagu eaten a
pianL d a companbol. House paa'ty cordIal invitation to all King's Dan to
engagesuents satlsfa only filled. Ad- hers and all women u-ho are inhereuted -
dr o. 45 S. University ave. in the work of e e ganiza-hion.

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