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March 10, 1896 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-03-10

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MJ;H IGAN ENTI(I When a Man Says the Best Wheel, He Means st
TinmeTable (Revised) Marecl, 1896. T H E) % IV EI3R JO H NS O N
EAST. .M WEST. A All the good moints on all the high grade wheel ate eaobodied in the, wheel.lither
Mailland En-__3 50 Mail---_____1__ 08(1 a heels, such as Miajestic, Road Kilag and Mlacot wheels in stock.1Pies rht. T. 0. & C. By. K. & lX. Ry..
N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special----.7110 ; "a ohid through teains 1between Toledo, Ohio
Eantern Ex--50 12 N. S. Limited.... 0 23 9 and Charlaaestn, . a., va aColambas, ohe
A. M. P.M. 5,5 ad6 . lnSt. Funiur. ahot anad only diaect route,
Atlantic En.2 _r 30 Pacific Ea.-----12 56,5 n 05 ansrue
D.N.Expes---- 5 40 Weateen Ex--.-20ccBETEEwNo
G. R. Expres ..-li 05 Chi. Nt. E.----10 i __________1________________________ Toledo,'0.
G. R.Ea 111---55
O. W. RUnooES, H. W. I3AYEO, Illoa N iWo '0 iants fa a 54Ia O1
G. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Ag..Ann Arhor 1iivw aved. ThItlIrgeat and fiesat attortat evereshoawn an Anan Arbor. Suits Benton, 0.
Wae lalow thaat we. call please you and 'twall plaseatyou to looh at ouresampleshbefore Chmu0
1- , J bhyaitg sartinlllfurniins. T io ,Athens, 0.
SNJX C, IF. J. Glen, The Sta te k lot.ddnportr0
F 20 S.SAESRE,5N OMC. Pt. Pleasant, W a
RAILOAD ATTHEGltND PI+M HOSE. fom ny therpla asto e are-Old Point Comfort, Va.
Tian Tabale,,Oa. ad,,1896. -faeoiiaaa'anal aeliglatfeiuc Ovly. Williamsburg, Va.
NOTHt. nOeTH. 1R11a0 01111s1toIithelraadliai Friday, At tie Grand Opera H~lotiso'SailiirdaayNeorNwsV.
7:22 a. en. *7:40a. em.NeprNwsVa
*12:20 p. en.11:406a. em. p5l cll ll aeer 11 i\ i ao- iillwliiea 111 l \eillihaN ror , a
d:15 pam, 9:21 p. an,Nrok s
11,8 areay ahiee~la, ec~1-nze sn- Te Dilyhtsbee deiveed orAnd all sosathaasleen1po1ints. Elegant
All trains dally except Sundaayioaray adaeclarclilcllg Th aO a ca llclaItr dawiaceoom cars oealllaearoghtains.
*Traiaaaun eateweeaa Anh ArhorcanoelToledo cesettel el( wnct, ,ci-several weet-ho alielailal of heFoe turthaeinfaarmation call oaa youoal.
only. e-o lllIIaN~l(wiaa"aa:aa oai c lcTickat Agenttorewaite,ica
iR. S. GREENWOOD, Agent - Invriyfcliswi r o eu OLO IUCr' as g
W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo - edaom thcaipliarriala1at1Pint esoer, (ic l1aaaiioVII o- 111rgl OLTNI'IOca aa.AI..o O
10 hal-il lario airti -lo lila 11111 111111-dcnt W. A. PETERS, Mlichaigaaalass. Ageat,
l hchastuktekenoe otiitlat aly e)xpa-stio temlia-n older1-1cDerti.Mich,
ANN ARBOR &1YPSILANTI ST. RY. lwpnlaeity andl tcreilted ol1oc.1 Illowiot. leaiizlia-evalliniof the 2)alit
________ofconnent T 11eelllthe. 10as a llive-raity aewsal .eiA" olii- HedOpra M use.
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Ne-l l Gwyialae loa -eliiiie trelat. leafr w1i111call up111111ch. OE NIGI-IT ONLY
Leave Ypilanti feoma Congresst., 7r:10,8:45 1-ollely tis osaiad 1to a tbe h-y f a i on x- 11410Slaea-alseii theac1-1ea
and 11:00 a. e.; 12:45, 2:15,5100, 0:41, 1:15 and ptttol, -etfid a hehsbt l i-rc Ic hecoiaa e gu-al arcSu111 Oibrs
10:45 p . i-~lo~alillld1 iel~o111 -1 l.111WDED
Leave Atan Arhor Junction, 7:40,90:15 atad -at ll hll ljhel les11, ,it asaeeomsc aag anth ha-l begoiven an011q lauiaily I totll WDE AY, MARC H 11,'96
11140 a. e.; 1:11, 2:45, .:40, 7:15, 0:45 and 11:11 11t (rie tlr ie h .)r \iIb
p.M oi.rl I 1i lcight oaila.lar il. taria.l Iii7 1 1iila GEORGE P. STETSON'S
SUNDAY TIME, a-llaractaec he ala: exac esIII 1111l ac p er- lisolllltililltll it-proutillt 1 :11 --li,-,Ifot
' LeaveeYpsilanti from Congreset., 1:30,3:30, il taco111 lb al th le nutaaiers adeliv-ecare- I PCTACOLARi
:00.06:30 and 1:00 p. m. l.ls11,0lts,_anhas__part___Wel
Leave Attn Arhor Janction, 2:00. 4:00, 5:30. 1 a:lteia- to 1111 1 a1ab:lllttls lll i : 1i1t-0
7:00 and 9:30 p. m. I -1 nedAn eXIie (II aol ill ay111
Uara ran on cloy time gate : single trip 15 ,altllw l 1 111W 01:tar111till he 111lalaa-
cenoa; rosead trip ticketse25 cenes. -er. Set- Ola. Gillseot .A:,tlt or U C ET M A I
Wa. hF. tARKEo, Soot. la11t. 1thouighi olilllloo1.essul ifth1e1oairOt -atoaf toe
lf t li atll10ll laath It 11\ e ,lcealyI)Thea r lnuofa lthtte::all. Under itae
S " 1 D JIJ lXI'I71S j 1:1:1110t1111- reaaalcrss-fi iat sl. Sb ariefor the tDalit a:alnaeaal : 1111J. tlatolo.
11heillplatoas111111 eolia~lly owittenil50 1Men, Women and Children
if yea oan~t gaaod reliablle lifaeitsuanalce call fr11l y Iytn
ailahred r )icOaaahe, 11fic l0. 1, S. tanl-c00I )ltg A lla(-ieau, aidtel 1._____
Foaarthlavte. I11s 0 11:1 1lyc o-ovel-:a :1:01(1llt ________________________________
NE .v:A:CPIESi Olla11- tillllllll- al-a-io 1:11 hS llikltA111Slalgo 1111I -l Nv.-Az CzS.A tST ..K

HUNTER BROS., 9RE. LIBERTY ST. a1o; il 1 1liw lidIt-Ohi:t of l t a ,aae-
Skates Concaved. 11p1111rit of arill- 5II, itllt of l~llal;
E'xperimental. Work. b 1 111s-1 Id~ ll-I-ocar daliltglab cl-iota~l, I
I andtheil l 11aaol ae 11 111 y1 A lii ao itt 1:1
RENTSCHLER, 1~ ~2i~,1 ai tpcSIleft( 1r
:;rI a, 11 0hih.-i nlth iao iakena d 1.
T a la-o. lcllaTh e; 111 1010 1111 01111ts.
HO UNHS TAL OUS1114 is sa iid;tala ba iaght '110 e i t
ChocoAtesR.and Cies a,., 111111sIai atic;it sw hatl-ic:11 (11- x
den r.~~.' & ~ 21il )11 1 i ae'o ela"\ol l11-ctrllaati-a-otp
S liiat l la c :0e a c 01,101111o irl Sacmanax
ST T 1111(0 t h ill 's111, nwilite t ,elo ac11
Chocolatesand Candae Iha lCll 10 11 )tltiitll lh 11:i10~. 1
Sthata 11e111.1a eter l el g1111 l lte-V.
205. WashintSnrBlock. pct~ l aptlull' cla ; mnc 1verwhotie
"laliotiaalanOu, llg tel f 10 10110

dlarivedt erijaCs ool-s.
1larth tiaig. Saeeoir
I hli-aaleciUlara, Tobaos~ aaa ImCrarttr
League Ball
will bat further and last
long~er than any other
make. It contains the
beat materials and shows
the finest constructin
Every " official "
league ball offered to
the public is art
imitation of the
Demand the Victor ini all
cases. Our trade mark
is a guarantee of finest
Miahees of Victor icles.

lOOP & 0CD, S6 .STT
Call as them for
Fine Lunches,
Fine Chocolates,
and Baked Goods.
Try Our Lunches.
Albany, N, Y.,
Makers of
Caps ~Gowns
for Yale '96Harvard
'1, Princeton '96 and
may we not adid Michigan '96?

Mr. Walt. C. Alildrcos atdhaIis Comt-
10:1y o«1i1libe atlthe(grand 0111-aiaaose
inl atu-iiirn lgag-a-et 511elantllg 11
titllledt.y Witac Frieiad."The ilaty
asiatarc haive hbeilcommnted-aloninl
tiatteil termlls b hlire rilIesanthat oili
sattisfty thae moot refilled 0f one sociaety
p iatrons.
It is saliadthat ant of the strongeat
feaasc of "Fanlny IRic's" opteatic
conteady-"Nalnay at thae Frent-l Badi" is
thai faet tthai it creatsto 00 nlchhearty
laughter and gentuine applause, and at
Iho came tiate, teaches a wolae oone
moral lesson. Tile critics cay t1011lit is
so entirely different in construction

- We Furnish
Bicycle Cards
FOR $1.80.
Handlsomue embossed poker chips (or
counnters), 05e per 100 Noiseles
poker chips (or counoters), $1.50
per 101). Extra quality Dominos,
25c per set.
T. B. Rayl Co.,
Detroit, Mich.

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