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March 19, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-19

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oi BICYCLES. DEOCATC LB- ARSI- Arrangements for the Freshman SCN NULIDO ET
1Vf rt~~o uol tfi- th; ~Banquet.SEODANLIDORMT
l I ll hp e t t h o 1ht rela bi h i 1orl i10(1111(oc111 c-o FOR SENATE TROPHY.
if Meeting Held Last Night- New Offi-Prli'ioioi-0rl-Eet o o ptto eea
Elected Committees Ap-li li Eens orCo peiton-Gnea
DAYTOr NcesEetd-CmiteApI Development to Count Much -
1Icy I' ohh h 0 n earm' iI a pointed-Will Hold a Banquet. 1 1 Entres Ca o 'e ae Wl
11 t ;whe. 1 )0 o; 011 ocMo. IV"lIIIllI__________ l o-cl ttclee 1 0- -tto . i,. C n N w B a e ,
00 it aa te aenc forthel lc D tnorali Clb o ih i'nv rBe Held March 21.
t~~~~~~~~~ll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ut sli i oiIii(oTe Ir 1 lbiili hi ol-1c Psi t'liiloc; chub 11to 1n(rm-
111$ ItiUIclt iU r-t ll 'ewbrr dol ilit.gh
It a i lly 11 11 0 iicoh.ciiciliihicii'c icuc li iIlllc c. liall ol hill', '1l"h i 1110 l lrophy. Ia ill cr.°iDh,y
ohi 1,o1ed. t li t cod n) e, e rr 9l dt r ansa '1' cl' tg5111 'oer 1 oc er Ii i .tshhl.I-I ' i ' I il lii gi'loiii. lic l li
NI~ TH . tete h OBeORGAN fCO a 1111 111*il1l d 11 l)1111on ci; to l\:llc'i 11i. i utuol uglI Xi elle l e 11cc111'iccb~
y~l p t .1. o m ,caho eu 11 1 l 2 ' 0 hl iI O I ,.1Ilti i a ' el i ' i~, n t e y iisut. T i r pt i
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The Ledn alr 1 10ul'1i 1 11 11 (;cull l Frt ain es WfeillBenFlayod To-as iar f: ilec 0 l, ighii 1, P ol
ha jstreoieo jb olrostck Iiil inii' . fa o eriit tllIO 1, Ii iniII to11 r'111' 1101 il. ]ip ic II c- I f1il nbil -_______________ on___ __ e
A ht, llenloitl Doitr tieibs oflthe hftrc c Im i iiifo 11e 1 i ll 11) lok tet h~baill i a ov,_________ wl b iiko1 i
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NO. 2 . A HISON S. ER AN. 111 11 i ttli ll 111- 0011 1ci li ii D li Pi;il, ( ilci j h ito i'iig iaiifl'lthIllA. . F rland, l il
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tints, in alllth \ pslint 01000 _____oft_____c
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10t e'an edr ens -oi e tl'ililit, ii ill-0-'rus 5t -rndIIhidr. Anto(tter Amateurharia )l l eralji. 10, NO, 1.
ttolsillO o cl heviti uo l'od- 11 l1sc 011ldecilufl yioarl b)-iR.
ogan n dre is late ; P c m l, wolild lliei tab1 elo ~ ~ oii,'l'11)1a1,1)11' lii l ili-Ili',aur( itr ry
priatio g' W e take p ,eas ole i n d111' p1 pose11 i' crn 111'it ;ru n o rb-if T H Eil C HI E S S O Ulll R N11A M E1 liiNT . 0i' l h r c ol u o
e~ct hi l o l'ocr he reiy 11110 110111- t 01111s ill lletPlayeT'i' o1 - ---Ali Lag ye Vrd1110
Ililfit o' il ~lll l ilt I'iled anl hel , e ll, n11 ifgOht.s0 IrlI IwlO
Pp Tows. Dows Tows1 1111 plilfltil g uloomy l iru ll ook11 r Td- eili irst 1111-i eof jIllclif l' i lt' Wi'Iiscc- 2 ', Plicer li-
hanis ece i e h islo eOpnote Cst-Ik houoe
20tein ale So 4 S Mali Mt ilt su11 e4dueglll11 10o1follmoo o ilb l ue Stiy. 1i11110, BANO R CIA21.IG T

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