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March 10, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-10

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l e . v

, ' . la n.

VOL VI. NO. 114.


F oun ,PAGaES-3 CENTS.

} We desie nto give notice that we fN DELAMETNHR.
1!! poosoe to matte a bigy bitt for I T" ETIGHEE
NN biyclehbainstthisseason.We t
oil have secureed the agency for the III anquet Held Last Night-Closing
I D.Ai-VTON i Session This Afternoon-List of
l iicycle, whioh haserned a Ii Delegates Attending the Convent-
high r eputatlon as, one of the II io
best wheels, made; ri1 00. We tin
Ni elretsnthe agency for the 1 Thesecond: conivenitin tof"Province
ISBENHtha exeletwhewhc hs Delta" of Siginma Alpha lilyiloli, itstic-
oceliceas telbeelogetelyi ha
55I 1110catllhcoheratylm- tii AiiiiArhor. 'lii"opeing
NN proved that witshall stakeit our iltli i
t!leer. It istihhbestl valau e t 1!I5 s;i5 ocrrdyetrd yat2Iti.
NNNN and $l0t you can ied. Ii01We I ccredytirlsot . i.
s ell tilt' G,II-'PER. a tscne feilloedb>a aqetacinscf'iS
oiele at $05 to SOSi. We manle oar N 'N 1 buuta lagltc'
pricestlkt. Tems, cash or easy 1i1 at:8;:3 o'clock last evenintg. Thlesec-
TN TEANN A.RBOR ORGAN CO,, '+iiindand lost 5s001011 of ftic convitntiono
00 S. MAIN ST. e i'dtlis afterntoon att 2 ocok
_ x he anvntins f Sna.Alpzn.l~l s'on -lake 1p1acc once in twvo ye'ar, anti
Siheeii u"aii & Co lt 050be'0iii on Ma czl1, tbat lBte
being tile' cay of tile organization of

Women's League Passes Resolu-
tions on Coming of Dr.oMosher.
A nmeeting-; of the Adisiory- andiEtx-
l'ttltite Bordoei' f thle 'oiiiciti',
at the reidleniceIofut Si.Storrio. Al:
this nieeting- t111 lllt i g esralei hts
Fverily of Slictziigan liavie e'lllct i.r
Elizat St. Slather Decan of Womeln 11111
PI'lfl'ttill of Ilygioenl the Li.jetiri'
Depatmient, tierefore
Iletitiveil, flat Avc, tielillie'tigl-;-l l
reprecsentingtgheic Voiiizeii'tLcagnc eof
the Utiivi'rty, liiri'liy xpri'itourt
tincere 9grttili~c'ition atith Ililetlionof
the Iteget., anit
ltctolved, That wi' extendftoIs l.
Mloshier a coidiat wi'lcoliieho 1our1
midstlo. l e rejoice llinc e ilcitOs

Sweatis 1-4 if
Full line of Baseball Goods
for the Season of 1896.
See Window for
Special Prites!T
in a few Odds and Ends
in Sweaters.
Sheehan & Co.,
The Leading Tailor,
aiid only direct Imoporter to the city,
has jiast received hisa entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Summer '96, at
Full Dress Suits a Specialty.
We can show you nl the latest
tints, in all the popular sizes,
with envelopes to match, for
Ladies' and Oentlemen's Polite
correspondence.. We give special
attenltion to engraving of wed-
dksg invitations, reception and
visiting cards, and making mon-
ograms and address dies. Plate
printing. 'We take pleasure in
showing you.
U2p Town, Down Town,
U nIversIty Bsskstsre, Opposite Court House
158S. Statesat, 4 N. Main St.

the society. "Prov-ilice Delta" conolsole
li th Icfollottilg Chnpteis In the chalet
diana: Adriant Chlaptert, Sticlilt,

Wesli'yaii, Stt. Union, tliivl'rtily of wichi 1110 ilolistlIly crottlilil tir
Cincinnati, 1Iranklit Colley i,' tact'att, teork as tllyticiali anitettucator, 1bring-

001d Norttwitt'er'i.
'I'he prograiii of fluetbanquieitootwasta
fellatio: 'foatistater, Arthulr ..
"Tule; Toastis, "De Vetlte's Legailcy.3,"
J1. A. Stetralt, Sticl lsai Alphla; "Oulr
Fi-iternity,'- L. iorgan W71ood, Alti-Il
11110 Ohito Sigla ''third 'Time- in
Hotlieirttoi," D. t. )-font-oleryi', In-
diatAltilia; 'Otir Nexit'i'caiili'ni,''
1-rank tC. Doan, O)11111Thietae; " Wie,

ilig hitntoreto tieir111n11totttir01111a
liniti't' 111111 tte itlcdgi.'hiter rloyally
loatfofltihevcWoe'n oldniliit iftlilt
.AninAtriotr,SMith.,Il.Sarch 7, "i'.
A cps o'fliy eifi'rieitltiiith 1105 i 9-dg

Entries Have Been Rather Slow-
Men Needed for High Jump, Pole
Vault and Shot Put-Boxing Con-
tests to Be Held Monday Night.
At the daeiof theIndoortl met halsoo
bieen chariigedifriiii Friday to Salturday
nilght f thuswek, 1111'timeii for mtk-
nledaoy lnight insteadtofciIng titoiglt.
h:"tries, hatei'lu-nceiiing ii rot"ho,
slotwly ill mottoef the evntst, atu-
larly ini wri'oling and bo'ig, atd
most01of the namestmict in Irc those
of new't iiai, thie'olditnun big oloter
t entetiring.
Thiitose biloinenil to etethelii'tarit-
at onelie,1.0 inicastolfltlack oit ilrie
ill any eventilitt11711lle to'ipeditantI
somiie'olbe ettbstitite-i. I'liii, elrtsis
foii torutling 111111boxing, to arcady
tPublishtedt 1111'fotr, a followvs:
bFcatierweiig-ht, 12 tpods1andundr;
iiltwtighlu, 111ipolundtsoandii uitier;
iniddhexaiglt, 1IS" tomb dsand unnier;
11111titheavAeiglt, o0110 Itt lotetti.
Thii'iioxiiig tediolt vill b hld'nita
111 ols lit illte liii 1'sliiltaiont
be' ghivendue'o etiiesilouttld ti'ti
atree I the boitegcsts1e Sop-o
meet th sveamylvt ets. edaln v
th mitie ot t Satile'ti tilt' hosn
attgnhighe tmeet t tle ax ight 111111io
11,)eot teilhets; tithe' io' Thi thyr
Ticelo els oingloevorntsc'tleM oy
011esiug, anditl n ir ity tlllbe'tl tril-
tntroietrecs tordorlithlrun-
Aeuoa .wlnasdittyrthe ftycit.
American Literature Seminary.
Plot. Demlruiul's Anericosn Liherature
semIiinar'y for this seni eter:
Pets----J. 13.I9asees. .lbsrt'lu12
Longfellow .-.'/ea Tomsonli--April 0
Emerson.- F.-- P. Sle_.-- _AprIl
Thoreaus----Gatc Pammneriees---April ft
Taylom _--Hlenry Bodman.-_- intpl at
Wvhittier ,.-P.rances ('tiat--------My7
Ilaes-O-- etdeiine-S ay 54
Lowellh----- - . Iytema-------My 1
Hlowells, James..T. Pierce.--S-- ay IS
Essays have already beeu read by
J. . Liauher on "Irving" and Miss
PearlhRobinson, 00 "Bryant."
A large nunmber of rasidates for
the indoor meet ae worlding il the
gymnasium. Trainer Fitzpatrick re-
pacts about thirty entries s fa. Ta-
day is the last ay fr entries,

WomtenIl titiWe'ed,":'Ilarti 3.IFIihIr, i-iltSMrs. SMary tLotw lickeinseoinaill
Illinois 1'si.-O)uzelgot "Thec Ire'slnoin," ' i n atdicto ~in I ityeionlt'
J. hRay -Murhlin,(OlitsDltia;- "'T'eCl- ' l 0itll Oof Stundaby, Sloruti 22. 1Mrs.
tlegte Shall," Normianl bloersc,,At ickielinsonlawtll stseaoletrltic hc als-
ga ttta-hitta;"'The'irogrh esofY. A.lilci's'of thiSt'otitgu 11111ditt ishohpe'd
tE.," (itlili 1h. lKress, Ohio Epilon;eil thiat oc large auenlc- l' o ite tpre'si'nt
"S. A. tE. il1Sl9t,' Ii. C. KtelerOhio to h rhr h lace 111thtuille of
iSigmia; "Ounr Fraternity Goail," J. D. chic aederestwill ttelann~otuncedl.
Btrownlell, hntdiana Beta. New Chapter of Xi Psi Phi,
fetters regrettinig necettary ahiocilce
tteire read front ex-(ie. c. iley, of A netw chapter tit the Xi Psi Pi'tiftoa-
01h1o; Gov. Atkilnsoit, of Georg; DIiin. te'rnity 11as5 beeii ol'goiiizu'tl uitieligthe
John G. Carlisle, of K-enticky, and sln1delits of the Chicago College of
Hon1. Wi. L. Wilson, of West "Virginia. Dentmn Surgery. 'ite newv chaptter,
Thle delegates attendting the coilvei- wtitchi till be callied the Ltimbda chaplt-
tionl were as follows: teir, wvas orgaized unlder favoratle
13. C. Koelelr, Ohio. Sigmia, trout S1t. aitspices tyithl seventeent charter inemn-
Uioin College, Ohio; J. hay Siurinz, tiers, at thieCreal. Noirthe'rn HIotel toy
Ohlits Delta, tiromiiDelawtaire, (Stilt; Gee. C. F. FUItd, assistetd by Dr. it. 1+. Ill-
H. Krest, Ohio Egpsiil, and Sanetl A. galls, of C'hicuago, aiitlDt. (G. t idily-
Crocker from Ciincinntati; Walter Atm- nla, of Joliet, Ill.
tin Snow, Ohdo Theta-, 0. D. tBearthsley Yesterday's Football Practice.
and F. C. Doan, train Coluiibus, Ohlio;
D. 11. Montgomery, Indiana Alpha,, About fifteen ini reeponded to Cap-
from Franklin, Indiana; J. D. tiotwn- gain Senter's eall for (toe spring foot-
ell, Indiana Beta from De Panty; H. B. haltlractice yesterday afternoon. The
Fishter, Illinois Psi-Ontego, train round was in too poor conidition to
Evanston, Illinois; J. A. Metealf, Mich- try falling on thme ball so the pr'actie
iga Al~ls, fom drin; lifordW.consisted chiefly in punting Among
Crandall, Michigan Iota-Beta, from taea h il eeSne il
Ann Arbor; Win. D. Kilpatrick, Owves- toeo'So il -ceSntr 'il
so; J. Bail Brown, Lansing; Clark HIenninger, IHutchinston, Gates and;
Baldwin, Adrian; Wilbur .J. Teeters,, Marsh. Smith, 'ti9, showed sip in good'
Iowa City, Iowa; Arthur J. Tuttle, farmO and by hard work ought to de-
Leslie, velop into a 'varsity player.

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