wid from phyonetnia throvighou t the 'tprowhi~ritfge about forty -seven baora-
state many valuable pathological spev- tory worheis. In dily lectures Prof.
iniens have been 1obtained, iandllit (isP'('0e(to ('1000ass11111011('1'fifty in the
hiopoetitat; these mlay form the nue- ft:tsemester and 1710 inlthec seoumi
Zeus of a. collection worthy of bein tsemeolor. Aii.'fro briie'o leturie
calledta0 lmttotogifaol museum. The elass Nwilt have oer enty students i"
Illlifer of sflcillielia receivedt 00 far the or. and Semlester. Inl pharm)acouiti-
Iblis year amounto to nearly one-thirti oat teehloooy Prof. Steveins, with one
of the entire colfection foriieif i the a h 0.111,ft10twenlty-tw o laboratory
last twenty years. Earl) oine oftneeiworkers. anot te 1(1(0onc' torture 1'usso
specime1nsiso tcareflly iieiiiiofl'rateit ill tie first semesoter (aniiitill>lectur1e
to biithi juniora eio r 1110110 h100.0, 11nd rclsses in the oseiodorseeter'. 'Iti'
11h1' practical valu~e of thle work toa tie claos ill thilolistelI (hlliatry to
slutt catnno1111t te ovcr-estitfl. teared forfby tDr. lferrto. 111andf11he las;.-
lave been lpurchased01, 00otht.'afithe l'o-ir 1111t lillft tlils year, hiit absenc'e of
0111110tine0with the ltelllltnIltioll of' trot'. S'rltfol-ero'eby flynMr. tII. Wit-
theofrshi'eol ll'illl, saetdtlftsections 1are'llill,of flh' u-tas of '94.
givili to thet'Olaso; each sol iiit ito lii lllf'vllilr('lt work1, Air'. 'Irse Aw ge
thusinoamidofto ix ill fis mIindlitto'n11(11Mr. Brolii Havei'tinueI(1ld lie
rlalt~ti il btween(0tie-o pe aria.ifli'i'-Oil) iartiupofileff1'e rtidideso ffpyr--
01110 1(nd1tff11'llllt1oso'iltruc0- li t ir. ll'litine n Im'. It ii)' 111(0extenfddflhe
- Oyltfll'tteoftudy of addtionlalteli-
'FIf idi'partmnit punsof tilitii'e. tis «oiiet eiiii;
(CHEiMiICAL. of tie tUniversity Wi t' rof. treca' t. ier. ttomto'r.
Lr1iI(,i3''imfY. l'onsists of the 'ii r.felit1111I'.('ri',
I 'leioof y, 'tllI'lai' 11111l't~rlo- tulti'Mt.Ill'.itz ('lgai'i,
ntiidaolatorforirsofli li' t'itica 'andIl lts. Mr. SInrer dvnc ilmirm-mitif-
I~hmiing I' lieni'awi nd ('1(11l'ilo Campb'll, Mr1111 h 'rtbo.ssibetniii 111111
(101f1'.alieiiiii edio12 11101 1111 s(1 1 lii ''1 ilr.soi k.1(1 1 ti' eliio '((i
fosieraratiilc~itnthel emioriica roii- Air.Si4 full wupo~n microff)e111(1-
blingtbai' oenlf'o rtoork (ei layou itslob i'of. Stnditi (10 )fls1 lllttllltnd
ao tile liro iftoli2andfitiol 1 10a.i'I hltlIflil I'll 11Vthe l' hut. 'Ito' pr-i
I (11111. Illff11'toilthelaboaor'y1111, if Ifi'. holriItill' from f"iif to~' s 'h,
dob~t, and fillariea ryude t tdkini one or fl'ill-fifl, to i'u iiifi iefiil ie lll'l11 l-
work tisll.'liliy, though (lot mwhlfly Citt ((fill)) gllide ilfl iii'ffini-i' tol-
ffeaearrfi work to being condtlledby i rubei'tol ldl'll:all otllll'ltt5only after
t'ollows: studlil'. ft; to til a n (ilfadesa irittir
I.+'. lo.irt'aiifio, Ihf111lr'11 t illliantomlly of fft'ecat Nwli't1is 1no11yet
riiots. fpublished;laiiiftlii'co'rsel1'i'o nt ther'-
tF. fI: . iilgldol1, 1011 filf ogytf w "fori' avaiilaible in tlirisform at other'
Iloivr of Asceli11. illotitLtiollO. Work in Vertetrate fis-
J. ft. flloc'f,.the lIIet peirlid lire- flofilgy to also, i'fcllll'd lt ff11' ilolllt't-
J. f-. ('liffordl. Iftotropicl'111thocr- siiihi ~iork it ondouctiedby fD1. Huiber'
1litroiii'reation ol (f certain jilas- in11wllHtistollogl'lllLaboratory if the
111011k)..I AMeil D feptmerlnt. 'Tfis! ts 1)11 iin-
C" A. 'items, fiiitiiyolo'y uif Dros- lIoltillt fpart of ftih' lllllologll'1l
eral. worfk, hutit o it sufiienl'tly' kniionto
(Mr. F". C'. IHioen, a tillci' study111. (f literary stuntsll .
Itrit el eftarca..
host' 01111I'll 1' t .llliilicil 1 om
o llll'il s.liO'feff'aiiitii'iii 1111,'. iro
ufur1iug thisayeaur ((llt, affiuruds-1111 in-
ti'olllill W thfits neiw.if.111(1 of iii-
tl'r('afing field-
'hefii' lfitclub laffoirdse iii11.1(lflllllt--
n'(eo fwil], oofogy ootsdeIIff1' fllfbll1-
lim~ited( to the afte'rnoonl.
in- tabl3es l il010 Iini'fao tIben for
tfirsit ol'1l(.l'l'2f, Iniiti 1.0 fedl
fill'the' serol orestethe'itiiitiwl
illl hi ((al')'eff11. Fouirfeenl'l1 tf ti'
otmr1ses of faboratory Naorftare gi 'el
dur~ing flu' eclege yi'tri. Ini nine of
thiesi' Cours', rl'italtlio in'a ii'eid, :ill
f~ibo'atiiry. *itinil thi'se courses tfilr'
1')' S011111' llet'll setionso lillvfig os~-
ornate lass -onk d(filugtflu'ear.')' 'Ito'
ttit'".lei' of thei'e lalb lratfll'1 coures
also gui' 1 is liman'y 110 Mille leetire
a total of orer -fob01tiifelnts, contminig
gi'iieatef 1'those of the tw'ou enle'ati'ro
of the plresenlt rollege Y-ear.
ImmlflualitaitivOedii'miiial workithelre
havie been this si'mesi'te'r 161 stollt 0.
ill thve secions,. 00011section hIaviug a
dif y 1'meeifatiom, theiiwork'oek ins; g'elmx'-
ied by tProf. .boll5il itndifthree as-
sistamnts. fmmquamfitatire andm'tail-
burgle studies Prof. 'aniboll wvitim,011)'
aisst'nmt h1100wtyvmml-eigtlfa'11111l11the
selomnd semester he 1111il lve 1moult
fifty studemnts imolimhe lba tory oadIin
the lecture course to somne fifty auhif-
teonlal persons. Itimorgamicemistry
fDr. f-o mbeg hasiotlvemlfy, aid In tfme
second semnluser be will have with Mr.
mie'nt ionudif 1)11oilier rea.r.'ho', (here-
1av10- tiiiil'coltitflilteil011-isin at C>e-
liltil.i' to(,lat' .toth,\ ourna 'ltfa
Alwr:-Il Cemca i)'110' f1iifaoi'.
1IOT'i'NICAII fLaboiramtor'y oil thei
L -ilOTiA''olt .1 secomid floor sonthi
avinlg. I 'llia'lrfil- hbuildting, is 1111l11for-
regloi' aa ork 111)111'framIl)Sto 12 1111
1 to I (lieloelt, both oi'iiui'oii'i'a. 'Th' ili-
-ttour and1)11)1 fio~loito oar.'V.AIf.
SltdI(ilng. I'm'sfesiir iif f(ftl'hil1". 1'.
cbulge of Ouglittifi'Ie 'iiysioifiy, .J.0.
Set~lof iurioo-k absent iimu lav'), Ilaifo-
ant pirofes'or, ill c'har'ge' of Stiwtri al(.
follymny 11(1 'illarlilceungiiiy,-.. 111. tot-
lia i'limd F". E. lullglfiioll, geui'him.lit1)-
sistammi. ,1.I. l.birfmm;Stolnd111(1lt. f".
('. fornm lud'ergr'aduat'e af~:l
Durlinlgthefists ei'ln'oil'1' of (lull
year' eoim't' inv'olv'inmg labora'toiry'
work trove bieen elected as, foflavs
1ff moraf fBiology, eighty-six stdif ('s;
Cell lMorlllhabogy anmidf'tysiioogy, tel'l
students; 'Morphoolgy 0a1(1,Pmytiology
of Flungi, threstudfent'; hmetiga-
tion-, three stutfents. The Journal
('lob-includes thirteen meomber' who
ourc's; fhin alt) tlunudily tu !;; ix1°1 tei w o neuu010ttluhtune f ufor101
'((l by otute lilli 111; iii Iirlfti' i A 1111sfltiortil~llf fillft if thflu'oref
an(utottllg '; A-tt; I fi''iuioi Iti; f It-lul s til.ititdfill) inlii' seairch' l:.1wf'hih i
gluful;lo :;fitia r1 u-iii'~s; tciefugfadd01(1' fo iu'hieifloria'ory 1t~if11,0111-
I uu'u,'u i. f elt-i is, hut (1 )y wli.' 011)-gagedu. 'lfiireusultuftaii thisfourkf are1
tilt; fi u'a'i'l i -.4, triieso<t( I- Illi. tuu Zinuuefuigluui 1o1ig', Ashl-
u)lh rfic2<t;clelloe 1 '. 1ssoluifa-the Al iiu'l' )11(1i itue t ilt.
i.IIe .id0'l= ilnl Atil fit'a lu' ('(f fiillothif lics.i
thirfeloortou ftitt' southfi 01 flit' if 1t itou -ee napea'riffll,,,,thuerefor'e almost
suhflt'illut ldet'sirfti'ucin fluI'I'lifueat ill oriuliticreolsi'lari-l. T'eiiI' 1 r1(w of
catflendaro. 'Thei'ao-rf If oy tsff('11(1 tius ((Ill iluvorakuis 'f~ety gu'u'at u
islnut i'roife'sasor I?. '. t ''rceri'oI'u'21- oIuxrtiuli111) al i-fliuigY asicucernl-uc
.''trueitrI. ". F . Ltii'e1)1111A s-larf'etf' u-tu ttlepIfIlyfif . 1-ii nd tolf I IiI-
111110t i faIe;.s. .. If. .ituiafs . It. iu' tii'f')fli'f01(hylufl.'
:uuuhu'', A It. flure11111 ii 0foui ngli.01110A 111it' holliejriinti il' ifs) ii'uiiu
flutfer. fihli'lelulla.'i huto t.ot(lit.ialt fit
'1 11'i'u'reiltiao' 'ulri'sit oifin't full 11)01'.fIflh' f'ayuhig--iil1.11) i'.ufuiy
ofi''uuicr fl f inte ll'i 11.- re'quired.'forfine)(ff1 lipis adultouf ,fluat ut' -iiuipif
hhe cuiputilt auut uoe-thiiro'(f It.11)11ifa tutu olnlul underlii''na'ti('f('uliti-
ofttelll'0 iili' fur till-ii' yer. Alfions.Ift t' h hyiisti' ishes1tofstlfudliy
eli'fi t.Ii'muf o 'i'ms'a 11 (Iihu'u-.utllib)s dul 1stuo-il s hs busufj'c-t;if hue VasaieaIo
aatf'ii - ae cr-. l n1) 3cuu-opifuil Oi the lmoihtfer''n'ue'of uwaves hue
twiu t0150 flheuhtepat uliclt: of Ilitil fo'(itouu'tfi' (:1ilIiuti;
andultIllit of Zuuihiut-f-.but tf' hetl'il lIieies rtato r'ebd- lucthst' hut (I' ueula ill
ilay, lit hula opuiin,otiuot t;o'iuo uteecl i's huhulli ry'totheirk'simleI' (111
lily Ziuuuigtit iiiui'rk forithoiii' au'uuuuu 1 l it 1111111 0 thliesi'1114!fll stldtf
of fliusi' course-~'s, .'1Il10llt liithe (liii ithIla i' lsllrl'. 111t 011 tiei' fuO1tuogiot
o'r'llBfloigy, 111' 10-0ot uuuras 11nIlL atetst o,11f1 iire'duoce' umntl liuoill1
vetbateflu'Mtorphlolugy ist'a'l1ilutus) flu typil ical ndsillt'f~orst;li b-
an111w1in llt''ertubrutu'hi i;-lull figy lhun's;that inmiflu's Na'ii 'a .'c i'" '1
it'olnfalnltil-l'Ai~tioiiyunit Elull'y- olitm ay be)' iiobtafuineiu'tthe fltattus
ology", bellibuirs). Bohine111s (f auurk thatifgviolil'hintll ifi'. 'I'husbaif hue
ar't' tahoem by studients aa'fiuu au-balia wiohies tfludy, llllhh~loiy hit' 0i'bs'lt le'
Oyluhhlltricaf tuuouu'lt'ugt'off tull(-subjet,11001st'Ioi1il ' cubs of hill1(ry tice('a10
Stmuemnts waho tre'-goin g Ino uuu'thiimit' fimnf 1111(1 fy a, tirefim i ofmuy of thle
gemnrally' prefer thu'a'emfebrutu' .+)mns iiple fuinmilint'ebhop's eve'ntually to
es. For suchm studenits tmere bias bct'mmdisae'r thic complex tProcesses fit
010110In .its highero'11n(dImore if ta'eooifd
conlduedtlfor a Inullber' of1'y'ar,,, amnlmfesfaiomo. Tble echief aioniof the
Course in Manimuaiian Ammattomuiy, wvil'lm explerinilentl psllychlohgist is then to
lmay be tabkem: for either 0110 or t«vo study normuab mmhntal life:tmunder exact