Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the College year, at
OFFiCE: Times building N. Main st., opposite
post office.
C. D. CARY, Gr. L. J. F. TROMA, '97.
S. E. KNAPPEN,'98. G. R. SIMs,'99.
W. NY. AUOREs, '98, E. L. GEISMEU, '98 L
G. B. itAonsooN, '96 L.
L. C. WAoKER,'91.
L. A. Pratt,'PG G. M. 'ath,'9P.
C. A. Hioughton,'9 D. G. E. Sherman,'99.
R. C. Buck, '99 M. H. B. Gammon, '98 M.
F. A. Miner '9 H. R. R. Reilly, '99.
R, C. Faulds, '99 M. J. L. Walsh, '98 M.
Susannah Richardson,'9
The subscription price of the Daily has
been reduced to 1.50 in advance for the rest
of the year. Leave subscriptions at the
Daily office or with P. C. Meyer, U. of At
News Stand.
'T'here is room on or near the cam--
pus for a large and iifiuential press
club. The editors of the various stu-
dent pubieations have iuch in cons-
mon and should be ii hariony. A
press organization has not existed for
some years and, in view of the fact
that the distinguished editor, Henry
Watterson, is to lecture here in the
near future a press banquet would
conflict in no way with the interests
of the Uiversity which the studentt
editors are supposed to upold.
The fund for the Women's building
is not receiving the support it merits
froni the men of the University. The
erection of such a building will be an
effilient aid toward the establishmentt
of a thorough University spirit, of
which Michigan has a decided lack.
The women students of the University
have nothing in which they can claim
an individual share. Michigan should
have a students' club house similar to
Pennsylvania's Houston Club, and
there is nothing unreasonable in grant-
ing the women students the first priv
ileges in this respect.
Program at Newberry Hall.
Today-Women's meeting, 4:30 to 5
p. n., at Newberry Hall; men's meet-
ing, 5:15 to 5:45.
Tonight-Dr. Calkins speaks on
"New Testament Miracles" at the Con-
gregational church.
Tomorrow-Men's meeting at the
Methodist church, 10:30 a. m.; union
services in university Hall at 7:30
p. m.
'96 Class Social.
One of the most enjoyable class so-
ciais of this year was given Tihurs-
day night at Granger's by '06. That it
was well managed the fifty couples
present can testify. Mrs. W. W. Doug-
lass and Mrs. P. H. dePont were the
Daily for $1,i1.
Financial.-The need of better train-
ing for the women of the University
of Michigan has long been felt by
many to be one of the urgent needs,
and a few feeble and almost fruitless
efforts have been made time to time
o colest funds for a. Luildig that
would make such triamiig possible.
wo years ago earnest and systematlic
,,torts wer-' iade to procure from the
lg:sIlire an appropriation for build-
imc a woman's gymnasium, but the
effort was vain, as all similar efforts
will probably be. The matter rested
then until April last when President
Angell announced that Regent Hebard
and a friend had given $10,000 tovard
a woman's building, and Regent Bar-
hour $25,000 for the same purpose on
condition that the women of Michigan
and the alumnae gave $15,000 more.
The Woman's League, the only repre-
sentative organization of college wo-
men, at once began the work of rais-
ing the money. A mass meeting was
held, circulars sent out and large com-
mittees appointed to send circulars
and personal letters. These last were
sent to the alumnae, medical women,
wives of legislators, "wealthy" women
and women's clubs, committee of al-
umnae, and others were appointed ino
Grand Rapids, Saginaw and other
townos-while in Detroit the collegiate
alumnae took the matter in hand. But
with all this preparation the returns
have been exceedingly small only
$4,000 of the necessary $15,000 has as
yet been paid into the hands of the
treasurer of the University who was
chosen by the general gymnasium com-
mittee as custodian of the funds to
be raised.
All committees save the general com-
mittee at Ann Arbor dissolved and the
work was at a standstill during the
summer. In November the Woman's
League sent a delegate to the meeting
of the State Federation of Women's
Clubs and she succeeded in interest-
ing many of the women of the state
in the matter and $10 contributions
are beginning to come in from differ-
ent clubs throughout Michigan. The
business men of Ann Arbor, as well
as the Faculty and students of the
University are being solicited and are
responding perhaps as liberally as
could be expected.
Besides the organized efforts of the
general gymnasium committee of the
Woman's League some ladies are try-
ing, an their own responsibility to
help raise this money. Mrs. L. H.
Stone, of Kalamazoo, is sking for con-
tributions especially among the Mich-
igan women, and Mrs. Eliza Burt
Gamble, of Detroit, has written to six-
teen millionaires, chiefly of theMalnis-
tee and Saginaw districts, askng them
to contribute $1,000 each. Neither of
these ladies, however, seems likely to
raise the necessary amount.
The Building.-The plans for the
proposed building are nearly complet-
ed. They. provide for a gymnasium each other's life and work and also
with the necessary dressing iand bath the society of older women and so go
rooms, a hal' to accoinmoodate about out into the world not students of
700, and two parlors. The whole will books alone, but of humanity as well.
make a commodious building which This want is supplied by the parlors
wi'll complete the north side of the and hall planed for the new building.
Waterman Gymnasium. There are at present nearly 700 wo-
Use of the Building.-Until two men in the University, so if 'se are to
years ago there was absolutely no grow at all the building planed will
place where the women of the Umi- be none to large for the purpose for
versity of Michigan could procure any which it is :intended. With a well
training 'sdiatever outside of books. equipped ;gymnasium and other attrac-
Girls who could afford to go east or tive apartments for the special uses
even west to college received special of the University women, all in the
physical as well as social training, charge of a woman who is a trained
here nothing of the sort was furnished, and cultured educa-tor, those who best
When the Waterman Gymnasium appreciate the needs are confident of
was completed it was hoped it might great improvement in our University
serve for the physical training of the life. If the sum of $11,000 more is
women as well as the men and they added to the funds already contribut-
(the women) were given the use of the ed, we look for the realization of our
building every morning. But the re- hopes with the opening of the next
suilts have not been satisfactory to any- college year.
one concerned. The limited hours and The present general gymnasium
these in the busiest part of the day, committee of the Woman's League
iake it impossible for most of the
women to take the work offered in the
gymnasium, and also because of the
limited hours neither men nor women
can be required to take the work,
with the result that the very ones who
most need gymnasiui work fail to
get it.
There has, too, been a growing feel-
ing that the women went out by the
tniersity of Michigan often lacked
the rouaded culture, shown by women
of many other colleges, owing to the
fact that the manner of life here make
it impossible for the women to enjoy
the advantages of social life. It was
therefore felt that not only a gymna-
sium was needed but that it was quite
as necessary to have a place where the
women of the different classes could
meet socially and get the benefit of
consists of
Miss Annah May Soule, Chairman.
Mrs. James B. Angell.
Mrs. Henry S. Carhart.
Mrs. Siartin L. D'Ooge.
WIs. W. H. Pettee.
iIs. Victoria iorris.
Mrs. Louise Hail Walker.
Mrs. Fred R. Jordan.
Mrs. John O. Reed.
liss Louise Stickney, President of
the Women's League.
All contributions should be sent di-
rectly to II. Soule, Treasurer of the
University of Michigan.
The Daily will keep you up-to-date
on everything regarding the Univer-
sity -$1.50 UNTIL COLIiENCE-
Daily for $1.50.
Your Money's Worth.
The editors of the Daily desire 1lo call special attention
to the fact that the paper will be issued up to commence-
ment this year. Subscribers who leave immediately.after
the examinations of the second semester can have the
Daily mailed to them without extra cost, This arrange- .
ment enables them to keep fully informed on University
affairs during commencement week.
The Daily is not a. class publication; it is devoted to
the whole University and gives the newt of every depart-
ment. It is the only medium devoted to University affairs
covering everything of news interest relating to this insti-
tution and happenings in the college world.
The Daily will be delivered at your door or mailed to your
home address for the ren ainder of the .year (until June 25,
1896) for $1.50. Leave your subscription at the Daily office,
at Meye's News Stand, 46 E. William, or with any member
of the Editorial Board.