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March 18, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-18

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ii ~r r f tcic t semi' to have oot beenl. 0s yet,
++l t U+ txcitedl to aoy great extent. This fact
W.hasttproed by the general apathy
Plisllhedl Dotty (Sunday exceeptetd) during shown at the timte wlien we were
the College cc' r, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tchoosinig the mten liwo are to baIttle
OFFICE: Tithes tatltding N. Matn st., opposite for us agatnst ('ticago. Tht' eteates
no,; Oficeci ore pnorly- attendedtetltlrteliottand

W. W. Ileotuca, 'to, W. W. ToZAYER, '9a L.
E. L Gmstoc1'8kL G. HlAMS, '93.
.. L. VAtLca, '05 !t.
G. tB. iiARRISo, 'W L.
T..E. TuOocAS, '07.
L. C. WALKERt, '96.
L A. tPratt, '26 C. At. Beath, 'tO 1'.
S. RI. Saith,'00 L. It. B. Mtetlieany, '%).
1F. Sietous, '98.- 1I. .Cammona, '97 M.
F'. A. tFait, '930E. COIt. tRoe, '98 tD.
The subsicription pril c'eofthteo Daily hac
b~eent reduced to $.t.Z is advace teorttte ret
of te year. Lbveoos,' atitio 0(1 at tihe
Daily lofce or with P. C. Meyer, U. atfit
Netea Stant 3.
Elditor ef todaty's paper:
F.-'.M. LOOMIIS, '98.

siuc tite debtelro have been chos'en
whait little ettiusiaslnthesre owas llto
lmostet enitire'ly tdied oaut. PT'etde-
hbaters receive tnoIhelt to amountttt to
antyting fromtthoitse itt a ptoitiotn to
give tihema aid tnd wec vetutte the as-
sertin that celtpartlc'ely fecw sin-
(detits ever ktnco riat the attttit'tt of
the detbite is 1ttte. We woutld like to
offer several staggestiens: firt let ,v
sptal shelf heptacel in tilt library
ot'aliliing 'work hboarinlg on tte iltlt-
tioen for debate; secontd, It.th11e t'-t
degNatsacieties liaveI' egsilt' oeti gso fr
(Ii ac'tsatiig thte tettatiall; tild, let tilt
elo'etion detpatlen't gice a. little fret'
trainin~g in oti'r eitretsenlllliot'a: fourthi,
lt't these professoraro laae t'tgtlatt
Nvotrk is ill tilt litie of lte subjl'( etr-

METHODS ELSEWHERE. ate emiployed. Otne trofesor nses the
Eastern Law Schools Compared pnre ease systemt. 'This is lPraf.Itaisd-
With Our Own. en, who has ;jost beeti calledt to, a.clii
at Celumlbi. Anoiller gives his in-
Instrutieor AV. It. Smlithiofet'h~e lawos strutctitn tettirely tby letures, cc-ile'
de'palrtmient, tltting Is reclimt Visit ta tho othter three contdutct recitations
the eaatern stuttes visited molst of Cthe basett eithitr npon text-baoks alone, or,
leadinig law schools of 111helat, iatiog 1101tx-tos ai S' otty
themleli eng flarvard, ('ohnnhtt, Yale ,,
'i'e'e is also a, tendheney in sante of
and .'onell Ai. Smth.paidgleialie work at Cornell to requtire a: so-
attenltion to the mnethlodis;ef illatrluc-lttiont of ptrahlemls or ltypetheui-ical
tien in t'ese schteols atid droasottie catses as in adjunct to tile regular
interestinlg comalllrisolls betwveenthemtilcvtk
anti ottrowvnt 1100 schoaol. (Of these "ilacli of these schools, is working
mttods hte0s7y.:tout the legal eduncatioot-lproblemt in its-
"Of the schosols visited, the Iltartartt 00wn way,011antdeh is, wtin it s-
anditl ohnita schools are to bte dts- 1 peeI ucsfl
titigtislied frotn all other AteII(t't-tl "A v'isit to othtet'universities often
lawoss'oiols, except that of the \ Atil- has thle effect of itnerealsin, odae's stat~
cvtstcrn tiversity, hb' the Iteettlir isfaction withlidIts own. Ntowhtere in
letstteoeaiiis'ccitly inowvti as tttthecsi'to itldiv'ittualie the cwork lby'the cli-
Sstemi. ovistn ttf classt's into sectionts. 'Ntt-
a 0-1111is thalttthei awshuldl be o tf Itlmetice cottriwork 1as is conduneti
attditti in its originlsoturees and1 11.17 hete.
thitse soutrces are cet'ly lt'erepoIlts "Oil thele vlol(,, it is trohalthe thtat.
of judoicial decisions. ('alleetions of Iwhilt' several ttf the schtools visited

____________________________debaiters-tte cotllu at lilt' tDtily art'
A groatll 111(11, f the intiltutiont of alov~tystopten fer4r;-tgg ionsi ;1and, last
learalilig threllotthlil'ct'untlry' have tbaitnt least, leltil thstideits ovake
of t'atiitra ethulltsiasts5ill 0o1u'lmidtst. subjecttl. Tilt'deba~te is ntilfat'off andt
si'lves in ro'ttit es tit furttishtileItusl- ht' on the alt'tt.
dei>tt cli OI11h lttly of -
ttllttltgrliltlof titeliie111.donts. The AncientCap and Gown.
of thit'cirl'at Colutmiao, th Iih11-r itis 7ear's protspectit'i00 wlarers 10110.
sty lletis owith, a 1110,C st't'itoa hilss.
Dtlill a recsnaitgitealiit nofthe' till's-
.ie Newv York Cltic rei-"llily called.1 in tPictni tas on i~
Profl. 'T'hoimals ''hit'foreilott l il uaglI pubtlshiedt by t'e Pilleetttllialltihat is
doubedlyis.His laceher Iis ne asedrelativeItot'eir iuse. lI IOS
ith c-ila11 111ill ll' son t'r esily7'bicfill. t'e coilt' ge 1l1w"'srequiredthliaC 110 rt'si-
Antter tiiust be'uil-i tothle list of dn ,taets~udapa tad
Wie whin lio~g-in as eenunaletiunt'"tither at chum-11,ill tIhe Collegt'
let'iatt' t'xettises, er at 11117yhuelittbolfl
Tilt'spiit of the atge is eaotltiniai
tioll. 'This is nott an1 oigillll ohservat- o il fteltl xeintli'tl
tion, butt it is enouagh otf fact to atofheclgeod 1111i-Iil
hea rtteilltl. ~vtt 111 litll~~l net-tssary toceasions, cwithot t i-l
tetlalt Ahig ili hitt' 00117 caitl t 117'of ice shillings it intny." ititil
thesut~tt'tts i('e olie o f11111a o-1873,the Cptt litd go-ic-t cere consoid-
the ituent hee uiteto orma c- cretl ts rt'glhar featutres of olannlee-
olterativol' lselliilioll stchliasis con- net n olg eeriin tta
waly hioos andithler suplithescotldttoletibeen allowoett to tdrep. ttocc'e'l,
be seculredtat Imaklers'priet'. Poior it lots hien mlin-lirevivetdand te oldt
stuidents Couhdtte hlped thehct ltir- tititonl is Co be 1et1
selv'es while thoet needitigovork dolue Stagg Fears Us.
coud se-ue tosesvh, wuldbe lad It 0 reeent interviewv pthlisllilln
to do it for themo. The subject is tn the Chiceago Trihunie, Coacehc Stagg, of
itmp~otant ottetanl shiounlite agitatetd. the Un~iversity. of Cll~iitgo baseball

citses are therefoiec'usttted fttr t111.
tet-boor11'ttheetutre' is11ttbasis of
sitd-. Icn h'thorylini pralice, tillsis
111lliirale planil ithouti ithislts--
lars111th studeiits tre toftt h1ighe(st
gratic, bhttit is t slowc'andthlabaorions
iiitthitd of s'utti-ilaw~io. iTie ellttilllt
toot-to less -ground ltha111 n'e oultdtihy
using dthier letutrt's or text-books tos
''Yale is tnttlte tot-ito! ailh tr'e' et
tet-hbotks a-a a t~sis, tIl liii1111seeing
to b ttt he icse0' tottitandrdtl h'tllt'
raithtr tantiniirttudehtnts'ttookis. For
exampinlthe hi'thre oucsoitiatf Ptrsotis
111 Cotlrats art' lstdiedtifort-t.t stul-
"At Cortaell cariotus tielwis ttf stttly

htaesolit' poits of supheriotrity- 00er
our1 00011, yetCfio' the Ipractit-al traillill
Of 111th irm.tsi'ftl1to ill ti' leg a"1Illo-
tssittt, it ieL t bte toutbedit 0t'hii
1111 of thlemlit'ecelottil ac o tli'tltt
ill thit'resuttstoachiecved."
«ootueefihl'exect'i-~on of A. A. tal'ltit,
eaitct-ionou ltbteran thot'erale coldo
banjot playinlg.-Anln Aibor Demiiocra~t,
Aipril ti, O1894.
htss Charlotte 0. Stowve, gellel-at
pianlist aal~ilec'ollpialisitHotuse itartyt
tengagemnents satisfactorily filled. Ad-
ress No. 488S. University ave.
The newvest and largest assortmlen~t
of C'arpets, Rttgs, Itattigo 111111Dratp-
e'ries ai tlhller11s Furtlrire Store.

The Daily will be delivered by carrier in Ann
Arbor or by mail to any address in this country
until Commencement for $1. 25. If, alter the last
numnber for this year is issued, you. feel that we
have not earned $1.25 this amount will be refunded
to you.
Your attention is called to the fact that the
Daily is the only paper publishicg complete re-
ports of University events. It is the only medium
by whicb"you can obtain a record of each Univer-
sity organization.
Subscription may be left with any editor
of the= Daily, at the Daily office or at
Meyer's News Stand. Subscriptions sent
bymaii should, be addressed to the busi-
ness manager.

Debatinag tetoceena te enicerities
oif the coutiry' has bteenc tore pironlin-
ent this ,year than for soneilmtea.
All the great nniversitieo of te east,
and ntest of thue eoternteones.luave
faced eache oilier ntcon the platforna.
Thtere lots been almost as nmnch inter-
est shoovn in these .intercollegiate de-
bates as there is over inttercollegiate
A-C Michigan, however, general in- I

teant, modestly says thaot lie 1isat
suare of defeotig itticllgan in thue coin-
lug series, but conafidently expaects to
c-in a majority of Clue gamnes of Cii-
cago's entire schedule. H~e expresses
tice opinionltat AMichigan's heatm s
e'qutal to a0n7tlctlag ha the east., andud x-
loots from ns the only olxet-acle to
their chamnponshuip of Clue -vest. Tb-is
is enconraging in viewv of the profess-
etd discouraginag onttook here, espec-
ially as coining front on opponent, Inl
gives no renewvetdhope.

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