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March 17, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-17

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VOL. V 1. No. 120.


ledvil ii ii"IN.iliet lll Pie ol CHICAGO SATURDAY.
iii1 propoe toa tie,t iz idaa iuae u. e ll
1411 ai' acii iithe lu'ew y f t ie th Great Choral Unions of the West
of DAY'TON 10f Unite-Aim of the Society-Prof.
IM ai y i,, li( t aseoeiuel 2a ii Stanley Is Chairman-Great Mus-
{f it<h epuaton s m4, ,f(h lit cal Festival.
11 be ~ c~eii de Rz(tcSteiilCy. i 'livo1ui I ee wi
1 ,Rp ilil t t a 'u u e leii h t i th o u i i a ii c i ha s 1 ' I c v i i I i w g i l t'i c ~ c iiii wii l l o o e
fill t 1is 1se m i bei' . h tdylie m- fil li iitiiii ii' iilv iie. Uiiii
til ta ca itl y t e o,ii e tl t i lilt
ffI liii 'ik o se~ t ety41
STHE ANN A"8Rt RORGAN 00 9 191 iiilaeiu. Illivlin andilAimiiAebor Iniii
lilt . M A IN S r- it wt II i(, (lol fII(' e Apollo I('l1o1
IOil<11 oleltw ofr1G~o lU in

Lisili ti fi 1111 lv 11iri 'iiioa. S1ci!
idle so i~tiiicirilvlif'illali lie. i(lYr.
(lee, 0111 e(ooliouto. iN cie i one l' i
twol oflt lhlt cites <heli'ii fiiei tiv i
sli titImla let'. e(,inio poi i
Annual Address Delivered Sunday
detes'.l, iiall l 111s,ii'I li n v l i ii
in1111'iveI'S 1,1 tlity(vetn b
c. llillo t "11 w ii t .a1'1' Iil i' th e 1111-

A Good Attendance~ Fast Work In
Every Event-Dents Win the Re-
Icy Race-Summary of the Even-
,Plili at i ie 1I(il 1"e Ilt 1111 1 llrll-
li lll orlwiii illi l Iu'atl'tekeil cod
lxtu "411'l' t 111-ktl s illsotact, di-
lritil slaiva'slii' ~Abotutievi I hickthe
site a. E pa'm l ir(I ill. de M r
' llb' si'u'ot'iiNv xiiis 11111n lhuliion i'tul-

bD vvD 51lrtjliorelfthanll 01111111i1
(af Itgl i el'll erlvlllitit'o. Very

Fredie'ick.J. Wv ;iellis cil S Mr.Ilil-
C . II. Shokiul (ll, flitlulisvlleo, 1". Ti.

~ITh le ll " I tO It 11It olf11 111 II i. lill .It ll iani,,. i 11 A l . l lil- lhe i ng o l r G o"iiis i- I i l i os.iwhilt h I i t ood.llll iii li t Hli
g e 'F c t Ic', 11'dii i iik A . Iii~kl 111i, 11of 1 S lt . liii't t'eilsl'liI, vi ol l i ll l 1 I o 11111 lrlahlie piieni'iciyt. Ii'
thatlIywifh o i r icu ilee l ..ll 111',Iluillia~ll P Rgro ll~i-ta igonsol teip otl PerIyrc ~t1(l ls 3 n
yolur i find IS t a . hvev byhe o n Irf tani t l illey f*A nAryi% rt nll it.i 111 1 iili 1 1)1h t e am , wuuu IaNonl ia'hoeiiiig'y1111
'a h i tlk for 85 ' lit aoit a utv tio a iscto'ielha ly 'l'I'l'e i rs lta c1111'i' is ar'l'c bill v e 'ci, i'i' stulitt
II.~~~~~ 1,lOor in 57 1 <; lsec., 'i'li'iuc ii ii' ii' ut llt11111tIt'itsll''llii'l' ill
d1 I o Ily die t S o te ia th t , IW R W S i tIl o laln l3 ita ll ( lie 'oteti '.ul ;iii aili t e tt el al b~sail W hI'l (co d isker C l t o ile. tl
husj lt eeve i oir toko olita 11 ll cht'eirltalile ;' I reii' li!'il re l 'it 111th'a1r'l Bill-'. ge I'i)'lieiltit{'u
l ig And i-eoes ti lo leo's fr 'l (leal.Xeil j ltiehlei'i .hulil'lt'ii i lii,1111i((lii- lii' pl' andl Lhl~l ieiliire olcdfnliii
Sja randsu o e s lit, a t on ia to c tull ell } il'l'i eeliIal( al cI (itll t.'of11111. tll iuii i 11111111 e' W ike I'lu tlii'11 1. kiathl
NO. 2,,W SIOO T. NA AN khel t li hhl 111 111te il aiy 10v? tl v t t'ia lilag lauui al ll i1 iii' as.ib'
FuallDrss Sul a ipec ay. oll i ltegllia'a1i.uconcttedhi'affottoseel 'ul iltiti',ite pol'ut ill(,vaul)li. o f' llhlav'11w l''dil ii luli1
t iitu farl tMytocig, llu'la'c, hll lulty il besliiu' ~t oiii ofut heti'iit'lielti'i's
W ln~ ofII loS er VLic d RtileS hicu t. f'llulill ir, out (heivgol, Me. 11 v lea t ilail. 't 'e. t'noteStu ilt uuiu. 'letlli~lt l i'gvl
Our ___._of __.___________ i s tulaeili f liiuc'lu' ai itlaei liluall ciglul t 1o ltuugeii'e i'e'.wa1'
s othy o tsiaie- $ 0 sooineyotsApulaetihe ricetacapol iugthieauu'ui ofhI . i ngdollmil'? al u ).S liii iil lt sIe ,ll~si
u< 1 h.nii Iolll~e' o he 01'tviecii tieiui'al iliii' ud l'tldiiiln. lh'ilil5 ttl'tu
tinsin al$ te ott.ul (Stlca f Sialey uvilie elatul~nteroolly auuTherleu lis lot11' t hei' l ellelt lut' elut t
with nvelpes o'mach. orvFnally D('ecaiohered.
enresronleice 'W gve pe i vol' all itilaeile itar an d of i-ou- iht iuaus~' ha.orTatt'lunii a l t olu' (' cx' Satr.h Xl 't' 0 tO. o liesi ''i
Otteti~i t enravngS TOwed - of ve Ve l l iti't eu t efectsi heil' ' , o teeer a tl uiet huula iii ' a ~eaI l le irtltii1111 l
dig ivcatel rcpin rd bl b aIbut e reil isc thuc' atio nsipbewen ult iht:I)IIaulugl~~rtIith
'risiP O ti adn d ma ig en- sIl- ea f:;lte ut th e i elu uu to therll o l ut e eot;ll I re f uo iuei luy, aell ae ht ll' 110 eii f tu
ogrm n drs is late t es swi ll il a t a l(. 'tViu i nlI I sii;oil i a 11iegev he f nig 'liito y llo(rf
showing you. ~~~llulti tte l u eor lut s coaipcsub g the c-! heartii g th iueat 'sat nteiud lu'i o tiu aotiriitlhii, iiiist
. arI'llngalluaiili entltehi'
G . H 'is autn si 0t 1 salle'Gt) fp1 - i ttuau}'ziuli' l)t iyfrthe Iltii::ld. fl +u'tl (Iou uit luuu iti e ositeit tic
Erde crailthecwiti eaentlilldtoe ou tdtrfois ton 14 olltto ls ed
has jut recived is enire sock o 111.v ono epresnt~lMr.e iAtidreet-sW awaweeprolulilientret priciple
SpigeadSu mr Tow h elvnclillTownhe tackdle o m'vril. I'ateamis paf tio- Wi krco l ulegsa tdent,)(lIal was, on ftui
It.SaeS. 4N asS. ithaears, fn-flaysgg. iousmae tvog at Pa ie'vll , I l Corne llb~11ll 'trcck1(1 het;et et11t1 ''

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