rt. the1 pfu tut use of the(tyinnasiunifor niteetiitgs nmty be calledtitotn taenotice at preent costittd the board
M .o 4 .P l t falyOt ( isSoti of thisikintdldepetndst by tflit presdnt, iid mtust b called woul nanimouslytt tdtelare ii favor of
mtieallyiupton whtrittwill behone tiCuponthefitwrittent ret of tweity- "purity" it thletis tn the doing
Published Datty (Sunday excepted) during by thlestnents after t' fweniti t ie itembers. "PTetiy-ive contitte away of all tiue of professionalism
toe Coltegt year, at
AitititilPall Ias etidedi. at otorsti. In college field,.
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. - --- - Throughout the year the work cen- Speaking with the athniority of mne
OeiCE: Times buidtng N. Main s., opposite y yyV y1iy// tern-ciite board aitt a fetw wors who has beeti preent at eery itict-
posofre.THEATLETC ASOIATON about the tboard mneetitigs itay be of tingdtring the football seant lately
S.5, R.NtarENs, '55 G. f. Sis. Of). go without syintg that eery :studtetIamongtoitheutr things that" the rlre- i!zet reports of the mantger, t caii say
w W.tinnRes,'9oa E. L. Gesiue, '980La int tite ttiveritysougt to be IpsteL onnation onl te board.shall b ivttid- ftfat io traces can be found of any oit
M~x~rcfRnmo o te ~olaigsofal sudntmgn"ed iproorioiately aon~g fthesesertl tie asscittioi'smtotey iaviguen
G. B.naitSotN, '9!f L. i tiono ignoraitro iiay e ecused nitortinents of the tUniversiy pro- nuted to ii"indce"iteitto coie to Alit-.
IsusovSisMAAGER ii a freshtitin; it is to e depor-edn t idetd itt andenrtieit to cititigait antplay oi otr tam. Htadt ify
L. C. 55atiER, 'oa. an stipier class itititi But Itoh not rn-fresintttiouu has at least tlln sso- stit sispicioi eser oue to thic
heiat osaytht"onwrega- caa mm eii rolledttamonglte inowuletge of the tbotrttit woldtcee-
ASSOCIATE EDITORS iisitetniytainiweega itiiiitttr
L. A. Pratt, '50 G M.Heath, 'oti. nateti trou$theflitvitersity litotyear suet fsi ndea~rtiet. taiulyihaie hien ins-ttigafett,
C. A. Itougiton, 'ft ID. G. . Sherman, '99. and have betit es-ry year for sone To this iotrd i delegtteit tit'lonser I closiig 1 woulit adi a wort in
R. C. uc, '0 M.151. fB.nGammon, '00801M. 'to rollert)aouchanlalmnyn
F. A, Miner 'N . . f. neitty, '9. timie pist, trai nkew little or iotitig tathealot e- the hope of briiging smottnuew itei-
R, ^ Puld,'9 M.J. . Wlsh'98M. of he ealworing oftheAtheti e'sary for te developmnt of atletic her into the asocititoi.t:ery Su-
SusanahRichrdtno% ino ts andit i ls toize~d ous iiito lie associaton. Evesteu -
The suscription pef~t of thin Daiy hun e\ercst' all lt'eposwerteloigiig to is ant to be the case that those who
been reduced o $Sf50 ini advance foe the rust f'lt-Daily- is particularly ftted to te1-cafn
o ithe year. Leate subscriptioiis at te oy. t heflit'edti5fOtmitolOiindcanlbest aford it doiot jo it. 'hose
Daity office or ith P., C Meyer, Ut -. tM It is provideft by the constitution swho bet realize flit value of ioniey,
News Stand. s rill. this in views this aticleicithis ben
that .mitu'ings of te board. bn hldf t hbet realize the in'nt doflttiessocit-
Anurolgyisturer.Geoge .etst once' tach mnouthttit il rtticeion for es-ry little help toss-tinthi
Au u~ohgyis tte trg('g Without attneimptinig to gist anly his-
Barker 'OSitttttgiig tturig the ootballuand. basebatlh 5ff-
]akl,'8 maaig edfitor of torryOf thit asociaiout t ssilrietifluiy ieesr-tokeofi shcl t
wrikle wh cotriute th aricl dscrbeitsstrctue, embrshp r esnsit in fouid nereoosauy to hold irogress i motion. Make a gooid be-
yest'r gtittt by~oirtIiisiigititiis at least once a we-tk, gnier- 'ginningi' of tescn eetrb
on tue history' of Wrinkle in yetrgandbpuhsigain Athletic As- tgt''ottstn-t' t
day's Daily. 'Mr. Barktr'sunamte socittioit ticket for ftretuollars. 'his Joinig ftheAthletic Asson-latintn. Tet
Atteeut'-itso-- sli-'te neu'ushi1uthis 'yer is largr iani
should. hurt folosed thu article, but ticket etithtnt the holder to ote and A hs ntis vrwihte n
it wsomunitled. by a imistaken'in uttak- to houldtotict it the tssocitioii tintto rtsidnteif itthuetasocititioni prsideseviser lbeforeuanc- oui.y'ouusulut0'eswithi
in" np the foritu. thlepurchae of useatson fickets to the the rehot-suftll 'omiittt'ts as, re- the "uish." , AtPRA'T
ootll andb__balgamesat r ein-n-nhart' acted uoni, bills am' al-
The followingteditrialistOcli rledh tulolweida tinialo o hesierof hin'n pii-n doitafter tey-
11 lmrd rtes an alo t th us oftheLnioo@-iAvMS nun-nTootCo.,
furunt the Corinell Ni-t: ''life luhaider tus oti ni etihote oi-l ane hissed thuroughi the btiansof ftheCnciati, O
tisinfitioguoitintidteerand.ntifferutstioiu-s I rut my vote for the Uninverity of
of Ohis mtonth, lriuts astory hy Eln i ees, The orgaunizatitonuufords a leg- adti omteadalqetosMchaAnAbr ihi hcn
Audrsn hih s leery i~~s hin-hi trise i connettctiont sithi tt- tet for te $1,50) lathe, whitchliyou ofer
ndrosnhtisceelnth tttiinitte wa'ytorthflt-studnts to sup~- 0t rsn nMrh ,19,t h ehi
andno inuhi like the stor-y of aiii(tfIl-oct11:,olileticsatn by fle outtrol ht'ctir rontu'-~nts tunnittageumt~t aeClsoreeitv0ngutheIgretstnusheir
discalsediundtietpossingethe greatestfuvomesr
sole it'orutelllie, tat 5wt lhave svhich thflit osociiutiouu exerises cVitctunFeulautumeif-t-o-fb------tuht---uf-totes
ttaken thuelierfy of repurimtig it to- througitis oficrs fleuthuetic inter- I t is to this otrnt thatithfle bsbailh 'trutNme.......
and ootbll mnages reder heir Street No.----Tesesrlee osel s
liheh Pin Bnu ~au-c dfotinc"ittuetitemtizent reports of the stason'n ex- City------------ --State ..-.---"
penses amd only tuontthlesott of hut (Voters mst he an letntfifteen yearn
anduthau exiitedf a goodt teal of furor- The oficrs'S srho are eected. at the tor ~~old. Ldes cannt ote but my aid in
able coument amnmg the ;eaders ofantnusat meetig held. on fle stcond I-think tIttam mittin saing tht s cri tes
tlue Inlandr ltere. Saturdtay it April of etch year, are
tsfoloss: President, vice prsidetttr o e ysXor h
The tight oser lie Twneutitth Annual reco'tum tcetiy inuuil sre
Bai iutuiitio t etii~ sluci h ~ tttr,ttunaumus, tanditboardtof ninet ~M t ey s W r h
trgonitic to any true nutireusi1ty direcors. The hoard. of directors
Spirit, Theme i, of course, a goodthcntifotultataltumsud
deal to justify such a feeling, hut it tr-ck iliaagers; adthites svertl
Las een arrid abut a faras tnagers. re, srlitiu hi ltotie ofcrs The editors of the Daily desire to call special attention-
should. be-for he nine nntual bali fistraneid, tx-officio itembers of ht the fathttepprwlib isud ptocm ne-
fraternities to old out further swillhoth boardh aerwlib sse p ocmmne
serve only to pluace then'u in a ridicul- ft is this oard of diretoru that met this year. Subscribers who leave immediately after
ion liht.Th toi- raerntie lahive the affairs of the msocition tc- the examinations of the second semester can have the-
fought a good ight and t hus been tvl ncag n ti ftett
fairly snon. The msatfer has beenu ar- musuot inpotaace that only competent Daily mailed to them without extra ost, " This arrange--
ried to the highest court und. the debsfand. reliable mten should. ho chosen. mn nbe hm t epflyifre nUiest
efiio ofth ttgeut ha ben lan-They should. e men of push andiu- far'ui
ly-stated; if Ithe annual all in to beafirdungcm e eetwek
ti-y, willing to do hard. and. unselish m gcm eneet ek
the annual ball of the nineo fratersork for the good of this rganization TeDiyi o ls ulcto;i sdvtdt
nitles if cannot e heit In the Gym- Tse Dinyhushnasa asaitsubultimate aims peoterity
nasiint.hIt doesti ottimate tuprobtuble
nasnni Itdos nt sen prbabes well as sucess in atheic fields, the whole University and gives the news of everyo'depart-
that the 'hO7 conuuuuuiteensvilh e able ThinS far fle evil effects of 'snire-met Iti
to in a ayto vod te ldnatnrpulling," so apparent in many of ourmet Iti the only medium devoted to University affairs
of ftle " Regents, bt in tny case fle orgnirations, have not manifest covering eveything of news interest relating to thisinsti~
baitsill not be desribed in the pa- tunsle ur;ad nyb u- adhpeig olg
pes of the next day as a truly social tuion adhpeig in thecge world.
pression fis perniicios tendency an
event. This cannot he so nunth 1a a oiino or omn h
aroeitionrsiynsiri urth commndI-i The Daily will be deliered at your door or mailed to your
trolig eenen inw~atehiul. espet In whdicht it is) now held by home a dress for the euainder of the year (until JunC25
trotliegstudentnbodywAstlonguas hten
tihe ssnel event in fle social circlesthsudnboy Aslgasme
who honor the trust are chosen the 1896) for X1.50. l-eave your sn bsription att the Daily office
of the University Much depends trust will onr Ie tita, a ,e rsNw tn,4 . ilao~ihaymnbr
pe10 as to the future of the hal, As a rule only one meeting of the a e rsNw tn 4 .Wlim rwt n ebr
upand wheter the Regents will allow assohaftion 'is hld each year, Special of the Editorial Board.