.VOL. V1. NO. 107. UN\IV EISITY OF MICIJIGAN, MION DAY.,M'Al{Cl 2, N 6. SIX PAGES-) CENTS. nnnun5~ur11Y7n~c Today's Daily is issued entirely under the control of ai tile hlaies eseertet the "mntle ~~ BICYCLES ' women of the University, and is preliminary to aL larger youfti. to tiheir hoaceci " or to the honese ifs ite tic ie sot edihtton to be issued by the samse editors about April 1. The liartieci ar egc fee t iee fueftier Vrp nhk iibdio.tl April number of the Inlander Will also be issued by w omen plteasurne, whit)e tie ~omaecn stynci- DA TOba. eLrec thce cigecy,. foeti studcuts. citemnc Iicid sunntedt the srbiccpile u DA T Ntll____________ of onue w1ic ten.1 gfcown ghcc ime~n in its It ec cc ec lnfl i1i Itil L'u; Peice Abhbot c froelal.W it imiittii' sine o t l~i n - s ce Iu -rc ocece 0eciti' IS YOP X I ~ t 0cl Ycco Acc etct I} t icece ciaitla"t cte fa UO.tr We itt hid glonves. (wthithetitc foigoci); Dre. A. Proudt cof ti caue -ice11s toe tue jc FkS INAdl\C YET ItI. Presocot t, teatic tbtact stilt, turnecdi eno iitalysteosntdo 1 ha NHURo wbel tyicc 1,, j. ' iU S uL. i~liwn cicttcce; P7of. Me. E'. tCley, ,.teeate Ioc r o ec h lIvi di'tccitceetccci n c iccc ericicci c atc}i cy, Procf, ttc-cicisicci ctctcc -ce.i tc- decrb th-'I s emi leic. ii tiestbta cicci cc cici illREAT LEAP YEAR PARTY THE c cec'tiitlie;Ii.Kcitci Isewhat he bal ahsviHere sett 141c CLIP-PER rc lice i; LARGEST EVER HEiLD IN cc' I t$5tocc -&5 c ie cue telli6 TNHE GYM NASIUM. tliinci' Athict cicci; higc t t~aicceicit, tier Lecaic Year Pcarty gstrien icy tlie Pamett. tebceiaioreiy ccck snit, ridl andc bclcck tic-; P'rof,. iIvere"ito girts list. Scitirclcy aftir- THE AN N QA BORl ORGAN CO 0 en's Bu00lfoethe- unroeT a n clci.ct ciccrce'Ate 300 ntooit n ciccctn the Wapc'teman tyiiiicicciii getrueblcti;Po.HdoS. MsAINI Sr. k4 CtonotesPreserct- Whet the Wfytceiihattc;[ef Isitecc a c ie tricciecscc'. ss z 1 chaperones Wore. icicic ic etei cccct, fccsesc; I~r. R.. S. (iccte- Tthe chacpcier e ccciii ccs dcracpceec icicic, blck suc t P lrccf. A. t, )1lc ccIgii ill ycteci ancic Siec, cicic cccii ttle eci- f ~ The grccit Lcact ccar tHccp Wasci tcio lii, Saclc iic ec' Attbect Prccf. 1Pc ttc'e,lccicwcotcigtc'Aicciciitc. tLhe uoG ctctheAexnifa i iflfi focr cicy itlig, cnd icoei-tici' sccl cccat, tighlttrucccscrscc an bleche it cis itt oier, se''c ]ike' cc ic e tc s titieii ccProtct-cc cdcccc foct ti.n. asc. tcc, tte' ti f t'tccl tcccccct ctt cciiiic ct i I . tc rc- tric iic For Weeksc'IV cc tite' taltkcc of lr " 1 c-c 1c' Itti ic Aitccr'c'eaccccl l'cf. IIlt, rctcii cIci-ec' V rc-y ccc rtg a-icct , t ceIc Godtraitincs.Stn i'ltcc ef ~c ilt, tcct ic-ic tt~ic- ccf yec.c ticlugI ticciire0 1-4 "hear- 'tscici hacve' tbeenu a, fluittran 1it te-it ts Cootkit, blck-i frccat; RclIegent.iiiici ciiie x c ci ti'cci ci ' ecc a rn a y c iv r it cccii ciiill t 11'. J. t'ietc'u', striptic ate ciitro lc se gu ,tcit iiig ic i'iiilcti i ttf Foull line of Baseball Goods tt }t auce.clcti ic iicc t cc ~ iiiio ieeiciccis t i, cit' on itoiuinto icrc' citat. 'for the Season of 1896. fi1, ofet yene goici toe yecirer ccciii~ne ruetl cre' yotc goicci tor ciciu-t Iatt citn atih' proifnicnct ituctics an It cec e cc tihuc doubct the ti c cet, andt y~rt rt.)o oi o yr ttyric ficicii woie' ucca'ly thandsoteous otnice of tie' mot successfcul tirccecci See W~indow for tiii ciccigii'r1 cicuoliccec cit iucc es icc ndc cccii-ct floers-c. Aotng rcuicci ccc gutu icc tic' c yicc-coiic cccim i tic' rtibt cccraitin,, cc teheuic cts. ccli', y cc if' Prsiticiil, elly ° ~ Prices cuset ito nuc cccl.- ticic cv~lut . Dcgiti yctti , tilc'fi-i ctt cicy ciiiu lic cci ii ic-t citci tecc'; ~r tcccutcccc cuciu l oo itcui asi- tctcncf of a, cuslccctly cccclig- -It cca dark lciy intcedct a tic- li erti yc-c cint yeiowc cccii clue fccct of wocdie- - ccin pwIcciicfcic, huncdrced'cs f youncig ire a few Odds and Einds cit-ct r c pccc tuceicig forin, n ccicitt l pret riccccc-tcc, Iccifr. J. It. Reedt grey'ltttigcccittc ti cctccci in Sweaters. tecyslr cicicici so ieccc'fcl ihut cci mcigh ill('i fcuci t-icceucci cucu gey tous-dakicies m cingleicc c elti liscte-ly- ticioe ccnlr Icc." c'i ttc t'ct icit u, o-ct' iei Iccttcil ccgcci cciitrs of tce' failictiy cndithle effect I cit~~~~~oe forli t ih t i' i ote cir A i o e hi .an ccci rccceedi Iccc ccii tare drulit tofc oiis etiiukti 'tit~fciic ST AT E ST e j lect, c-crcriag-'s itboed-i andc flckit pctecni lithe ducts cttre-cc uctui c igc a ecighti licicig ocic sc'c'n ccill ccit ________________________________________ ltle. tie ii odtte wote tdtly itfit] f-icct'.uce' comenti'i. NOTICE~cccc tic'd faigdc betdipnut. ils' I~P~.A~T ~ iiictt cipuuuueicicc ie"ite ticcicy- laictes of tuc fcrrtcty coec' t -roty lcargecow ec-ea s civic-. t-u it it ii' ilcit' cii-. icc-i-fi'it cciii tic it rccctiitct cciui ii tituciins. beciig e-ticiicicte thact tle' peopleiu on the' clc-tt thu 4 ct -s cc-cre i' l acec lite, Mrs. Atigell benct hrc u1)tuOci a li lii tic ti' floor iinub'fu't iie~t.'f tirtern cc-tu 'HIrt bay ndreout exd, ltl apy' titcietio ic iscowtuig focur ft-'tt'ft Theiic Leading Ala or yoh< ciiei cco io culc'it' ccri conii- tiii galery- anit runncig track cc-re The Leadin Tai or, (yucuccsiuc tthe stccoe Iccs tnccetel inigy ceoucti eof the ticicitl tc-cftea.trsciclcetcsc'tto.Ot cttieu tand only direct Imtporter in lice city, Iitiiitc cierotu ciith tic' r-iiots.uuc Incicu hiatitituyccii 1c-.tc' A has jest reeived hi' encitre stork of itn Ir r.An to (very "tul in cle ncive'rsity, soccuci Foreign and Domnestie woolencs for ciliay cc icreftuity e'scotedc tby thu~r te Sha wer ancc c ii' , tu etg lice tcfltators, teccuc a ii outof olucci peoplceu -e Spring antd Suimmuer Sit, at gaulanit swainsto pacrdton, I mceanst ucucilcII11ena3ydinfe ae rurlt ieset itisncdsfv tat ha NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. tee lt' teesso moanus; cult the lolucg out fee the first t' yotuing andt t-c-,ic-iy younuig ccc iii ti c-cu e ac- u ruil Dress Suits a Specialty. ccn tiboo-art the (titiicuccisic t cie yaouths ito tinu fulil glce of socicul ceciteet cc iticut dtelcac cr te-ciaia: _________________________________ -uocy tbtirocugech cndiiy h lif lcs[ itio gy'isc Nlcay hi tcciocy-, genertal chiri- TllO tle lucuge edlifie' ccas fillted isic'to cce overoec se til Ieucuc macll, ucrcceptct at dut ccecry iccntoucct AH 'S_ B OKSTOIEfl - itocin, gucluty acid utuulni trackci iceei preovtted ciy talt girls andctl Iueescucecsccielhuautlic-tcui cciti siu'cctcceci, !ce fleo' critic fair ccercc given to ficeti' gnenrts aitheiy ticfte' o sut iuc uuu-I i cl (cc We cccii sutipl yenancit at tte ulowest pclgi'touii ct itkscictc' 'uiig'ltotcci icocguuuu its iel ito ee-cu icc uccic'l accl te- uciee ciiehgecut Coic blaec ftrc coct; hugeuct Slisuily after qc ith' first strircns of ihundrcedi dolicars is souica-et i nu' ce tle. thitccctsit[c's ppnit te mcaini eniueu e abtooth liii hazcy coclte ltilstl't ticeecigli lice amocunt, candc iuc ditionc Iteigenut Btuc- IJUXJgrucceftully fiotooieth Icc c-allege celersI atmuotsiphere, andcethle' dhnce 0000 on bourt donaictdt $£t00. for the Second Seemester. Liege luihua t been -tt trepa e foclue cipeose i ls ttle Cc hither cci t ittcec, fcanned'c 'Tie ccuricg's foe the cicaiseroces stock of Seconudhanud Text- Acnd lucre beeac'tth the c)Iaviuig fllo ticeir tcctitnucrs or taook thecu for re-c