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March 02, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-02

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nnnun5~ur11Y7n~c Today's Daily is issued entirely under the control of ai tile hlaies eseertet the "mntle
~~ BICYCLES ' women of the University, and is preliminary to aL larger youfti. to tiheir hoaceci " or to the honese
ifs ite tic ie sot edihtton to be issued by the samse editors about April 1. The liartieci ar egc fee t iee fueftier
Vrp nhk iibdio.tl April number of the Inlander Will also be issued by w omen plteasurne, whit)e tie ~omaecn stynci-
DA TOba. eLrec thce cigecy,. foeti studcuts. citemnc Iicid sunntedt the srbiccpile u
DA T Ntll____________ of onue w1ic ten.1 gfcown ghcc ime~n in its
It ec cc ec lnfl i1i Itil L'u; Peice Abhbot c froelal.W it imiittii' sine o t l~i n
- s ce Iu -rc ocece 0eciti' IS YOP X I ~ t 0cl Ycco Acc etct I} t icece
ciaitla"t cte fa UO.tr We itt hid glonves. (wthithetitc foigoci); Dre. A. Proudt cof ti caue
-ice11s toe tue jc FkS INAdl\C YET ItI. Presocot t, teatic tbtact stilt, turnecdi eno iitalysteosntdo
1 ha NHURo wbel tyicc 1,, j. ' iU S uL. i~liwn cicttcce; P7of. Me. E'. tCley, ,.teeate Ioc r o ec h
lIvi di'tccitceetccci n c iccc ericicci c atc}i cy, Procf, ttc-cicisicci ctctcc -ce.i tc- decrb th-'I s emi
leic. ii tiestbta cicci cc cici illREAT LEAP YEAR PARTY THE c cec'tiitlie;Ii.Kcitci Isewhat he bal ahsviHere
sett 141c CLIP-PER rc lice i; LARGEST EVER HEiLD IN
cc' I t$5tocc -&5 c ie cue telli6 TNHE GYM NASIUM. tliinci' Athict cicci; higc t t~aicceicit, tier Lecaic Year Pcarty gstrien icy tlie
Pamett. tebceiaioreiy ccck snit, ridl andc bclcck tic-; P'rof,. iIvere"ito girts list. Scitirclcy aftir-
THE AN N QA BORl ORGAN CO 0 en's Bu00lfoethe- unroeT a n clci.ct ciccrce'Ate 300 ntooit n ciccctn the Wapc'teman tyiiiicicciii
getrueblcti;Po.HdoS. MsAINI Sr. k4 CtonotesPreserct- Whet the Wfytceiihattc;[ef Isitecc a c ie tricciecscc'.
ss z 1 chaperones Wore. icicic ic etei cccct, fccsesc; I~r. R.. S. (iccte- Tthe chacpcier e ccciii ccs dcracpceec
icicic, blck suc t P lrccf. A. t, )1lc ccIgii ill ycteci ancic Siec, cicic cccii ttle eci-
f ~ The grccit Lcact ccar tHccp Wasci tcio lii, Saclc iic ec' Attbect Prccf. 1Pc ttc'e,lccicwcotcigtc'Aicciciitc.
tLhe uoG ctctheAexnifa i iflfi focr cicy itlig, cnd icoei-tici' sccl cccat, tighlttrucccscrscc an bleche
it cis itt oier, se''c ]ike' cc ic e tc s titieii ccProtct-cc cdcccc foct ti.n. asc.
tcc, tte' ti f t'tccl tcccccct ctt cciiiic ct i I . tc rc-
tric iic For Weeksc'IV cc tite' taltkcc of lr " 1 c-c 1c' Itti ic Aitccr'c'eaccccl l'cf. IIlt, rctcii cIci-ec' V rc-y ccc rtg a-icct , t ceIc
Godtraitincs.Stn i'ltcc ef ~c ilt, tcct ic-ic tt~ic- ccf yec.c ticlugI ticciire0
1-4 "hear- 'tscici hacve' tbeenu a, fluittran 1it te-it ts Cootkit, blck-i frccat; RclIegent.iiiici ciiie x c ci ti'cci
ci ' ecc a rn a y c iv r it cccii ciiill t 11'. J. t'ietc'u', striptic ate ciitro lc se gu ,tcit iiig ic i'iiilcti i ttf
Foull line of Baseball Goods tt }t auce.clcti ic iicc t cc ~ iiiio ieeiciccis t i, cit' on itoiuinto icrc' citat.
'for the Season of 1896. fi1, ofet yene goici toe yecirer ccciii~ne
ruetl cre' yotc goicci tor ciciu-t Iatt citn atih' proifnicnct ituctics an It cec e cc tihuc doubct the ti c cet, andt
y~rt rt.)o oi o yr ttyric ficicii woie' ucca'ly thandsoteous otnice of tie' mot successfcul tirccecci
See W~indow for tiii ciccigii'r1 cicuoliccec cit iucc es icc ndc cccii-ct floers-c. Aotng rcuicci ccc gutu icc tic' c yicc-coiic cccim i tic' rtibt
cccraitin,, cc teheuic cts. ccli', y cc if' Prsiticiil, elly
° ~ Prices cuset ito nuc cccl.- ticic cv~lut . Dcgiti yctti , tilc'fi-i ctt cicy ciiiu lic cci ii
ic-t citci tecc'; ~r tcccutcccc cuciu l oo itcui asi- tctcncf of a, cuslccctly cccclig-
-It cca dark lciy intcedct a tic- li erti yc-c cint yeiowc cccii clue fccct of wocdie- -
ccin pwIcciicfcic, huncdrced'cs f youncig
ire a few Odds and Einds cit-ct r c pccc tuceicig forin, n ccicitt l pret riccccc-tcc, Iccifr. J. It. Reedt grey'ltttigcccittc ti cctccci
in Sweaters. tecyslr cicicici so ieccc'fcl ihut cci mcigh ill('i fcuci t-icceucci cucu gey tous-dakicies m cingleicc c elti liscte-ly-
ticioe ccnlr Icc." c'i ttc t'ct icit u, o-ct' iei Iccttcil ccgcci cciitrs of tce' failictiy cndithle effect
I cit~~~~~oe forli t ih t i' i ote cir A i o e hi .an ccci rccceedi Iccc ccii tare drulit tofc oiis etiiukti 'tit~fciic
ST AT E ST e j lect, c-crcriag-'s itboed-i andc flckit pctecni lithe ducts cttre-cc uctui c igc
a ecighti licicig ocic sc'c'n ccill ccit
________________________________________ ltle. tie ii odtte wote tdtly itfit] f-icct'.uce' comenti'i.
NOTICE~cccc tic'd faigdc betdipnut. ils'
I~P~.A~T ~ iiictt cipuuuueicicc ie"ite ticcicy- laictes of tuc fcrrtcty coec' t -roty lcargecow ec-ea s civic-. t-u it
it ii' ilcit' cii-. icc-i-fi'it cciii tic it rccctiitct cciui ii tituciins. beciig e-ticiicicte thact tle' peopleiu on the'
clc-tt thu 4 ct -s cc-cre i' l acec lite, Mrs. Atigell benct hrc u1)tuOci a li lii tic ti' floor iinub'fu't iie~t.'f tirtern cc-tu
'HIrt bay ndreout exd, ltl apy' titcietio ic iscowtuig focur
ft-'tt'ft Theiic Leading Ala or yoh< ciiei cco io culc'it' ccri conii- tiii galery- anit runncig track cc-re
The Leadin Tai or, (yucuccsiuc tthe stccoe Iccs tnccetel inigy ceoucti eof the ticicitl tc-cftea.trsciclcetcsc'tto.Ot cttieu
tand only direct Imtporter in lice city, Iitiiitc cierotu ciith tic' r-iiots.uuc Incicu hiatitituyccii 1c-.tc' A
has jest reeived hi' encitre stork of itn Ir r.An to (very "tul in cle ncive'rsity, soccuci
Foreign and Domnestie woolencs for ciliay cc icreftuity e'scotedc tby thu~r te Sha wer ancc c ii' , tu etg lice tcfltators, teccuc a ii outof olucci peoplceu -e
Spring antd Suimmuer Sit, at gaulanit swainsto pacrdton, I mceanst ucucilcII11ena3ydinfe ae rurlt ieset itisncdsfv tat ha
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. tee lt' teesso moanus; cult the lolucg out fee the first t' yotuing andt t-c-,ic-iy younuig ccc iii ti c-cu e ac- u
ruil Dress Suits a Specialty. ccn tiboo-art the (titiicuccisic t cie yaouths ito tinu fulil glce of socicul ceciteet cc iticut dtelcac cr te-ciaia:
_________________________________ -uocy tbtirocugech cndiiy h lif lcs[ itio gy'isc Nlcay hi tcciocy-, genertal chiri-
TllO tle lucuge edlifie' ccas fillted isic'to cce overoec se til Ieucuc macll, ucrcceptct at dut ccecry iccntoucct
AH 'S_ B OKSTOIEfl - itocin, gucluty acid utuulni trackci iceei preovtted ciy talt girls andctl Iueescucecsccielhuautlic-tcui
cciti siu'cctcceci, !ce fleo' critic fair ccercc given to ficeti' gnenrts aitheiy ticfte' o sut iuc uuu-I i cl (cc
We cccii sutipl yenancit at tte ulowest pclgi'touii ct itkscictc' 'uiig'ltotcci icocguuuu its iel ito ee-cu icc uccic'l accl te-
uciee ciiehgecut Coic blaec ftrc coct; hugeuct Slisuily after qc ith' first strircns of ihundrcedi dolicars is souica-et i nu' ce tle.
thitccctsit[c's ppnit te mcaini eniueu e abtooth liii hazcy coclte ltilstl't ticeecigli lice amocunt, candc iuc ditionc Iteigenut Btuc-
IJUXJgrucceftully fiotooieth Icc c-allege celersI atmuotsiphere, andcethle' dhnce 0000 on bourt donaictdt $£t00.
for the Second Seemester. Liege luihua t been -tt trepa e foclue cipeose i ls ttle Cc hither cci t ittcec, fcanned'c 'Tie ccuricg's foe the cicaiseroces
stock of Seconudhanud Text- Acnd lucre beeac'tth the c)Iaviuig fllo ticeir tcctitnucrs or taook thecu for re-c<e: rherlfr34 cita tii
Itok t peil(rie the grace citt becaoty ofth ie iJniver- f'esiucctnto; stately' lcc'fessoca joined'cth lien gyucicaioco 000 Ice silent acid
LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS, &lIT stood to rceeire thue ocirtieiicucct. iii lice proenadeicces anitchite delightedt empctty cueve bcilefoe acid licegra

Writing Paper by the Pound the, They vee ch larmningly gocicc huutl spcaoscctlclfructu alr cJuie ecncryo Iu et'o i-r
20e and 25c. Solo ageotfor Water- tdeserve cice thcan lt 'sg cu~ion.seceaouenvefataln iiA rtthalacc'itclc'tuco
man's Ideai Foiuntain Pen.scnatncnoefcn ti ad A xttdelfcritelcsup,
bt'ioat i aenf c red la toreictuAl beccilheiug. thce cocciittee in hitche of the affair
tern- Aouc an'art to6e-otfu At 5:45 t1hc daaces; dis versedl. The n elo yu t o
A ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ clta hIltle w ciih fernt foliage, tiect sciti adprtcllyuo.'hgerl
hUp Tows, Dews Tows. lavendaar; Prof. hD'hoge,, ial -Ic .suitJ ebahperos cero easily Cocke'd icnto chair? azz,
lisivorsut7 Booktore, Opposite Courthouse'
t2l S. StteSt. 4 N. Mats St, black sattn four-in-had Pt;hrof'. ,tanley their ciurriages froelt et chily c to s (Go ztinu on Second Page.)

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