Published Dily (Sndy excepted) dring
the Collect year, at '.
DeescnE: Times building N. Main st., opposite
post office.
C. D. CARsY Gr. L. J. F. TssOssss.'97.
S. E. KssrEN, '55,. t. I.Sis'N0.
w. W. icossES, '1, E. L. Gesosse, 'OL
G. B. ilAiRilS9N, '00 L.
L. C. WALKER, '0.
L. A. Pratt. 't6 G. M. eat, '10 P.
C. A. Bloghto, '50 D. G. E. Sherman, '9.
I. C. Bck, '0091. i. . Gammon '9.
F. A. Miner 'N0 H. It. R. Reilly, '99.
, C. Faulds, '50 M. J. L. Walsh, '05 1M.
Ssannah iciardson. '5
The sobscriptiosn price of the Daily has
been reduced to $1.0 is adace for the ret
of the year. Leave sbsriptions at the
Daily otlice or with P. C. Meyer, U. of 1M
News Stand.
Th'le foriiationi of a chevO cb is a
good imove. Tils oggnizatioi solott
be'tenosirasgeudanti maiy reslt i n
interollegiatecs'stoucrameitsit with
in t yetr or so. Micisiigais should too
ableioIsfurnish out' or two camptiios
iin thils'gmei.
In timany rspects tle letr' of
Bookr T. Altsinigto iFritlty after.
no.01on ts oo'tff tlmost effecive at-
dres'sets dlriverdl i Uiversity Hatll
for sonic time. Mr. Wsliingon ltrite
the close attetion of his aditencerrad
aoutsetd lB eiihusiasitmiioilhils sbjlett
fromitthose who heardti hin. D'. 'al-
siltge, howeer, semeitloiooe to dis
appointiti. His lcture, while en-
ttetiiig idot111gie' n impiresonoi
tt it was shltatry or elouet, bti
matt eOtitstk that lit'liad not aid
enogh to bet'aslo to xect much
frem the ceUebrotlldvii..'Ths is
not anindiitividial spinilio,, btt, is so rit
tenl oter otaiintiitgus views of iii'i'
50110 who att' compilet'nt to jdge.
Tlhe Ain Arbor tourier tkes exce-
tions to the Dily'- commlieton011te
irregelar mietliosdoflose snstbrig
ins this towi, llging tht ossre-
marks are sot "ftcetit," bt merely
jokes. We re glad to learts that tie
Conrier's examination failed to show
the existeince of any "facetia" ges,
but we stbiit that te nwair in
which the hose nisssmbers tre istrib--
tted lnig AnnsAbors streets is so
sulbjectlimuci too serious for a jest. it
m103 be it joke on a firstyer stoent
to find a difference of Byve blocks in
the location of horses bearing the
sante nusiber bsi iparllel strets; it is
funny perhaps to see No. 35 and No.
361 net to eacli other on a ceraini
street but it is also a serious matter
at times. We are willing to wager our
esteenied contemporary that, excding
newspaper nen and bll-olector,
threeforths of the citizens of Ann
Arbor cannot tell. where the Other
fourth lives, even when frnishet with
a street directory. We osiall hasve some
evitdenceonOilthis stitject to prs'ent)
Afternoon Meetings Will Be Con-
tinued Thin Week.
Stst'h dec15 interest lhis been iiionil-
fess'ed ini the stueneits' meteinigs at 5:30
t to o. pit..atNo'wberry ttall, itiat they
will be constintuedt throtigitotit tis
week. tDi. ('alinis cii have echirge
of these meoetisngs totday asnd tomorrowNI.
'I ere is as'evival ililg those ttlreasdy
e'ngigetd ini (hristiasn work, antI others
tins mikingthirit'first witness for
Dr. tCalkins spoke to ailarge asudi-
estee of sstso inthue Methiooiist chiurchi
yesterdaty imornling oil the siubject, "ts
thie Young )fant Savecd?" te spooke
plainily allod diretly on the ;stpe'cial
tempittionos of studeiit life. lFoppery
received a scathing denunciation. The
e'xtralvalgance' of yosung mclinii collegi'
lift' was cleairly shsowsntoise this'cause
of miasty ruinedsc' haracltlters. Seldfi
linililsitiesytounsg mrn idownl ani
tisir would-be gr'e'tntess often leaodsto
thoe'rrriin. Aultiunsci'upuloous life is toi
ussife' life. 'Iltohn Dr. talkinis paidt a
htighi tribteo to the womoanhoodi of our
t'siver' ity. 'his tribtte was grasndi
allotglowvingt, oan made a profounito l-
toucosiosi oilthit',tutieni'ice.
Witen Dr. C'alkins was secuesido for
these' spec'ial services, the comomitte's
hain simindot to' prejuisices of ititny
poptle againlst re'viv'al isetelilge. iSOt
deeis is thisttrejuic'e :ill soime
toplle thati they' evon fear 10 be pres-
tclt ill spoecitil religioss sero'ic'es. 'fhey
crititize' withiout hearitig. Isnlmlony
caise's1111y'lire ioettoatlker's, ini othes
liers' cavit'rs. Ittcasnnot ho' tenied
thait ont' of tlls gre'at protblemls of
t'niversity life is how to get stssoeits
to follow up Ilie C'hristantl rtititis
whlich tiuhey recoivedt ins the tiris isti
hiomiios. Thte committee conssidiered tis
when they engasgetd aisevaisgeliot,tand
psickedothtert'fore 0n a imans who is slot
a miere "foghior'n" revival "looter,"
but at scholaor is will its a C'hristioss, i
msass of long expetrieince titol power.
femsioloalissl in athtletics, taitily, the reisedy the evil, ansi that is to enocour-
ctustomi of dishoonestly passinig sxotiiin- age amonig the stsideints the growth. of
ations. ttow' widely prevalenit in othl-ti seittiment adverse to the practice, a
cc depr'itenets it maisy be Ilie writer sentimient which wviii evetitually iiauke
lhis 11101d10nomeans of kisowiug, boil that honesty us examsinations a matter of'
it is painftully coitmioninhiotie at least hionior tisos of pride.
is a miatter of certaiinty. Ateni, honier- Anod to the attainment of thiis end
able isldtuprighit ini other retations, iieii your coltsnns nay' afford. a valuable
wvhose trutthftilness is unquttestionecd aid.
ra x:
anid echo wotultd regent "by svery
mleanlis isn their 100w-r' an impiustation
on their vesracity, thiiik it n10 disgrasce
to hsanid10 the eamtiners patpers
which, ini that 111115'porot to repre-
senit tlitir unaisded efforts, tare lies
froom begiiining to enisl.
Gloss it over wills whlat eupohem'ismo
you5 will, call it 1501y11g. sribbing,
laiughs at it as the plusyful trickery of
irresplonsible youtli-thie faict reisaiss
thau cribbinig tirought aiiixailila tiohi
is chieatiing pulre' a1101pimlsoe.Aiid 13'-
isig n iic eaitisg havie snevcerlbet'iithe
attribtutes of gentlreei. 'fiat suichsa1
ctistomu hats a debasisug teiideiicy 11100n
those' wvio tpractice it, thatt it ininiies
theiti to look to fraiudulent iieanis for
to sticcess which they mightisot otiser-
wise obtaoin, ther('e'aiiiehoe 55dotubt.
Alld that the institution tn whieih it is
prevalenut fails iOin o'e great t'ndttof cot-
ic-thtioil. the msoral impruovo'ceent anti
'bovat ion of thie stsudent, is eqtiully cer-
It is often sauid of osotul-hoc oefoorou-
ens thsot-'1113' display great ftciity is
expo0sinig coils botlt ittlc skill in. their
5ire 'ss. Thse writer eioes Inot 11op0e
too esc'aphe the chirgo', host ill truithinii
this ecseto 10shpecitic refooimiiis tossible.
'Oieo'loticinig of te faculty is uiseless,
aniid ovorse' thanisi ess'in that it stiirs
tipO sitaolgoiisiu aninv isiteslrtaition05
-the shy, coontemps~tible retailiatiosi liuat
soeks is a plaotter ott spite so evadte tihe
isateol regsslastions andt cunniisgly cribs
uiioer the oetsuisel's niose.
'hrhio is but oine waty possible to
Edittor I'. of Al1. Daily:
Is thuere sno city ontdinassee cosmpclling
peopsle to steelp their sidewalks cleasu,.
itowc that the snsowxamid ice haus sutih-
clesstly smeltedl to be resmov'ed osills.lout
little labor? The wvalks are in such 'a
bad condition that onse can scarcely
pick his wvay without gettisig isito a
pooi of wvater oven the top of isis shoes.
'h'sis consoitioss of affairs is mshot io-
ticeablle on Staste street, assot par'tcular'-
13' on a daurke nighst one goes ailonig slip-
pting hone anedItuere in thewauler. Whsy
woon'st it be a goosd idea to clean the
sidewvsslks occasiosnally?
lOne W'ho Travels Themu.
Editor 1'. of AL.Daiily:
'['le S. ('. A. hias thirowcn the dioors
of its splenid r eadeisog roosisope(n to
till stuoensts uantlors siot waunot to be
compellthed to maklie it excltusiv'ely for
seiucilens. Bust scomeie s''indsulgo'd in
ste unmnlyll3 trick of taskissg froms timhe
to timeuo'clipp~ings from ft~uckt, suodge
anth variosus othier' sopers, indl laoe
takhenwhloe colties. These poapers sue
foor till to nered aitt enjoy3. Dton't let
10513 stsudenit ctch hiisetlf stoopoisug to
abhouse gesserotus porivilegescordiaslly et-
Vser of ~ibrary.
'Thle Daily wvill keep you up-to-date
oss ev'ery'thing regairdinig thieUnsiver-
sity $X1.50 UNTIL CGMIt NCE-
Yoroe' Worth.
J The editors of the Daily desire to call special attention
to the fact that the paper will he issued up to commence=
Thte -w ttcwords of thae~seieetisigs meet this year. Subscribers who leave immediately after
hause beens, "Quseinchs sot the spirit,"
asse "If y'onusse a mno.5, have theueri-
age of your convsictionss."
Editor U1. of \1. Daily:
To point osit faults iii a highly re-
spected isstitutions or niidoual is
under mo circnsotonces a poleasisng
taskc, btPitssay neverthieless- ecomse
a duty for wcell oishuens of either. 't'hie
dressing of a sore is alwvays psaisnfuh,
antt thue reform of abuses usot less so.
At this timieswhsems so miusehs good
thought amid excellent' sentiment ire
beeig evoked on behsahf of pure spom't,
it is appropriate to calhh attentions to ass
evil wvhich, in the opiniono' of then
wvriter', is far more deeply seated in
this university and. of far nmore Ferni-
cious effect than the tendhency of pro-
the examinations of the second semester can have the
Daily mailed to them without extra cost, This arrange-
ment enables them to keep fully informed on University
'affairs durisng commencement week.
The Daily is not a class publication; it is devoted to
the whole University and gives the. news of every depart-
ment. It is the only medium devoted to University affairs
covering everything of news interest relating to this insti-
tution and happenings in the college world.
The Daily will be delivered at your door "or mailed to your
homo address for the ron'ainder of the year (until Juno 25,
1896) for $1.50. Leave your s.bscniptitun at the Daily office,
at MVeyer's News Stand, 46 E. William, or with any member
of the Editorial Bor rd.