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January 30, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-01-30

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th C *a


VOL. VI. No. 87.


ONE UIT R Pa it "ALL Ulu1 OTIN Several Good Illustrations-The An- Men Who Have Given Money for
~ N UT RANNUAL BALL STRIFE C T - nual Ball Number. Educational Purposes.
S Is enough for one person to ,Wriinkle will appeal. tollt) irrow imorn- The B~achielor of Arts gives the fI-
p lay on at one timhe. One F0Nine "Junior Hop" Fraternities
uia'is not eniogh, how- y00 Saying Nothing But Thinking i^ t dtr bwn hi ue-l"igls fmuwoh'eee
1 ever, to sulpply 1,000 Stu- HN Hard-Ball Will Be Held in Gym- iris by ltitin:; forit iie annual Psi more than $1,000,0.f to educat ioiial
( dente. That's wily we have nasiumn-Action by Pros. Angell, NN T joke. tihorouightly idusteti arid redio- inistitutions:
ifl costanitly in stock several vatist andt emibellishttd by one if Witn- tillteti (hiard, (hiri 0 ol-
dozen of gitarsof vaiou li0iih strife tnong the ftrolenities
doen ofgiaso vros li'aille o r's cel ihstratol os, two "e eks, lit'. 1'i'iiisylvaiat.. .i.00,000i~
makes aiid prices. 11ov ti' t ii analhll hawnoutkoltti t) hot e ler 'usr
ni~~ BETTER LOOK ~ ~ r AT OUR raIti its eiii. A iday o!t sifoter eairlir than ever be'fort'. Thei itiddlei tf'i','ivr
14 O .GIA.li' hgil li~liielterieiih page iii this inutiter is t sgesti on i 'ori elulvrosi
U< M.GUIARis gaatt to thle petitioning frirteriiieY Leiit drawii biy J. H. Itarirs, 'h5. Piti-titiuins.. ... t~ ..(0,000
44 It's good as its name. ii equal privileges will their oldeir rivalswodFiy i .M.Siliaehiit Siifrl liat
TEANABRO ANp amiong ile otther prominienit rout rini- Stanifoirdl r., 1 liv. ('ti. 0- ,1),0005
U THaN BROGNC t thie h111 soite of iteir 1c reresitaakela-nh.Lii
liM titrsett li(fl i.St erse is fairly go, so iii ,Eli it 1'
S. MAIN ST. iive aprahdrsmrro l( os. h ity. eiisyli-.iiti.a . 3t,.500,00
ft' joke's iiie average andtihere itre
questin g thti sty lie allotttidsacn iisera wit s~illi' kiiis Uni.. Maryland.... 000o
'liih' anitiuil itll rniitie of '\Tkinkle' toni 'itirn lur ulanit Put-
i lor ifttheii gyotnasititi for theiri usua.. o
overta til ntil ii' 1 titiititti ai tppear liii. I't ar viii ritity tstiiaa 2515),01
3 DAYS I1ORE1 ! stun )t the filon h ie aholli ber.nisikuiiieai whirl w2,000r',00a0oh~o
tilttl piouitis ises. Wa'gner wilu-p sil.'.... .2(S001
Atti frneredintAgil ~ tt to Wriiikl hlieretofotre. lilt 7llivrsili'. lion. 1,770,000
that tutuliii thefuu r frttr Jeffersonian Society. I1i5itk ineslyo
S H Enitits wer ra'ginted stace at tie batllt' The i'lti'~sanitin Sacity it its regli- Jiohiii C teriit P'iince'ton
Hon til 'anal lirms with those in ilhirii itir iliretirig tis eventing Will present (tilleg 1g' . . .,500,t000
li' itiitli'riilill-i o vtilthelii fitiloto-iag pitrolit' 1'oiiov I ivirsily, Intl. 1,0,00
ron tem erisson o se heCym PEssay , Iii-.ihy; soitey laier, A. A. J. iGraveil, iDre'xe'l inch(,-
SA L E m !hi bro~ibti,~ igsiti nter fth'r~ 5.v;i ~ ittir; spetthi. E. hhhark, hut- triail schlh, ihuilo... ,0,0
of Ladies' 'ents' , Asses, ft ti hieadi 111the iii' titittitet's hove' tiii ci'opiy, 15. I. 'rtnghi; impmptu ill hs- Lo'naird'i Cist, ('tst' Schli
Boys' and Youths' Fine situtio 1011tirly beori' the'ii, itliert thi siou, tl lirtl lot' . i.Huff. ne iii o Apiedhii 'it-toets, ('Iuot-
Shoes. thtey mu11st giv' 511, 'hl thiey tilt very lti'e It. h~lhy; ihihio, ''lhe'tveul. litid, O 1,°_00000
iotthto dohu or elsi' thtey Itis give tip 'lT-it tu' inil dStates shoulud inlur- New~ York~ ......- - -..1,2001,000
IA 0 I N hoitu's itt holinig lte al i ti 'u-reu lit'e 'frLt-kis trouibuli oil A- Er o-i,('hhu il
iy AL08S A LM Nu1 stlltntt. nula.'' utliriutnlti'e A. Pit-u', 5. It. versity, -Newt York.....l,00S0,010f
F. S.-ee ourelegan line All sorts of scemtiis a1111 plants haov Strulhan, negative', IV. I. South, .. jHttity AA Sage, SCorinelu'h ii
of Patent Leathers for dress. Stliglsuu i-wie ieuirsui'riiu.viiy u- Yik iocs
it th Reie't's might lie eo-atdeud; fLu'ear itenMn
Ninety-Eight Baseball Captain. DeasFfenM.
(huh ito gu ipi ho Itroit hits 51e11 rr _____
TJ~ake N o()t ice. 'ie intl somte honve eutu ftintued at Giii. E. Woodreuff, Alpha Dela Pill, 'lihe atlic Sru'unitle o''uf Pie I'i
______________________ feasibility ofgi-lug hlt' Still it the itt Grandit Ihaltito, Micht., ot-i litlu vrsily if Peniinsylvanhiat hl a meetinig
Illoderto 'tluto ilY toc ofinki. The ittoser nimirs, of ft'e cotr- atailr of Slue 'hIS baseball tilt for Sattutrday anul udettded Slit oil lien
Fall Woolens, 1 ovill tfferall Th~lcty litttis, hiooeover, stilt to ite o- m tle liv' coitmig seasoni ii the' ittuitug ut-Io ihaid beeni hulttIilig otlit is knton
Suiitingus at Glot fin' c oh a101 m11ke( toi iie i-iilehot tut furthetr ti'ittius'el tin hR oomt i, minhabll, yesterdaty. s5 "summettr till" diulinig lie oaatolon
)00 o Sp ~i Imprttins t ist useless 111th it is probauble Ihot lIi'. Woodtriuff ihityetl seotnd batsi'eil on itliii hhtleu rhtlh~l" 1
All ealy call trill profit you. At theitlli quietly "ho-t i anid girunt hte) tte iroi'stulnttianttt ltst ye tubh le itlo sebailh toumtIhiso yell' 'thils toill
r oncesosions tuokedi on' nonoletteit hio ability to t goodal ma11 fuuo iften of L'i'illsyhl a1it'.s biot
Pees. Angei'i ll ilt interovieo yeostvt'- platyer. C'anidtes far thu' 'u8 tI-ts it ul ineigible tforSite totint this year.
The Leading Tailor, It' stil tShut itt hilt ailed simptly us will bei called itt 00011 andtitu Ini shout, it udebr, all te olud vetirtins,
2 E. Wasbington t.. Near Min. taguent of thte Regenits ill St'e uittteu ttainig ini tin' gyitiutlt w'ill lie oithi two ext'Xtlio; firiui pltingt 011
aut Ilathuh etelitil h titi. "fisotattt ohe ile igiuuiiutg otf St'e seondi St'e 'Varsity.
iNIEST OF M HIA. afhur is oune thuot fruit its lutbure suiie __________New Inlander Editor.
____________ shrutuei cleaoso affair," lie said, "anud Candidates for Daily Board.
hi.uuits u gemu'ur shuldu tilt hut ent~rus- 'Thet edihtrs of t'e Inululudur annoluuncel'
ILLUSTRATIVE CASES il ht anuy alit ftactionu of the luuloetr- 'Slut' folloviung crt-uiuhutius littobn the liitertloli of J. 1-' Thomaiits,77,a
-ON- ity 'Te Regents tare thue eut'ouhius rueomuinue'udt'd as ctandidateus fur 1100- ft'e junior muemuuber of lt' board.tIu u.
tu// f flue puiblie ptroiterty autd it ho enti're- tilils on Sin' Dailly's Ediorial Ittoadt 'lohmits is aun edtior of liii D~aily anuid
PROPERTY yni is their pulley tofuster 0.11 WR Thayeu'rhl . S It Smtith, 9( 0010 alit of te conthributorius to this
CIO A rnurt the mot_____ais rt n u
theONA 110s F.uorai iietllfu Simlouto, '1s, F. A. Itnntik, '11 IE, yecar's Outacle.
University; therefore they' could tin o ttn,'i Ilynt -ihtstu
Selected by Prof. Levi T. less titan granst lie luetititol of tile fro- to Reth i'98lD. Theyar rettqtortod Junior social.
torpr otemngn dtrtGriffin, of thit Law Depart- titifeO demnuding right to equal lagu-rSuororngt fu uilurOtil uo igu 00nl
ment, ptivileges of thin ball." ______rtoorow_ igt._hunorsoilasfihtwa,_n
N. 0 -vi- a~ SA. LIE Somue of Shin professional frateritieo Ninety-Five Committees. of flue miot pleasanl~t cltuo parties hlud
are contemnplating takeing booths at lat tGrtange'r's. 'Then attendlanuce its
-AT- flue ball and as swas the ease last year, C'hiairntul 'Block has apipointed. theauotfl'sutesathisnorocl
'u~,'- l-i R ~there is likely So be an inde'pendhent followviuug '93 conmmitten: -Messrs. Mker- last oweek. Mtrs. Junliuis E. Beali as
Iiis bt as well. Whether Shiny wvill ha viun, Knlapp, Linudley, Brooks and1the hin eron,
granated space upoln She mlain dloer or Cheen. Another uneting of 'th will
Up Tows. Dews Town. in She galleny may lucve a good deal be held Satnrdtay -ilorning at 10 UNTIL ('OIMENCEMENT -The
UnIversIty Bookstore. Opposite Court House IDiyfr$1
255 8.tate St. 4 N. Main St. So do withu their decision. o'clock in Rlom 0, muaiun building. Diyfr$.0

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