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February 15, 1896 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1896-02-15

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- D~OARD. BOARDI:. Closing OUt
-f The iygeew tBoarding House hs Schned hands. Will new e run n a different all sorts of
plan. The very bhst4 2.0)hardin the city will e served. Ceme asd try i asd e
rinvied.A secial din tahie only fr thse wo wish i.WRTN
which an be closed out as
DSO You SMVOKE ? follows:
® a4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - - 5c MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C
7 Fol Value Cigars for- - -- - --25C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC
B Prodigy Cigars for - - - - 25c GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC
4 Owl Boquset Cigars for- -- - - - - 25cLIETAE,15
Tft3 RoyalBanner Cigars for - - - - 25c CRANELIETAE, - -1C
sin. ,iLowest Market Price by the Box. BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, 3C
44 SuhMi tet Thin stock will not be replaced.
(Come quick for first choice.
1 ee e eree >r interesting Paper Read by Prof. Committee Anounced by Pes.________________
Carhrt.IngrhamMOORS & WETMORE
sf' Thie rsgutasr n ionhynein f Te Blwng nmtte ae en 6S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST.,
thei'E(radnsat,('lb ooklimlde 4itur ap qpoiii tedI oliltheiii lbv lassrinfor CRE FWLIM
daysy mining, Februalry5till, t th the.lerltiol of AWsiiiglss irtIhl- CRE FWLIM
rnit'lrOf Prof.l'soge. ''here wes(tay: HAVE A COMPLETE aTOCKor
P agod sileoseie of orilnbers a1n1 the Itoenrlolln-Messrs. TAlr y, (olry, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS!
S PArD aN Sr 1d bly. T Pl:of.M5(411 yl.uniog Mortltiie eIegluilseSint, H i' For the Second Semester,9
Educanstonal -I' 'liisti Elmentllli Siien .'' I evy, ApuloeR.losrieni, J. IM.New and Second-Hand,
cTllr1f rfloG' sellig the peekei ssigrfeel f ie- Shoirt.swhinlchhy (slfer
IrI'lIUHbrlLily of rhi igighiis snbcet Is tle AMsisss Me~srs. Alrsles, . C. Darv- At the Lowest Prices.
Souvenirs oi l; '"harmonily sof lie Twosspe lls," alt isoNiehls. 'lsssers Nobllibul. ___________________________
f deferenc, orrtIseI'rssissalIsisirl- Proiihlsll- Messrs. oris'. (lge. Alex- STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING
TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS 115 1t inii s ti s to beIssis'diculsseds. nessr, lsreiiisi, Csssert. 51111,[ S
Acon pt Iset ss psshin. Basehall, I . I Ie altiuded to lieesssrfas'sra 1111t ad Arl'sslgs'ils'lt -Oess. si l- ANri1I
hbll , Tsansn ad lf piaynrs andlsBiycilst,
w ll ssesentsto10aniy addsess ini thes'Untedl 11r5evitsly existseslisse sosee n sis'si lssgl, ftstlti, C . TiiIssi, osCSI 0i) sietsesns a a
Mitsao ind nts. nthea 01 10 l s l.,e'ss lailsly st ai ncsil.last Sttl'ti'5svlt. aytinsaconenen st to yourself isa
A. G . PLI &BO. edd yth-utain *liilio Dcr~lon-Als.J.B. Brok, term itarting whn unsyndo. Offini. and
u-. rzs.uDIN St ROS.s'nss'stby tss' stilisslits sgiitsei iii ir~li~s .isss. nAcademyArs6nmMaynardsirStit
New York. Ubleugu, IIiladephl. thei deltes Of hutlls taahsl' ofe' itEseret, Bitzes, Josnss, Miss Baes.
Largest Msnufacters of Biclens and Al-
leticGoodsn of he Biy lee kn~setitei. tii ha cha uo alte U er -1es ] I.'ro pon iftuh. Ites ossus slsess itsplirit iio 'iW. Coninsor, tRyanhi. .lril, A. J. Msr
FIRST N.ATIONA.L BA.NK. 'son eiieli of thelogsliy is. 'olsrs'i i, tHsusir. I'ssie, Basrett, Lu,i.OPERA HOUSE JEWELER
OF ANN ARBOOR t Issoessi al. Thinses's' eA. It. Lyle ls', 01 illsiui
organised 183. . A mesestinlg of these comiiittesillsiI PINS-U. of M., A. A. H. S.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~C'Capitol], 5100,000. Seplusa and Proais, $40,o0 is0 s oiluly iiisd id s bs e h Ielill li Ielanesslctues omin 'susii ss
Transast a general aing hbusisess. 11h' classist. sss i .ii l ssoessttls The finest in the city. Come and see,
Foreis . exchanges lougit nd aold. Frnihdyaa.itA1. irbtso hs
letters of cit.-Thinpurisesionof ths e prs r os is cI inuisll Issre ur igently russlte toI
P. BACHI Pren. S W. CtAgfaON.Cashier, n, ttemuutsto 1stshs lie cose ll es s s'Isesst.
trioslii ttestudy of cinhsli to iieIsviery 'sCoitteses o s'sslls's'lasss tosxf ® Valenrtine
THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK ii'li'suthtislss'i'lisstesl71 'i ndit sssl seililtsuote oiliithese isie(i amA
iiiiilifeandi sotftssealetigr]si rissos Iuthiisiiesorione of or
Caia te,5 epeP5,1. iiulsurtsuceaneus. "Sissuseis 11o1 is Se. liiiI. I.. Bullnlbsi t, E. S. R oses of FLOW'S 5CAust
Rle-earses, $1,l10,000l. CH~OCOLATES Swll e justtie
Organised sndertheGeneral RBanking Lawa sbe looeuoil asises mereiii ri'ill f oslgit'soibss; 2., C'.V.Dicles; 2bsit. C rpeIhn,.'.ntfrgti.
uf this Stsute. IReeves depoisits us and I l llsstkissss3iIs, I'. I.Issud; :,pepe tin.Ven fef1tit
sells exehsange oa the principal ciies of the r, matetiril facts," sisd.lrof. ( r PLE' HRAY
United Slies. Draftbsashied upen peeper APALMER'S PHARMACY.oal; 1),H.
Identiication. Safety deposit. hoaes te rnt. he. "This aslisi thlls'1sslilt'. seet Msriiit si ;4,1.E hssl 1,I. "It, Holm s m n ie aspeialty of paty '
OrFICERSs: hristisnilach Ftres.;W. D. S italir; 'hiNV. 1. Vsssrsy; .bRats -i IoC s
Harrimsan, iee-ire.s ChtS a E Hisoc, fison ight Interretat'51ion11 ilolisi sis. t-s'usn itui. ' ' orders. 'I'sone him frum here.
Cashiers:0. J. Fets. Assitnt Cahes.fte uiul,'is'conusiulrs' asni.rLugn fo.th n ~s~________________________
the il_"_wtf__eu___es f themind.'Pile (''__m__tee to, arangeifar higlcos-t fsues llis's
L.~ow~.neys Chocolates. ,euscruetiven isstegiuiutuuis nues- tCess fur ellosilig lca rutr sandsSPECIAL.
nary' iScinceis asin litraure'. treomusIsOt IMes'sss. Ifozlii'iuur, 1Kull11, Ntts-._________________________
Hot unces. Ihsf shiihi s sns-, 555115 Ct _______________ D at prues to suit eseyody; we lse do
tinussslylesso rdranisunhultost wh hihi iItN '1(DANCE, repairing, ceninsg ad Pressisg. Wrt
J c~aled for and de iered, NodsA S. State t.,
TUITTLE'S, 48 S. State St. isuinnoust thu s'telessisui it stoAMr.andist ARs. lss (ranger corislly snosdflhoe.
__________________________________itslf Io eemn is h aisdsilisthe ssiohs ii't hs soiug toshei' sdiilso 01,OMARTIN, iuneal Diretr, Cloth
huosusin.11roll f Crsugi's Aeaelusy. This'®. andi Menaliec skset and Common
of thinugs aste pea rt they usiu seer t Coins. Emalmig a Speelsty No. it E
"'tis'eimol ciefeelof till s' it ---f ofc' is sun thin grous , lu orssand ujtust ia. XWashigtnsSt.
stpfoxtt i ~ n colsis ire~r'shiht o11ssiotruth- OF 0.HIAING PARLOl asdDt-
AIEAfsun Crnesoo'seiu rstil . - 1Oailsgis-st. Visitors,'5ex . roos. Alt poisutmeaofisthess n.
stuieths' Eu 1Caeles osevatonr 171-morted ansd domestic c'heli'. Ladies' us tis-
u s euisn of fees to suit biieisirles, o r riti5 hhinus 11( tilliiOhiO i''tesu d ssigad sssngpros. ,I.
of f ^st tusslt hitoie is fstlly nt adusluuttsd. Yus rsu ou el ul'Ta'uawh50.tstst
s~UIUin Oepour..tiihe Y2lLIE'N YOU WAsN r eeelothes etaend,
siu'sof xpssiur.M tls Loss Ie Tssurs t '114of tinsil ll resed, reisnd or reound go te Ms.
"'lie' fau-rechiung efecssOf I Suss' Pheshpe, over She ans hoek ste. Lu-
Bic cl M vrepaie ysilcadAieh s I iitihis friends t thi Jn tui.ortoy aprons made to urser
TRUEST BEARINGS. ur vsnupusinhb cee, esusty
MOST RIGID FRAME. i s os's by the prophelt of ols,~si3
EASIEST RUNNING. "Ihough I takthewing of te miorn-~ IF YOU EVER VISIT DETROIT. ~
lug adens tsnl iiithin uttermiost pasts Ansi hat tudentdoe not youI
ofithe s, yet Thuarlt theree,' snake w mistke if yen fail to loltk
"Amnog objectionss of seentifi through the how roomes of Oesoars,
SOLD AT susy thinanetrowing nitect of extremie XWright, Keay & o, on Woodwrd CHICO & AUSKERADE COLLARS
p einzarutio sws dwelt on, nd nut avenne, adjoining th opera honse
SCE ~i( sin ble ese f Drwin, by its tolre- For twenty-four years this house ha OEA ATK 1CFS
sie heEoettuinLs atepal, sena yonm orevryhig DiE NA&PTK UF
11 WHs.Wa n tdeIatr07be yoy o vrtigfn o oW. Washington St: o o iportnt as thun way one in the line of Precious Steo Watch- LATEST STYLES.
ANN ARBOR. sturtles'" e, etc., etc. -


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