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March 14, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-14

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Vol,. v t No. its.



H10 - -(". Tickets Selling Well for Indoor
V piit fe a it lhe fu'r ( LCAN CLUB LAST NIGHT. ___TO NEW YORK
it444 ~ fn~ r t i ees(cnn e. T liijl c iou 11(1' iib e ioinu ifartP"li l l i
01 hail' ciedi'Shi'eefee.y fr te 444A L. Davis, '98 L, Elected President Offered Chair of Germanic Lan-
:,DAjY TON it"4 -E. C. Lindley is the Choice of lfor itt 't'ct~liy illiltrirl' iiiiiI luf ('. gae aatSne Dah o
NH"444 hct a (trett'i WW1 Michigan's Repblicans for Pres- itl i Slltii li i i 11(t11 t et lili'ttllii'' Prof, oyeson-His Acceptance
( \ i~dent of National Leagu, i l be Ic t't' et thalti cciiti". Not Probable.
1144~~h hull 'Clfluori bltii tt~Do14
that '''', tw e hil ii liiian iii 1'"vasthelllcstt igbicatwill Ii' e'tll(, te I it'ifthe Trveiti ciiof''' hi
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cu c tl d re t it ph l'll' tt th Ity, D e $ 5 8 2.5 0 fne ec io i ie it t t b r m s Led a dY ea y P a r . il I ii e (I 11 '
iTihehel(.!,,Ilitftitilcltric'oicctolt' IIIatiiilt
NOel 2viWSIOTN S. NAR AN ae Attrc ed Iner es ltihtit lla.1 lii 'motltion ill t oit i nnsi 11 eadtit'f i, il t h
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ibti i 11the1 o Ticelilt st ut f li' i h'ianii 11h 11:1 ~ti t' ~ lttill tt't'e f f(! I 'll e i i eile' tilt'
Fiti t ,.ul I i trittil t gruiltile fti K na s Stdens i Trubl. toiii hiep itdlt' holou'th r e.u'fi t i
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withDenvelopeswtsmel cit. for uhlitis of hit I offerit.5i13'.ibtC'3'n't' 11111
Ladies' cxiii (icittlemen's Polile Ka~~~~~t tc itit i'iil tiell}eritualll ue'oii il'ltl. (hl i-t lhuICii'i~ll
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dis aviston.0ece tin n(le' lit' il'at w s lueit e lu 'tl. li 51111u111l5 1111fitc i .3lti' ilu itc111I itc, I.ll3
viiinoarsnadekigmos rtuipot 111 thiui o'ht i i'uf 11ii Itr l liii
y~yNinn f o#ice il iry 'c4 Inru1it 'ius's I -tue' I- iitt (tl''rtilCii
ogei-i o tdrssde. lt T e-t ei (l ' c t i gi13 litiCi3 ti rb ftandstced their\i'.tititi etii' itiglile
printing.l. We take nghpleasureil is
by flu'fjmii.uC.o ii a tletr-'otinrhal.oritiieiii'i' igt i o e tri of1:iht." 'I'bIi
nXJ A F I R . S AbuoI ''e'kls iihlfltii w' . il lsied,'h~l.of (heeltts te tc1htrsesiftulliiwithll-r
4 abr lgictian Clbs.ith sufavor o l iu-i1t'ity 'iIsftui1tigr t he dl- ut' cuwell ii yin i it'su 1111oii
:::ieto4liN.(a tetateenr 51.C'r'. 3te f iigseasem Ra. n o t;; totlly by the r oceeds.il

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