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February 18, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-02-18

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VOL. VI. NO'. 96.


Is enough for one person to N
S play on at one time. One j
guitar is not enough, how-
ever, to supply 3,000 stu-
dents. That's why we have
S constantly in stock several
y dozens of guitars of various HK
snmakes and prices.
~I t' g sis me
1896. 1896.

Communication from Prominent
Alumnus on Annual Ball
Edttor of tthe U. of M. Daily:
Now that the diisgraetus squabitte
over the Annustal Bait sas ipassed isnto
ttistory and thc variouis smatter psarties
which hsave sprtung frosts it have, beets
givess, anduithse guests gosse sonte, 'wilt
yost permiit ass alumnsus of oite of thse
Patlladitumt fraternities, so-catlied, to
eslioy your columstisofor a word oi
trotest agaitist thesp tirit iswiscis
this quarrel has beest -iageut and tse
finsal decisioss reaciest? It has bess
with mingled feelings of assger and
sorrow tush disgusot thsat thet writes

- ts~as beeled the. fair sisnse of his Atiss
ECON SEME TER ti~es di iged ints use is idsu d
SECON a, tuln,tst -tork its i t'eeyes sof the

fraternsity or in the Ussiversity ait
large. Ansd for this purpose every de-
taill of tse tpresenstutistgreensent say
propserly be dropped osut of sighit, its
well as assy attemtpt to distribute the
tbtasine for tse samsse. Alt that is tptsl
and gone ansd we oughst to try now to
get aweay front the mtaze of contflictinsg
interests there intvolved andtih~e snums-
irsois imtitastintg, ptetty, strategic nmoves
of both pstrties, whether warratei or
riot, andu get downs to a sober loots at
tMe undserlyinsg prinscipls.
I ecannot imps~ose up~onu-tse courtesy
of this patper by asksing to tictis its
its columnsss at the tonggh neceos$ty to
ito it justice the variotus aspects of the
tprobltemts isnvolvedt. I shlssl simiply lsay
down its sicaeteg oriestt way a fesw
psropsositions wiihlt ilosar to ste its
lar-gest niesure self-evidtent. As sty
wisole tife hs obeet spetrttstiid college
sturrounsdinsgs t feetl tiht wills altlmosI-
esty I mtay fsairly ask a.itearinig for
sisy views, te mtore so intst lilsy
piersonalitceslinig brintgsstme ilto cost-
stant contacet wilsth issivcsoily smess
froinsstsittiontstilt over litecosutry,
stmsonig whtomt IIsless constinualsstc-
Itresios of sotinsionsuuon eotls-at
'flte pubslic svashrug of dsuryly has-s
its the marsinertcr -arsttrist lzisg the
tresesit dispuite tisrt-sils lteI snilver-
city to a dtegree whlichi io studsetpics-
tendiing; to esilt Ishtmself loyal wuldtt
for a ssoieut. conideltr if lie resally
knt-ew vwhat lie- as iloin-g, lhowever
greast the peronsal sacrifice(isnvolves--
its its preventions. Btutisiat fraternty
mtaii-durintgIsis collegs- says -iglesi
cs a miatter of facet lie welfare of bis
frastern-ity atgatinst thast of Isis unsiver-

any group of students, fraternity soon
or oterwise, to give a pri-ate party
and invite vwhoms they p-lease. No one
can qusestioss the right, however tassel
0550 maay qusestioss tse tasite, of anty
other group of studients to sects admis-
slots as guests or joint boots. But one
msay, nasy smsust, qusestionss whlether or
not, if the fratersnity systein cassnot be
so admsinisterest as to avoid such con-
flicts as the Issesent, that syste-aousght
stot to too destroyedi. tf it is realty
nsititstisg sagainst the welfare of the
U1niversity it wvill result in suicide-a
fact which college students sent
strangely iissible to unsi-tansd. tFort
ansythtintg which ti(s thue Univ-ersity
runs diowvn, especisally -itsquality,tout
also its quantity, miust ultimasts-ly re-
stilt in sipping the lift- of the frater-
nilties in it. I xatl3-thess aute tiisg
hoslds, ssssstsio stsutiis, sic sigardis
ite independ-enirt otscsesitisststo the fess-
lsrstitieo ---tlloptssiltioss which his
of tens ieen ltorougthly inst. 1Thiere lis
alwaysibeess sa distrssing amuntt of
conceited snobishnsisess amsoug thse frca-
ternitie-s, not sitisply as toward the in-
dettendent,,bittt also lowuaretearls
oilier. In so far ascthis is the cask'
the fraterstities sire tihorougly astis
raici-lly htostile tsothe geius of the
Vnsiversity stnd to thast demioscrastic
slotsit whtic-h ouight ts, be tthe ittide oust
glory of s-v-sy st tistitttion. N o
saimounst of stiss la s-stserioslsy injusre,
the Univsersity if it scities frotin withi-
suit. andsi utratitstlly toititgcs-itssave
it if it is tot-s wsithi strifet-inlt. For
sty sitnitpsart I have isotesitliott in
sattribustinsg silargeite-asitre of itse
tlke-svssrss alstssi slit-it to just this
last, ith iituisig lissir college days cc

New and Second-hand
will be sold to stu-
dents at special
reduced rates
At Sheehan's
G HThe Leading Tailor,
and oniy direct Importer in thse city,
his just received his entire stock of
Fore~ign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Summer 196, at
Full Dress Suits a Specialty.
We eats supply you atid at the toweest
prices, sit
VDIYaisily Jext Boks
for the Second Semester. Large
stuck of Secondhand 'Text-
Bookus at Special Prices.
Writing Paper by the Pound 15c,
20c and 25c. Sole agent for Water-
mans Ideal Fountain Pen.
UpTownt, Dewn Town,
Univ-ersity Bookstore, Opposite Court House
208S. StateSt5. 4 N. Mas St..

titlist erutablshue inssitutiosssor fssvie
typse of Nvransgling Nwhilcitliss its lsrge
mseasurse beetsinutlged woitud tis-
credit else shoditest bosardinug shiosol
andthe lh rasskest mussohrssootm college.
Pe-ssiaiwell-condsuctedt kindeergartetn
swill scare-h?-shiov suchsits ousthrestsk
ot chitdistpettishssess andisi ndhsd its-
rsgsssut of the udictsstes oftoersosiIl snu
institustiosnaltself-rspect. iWith oft-s
ntabluite excephtion'ss the counssels of
Galin judgengssst sassd brossut outlook
s-u-sitto litsav essee itaimost wholly-
'wanting. Tihis attitudeuhaiss ctsstrsster-
lze he eleprogrss of evs-usl frost this
eat-lie-st insceptionu of the dispuite etowni
to the lsst blrat-hsgua-s11-asid cususesid-
ly totas-rtiug of thi-se twnthe daytbh-
fore the toaths. with. Its shamseess iin-
stilt to sa huty, frosthue consequuense
of cit-Iisthle atlirs screen thsems-
selves by anotnymsity. This bust ei-
desire of tow breeding esussuol of couse
be attributed, to any~ of tile tsirli's
tites-ismmsediately conce-rnee intshss
tpresent dispute. But it is ludir'aulios

sity; or - visit indettptedenti soscls- musuh of thi-essnergy of thisei slussni
plts theinijusry to theis-titiustions -c-out lustso tlsttiiig upstheir ossn
ssie hes it opptortunsity to stltes-omuse sall elititque tack-hisigthlisc ilt
frasternsity offers? fhics tspe-formsanices groupsof essriu-swhsile-theis-ntteets

brinsg utpons thes-University- ths repsutas-

of a crueess anid rawnsc stilt latent tiost of bolig; a cute-horse college, for
in Chicat-i atmsosphsere, svhich is- ,sssosI cualto-is boys anth girls. Nor is it any~

disheartening to those whso hadecause
to believe that the period of swaet-
ddliusgcollies asnd ehicen-pox its the
Unis-ersity stustenst life hsad at last
hues-upissed thirought.
As a loyal alunsus of the tusis-er-
shty stud asnan ssho lovesIsis ft-aler-
pity dearly and sees in fisitociity in-
stilutions a highdly valuable element
of college life, though in no mseasure
blind on the one hanssd to tse inevit-
able dangers involved in such lustltn-

swcser to those statemensuts Iliac this
instiltutlion -ontinues to gross it- stir
these things. Its growti is Certainly
retasrded by thesiss-nst its irepuitalhion
amsoug otlier unsisesities, shiets is si
matsstes of greatest ussisient inttes
days of graduate wvork, is msiost ser-
loesst3- injured. Th le trouble is tliat ris
University- is so vast ted itasigible
stud the interests of the fraternsity and
thse indtividual so apparenstly obvious
anid concrete that the students fall to

of the Unsive-rssity itself a ,ese Iurktii
its a -ier?- remiote- barcgrosund. As a
fraiterntity mnisutI cansnot hoit depelosre
all this. fur I blev-e ths-esilossire
almstswholy nee-dless, stitc yet, if I
thotlghit heyte--ireunot sivoithsilt, 1
shiossul be readty to sister it'es-ussuue
sigaisist this-frate-rnity sycsts antuso
adviocttIhe wsithlsiwilof thse eisrt-
or of msy osvn chaterts. I swiould rsathetr
see this hsatptens std the Usise-roily
prosper tshan to see continsued contest-
lion and ignominy injuring the Uni-
versity anddfdually msaking it isspossi4-
ble for smy chatter to liue.
It vill be sail thast I take alt this
far too seriously, luint is the dangers
ahead and inevitably involved in the
present trend of tidgs -rather than
the obvious catastrophes of the present
to which I would call attention, asnd
(Continued on Second Page.

lions, nor on the oilier hand to theI see and appreciate the almost lie-
many unqueaticnable advantages of( parable damage accruing ft-cm such
independeist student life, I should like action. The reasonably jud'icissi dis-
to -ask all parties concerned to call a. cussion in the current Inlander is one
halt and look for a moment on the of Clue few hopeful signs amid all the
blind, mad folly of, their course, hubbub which has actually been go-
whether their interests be at present{lug on during the past fe-i weeks
primarily centered in souse particular l No one can challenge Ike right of

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