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March 14, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-14

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MAKEA RDICL CANG. jiiologybotany, ciemiry, or tshyei. Jfarnty, or famly rloititire, isse-
____.__The remaining amont m itereuied islisionsidlerilig a siil ar stel. The
COLUM BIA CAHNGES REQUIRE- sides i hors of attemdlit is. to to invs'w, as it resilies the V'Veelyi,
Pul'uished Ei olyktoaye r'oo.edt sduring MVENTS FOR A. B. DECREE. ie iheetssfo e hotgiatonnn aegattt'
te Colet.. ye ,r, at --I fle iheetvs ru n t tXie15thruh: rmnn ae'aut ,
C of~ ~ Students May Enter Without Know-I lint. ile ctmise frontm ei vtand 1ytait the dxiton will trolity tbe
TH Ul' m O Ie ll> ledge of Greek-May Substitute!attittrti history t tprst rqulirid'toeifavoratle to til rtposed riclstg, ntl
desrie Ti s bobll lsl) N. Imiai t., oposite
psotfice. Modern Languages -Said That Atmeririti hitoy is tortrhty of lit. that a retolt to ttat effect mty be ex-
- -- --0-1-- Harvard Will Adopt Simiar Plan. t ts "hr rrIii ntt- trit501
X.I I rlie,'li, iw55. are,'o iL. [Pae Alsoniiiwee.kty.1 etology i h i n slrtttll. attpioli i] A. distchilifrom Londonteiilsis tti
E. L. iiisieli l'lt . 1.Ii i\. 0 A iCatigie ittaiviiry radioe l I tit' o sttry inltesesi, are tiult' tyte seate ito9'.tairitdgi' ini rito
J. L, lIatts a Iv0, i. I. Ouchwtier, 'Il.
EIII Citt- s-r~lIv sstffiteds iill'taecmrtisului uft Cot resri-iteit stiets,tnil tie stiitinithtotsreji~teslthlii'proosiin to a111)oit
enT Ir -str lttroitiast te iteetinlgo fitte trts0sesitaill otutit hisisfiftcwli rcit ri Ittii l eiisiitre t em iser tle tt1a
1G.iB. iorR sl, '0M5L. vs
lst wit'ct. The tew sbreetill go by eetrilg lly courtos he is otlilie- ability of cneifrrinig deg -iesipo.
p0N15tr.1 s.r tiol.tO illso etfelt.ly 't, wieilthe.lids r- ne it t i etaie.it' stnioll rs toiiit'i. 'it' iv'oteerslstoIlJ-71.
1N'Ii' it i', Sisits' wie 'wistled'slat its sew site. opiln ot'his rCoie any oitheisco-urss'
tl'5INE i 55 SNAIOSI 'dir e tio~si the rtsis's's was the ill theli' isitiy le is abletol irr The '6 "tes Gesta" Board. offer a
L.tG. sO 1100015. aprisitsalif [s ts'w lsriisiit'of itslitie- ste.-ilinsttg tiisf' tityear i the ash prize of $aot' the best sioit
AssotIATI'EI)Iu~rti)S thunstbmiititet'b-the facuttta' mothitt tsriost iroisfssitit cosoti5'itt f tilt'stoy 011 a legal .sbject. Cotib-
I. A. Prat is G.'t I. ie ta P, p ~ rciosy.tuiteriti. tions from all epsrtitiros are invited
s. tn.=Silt o,0'soL. i. ri t si'tsesy, 9il. .asld the Bard reere the right toe
.'Sai i 10 lt ii. 3. aionltl, . 'ts"etrrietttitriastsitesiby hte The fotiowing sittent 1)Iinritg 'all manausript sbmitted.
F. A. 5'o'ita l r:. B I. Rtier 1 U t" i 1 ' fati tt ('l iii'rtelm ol strt- tis' strnges'sis madeir i b s lhe ittitly - - .- --________
The Ssls..erirs is tticre"-ofit tir Dily hlist ftr'sl i-ssti sistltisiii 11ti1ir i \s 's'astOr'o fitA ts: is (ialsi 0 ite ica
00011 rdsi l., Slitsadvsatces for the rc.'.topisir' by5 t trolig t-(ttlllittt'l'.an1151in "'All studentls wottwisiilttioto'su iansisto ttanae'olitaluiiSt, IItitiO(pity
of thea Ysis La tie subscip.tiosoal tirenaee ssll~eoil ild
hait lt oriites I.. Metiye, h. or iidetiiliiwras trisedtlsaiid discutssed'btheliietxising curtitultm ottt theClgs, rieiiseii48Ssativsfatity dal., d
New, Atl. lt'eientii' ttultylt sesers ls'stilgs. of tii'rii (ii isi is tii essntial patl is tl
c On~'se front site $2.0. Oesnl
Edittlr of totay's pItsr:nChe'l in ibiristfi is sillwws: All stiltdissotindser iliiis'w ittrrit- iliiiiroom 7cents. furnace heat, ight
I..L1. WALIT, '98 It, sttstut-ttiandiaitesi'rthe degre of to wetl555suder'theit'oldi. Ithtieir iid bst.2S. Iigals st. 136
-..- --A.'It. art' retttiredsttti>ptssess'5aiii tiettastetare for te ltstir, lus' scal The Daily woillbe telieret bycar-
The trtulslswhichrt come 'toitiii' rnitlesri istissslsd'ii'Of Frnchti ll'lijoyi, snt~r liii'ntsr errea tuth, ir oi' by maiothteoreiaintteri'of
editors of si cols g pe'sir sts' iore Gitimit, lists tictt iktniws-onliy Litill ostietigreteririilses ,of ot -ic~aIthe yat' foi$1.23,
tthanicaniibei' sitstitii't iiietie ilig r sfitilisiesitiof fatithand'Grtek, as Itires ,adtha n undeirsls' theis' ircu hewst antilargestlissormletit
fist' handt~suitndtot tie' ieast amlong nt. Ti' rs'siirs'iie'ts to''entirt'ceisl)l, 01' thsiniiutiter lay ctutlrr'tu ttt o{ arpts, tRus. tsttiie011ti n rtp.
them is li thdiiulty' tie es-1 iir-1trit'st Hllsilr tur'itiort'See.
liii ~ ~povd iistirtttist.(iittiti i'tsl at. aini da til foiir'iadIisIisiontht Cii r -tse. 't-omiar or.ahur iirfo-to tasie'.128ns
fntingthe lbels ol theinstittionlto thefrslnal' clss, mtt ptsis'irs- mietth rsthirt-liv iiearsItsill, offce 1-
tirossaier leit hi'it. s firtdtsst actoy xs a~uin10 'stttubscribottei ibrl dsetsou he
mi ses o ae i) il uone- nieitnt httori'. geographiisb. wix i vsh to iartiesaithorosuithisush'of Sus-rbeorsil li'aly.
ehasliitildilrs f therist tc'i.5iiio so, acutitaletof tie folosrogaguptosEngis, 01'tuthistoisr, o'o ilisss-
twho smeit'tiie lt'o oh it sivso ss'sefuotlict handustl.an Irse i, li) Gri''s' iatushIdty, 01'Oitpositilei iitiir srof the 0 i (' S
ot tdisriminastionsiti iheiri cli l it iii 1010aa, (c) advancitedimaithetic'ils.inaturlt scil 5 er(s tey'' t.111 thissnitlttet'
Mii'htistiblstssffteredsli10tliii-ay03naturaltsciencittatdotuhiis rench autd theotew urrici-uluii s liie'colnt P Rut EW LR
mr eltsth aniiamiit tther isttut- ('srniiil. this reguationst htrusissofsuneritiltelsitd. 'tils is till'ofte tilt' . ofM., A. A. H. S.
ttio. Seetral 3years last the iolottua situdent entei-ing t'ottiuoi'i (Ctlltge st'uts wotetrst'-oswit Itrooisais
iteiiintil te roassfs f5list'college 0vv thotuthtie tkntoledge of t(,r'e'l, andhwtotlias thoses'horiltt is-thotiT'he finest iii the city. Cottie sdsee
prtess: ahoos this ustithttihtuin iths plaie of Greek.
"Aostuiettast Annui Hsirbo' 01110that tutmorn lguais', higher ilithti t'511 "Studetents hull stinto gtrouliigthi 1® id4
only trIso-s htasrs' il tors' si thail e iitnd i sunaturl ss'uii-. Thshetd tte Shooel of Jieb ue~. h Y V
stitns i . 'siit sitthisos'is tat 10 tu ~-Mfish'tlsit. if
thest hahkil suti o ths' iro~oorsc5atiretd istlit'uiiitit'o iiemanded uitare' theCollge twithoutiGrer,'maytatit ~sittl. ehv etafsrsoko
tnd oth eutrtsov I id s t 1111110e lst sitis intstlt i 111'dil ls frs'oi e~tnud titflitS"'iiarsoiaiunthe d tA'5' tllisots ohq
tbse'iollegei' hit .s shallt te buisnetd Class, ts-ilcthei~eibs t''siitenti fit eus'tie-of A.I.;s ld 1can1thentritet' tile'third L lR~
wihout tietiisoniilfiomssthis faitity" at scietue is tphisics, uritlitg shutoil-yeastu'of the ShoolutsitfIueost Ii ' W ITING TABLT
thi s sefiallti sutieseted hi-thin tt'ovtedlcorse of ephtrimneuts iso- saure ag-i'as, 0110. iswhih is st- cwhicit can be closed ot ao
farihtsoos abosuttin c-ethtist~isiut formiediat seihouol, or ctinmuisiu' i' thitdtetsenter te l'stwoyerstt zrii ',uo 'iiwit - 10E110555,1
traternity5, o'iihili -d ut'deirculation, experiimns or, twith,. the i'sriisin ier than they tioswrenter tineSuhool oi MAMMOTH 200r PAGE TABLET, 5
Tlhe latstiis all attemtihltto lc5115eof then dean, ant accetaleittquivtaet utMines. Thin h-.y ensueof thit ur-lii'0GO RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC;
of liii numetriuesucollege roos iat Annutil ouun oher hebrahtof na~tursal sr- ricohututi, otit studentitsy ecoy ut 'GOD WRITING TABLET, - BG"
Arbor, ''toiise~lt, sriietus sta lrtedll cii's- iheaeucdiod bereirntheenteuitii-CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - I1W
at a lii tstiiutisi wirt' 41111sudentst Itthin freshman auirethut'isldenton ittus uitheetoetep at of it BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 350-
wereitrutbtilests hlahit'igildot offerfigst enuutrn one omodrnruta- Sihoist of tt ortk. WRITING PA PER BY TE QUIRE OR LB
feundsultiuut hot s110alrenado'ben gunge ho reqiuiredsits studyithin ste. "Studeiutt eL.iritt5 to shtape thud u 'This stock wilt lot be replaced.
copiedttihutseversul ot our eiuhauuges. andtrtion nterigtwitheGreeksmust College osts tithtrefrncetto ad- Cotosquick for first cliic.
Our advice to thent'lInl regaridto nwtaike i-aesicried ursresill rhetotnic, tsond work ture ite fasuty of Argus griti'H ou
of.hlfcriglristht "f ouseeitinnltalhehtatic, std either'u'Latin or piltoophy~, as otnltaso it ,usliticalt
thu U. of I. Dafiy, itsso." Grek.'The stetisho ieter out scne andt hutpune siceuct'a oso00 - _______________
sttv's,ced tostttmt'isc, ntlura sisnce to tuch bettr avetatse undru thin"..A1.
To Sand Typewritten Telegrams. and. Dtrnct and Germaun iave only teo crriculumeni tundoteer titta old. -
tYae Newod Ltsinttadi rhetoric prescrihed for So, also, they 11ay55 senure moret history Ll
Prof. HenrymgA. R ltt'tut, of Joirns teadcns'etyrt3seetadThe modern stand-
. et n onepntt usyeetsdpoticia scistceursepratouryis
Hopkins Uiversity, after nsary a tfro a list f coorses. Elemuetary thi stdy of tuto; std or chemtisry, Wt ardl Family Med-
yea'slshor lst obusoe stecsoolGrekcinuootyGtrtont~olietta-botally, and bihlogy prparthoy to cie: Cures the
tesuts tromt a reosrksbelinvntionsiegltarIo corse), mechaniesal eulineer- th stdy of medicine." U
for tratoouuittittg teegirams writen tog, std physics towo corses). - Cmmonieer-a
uonautypwiera h paeofsn- In the sophomtoreyear sit studetts Feoorinug lose 010511 .te heels o - ills of humanity.
lng attdlreprousod iIn typewritten teanoicmn fterdcl C
forto at thee receiving part of the i~at otislt usnacus sfianocteto h in-al RAE
venhon Prf. heolsnl, ri darhetoric and one in Amerian itusoty, ch ango at Coubia, whereby reets
newos nahine, can sod over th OsameStudent whip did not o offr tuuis odoe doihi b msfrasl 0
sire five or ix different mses at Selenc af entraisice are rqied us A. .degrs, tte reporicoesesfrents 8
the ane Bome in one direction. s tudy oesof the following subjecs xcelent authoriy, that the Ilars'sat-d l__________

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