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January 27, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-01-27

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gtjt U. ot'

Al. Wailjj.


S Is enough for one person to4
S play on at one time. One
S guitar is not enough, how- $0
ever, to supply 3,000 stu-
S dents. That's why we have
constantly in stock several
S dozens of guitars of various
makes and prices.]
It's good as its name.
Take advantage of the
February 1st,

Authorized Establishment of School
for Nurses-The Board Will Fight
the Mandamus Proceedings-Re-
port That Grand Rapids Wants the
Engineering Department.
From time to Minmc the busines
transacted a~t she-meeting of the Boaid
of Regents Wednesday is comving to
light. Aniong thle recent dlevelopiiients
was an appropriation mnade for the
Hosmeopathiic hospital. The regents
authorized time Iioiioiitliic doiari-
cent to establish a school for traiiied
nurses in csiimectiosn with. the hiospital.
The Board decided to contest the
maindamuis reccintly filed iinttie su-
premie court and acocordingly instruct-
edi its .attorniey, item. Benitois ias-
cll('t, to applear at tihe hearing, set fom'
soeet ine in she near future. A great
deal of interest is manifested through-
out the state as to the outcomeo of flits
iroceeding. The Htomeopathsic facully
hasi little to soil n1 the subject, ex-
cept that they will works for the iiiter-
cot of tint delsairtlii('it, whether in
Ann Artier or Detroit.
It is understood by gooid authosrity
that if lii mandamus is granlesd and
them 1ionsieopatlsic departnment reimoveil
toi Detroit, that Grand.ltapids wiiilcii-
i acne iliriough. the legislaltur(' to se-
ren the reomoval of the htiigineeriiig
slepartinent to thit eity, wshoe' it is
claimesdbioneri'imaiufaeliiring fail-t
ties are possessed.
Thle Ilonimpiiedepsartiiieiit is inow
imore prosperosus than it tinstbeeii for

Constitution Prepared and Officers
Plasis for a University Chess Clib
were formulated aiidta constitution
prepsared at amiieetisng iiIhoson It,
M:ain Eiilsitug. Saturday. 'The smic
ileose of the cub is is lly flh' gai ies
at regular itiwrals anit to ti)id at
liast on toisriiaminitever' rear.
The officers ire the san;? as iini'r-
sitoary assoeit-ions aiid] no executive
ciiimimittee wvili control the geniermil ins-
mness. All students of the U'iiversity
asiu inembers of the ficulty are elig-
ile to mneimbership, and those ishti play
will he wselcoime at the slexf imetiiig,
sw-len thle orgainizatisin will lie perfect-.
cid. An entraiice fee uif 2:5 cents will
he eciargeid anid the mietiiigs will
pretlably behe lei i il oeof the literairy'
societies' halls iii thei main Isuilling.
After the consiileratioii of time regu-
Inc business the following uofficers were
eleeteid at Saturday's meeting: WV. D.

Dean Hutchins Gives an Instructive
Address to Members.
The Webster Society presented in
initeresting and entertaining progrmm
Saturday evenling.
DeainiHutciis' aiddress on "Individ-
soil ihits sait Majority Rtole" dealt
largely mithi the political possition of
the people at the presenft tne and the
causes flint lest up to if. 'The rights
of the individual as ,,ii indiviulual are
sacred, inviolable by man or govern-
ment," said Prof. Hlutcins, "yet as a
member sf society, demaning its priv-
ileges and protectins, lie must suirren-
dec soiie of his rights for the public
good." tie deprecated the taking of
privafe property for public use, evesn
to coinserv-e public morals and. health,
witout just comiptensation, sayiang,
"The pieosple, in, their eiithusiasmi
to be imoral, should slot forget to
be just. 'Ilie greait tenudency of our
Isgislatu~es at the prsesentltliiie is to

y '7See our Show Window.

Hick, presidesit; Allem Zachaiassiestrict the rightsguasraiite'ed by oisr
mice presidesit, ansi Stasnsish Binckus constttiton, anii to enicroachu11o00time
seccetsscy asnd treasurer. The exec righits of tintdividumal. Yet flu' fault
live colnsiftie consists of tlieOsi_ is slot'isi the systeml itself, but iii the
desnt, C. G. I'aluier anid Allai.sCainetsrreisen'ivt-ue. The ligislator, iii
bli. 'l'itis is theliirIsst: strictly Plus ii many cases lbsd, ignloranut o indi, for-
silO}r tub ini liii' west unf it siiis ii" 1 i lcii iii5alido i'theiitti'sloiiflh'
unitts'iioigli. intereist will betie ken u is ubtic aloks toa retplenishing sit
it tointmakei'it pi ss'iisiiis'nili poiular his mmmii timie', flu'attaiiiiin'it sit hits
org ,'anizion111. 5'. CT . l'sslinis''auns lism'- ems-i ndts, sandmIis, iii fast, sillilyt
maislsit the imustimig aindStaindish ti hu pryPrt rtgfa un eli'niuihizam'titotuih-
iBackums teiiiporiariise'scretarly '-bssy ut parity doinaiition iiandi
EN LARGE THE LABORATORIE~.S-smcriein shouldm be eliminisats'u. leu-
e'.4, iteli'-egiii, c'abntsh iii'imisst sut,
Prof. Novv Says There Will Be 500 s's-mi if it seseimsa hiardshtip, eliminats
Medical Students Noxt Year. (time poiuhticianii iiislhits imethoissifroem
piolitics, raise liii'slsilsi's of oiir leg-
liof.Nom-y incideulsully memnauckeshismitimis,miInli'tiipeplsi-illSins-clistte
lately, that liehe silt tsinicastiosssstim fe'airfromisi siss inomii'unjust hamws,
point to aii enrollmesst of 50sicrimioue mamii liii rights of thlii'iiividuassl wiii
stuidenisntimemedisieailsleparmtmen'mt for sumffer 'vemy little froiiitime mimic of the
nesxt yc'ar, mishles of inqirmiy haves'imjoi~
bseei very nusmmeromns of lateIl~e also FRATERNITY MEN,
slates that if sometinmg is slot domie Dr. Calkins Speaks to Them Yes-
very soonminii thur shape of enilargimig terday.
sosimo of this'labioratorcies, that smith ihits
lrge emicollmesit, time imcemiss'bctig A mneetimig 'xclissix'ely fmor fm'aim'city
psrincipally ii thme frshinenmss15, sosmie hl a edysedya ever
lIt-sl consdimctemi by -Dr. falkinis. Miore
of the first year stiucdents wxill hi' mil-
stile to take sosie of thi'espsquied Iaib- thasnsmfiftymmsweeins-sent mud wsteoaui-
smatorycoroimses, as a sismimies' of thetel' tisi Os'sms hndI'mu
labosatories hasie reaclied tuernic- tlisoisti the sammie expince-s, for Di'.
nmusn this yeair. tHe also says 1hat this' lkis s a frasternmity mmaii hisel'f.

Julscclo tocetluso ~x'sticlto sisme yearcs past. T1hes nesw- faculty is
Fmill Woolens.1I will offer all Fmancy wsorking lord to rebumild the ,,drsuol,
Stuitings mt tost ifor cihansi siite mush present imndicatsios pitnt tinsa dis-
roosn1 for Sprislg insportations. sided increase in enrollmnst for nset
Asi early call wvill. profit youm. At ya vrta fti n atya-,
G . He IL~-D , as letters of inirsunyace constantly
beisig received.
TeLeading Tailor, 'he hospital is fairly wcell fillesd,svith
a E. Wuslisgosi f51,,Nears ltsbui sunsw cases cosnmigin constinuially.
UNIVERflSITY O ElICIGfANl tsmng the snev featmures are the large-
Ii IIY~f~II OF fl~fl~bI~.ly attended clinics for the "ot of door

Selected by Prof. Levi T.
G-riffin, of the Law Depart-

slik," sichrl have been constasithy on
thin increase sisice Oictober, and in
smhich the higher classes, are derivisig
.great deal of benefit. Asothier is time
attention given time senior class sith
thme attendance upon obstetrical cases,
ins whlich at least one is furnished to
each senior.
The typhoid fever cases at the niu-

TM0 i 0 0W QNI B A..L1 EB ersity hospital ace Improving rapidly.
--AT-- The University hospital bass had ten
"J S energency cases this month, a god
*part of thmem roming in in thme etcning.
tUp Tows. Down Tows. Thin wards are all full to a bed and
si~nversitv Bookstore, Opposite Court Hioseatxsarwiint4 ti.
20OS.fSate Si. 4 N~. ain St . Ipaiet aelaii g e n

bamcteriological labormatory is badlly isi
need of sosme now- smicroscopes, whsichi
it is sisicerely to be hoped miii be sup-
plied to thmat course snon.
Anothmer tale.was placeit in flueliar.
teriological lmaboatory Friday for the
055' of a post graduate ,studemit, mauk-
inug five Boot gr'aduates followcing thsis
branch of scientific work.
IK. C. Fitch, '95, Is teaching physics
ansi chemoistsry at Port Huron Ilighm

mae coumpared time twmelvcenapostles in a
Sfraternity which hind gromvn for 2,000
years ands, in mu wviy, ruled time Nworld.
Ttie mmeetimng tustedh conusideraibly les
than an hour, but those presenit'mvwe
msdsm'Pescialmiost in atpcrsoal smaum-
suer anithie common bonmds, of their
societies scere imupressest as probaboly
they wvoldlmnt have beon isi any other
stay. ft is ', relief to find an evan-
gelist wvho does not deplore tme present
condition of thing, hot talks sympa-
thietically and esicouragingly on a level
mwith his hearers.


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