OCCUPIES 4 among the college organizations, andi work, the first one at the office and
DISTNCT OSITON ,would give it unsolicited a cordial the last one to leave. At the end of
supplor't, it wvould relieve the difflesel- the six mouths she returned ithe bar-
IN IUN IV ERSI TY LIFE. lies of the' hoard, as well a angment rowed sum, and later sold lihe busi-
ihe efficiency of the Mission. nes at a profit of three hunndrcd ticons-
STANDS ALONE IN A FIELD It is nmost earnestly desired that the and dollars.
OF GOOD WORK, hoard may htave the co-operation of Northwestern's Schedule.
------all the students and that the Flowes'
Extends Privileges and Conveni- Mlission bha saintaloedl in the posi- Northwestern]'s baseball schedule, as
fences to Sink Fatients In ]ia]e t liesasflo :
Hospitals-Ambulances tion which it has gradually comc to aesg' t oebs sflos
to Be Frovided, occuspy. II. V. B. April 29-Universily of Michigan at
_ IEvausiton.
As the hoard of the Fruit andI Woman's Day at Newberry Hell, April 25-Universfly of Illinois at
Plower Mission has only reently beesn heopnigaxeciesofthnWos
Y Th opeingexerisesof he om- Aperil 25--flush 'Medical College ait
appointed, its usual work is just he- an's Day services at Noe-harry Hall Evanston.
ing taken ups for this yetisr. Thse aims Sunday afternoon consisted ot scr-ip- May 5-University of Chicago ait
of the organization have broadensedtlure reading, prayer by five younsg Evan,4ton.
constierably since it was stert ed see-- ladies, ansd msusic, a cheoruss "Neacrer Masy 9-University of Illinois at
oral years ago. Then thse idea was MIy God to Thec," a triu 'Lift up your May 12 Uiversity of Chicago at
simply to take fruit ad flow-,ers5 to eyes to thse hills, whence coineth help." Chicatro.
the hospitals to msake life. plessianter and a solo by Miss Potter'. fleece Miss May 14-Ens Medical College at
for the sick there. Fisher, else ladies' president, intro- Chicago.
To extshe to now studlents and leerezd She speaker. Itev. Alexander It. lunee 2-Unsiversity of ;Ili-higan at
othsers wls ia do cat unsdorstasslteeGay. Mie~s i 1ssEier said Itsat, owinsg T emnte ftei ieepel
position of ltsa Floweer MisMn Boaed, leieresdiseeto iawes
It esay be said, tin t lisaWoman'es in S. C. A. wves-k this yeasr, it hnl fsor ciarngeM inesaccuakesFoxest in-
Leatgesapps~oints thse president, ased Ilseiths first timse sesmed best to haesea als- elee
presidenst thea otheer embsslers. 'lis Womssn's Deay, seedse tihought theoy
hoard simps~ly constitlutes cc.evorking heed been vary fortunsate in secceriseg :Harvard Summer School.
rommssittee. Every stueent may case- Ie's. Alexandeser It. (Gay asatie'ilieir v-tcores il be .icd e
sister lhimeself a sueseiser of lisa Mission, ispeesker lice ir-arel suiesessschsool ic 1S911,
sened thsesnare vitally eachis010ne, ies l'Me'. tGay begans by say ing thsat vervy exclusive of thsose givesn ice Se se edie-al
its isste're'sts Iis aoswc, thaesmoeper'Ir-often peoledsid no01peiaetlIce assdtdentel schsools.'Tle seseseer of
fectly -ill tts ideal be atlaisseel. ibeauety of -liseir ewes possesasiosa as ill sepplictiouls for memeebership is fifty
As tlee lnh alse see, duelsehlase IS olsels cctraveler would exs'lseisast rstgcle(ies e Ii iel
dee-olv-eldupan thseMissieon whirlstebe- lisa sighet of a hield of str-w or ecyear.
losng to soteaol'r orgacssizatisesic e saleor tink edies'ler, bes thlie Ilig;i]- 'ieii-aty S-eelo en
city. Tihrousghs its close c eese'ei ! lassoder wousn ey, "It is good to meakce xeill give a5 irogramse par-ly tos 15015s
wills tlce ihospital", it cease-uccei'rtsl peaiset." So ic'he -iised to toll aboust ansi theele friends this eveing.
w'orkeof se-ificeits nscesegivessno0 in-, Americ-ancs w e s's saseene throusghc Veslerse'rv-ice's seill ibe resuese'd ice
diration. Seottios eyes.Ui svoesity illl eaetI:.'T'uesdasy Mr.
It es-assistye giecol 1o provide ac free heel Thiere'asee ieroines of the' iase wo Spitliey N1seinlg.
in lice iosiibes, bestltis isinssetbie ass'lo esraes'l iorIs of cickceeshs secl Jest rece'ived i eclot oset scatis>ets,
055 aceountslof the limciteed escceesset Of sorroes'icellice' fameilyes-idleitheiriecs- Ite;se alseed Matting st IIAIAT1I PS
roome. I'racceelly, it sees for thse last' banscelaere sneesle sees, gueidlinglice Ftll''t'IiUE S'rOlIE.
teso or theree yeacrs see'soccilislesi tier oceess gre'yieousci rosegle a lascgersecs Subscribe for the Daily.
scaeed; lthatis, it haes keetth ie voage. Thsere ae-. Ielesie ieelcfi'ees.__________________________
hositlisasetshlpatienss ere c-i Fiftsy yessago Ilsrriet G.II.iosecer
oncesosed tee it by lice clinical tao- snid: "There sreenon greet Ameeriecean
fessoc's .'laney lcrs beene ilet or g;isec sseuliplars or sculitresses. I se-ill bse
to ipatients for se-tenesacfox ew-eese." 'lie wssteurnced trom.ce o es- o
treatucest couldsiaffect a cusre. ee legs', halsueedced to enterineg see- to 1Isok at our N~ew Stock o
hlisiteel acesasst of meonsey ecusally at othesr, se-lersee s eeredel isss treet- Furniture, Carpets. Drap-
the cosuccesed of thce Missiohas l oad ed'' sceentfotrae eesteudentls; OS e-etlto erias, Window' Shades,
.it isupeacticeebte to attemept to care for Itocme, not to cop~y, but to se-rk ouet leer etc. People telltsus tcat soer
rases se-icbswould resmaein any lenegticass-n idoass, sandetoday leer seore is prcsactels-e.
of tiue. foundeln ee egeleries of Euroesiaant lidIe'" te & St angce r
Extendlig lice idlea of lerse-elig Amceica. No naeec is meore pcrecioesI-. -
When you want anything
nice in
and everything the Finest
in the Land.
latest 1hyngOute
Ye lde Tiye Stationary
50c a Box.
May be hard, but
Can always be found at 5 S.
Main St.
Don't You KowT
for the least money by trading
wiih us? If youe do not call
and see our stock acd you will
he conyi nced ot it.
H. F. Frost & Co.,
11 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor.
Adams' Bazaar
°coecfor'ls ancd conenecees for lice in Scotia., lcehee lato liberty, tihaensthate
sice, lice board twoa yeacrs ago tisoughct( of Ilarriel IBeecicer Sleeve, Whio wss~-
of securing an anmbuelanece. 'fhi esi- influential isn brinsging freedoom to
sirabily of this necasunre seill he very 4 Ameira.
evident to anyone seho stopis to case- 'lihere are hceroinses in bisness life.
otder the tact that thse only conevey- (Wihen Mr. Franke Leslie seas dyissg, les
anes foe' the very sick asedlice ice-Iss anme dishonored by business failure,
jured at present are Icacks and drays. he said to Iss"swife, "Mfiricces, I se-nt
Last ya.rtlie ambculance fused xe-sa you to take msy plan- till ec-cry ebeis is
well charted andl It is leaped.tieat ii padd, antd every stain is taken franc
may he cosapleted lis year. say name." She preomuisedi to do. so;
As in tee past fruit and flowers will ab se gave up her homse and leer jewels,
be taken to the hosptals, especially. and horrowedfifty tihousand dollars
on holidays. for six montes; in her msourning dress,
The suem of msoney required eareale the queenly woman went dlowen to leer
year to do a consitlsble anount of, husband's office, gathered the three
weork is not large. If the students hundred editors, printer's, and report-
would resneoneer.,that time Flower Mis- ers around les and said: "Nosy, I
loen ocoupies - peculiar psosition want your help." Then she went to
Nose. I9antd i1 W. Liberty St.
A girl may have time to
speculate on
"What Is Love"
but a married man pre-
fers a woman who has an
eye to business-not spec-
ulation. Such a one as
Xsrs. S---, wno tradees
with G. and E. Dieterle, HE ADQUARTEES FOE
Furniture Store, 4 and.O Ci aIiBPS
E. Liberty st. !!ui~ -: A P
Bicycle W aists Housefurnishing Goods,
75 cents ma 'h. We make lvaishtcad Notions and Fancy Goods.
Corsets to Order. Fit11an'srsteed.
62l S. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. 13 South Main St.