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February 18, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-02-18

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Published Daily (Susay excepted) during
the College year, at
Orese: Times building N. Main st., opposite
post oflce.
C. D. CATi, r. L. W. W. TIsaveR, '55L.
S. E. ItArcN, '9. 0.IIANs, '0.
W. W. tlcnES, '0, P. L. essun, '8 L
G. B. EIlAtsesssn, '050.,
J. F. Toos,'17. _
L. C. WAL, '0.
IL A. Pratt, '90 0.. SI eath, 'i '.
S. 1It. Soiti, '0 L. . E. Sherma,'9.
F. Simos,'0. 1. IB. Cmmon, '8 0.
1. A. F'cik. 9) E. iR. iR. Ieilly, '99.
I, C. apd5 '9 .00 . I. Wa.lsoth,"'001.
C B. Roe, '0)81D. Susanah ltilhadso,'98.
lisp subciption pic o teoSaly has
bees reduced to.1.2 i adaoce for the rct
o the year. Leve sumciptios at the
Daily olliac oe with P. C. Mteyer, . o 0.
News Stood.
We suggest that the 'aillollepelelt
that thse "football tauli will. itrive
]iloloy mioeling t 7:00standardC5,"
whoyiic.hs hslsitheboads n State
sreet since ovelolee 10les reelciid
the age niecesary for a lansfecal1 to
wrilikie's Dcolmins.
Thei' l'OiiilllPtioi sill te ;Annuillt
Bal11l1muddle11 ipublished'(toiay goes
straight to tile root of till' iiitter sd
mnst aptllsilto lt'e'lcommio-sess'of
every iesao nnlietet with tie ti-
That the echildtellsIioshne l'eslb
Iflitiy of liii' tllltile.1115 11a0wotgit
harmiiio 118 710lliversity t'oilib' dmelisd
bly no 011ewith telealllt lobservtioni.
T'he authlio of tils ollliilnieatiol, a
ity 1m1l1, 1its, le slys, etarli inil
a. position tojsdge tie rass' 0111ile
eX1511'seO41 commlloly reogil'dlfact5
'alen lie bings ip the injry tit te
inistitutioni has reeivetd threogi till
anltis that have beenl perforned.
There tis1110119y of oppositioni to te-
1'irseily from~ Withlt ilnd if, as0 the
Avriter sa1y, it is to be dsiidwitin
by deles to the seth oer schi affairs
as av owedly piate bals andwhat
not, its inlen~ic' itid numlibers muislt
inevitably derease.
Class of Six Will Receive Diplomas
Ci'ad'uating (erise of theCUliver-
sity Traiiing Scool for nurs will be
held in1 1110,lllllllitleltre of the 11(10
pital triday evening. '_^ebrary 21, at
7:45 olock A class of six will re-
ceive d11010015 '1The addrssto 1110
graduating class will tie delivredi by
Dr. W. J Iteldisal. Thle initation is
it general one to all wio feet interest-
ed. Enter at suden's entrance.
Argns iBindery does prompt antitor-
oughly np-to-date work.

MICHIGAN'S SHAME. sensationa~l. But those wha have Begin Trial of Jury Cases.
lived ait Ann Arbar Cnosv tlit the
. The practice court will begin the
(Continued from First t'sg;e.i stndent body at: the 1. of 01. is '0111-traof.n''essody ihIof
'them I certainly do not exa;gerate. Ilosedt of ladies; anrd gentleineil 15hoseT .Soi ngRo 1 bv'tcek
Above everything we need have, a ro.honor is exceeded, by.=011zo llne ay and D.t hevrrh'rfysh Co
tio1101, intelligent, deep-rooted acfec- lie not necessary to tdisco~ve'r this. es vi e''ePol s t ' id
tio fr te ~nierit-oonehin R H. TROY, A1. D., -91. ly, assault aiid battery. Messrs Mars-
whchweeptonceinth praeYale Freshmen to Row Wisconsin. ton and Nicol are the attorneys for the
-"olbege. spirit" We have bragg-ed ---saeadMsr.NufradLse
somlewhiat of the growthl of thhis arounad It has been ofticially aninuncedl tiltsltan Mer.Mufrnd ytr
thOYal frsih11a er<:wWEI rowfor tile- defendanllt.
athletics during the ipast few oyears, ii aefelna re ilrw__________
but iriore recent events showv that tile lagainst 1110 eight-oared cews of lie -llRPLBLICMfs'S.
plntisstl vrytedeUniveroity of Wisconsin. Thle titme A -meetinig of U. of '.N.tepubliceans
Fora ia~ t seec hi on fieds ndplae aveno ben efiitly r-wil be held tomorrowv, Wednesday,
l~ora iianto elet h 0111 eloldsand 1:1c hve ot sce deteielyar-evenling to elect a. yell: lwa istr,'r, ac-
and cormauoisad theii ceave 19 esexgetl, hot lie race willtaleik place tire yells for the Oielilgan Clsub11111-
theni throug-h thick and thin is astrop-durinig coiisilsncenis-it svek, either a~tOctet ansd to fuirnlishlltl informnation
er alldtdesirable thing. lFer a msn to fss'ew11Have11or lat Sis111 plc,1no1 faii'concerning she Mielhigaii Club meeting
triday. Let ev-ey Rteputbli of stir
11100thefsrler tel lf bniii aillfiss 11:1t rt~. bs'rlet'shiss fsshl1700 be present. Watch tile bulletins
lhllhlgolliziig ev-ery oiie else is uits'rly 111e'exclusioni of the Yale freshhhlslll for hotir and pliace of meeting.
unpadonali~lble. The oiiotiling 1s roll-cew romf-Sl the fressi~nsiii rrs'e between'l By ordeir of
si gent it 1th the nmost iiianiy anad t'olumblias,ltHrvahrdl,Cornelll,-insd this'l'Til'he xecth-e Commllittee.
slraslttforsvlrsl Ieihos'r:1c0' tshill- IlUnive'rsity 5sf lI'1119ls'Vihhnial. 'Po hsitl C heis-T-'to "1051115, '>(1)S.
ocrersy wsshiiultimaelyeOconvs'rts its 'if . of -At. hlI'plltles's will be1'fuir- Divtsioii st 10t
in pointIf sswsrthiinto aii aristoseracy. Inishedl banqueit tickiets 1by thelis' Oii
'This the hlinivI'rsity muth av~re for its gar)1 'Club at $2. All ot9her' ttl'lihel,iil.5
'sal dev'lopmenht anssiswslfasr'. 'I'ls'who -wisiito il t 'asI ni1sor.oihs'_____________________,__
oteri'tilhigis tdestruicttive ofall real OMichigani Clul) 111111p1a10' 90ill sldsittsih 0 -
pows~essithiin anitd111'llI'oute'sies' withl-ISo t banquet rate' of :;,. 11ois i
out.liot isi-lolers of thise-e 0111os 11110 hot(
F'inll~ly, it wIill be saillthatllth is eliass0 the e'vesning's, balh~lthcbut 111:10'IC
wsllnd llsl ell n ll, buit shalt are' y011hear tile speakin~g ainslf's' ts' bIsli-
goinig to(1oslot iit? 1I-el~y thalt 110 lllstelrs. 'j'II' lnArbsor tcl'cltilsth
suhlchtainge as t boils'for ee,coiiis hias b1e111 lt-OssCltt't 5011e5 ill-aril'tis',
save1'a15it sringas fromlithes'deveslop11-stpe'akers'0sta11d. Aunlithohhliy lilie'
mealit of anl til- il c s-sslts'.e siirit. Kahle'of tlilo t . s-o i 1' l ty I iade'. 'ls
ito10attaiiithese I know no15 1:10Iy(1111islhal1ttic'lght~in ul)se 'If y s'1_
II'lt tso loint 11111 andish Ilioss Calhily ior 111hse'loasi. It is 05111I'hltllg hills' ' spt
ashisnist11'y10thisa' littsllI' a ~lotlttss thessval-lgs' rlle.s'si 111"1n-Ilt's
cs-ssrs's of l'niv ereily solicy sansdllifs'. se'veraI llhusandl 111 t 1(11 l a sl~t
hot ushaie s's' t-ohysterissandsinioir' ansltis lone5511Wsill ls"' :sispls' l 'l-5:h
rlecll'tion. fs'thts'trill. Absoutiten olcf this' ihsisons t
PAI..A)leM]f tIAvssltsstvvAaaLM-'S l-sIt ~~tesiis'ii will gig Isl o 0.see themn
Communication, Durling thse t95'Iohl semester the 1:111- ,rwhr~
oratosry of genieraslhmistry will Iss'
lfslitssr of t. 5sf '1. tDaiy: otpen to shisdents bothifssreinooii andi
Inithis' Spndiy edition of tile F-ee afte'rnoon. Those whlo svish to securse/
Press t rend.sslltatemen'lt sswhichtiosloota~bl's siotuld applhy early.
al11 injulstice tOtlt'e ilests of s11ws' I. C. FRER.
t'lis'sreily of Olih ..It is 1151t5'1
exlamlinaltioni is to be mlade by soilSo El11t
sEllis, The Tailor,
the psrofessrs. O(til,.,is tgin11k l t

in tile studeisnt tprolemlsa0111 n11w1 a1test
is to be 111de1 to see if it t is iesesil,
srobasbly by aidt of the Cesokes 'i''ribe.
It is ssel kiiowni t1ha1t D.e. li'ge
tCibbes nessvsr 55ateliltiiio studlents.,
111105lie nesefounsd thiisuw.ittig ii
Dr. t'lnisbeii iadoplod lthis stf>li
aiis the resultos were equlsly satis-
facetory. Dr. Loyd cdid the 9:110tiling
aninhaiis very liege classes pwithi ex-
analtions es-cry twvoveeks lye shever
heard of any unlfair means takeii by
I hatse seen exaniiahtioils ('ndtlcts'd
b1y oiie professor uaid two sies aiid
"ponhies" svereercsent. Bu~t tileconl-
dillon probably svas produaced tby in-
feetioni. Whatever this course nsay be
certainly a n experinsesnt is tardly ss 1151
it csones after the proposition ilas
been demoenstrated.

Week of March 2d,
The biggest line of Foreign Novelties in
Stiltiugs at-d Trotiseriugs
ever displayed. A guaranteed saving of 25 per
cent on every purchase.

Nesvspapers 1o not alwvays give' jus-
tics to sttudents. They cannot a nd be IWAIT FOR HIM

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