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March 02, 1896 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-02

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THE VCTOR N TICE-Odd Sirt Sale ! Closing Out
Leag e Bal A l S4. {e79 i _.50 nd 1.0 aWehaelft a fair stock of
will bat further and last Shirts in3 Our North Window,
longer than any other--
make. It contains theWRTN TAL S
best materials and shows Cuwhch can e closed ot as
the finest construction 9 89 09 0 follows
throughout. MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5
E ofca" GO0D PULE TABLETS, 100 PP 3 FOR 10C
league ball offered to No. 0 South Main Street. CRANE LIEN TABLET, - - 15
the public is an BEST CANE LINEN TALET, - 350
imitation o h
D O v-''ATJ N T ° WRTIN PAERBY I'SQUIE O LBThi stckwill nt ereplaced.
Demand the Victor in al Fancy Mixed Nuts- - -- -- -- -- -- ------ ----0C per ound Cons quick for firt choice.
ases. Our trade mark u rnlgH ue
is n guarantee of finest fancy Mixed Nuts----------- __ __ _ ----.-- ----11 lbs for $1drg', ritI oue
duaiy. FanyVirginia Peanutsa l ----- ----- c. 0 per pound
OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Fancy Virginia Peanuts ------------- 12 lbs for $1 MOORE & WETMORE
1Saierscy~ctclfiy DEAN & COIVIIANY. 86S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST.,
j 0 lrc44Soth MainSteest. ______C___ _ ORER OF WILLIAM,
________________ UNIVE'RSITY NOTES. ICLEI NDAI. 155515a COMEOT STOCK 0'
At G Sp~lagn BII Mw0101* i r8. Wd.,Itae.1 Ieu. Henry Wttler- UIESJ ET-BOS
"tc~ hat e Sisatusi- lc 1(O5555Il5550 111I1(Si ili.LFA oreor the Second Semester,
eisso i iis thi ' est a11 (icao0. Sat. Macel:7, S p. u., Watermssa
sisicssle f(vr .11 *1550 1~ ,lsi sesg5155001 tsttt set osplud New and Second-and
+ncsdS'ppie s slt e ' oew:Iich tsthey :11':':
d'eiseliou for' as'-sss s:openllss sssto tll'' sll seod yeaStsusesint
itsrnis. ( oIppollds ol tn ol cru nl tevey prtlel.At the Lowest Prices.
I.. llustrted s (assleus o f 01 V sioss 1 11 Il. l asl re- F rie.,M ssrs't14,8 p. ms., sl s'tesssss
'File Ar~o i Ierr~tisra- osg'sWedy1555snuu--1 u1"\s55tidoo mieet. SICITLY ASHLOFDING
TI-lIE Miss l~~ss a iot 11a11ey, c '31,of TE011S' ilLMIEG SHO
lliins:tossnisforsheLelsi Vs'sIii G A N E4x '
Spal dinfg Bicycle Isit san s th is.neistof sericossis. 1' yeltvl TIIl(E't'. Is NnIiimEle
Miss'Litllciis'ls sand 11he lKappasssAlplils' illiiny tie year yoI wilI l So uuon 'iYou :: s'sin 011sscisis'eso w ss, o'at
FOR 1896. anytelssis'istsssisi il Il i~ie oisnee sitesoIisyurs'efthesi
7 isit's fur i i~' s't tusu o s i-s'si . eemsi iss's i" s'ie s:n youdos fIc O als
A. G. SFPALDING & BROS., The hist in the ussrlst ae hse is- iAesidny 0 N ys 5 '5t
NowYok, Chcag, Pil'Ilis' the fotlities siof leiina y 2101:h, a sued by 'age'ts of Oio Cenietl ins.it'l
Lrgest 1islists uissiilihewols 55 Au:' i s'e wichielcannoit bhis' sitill's: 'gsii They ls',,ioed"o ers tll the issportilHt'IE" '~
i s i s t.at55 G y n a s i m t h eIhi'S y s tesw esdo f '' i s i s r ,t e i g &
FIRST NATIONAL BANK. is:uIsc:toslit'asto'iitiofuOhio. 'Ills IlsyslisPsesieHccSl JiiEcli
01' ANN ARlBOR. B t 11 ',' iilidDelti a nissi' e iii Lino e fises hiltelsssig. Pice50
Ortaisssel bO 3. pli'ississ tIsiss't ]Yin s i. the 's tlls" _ good one e' ' PINS:S-'U. of 11., A. A. H. S.
taiiai, 100000. Sas tls a siC Preflt, fi: Is' siIlis iioyisiO f li
Tl is t I5 a sale 11baning usiess - _I \0 7 3 'F.The ldet in te city . ('else aid se e
Ti'.i c cii a gessstaisslis Fuishi. O IE
ee ~ tee, iiahi'iu<cit s li
P. IACII lees 5.0W.CLAlI5St)N Ilsilr 5 lii'P l' 'ti isis hitiisi'si aiiss sl) otirtlo J 'wit 'st'eiiiiuesti'il lio report toiim ii
0 i i'slii k leissisil Innchon'iii v'i i' 5at hi -ni stiuiianisy diiyl ts 'seek 0 THAT TIRED FEELING"' 0
THE ANN IS M '] SAVINGS BANIK ;ss'itsllt itislisisiltheits' 'lly ro o it its 1 10 tot 0 1). I. s Mets arl's willi disappiteear iotke su
Capitlo' cki s, 01'so co S it is, sue sic. I Olll tgl i"s, sll f'si hc li ' 'isl l-Isi li c ts ied 'il thie'evets sld espslii l- Beef Iron ad Wine.
1s'i ssii~, $1800000. Ily fo de e i' 'liy- aci'ss. Lct il ee Iil''CbisiI ts aeete.1'f~
sisiti fthi e ii'litlitis Ii' ti'te o ils l es-i . i ciiis. urcsi' ste is oselI
Organtised ssdetlseClei i l ankinglawa ophomoiriiiei'stn ciii as Ci th met itsilI etrsssiyi~
cc ti- tai. Riiecvs 1,ditsbs. a si tSettis Leap 'sileaa"i 1(5. i tose' IslSt Ss ,Iiie l . t. PALMER'S PHAxRMACY.
selsx e e on t he Cscprissepst ites fthoc ie___
Us l tistites. Drafssieisid upona Isoser1I1.II .D 'ZIa: laagr US 51" I .
lsest itssiss Sssfcy ,Ittiso x i.es o ret. Additional SuPscriptons. 1.T IIL .Ttlt sisgi._11 A 1."s
01-1<;Faos hri-sirtaMssis] res W. 1.5 . - Ilhiiisilvrs Iit a~istitgiat.tdin-
narrimtn is e''se-I'res (h+ . i's . lislses,,\IMAVII MJAQtIIC. s .) hlies or laie ds 'thous cCiiihiss.
Cashisers:l. J. 1 IietAssst;Cashier. Sinco 's' Ii'last f iussusssissh reot iii'lthe
A ness' setiosn (EU s)oCeets se )2 t
wo'muue'slbuiditg tfud.thie" h'ulsi'issg ittshtstisi;5's silt hei'oIcuih ts u'cs'i ---ss-
L owney's Chocolates. samoutls hIsi'ls'i'enre's'eised, its uad h'tot. Hlul st2 p. ti. i: ~o.,Itt., isSPECIAL.
]otfsLuncies. i 1)o 2.0 it sma115l1 iluseildhols: Wish, Msui'., 51in oms-'7. 51'lICANZsellSuitsCasn sd Pt
Lunhe. iesLitesa'y C'tss, MA ll'sle'ens, A.11'. BIi'.li1IAN. Dat pros t uit5 everybeodiiy se asosdo
- -repiaiisg, .iing i d prtehssinig. iWorks
I$5 Detroi t eliilsal'y ('lts (1. DHsielsthesecondcst emalester 'ielab-Isscaaledl for sand dSelered. No4 .Sta~est.,
4$S.Sat S. FUNNY SKE TChE S iVA)VED. cesatisy f gelel hesitrty svil lieC
_______________________________________opnIto stdetstahsforenoots assdl IMiMARTIN,5'iuneroh lDirctr, Cloth
_________av______________ lsinitg ecishehd h i it ast',W 'ort ctpern. ssislctllei sl'sistslis iSluradsue
____________afternoon.________Thiosue si- i s is to scre Coi'iniss. ahisn ia Speialy. N. 1Il 5.
I p pt E stas n Boasrd is esinslis aof geting 1. C. FREEtR. IT.OF ;17.SHAVIN lPARLO,),aosd BOtl-
1 I sa5 isttaiy Isiotues SIeclis of U ir- I pard Atl "5'5i'utitl ssilrst elsiass.
psosite ~ L~s'' S 15,000.'iII5NStic 5ar Sss'eiis:ard batihigparors. 30I.u.
ter bou the"slyr ns, ake aLneu ilaeticket with lateCtal si 13NYO ANCyosue~ktcslae
sI~eclsail pit i il ths lConh~s id 11:e est. Cvering, the i'FV iu'i' ii. i5'iSeOr re silns galS irs.
hreey se tadpti n h a-Fn lO er Slcsla's bsuxste . usss -,is
taliusicltrihtiotn hxes in tie main four, B. &. C., H. & D., Ohio Co-oraory apros mnase torder
Cheapest place to buy it hal. tal ansI inlssssesale oler sysems, is
is at - -is the favorite Travelers' Companion.
iatOver 10000 college meninIl the
Unitedi Staes are oay wearing fin- A llee a~i'ltn fit of nesv Dely ~ -
I S~[ S~ [p1 rn Pont hdes iss 511tlr c L n'S I Sue'CIVUEStII d
SI ELi piEiam founrnate aags. to. hrasp lssihas' e lhlells
11 W. Washington St. frontl Messs. Wigl'ht Kuy .& Co., of PThe Aguso lso. indssey will kees CHICO & AISKERADE COLLARS
I otrot--ansi specimlels of thisr work open'evei'ngss to accommotldat stu-
B jo~ lu , u na'a u , Sro a e s ultteredsfro 11m t e A tln ti ec to lt e d enis com n ig to t e p st t~ ce .B r i g OD ENA & PA TOKA CU F FS
ing and Athletic Goods. iana-has'e hs Olnst that areIllatli- See our new lise of Bay Cariages. LATEST STyLS
___________________ atured In this country. IALLERt'S FlRI'it'lttE STONE. _________________

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