Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the Collegb year, at
OrFCEn: Times building N. Main st., opposite
post office.
C. D. GARsY, Gr. L. W. W. THsAY'ER, '9L.
S. E. KNArPEN, '98. 0. IlANSo,'9S.
WV. W. HUGESe, '938, E. L. Gmsmmts, '98 L
G. B. IAsRsSON, '96 L.
J. F. THIOMAS, '97.
L. C. WALKERO, '06.
L A. Pratt, '2i G. M1. Heath, '96 P.
S. 1. Smith, '90 L. G. E. Shermas, '99.
F. Simons,'08. 1. B. Gammon, '089M.
F. A. Focit, '93 E. R. tR.tReilly, '99.
Ri, C. F alds,'991 M. J. L. Walsh, '9d 91.
C B. Roe, '98 1). Susannah tichlardson, '98.
C. IR. Sims, '99.
The subscription price of the Daily has
been redoced to $1LD5in advance for the rest
of the year. Loose subscriptions at the
Daily office or with P. G. bMeyer, C. of 91.
News Stand.
Ther OllilI;sfor the freshmanlin5-
door mseat promsise a goodtcoest't.
the fraternaities wish to wisi back some NEW MEDICAL JOURNAL.
of thte favor that they have lle('nated, Many Michigan Men Among Its
let them att least lmake same effort Contributors.
towrd ecocilatin.Numlber 1, Volume 1, of the lournl
A NEW SOCIETY. of Fxlocriiielial3edi inie has beeii
Call[sud fo a ivi SericeRe-received at the general library. Tis
form Club. is a stew muedical periodical published
by D. Appleton & Co., of 'New York.
A roll has beeni lmade for a meeting It to roited by William H. Welch, Al.
to be held next Tuesdaoy evening at D., of Bailtimiore, andtialnong the asso-
7:38) in the ski choaoel rooiiiints iii11 ciate editoris are severall former atnd
versity Itolh, for the lpurpose of torso- presenit U. of 38. Ilien. In the deparlit-
intg a Civil Service Rleformi Club in lnutt of P'ihaaology is .Josn 3. Abel,
the U'niversity. Thle clutb if formied M. D., of Bollimoic,, formterly lrofe's-
wlli be knowvn as the U. of 31. Civil sor of Mlolcriii Metlica boere. In this
Service Reformn Club and will become deptenitt also s Arthuir It. Coob-
a inemlber of the Nlttionial Leagu~eof ing, Al. ID., our piresentirfessor in
College Civil Service Rleformil Clubs. lsaterilt Mledica. W. H. Howell, 11
These clubs are as new feature il D., P'h. D., formerly professor of pliy-
college life, the N~itioua~l League hal'. sioliocy here, is onec of tie 'associ te
ig beentorolganize'lly11'list year, editors s for physiology. The collazbor-
bult lreadty local olishaicve been 9901's of expecrimiental lmalterial for tihe
fornied in all the principal colleges Utniversity of Michigan, are Di's. Dock,
Those ladies wvho wish to entertain
some of the Woinn's League girls in
sections of twventy-five are requested
1o sasit their nanies, addresses and
date's, of receiving to lusts.Julita 1.
Ilodge, 3 ladison st., rchair-mlan of
thes comlmittee isn charsge of Ilicoic re-
ceptions. By so doing they will gmait-
ly facilitate the wvork of the commnittee
in arran~gig for the entertaillnent of
all IAoluali's,eagtle girls.
jMediciel Students-Tho place to get
your hand of pocket eases siade as
you wvant ltemistoat tie AI'gus Book
Saturday, Feb. 99th
of Boston, assisted by
Admission, - '50 Cents.
S. L. A. Course
alid untiversities of Atterica an~d it is
"slolocted that a large nutmbetr of sill-
etis frono sit depsai~lllells 1itlaft-
tenid this incliug ated esltslolisli t
strong cluth here. The mttler is beilig
piromioted liete by 3tr. IFreslliiBumtp,
Lonibarid Ond Nosy. Prof. L'tsliig
has an article in this numtber on "'The
Action of 'iticline and Somie of Its
01110 t ENTIZAL.
Todasy, the Ohio Ceiltral adds a
fiothi t ii'tweenTledo andsol'-
The freshmnishiouldl be ecotrage'. landid s lpresenit secretary of the Na-
in thseir efforts anid every student wvhotoniLege.Tesllirtfpom
Cal lttllt hosll lo hee leileel int meto of till'faculty Itas beels
to lend proper e'nthus1iasm1 10toi('e oc s'cured'a'd t ithe leii neg ttM 111119
t'l15101. Iresident Apigell ald Units. Adazms,
The statistics g;ivren iii anot1her ccil- i Taylor, Coolcy amod McLausghlin are'
Sluliliconicerninthe aiimi~tout aid ulto expetcted to be pres'enit Olln deliess
the Ulil-irsily tllinua~lly by foteigno lie studenits.
sttsietnts ought to furever settle those The society has for its 19510 the iso-
chrtonic objectors 11110 are constantly 'notion of genaeral purity ill civil ser-
iin inz n, he o si, camaot 'ii, ,-Ivicclel-and imuniciplllt sforiii and of gis--
dent stludents. Perhapts such state'
mtetits 1a910 spri ng from la ck of in-
formtion. Ifstihe're will be no
excuse for thu in he ii'future.
tng to the stuldentls practicatl1919051-
edg e in the best nuselliods of accom-
Ilisliii; the objects of the mlovemen1'lt.
The consstittion of the Natiosoal
LeaigueO containis the followving afeie:
The National Leaguse of tGivil Scivicu'Tse object of the Nationl League'
lRefortm is taImovemlent ini a goott direc- of College Civil-Service' Reformt Clutos
Boll. Not so msuch can be said for tIt shall be to act in alliance vithi the
vat'iouss party organizaotionso:iii college,
such as tRepublican Clubs, Delmicratic
Clubs, etc., for tse time spoeot in tin'
Usivemsity shsould be a period for .re-
ceivinlg ishipressIons anel forming opin~-
ionls asie not for holding blinidly to
ancestral principoles. But such an or-
gantoahiosi as this holds uip geod. gov-
ernsment ill all parties aud cannot bells
hut benefit those in its ranks. The
meeting Tuesday night should be
crowvded by students.
It mlay, at first thousght, appear una-
wise to call tul the Annual Ball affair
agaiss but it Ivill be etter for thie
stuebent public to endus'e the prolonga-
tion of this discussion nowv rather than
to have thse entire lvraugle to go
through wvitho again next year. To
come to lion point, wve would like to
see some action taken ho settle thte
affair and we have as% yet seen no
better suggestion looking towafti the!
accomplishment of on amicable agree-
moent than floe recommedation that a
board of arbitrators be appointed. Ifs
Natiossal Civil-Service Reforsm League
ihn thle promotionl of this pusrposes anid
iso this faceiltatiosnof lhe correspoond-
enrsasod thie usnited action of thicrivil-
service reforim associationts of the
U'sited States.
Allsmenibero of '9'thhave won 1a
point or phointis in any field day since
entering thle Unis-ersity an~d are at
presenit in this class wlii please report
at Gibson's photographs gallery on Sat-
urday smorning ttit uoclock sharp for
tradk team~ picture. Bring runninog
clofthes. D. It. STUARIT,
Owing to lbs large numsber of orders
already taken for ciaps and gowns, this
wvill be the last wleek sn wvhich to halvs
them taken, Rosin 9, Main Building,
frso 4 to I6 p. in., Mion., Feb. 21, Wetd.,
Feb. 26, Fri., Feb. 28, A deposit of $1
wvill he required.
There will he an exaomination for the
resuoval of conditions in Physics I, oss
Saturday, Feb. 29, in the Physical Lab-
ocatory, at 9:30 a.:sm.
J. 0. lINED.j
lhmlshhh, Iandh its service is g;rsahhhy ith- r1 L'.bj z At ..,
proveed tby twoseheg ant Wag otm o- Wednesday, Marcli 4
binaliosh sleeperandi' r 01h lorlh cots. 'il1le
(Shies Ce'stral is 11011thse sioshtlcesirahlc e-- -
rosoe betweenl Toledo sd o mu sltth.
Marsietta o-rt'harlestons. It is this.0o11nly Ho. He onriis
slecloinig car lisne het« eesitheepoits
and the mlost direct one to the 115r
gioiasuE 13l'tLhilgisiioe for lbeON-
ecollfort of 15i555'ihh't'rs ahdlisto sees s iA ra z Lnon 9$
though Liihe-Isle of perfect 5s01vitc is
11011 reasched by these lasle improve- 0 Admission, - 50 Cents.
A fewv Imore colpies of Vaui hen's ST'I.JDESNTS.
Phsysiological (Chsemistry so Land 0t Tube your Nodast Work to
this A'rgtsBook Btindery. DEB V AAM Till f llhnflh'nnl
Letsp yeasr party Saturday afternoon VLIIIVSI mtruu !~nn
athue PGymnlasium.lhSatisfactioss guaranteed. t N. Huron st
EllsThe Tailor.,
- OPx am C HI CAG O. ,
Week of March 2d,
The biggest line of Foreign Novelties in
Stiltiugs -and Tronserhigs
ever displayed. A guaranteed saving of 25 per
cent on every purchase.