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February 22, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-02-22

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Time Table (Revised) Niov.24 185. For Leap Pe r artyShr W aists 1 XB AMESTWS, R X . y
PsM. ai ..CR. K& .
N.0 al and Ex..._ 35 00 Mall-........ 18 100 Dozeix received today, The Swelleet Styles, Extra Large
N.as teat-x.lb5 1 N. Y. Limedl_.. 0 sevs eet Daintiest Fyabrices White and Inlaid Collars and Solid through trains between Toiedo, Ohio
Esn. .SEci.....b10ll N. S. LSpieia...97251 Cleevs, Neweasty ehsbe isd o'elkl ocalfro sd nd Charleston, W, Va., Viat Columbus, the
Atatc x.. . PPcl C - . M. e o tyehsbe isd o'olkl o alfro ed short and only direct route.
AtlaticEx.... X39 PaC8C E ......1215I
t N. Eapreso...40sOWestern Ex--. 2 00 M ~~'s~BETWEENe
tR 8. Express --11 81 Clt Nt. Ex_..10 785 Toledo, 0.
tG. W.. Exccoo----i..Rn. 5 17 (6, 58 and60 S. ltanSt. 'Phone 164. Finxdlay, 0.
1. 1). & T. Agi., Chelso. A- t., Annl Arbor_________________________________ Kenton, 0.

..-.-.sl:oio$14to 30.iPnts foh o 10
Wle koowsthalwecanoploascyou and't
A byng spr..infunshings.
F.r J.Gen he
111-ine Trbli, oan,. t15:,1.
NR01470T. 014 0055(14. These questions0are s.200 51
7:2 a. m. *740a.mi.
*12:20 p. mn. 11:46 a. mn. on tloe bodies of fr-ogs which hive
4:15p. , 9:21p.m.,
All trains daily except Sunuday be-en killesd. Othoer stuidents oooaiy be
*Trainos run betwsen Ann Arbor ood ToledoOfl.se tdi-th efvsofrpr-
Ra.y S1. 5GREENWYOO,Agent ssl li~il I: 1:) f0s)0l
V. ii. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo O. t~in0u1o1t0 ii:crculionoi; otbers taik-
lu- recordiers ofth(eir plse, sto. Mo.
ANN ARBOR &YPSILANTI ST. BY, \Maylso s 0:0just sonllotosI arie
of e~llerinleiis 8u110 the time requaied
Turns Table, Oct. 27, 1895. 1for winksing. ie has fosundl thalt a
Leave Ypsilanuti from Congrens st., 7:10. 8:45 nion inaly moveos eyelids in 037
anud 1100 am., 1245, 2:15, 5:0, 0:45, 0:15 and
11:40 p. i eodsamrhs.aehsbentuh
Leave Ann Arbor Juctioo, 7:40,90:11 ansdscnsairil fc o ontuh
11:00 a. in.: 1:1.5,27:a5, 5:60, 7:10, 9:00 anod i1:15 cl. The apparatus01 which ho einphloy-
p. mn.
SUNDAY TIMIE. el wals mioo:dby hilooolf and1 h11:0 a1
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St.,i1:30,3:30, srro ny.0 cocs r ot
Leave Ann Arbor Juction, 2:81, 4:8,5:30, loi otli7ono~otloti 100
7:00 and 0:10 p. m.iri okn nc-rln~erls
Cars ran on oily time Fore: single tip 15 -0-
cents; round trip tickets 25 ceels. ce0llar 5lielllns. 2\r. 11,olt is olololy-
«u. PRKE, Spt. ig lhs effect of faitigueiuonSlO the form:
S-T-UDEN TPS T of iooosculaos corctioin. Othelr
pieces of olr ilo sor'-ill be be0:gunl
If youownut sgoodolreliaobloe1 life isuran00coocl)
on Feed 0T71 -lOno::i0cc -No. 1, S. tis oslllestc r.
XA aa 'j" '0' lohe Ieparnlell
ICAL of Ptioology ,v is
HUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST. LrLO5IOOiY. 10st 70:1ar0plced inl
Skates Concaved. (lielooandsoof Dr. lDock; 1and2und~er lois
Experimnental Work. sdireciioIoe llnilgenlelt of thIl'ootl-
ologlcal LO,ooliooioory Nosos iveol 10 Dr.
RENTSCHILER, Welloin, foromerly deoioinslooatoc 111
P3~O'T CP..&P E~L !clhoill oooooi-ho:T.efler s(:o 515:1) hi
ANN A BO .pas. lt 5su1011000iinVienonal engaged 10
ARBOR;__________ ICH.______________ ,irlcaliii rfor (I ie 00.00100rk, a11d i
HOT LNCHESAT ALL HOURS cctluil pathologcl liOr::ilfo
Chocolates and. Candies oc (lthtthole stock ocolioitio> ot wNoO-
-AT>'- 1-5il,;g tOtell~l eneilhOs ialmoost every,
205S. State St., Sooer Bmock. tellloilOUlicby01Itt 0
Large Line or P5,5 Pipes, Tsobaconrsano i 8; olboaoroy inll.lo oconty. OVil):
Cigoars. (lois1mater1ilthe otuclosli5,are :1010.11 150
supplliedsthilk±l sts01000"o illuoo:otllnl
RA!'~N D A L L ~goceral pathoology' ins:r vry oy 'at
PI~hotographer is givetn for post-gz,;.cl0.l~to studeOnts to
puuslec0011 lnes of patotlooieaoin1-0

Assortment evecr shownoooin Anno Arbor. Soots
owill please you tot 0o11 at onrlsaples before
stat t.Tailo r,
1:11 s001. gymth lsprat v (01i~-" 10 0 5 ll/. 'ol
to the tolls-si0510100, 001 11l1o1-cinui-:olc
of po0st-oonio ois 111a.sde 'r.ur th lb- a:st
(Wr~cig the- entio- ear0:11 10"he 11t
So importantlotis (lois,11:101 0f 0)e0woi-R
c:onsideored thalot nuot oly :s05,07. ef-
fors00ad1e0to secreiolo::pst.11or00001n
bult too sork is ocarriedt 01n lt sighot or
on1 holida~y,;ratlier thanl .anyOlIoportun-
ity shlodc be lost. To thoese os0t-
m~ortemos every imedicaol studen-lt is ioo-
vited switouot chatgs-; 1110 ju1i)r0 ::~o
senior clasoses are expecoted to be pres-
'floe lboroatory wssorso lo :00 tonsi
thouogiout thlbsye0:1, ths joonor cnass
being diidoedlinlosections0, oeach. see-
01(o1n workinocfor0 six ss cks, 0very
alftroon11111the week. loIonorerto
saovs all thoe tioiwoss0ib:leSfoor Oh:' studsy
of tioc sp:olcioeoos. h e,"0-tiowos 110
;ivento (so l as1s10 already s' tliil; 0111
of the mlod:ern ioethods of teconiquoe
Ilniog used and:1 explinedlill :11:1(.
An lidiidnual deonoostratonoois giveno
of eachiosploool, aino. tle stutdent are'
eqoiuired to lix (thbiruotoees,-ons by
dlransogs atndt soritten ldescriions10.
Besidleos1110re; ular olass , ollarge
advfa~ncedb claso is at work tmakinsg
systemaootic sttusy ini sp00coal lines. Re-
Warllehotrs of 51010001010010s11nd in-.
strtutiona0100gifvens to these 5students1,
boit the nosot promioneint featuore of the
wo-k is thoe Journoal Cluob wchobmoeets
weekly. At(loose imeetings paapcro 1u10
on the wool: 101 haodaied 10 a0:5 nod dis-
cuoset and specimens sdeooonstratd;
Sloe choief pooint, boswes-or, being tbe en-
largomeent of the student's lhorionl
thorotughs on 0102c1:itotce with imedicl
literatulre. All of bloc breisaraiiion of
spsecimensOl is ooe by (bosestulodenbs

Athens, .
Middleport, .
Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Pmro
Richmond. Va.
Petersbueg, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Williamsburg, Va.
Newport News, Va.
Norfork, Va.
And ol sootloooooru poots. Fegnt
draooig room cars ono all threugho train.
Po"ofrthr~er information cal on your local
MOULTON I1101K, e'l Pss. Agt.,
Toodo, .
U. A. PETERS, Mihgn Poss. Ageot,
Detroit. Siho
Grand Opera House.
Firs appeal nce of bhs Irs Character
Actoroand Comic Siger,
John 173. Brennan
in lbshenbe trs e leodama,
Tim, -the Tinker
ilentiful Scnery, Beautifnl Costumes
00100 Slo-IaoicalnScenery, n,fAirtcls
looeaicool toupe, snppored by tlhe
faouns TinkoeQuaretet
Prices, 35c, 50c and 75c.
Whocsale Cigars, Tobccos and Cigrete.
This Old Reliable
Ilanaever been equal- - jk
ed orreadiug, seolog -
ood office purposes.j
Thou buner bei rig sep-
arated fromthe oil
fooooo t. Itin absolutely
safe uder aelirelum-
stnceso. If your deal- r
e does not ikeep uem,
upon recelutoot7x1.5.00
hio elegant Nckel-
Plaod Lamp, imind-
shade end chimne-
ili be setal nnyadodrsn by the sole man-
factures, Man~hattin 1>.oane C, 08 . aitn
St. N. V.
The new styles have
arrived. Opera Crooks
are the thing. See our
FNSTRFER, 20 CWnashn
Cncinnat, 00
I cet my vote for the University of
Mhchign, Ann Arbor, Sich., in he con-
tet for the $1,.181 lathe, whiho you offer
to pesent on March, 1,86, to the techni-
cal school receiving the greatest number
of votes.
VoteraFul Name.--------.
Street No . . . . ..-------- -------
City------------ Sate.----
(Voters nmut be as lest fifteen yearn
old. Ladecnnt vote but may aid in
securing vtes.

15, Washington Black.
Call on them for
Fine Lunches,
Fine Chocolates,
and Baked Gfoods.
Try Our Lunches.
II Albany. N. V.,
Maer of
I Capsao n
for Yale 856,larvard,
- '93, Princeton196 and
may we nt add Michigan '96

se-ragtionls, in e xsoecs:ie~zi,-s, Skil fthoemseves, so 'that t(boy oioay becoume

A eolololeercan;oto.ilss :00e0n ooaeo
inthe Sl etohoos oof (tsl01it , 0,5chooroF
loavc Soc-too eoslixely lrophs)I"], asmtIIAloo
ilice 1100been tb11:::iby crecitatio--s

(bssrouoshhy famoiliar with oil-technsical
methbods. Rhnpho-is is Laid topon prac-
tical blooagiosis, oind Shoe stooterool fi'om
the hoopital 10 utlizend by (hoe clasos to
tis end. A valuas~ble adsditionI to shoe

bonl deosratio sof :7 575:oo):-s. hoboraltory' hao bseen omade in the tour-
Twso recitatfions aroeol weetkly vit): cliose of a carboooic arid. freeting mi-
(los jiuniorcolass, (hoe les--hsoobt Z~edoO ootoono,5sfolttby' the use of co-
beigthoe tratoslationoof tht j5!S'. c--li- prsseod gas, stained sections can ho-
tio'7sof Zesslbocs U.s-as-rshl ~t lw:s-cgy'.hoad lb foes-imintes after te arrival of
'the -oekssvwiohthoe senibor ciaso ise0--the maotrial froontheloe bspital By
thoessse of unhstainxed sectioons Amoade
!uponx this iciruton5m may' huporetntl
deoonstrtion of grss folioolot ch atisological chsangecan00101nbedeonu-
sp(oe-mint150amd to50 oss ooorseoi)torso::?: tated So mutchi bettor adsvan-tage tlhaia
I'11)0 part of Sloe svo is lwoade on by ordiuary onethods.
especial feature: thne ma-oriaoshblalisI bProm the clinics and post-mortems,

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