Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the College year, at
OrrsE: Times building N. Main st., opposite
post office.
C. D. CARY, Gr. L. J. F. THOMAs, '97.
S. E. KNAPPEN, '98. G. R. Sims, '99.
R. C. FAUOS,'99 M.
L. C. WALKER,'96.
L. A. Pratt,'96. G. l. Heath,'96 P.
C. A. Houghton,'96 D. Susannah Rich'dson,'98
W. W. Hughes, '98. E. L. Geimer, '98 L.
R. C. Buck, ' M. H. B. Gammon, '98 M.
F. A. Miner '96H. I Ria.R.Reilly, '99.
G._ . Sherma,'9.
The subscription price of the Daily has
been reduced to Si5B in advance for the rest
of the year. Leave subscriptions at the
Daily office or with P. C. Meyer, U. of M
News Stand.
It is sincerely to be hoped that the
Regents may find a mleans to increase
the size of some of the medical labor-
atories, and if they made personal
visit to them they would soon see the
necessity of an immediate enlarge-
Yesterdly's Chicago Tribune gives
an account of the discovery in that
city of a regularly eslablislied "Col-
lege of Thievery," graduates of Which
are admitted without further exainill-
ation to any leading county jail or
state penitentiary. The article fails
to state whether any attempt has been
made by Dr. Harper to secure its
affiliation with the University of Chi-
The attention of the Itegents should
be called to the regulation of the tem-
perature of the bathing water in the
gymnasium, mietiioned in a comnmul-
cation in yesterday's Daily. The water
is either too cold or else too hot and
when the latter it is generally far
past the boiling point, so a person en-
deavoring to take a bath is either in
danger of freezing or of being scalded
to death. During the past football
season the players suffered severely
from these different variations. Nu-
merous complaints have been express-
ed about the state of affairs and it
should be attended to at once.
The Regents at their next meeting
should grant the Athletic Board the
privilege of holding their meetings
in one of the rooms of the Gymnasim
and allow them to decorate and fur-
nish the same.
The Board is the controlling ele-
ment in athletics and should derive
some benefit from the Gynnasium.
The room could be hung with pictures
of the different teams and furnished
nicely would be an ornament to the
gymnasium as well as a benefit to the
Board. The majority of the eastern
colleges have a trophy and athletic
room of this character which is shown full powers, is a very recent ins itu-
to visitors as an objet of great in- tion. That nreat progress has been
terest. Why should not Michigan made wilt be denied by no ont who
have the same? is familiar with the history of Miehi-
gan athletics; that the adoption of the
Mr. Whitney's comments on western strictest definition of the term 'ama-
football have attracted the attention teur' is close at hand is certain. * *
of numerous persons who are not fa- * It is to be denied W'ith 'mphasis
miliar enough with the athletic critic that the Board has been cognizant of
of Harper's Weekly to call him by his'
first name. Among them is the re-
viewer of periodicals for the Book-
seller, Newsdealer and Stationer, who
says, in mentioning the Bachelor of
Ar'ts for January: "Editorially, this
number refers to Sanger W. Whitney's
terrific arraignment of college athletics
in the west and offers some evidence
of rebuttal."
The January Inlander which appears
today announces the decision of the
judges in the magazine's short story
contest, "Phil's Doctor," by Shirley
WV. Smith, '97, receiving the award.
The judges, Messrs, REcec, Strauss
and Gray, were unanimous in pro-
nouncing Mr. Smith's story. the best
of those submitted. The Inlander says
editorially, "There are several other
stories which deserve honorable men-
tion and which will be given to our
readers in subsequent issues." If any
one of these is of equal merit with
"Ihil's Doctor," the readers of the In-
lander are promised some excellent
reading. Mr. Smith's story is well
written and would do credit to an
older and more experienced explorer
in the field of short stories.
The other stories, "Over," by K. H.
B., "Van Dorn's Latest Experience,"
by Ellen Anderson, and "The Case at
San Benito," by T. P. Htickey are all
good and, together witht "A Sleepy
Song," verse by Harold M. Bowimaun,
make this number an exceptionally
good one. Mr. Gore's article on "Stu-
dent Slang," which has attracted con-
siderable attention outside the Unier-
sity, is concluded,
An imlportant feature is the sym-
p1sium on professionalism in western
athletics, to which members of the fac-
ulties and students, prominent in the
control of the University's athletic pol-
icy contribute. The following extracts
give opinions of the writers:
"It is not true that no efforts have
been made to reform athletics in the
West; nor is it true, I believe, that
the East as a whole stands on a higher
plane in this regard," says Prof. iolfe.
"Alt the same time It must be recog-
nized that Mr. Whitney is absolutely
right in his main contention. Ath-
letics in the West are certainly not in
a healthful condition, and a general
misconception prevails of what the
word 'amateur' really means.
Until 1890 athletics at Michigan were
without faculty supervision. The Ad-
visory Board, which was appointed in
that year, was exactly what its rame
implies, and a Board of Control, with
any irregularities, or has connived at
the 'collecting' of a teamii; nor is the
charge of negligence or indifference
any better founded. It should be re-
membered that many things which are
tolerably obvious in December wear ai
very different aspect in the previous
Prof. Pattengill urges the forma-
tion of an intercollegiate athletic union
among western colleges, saying: "It
would no doubt be of great service to
have a University athletic union com-
posed of the athletic boards of the
leading colleges and universities of the
middle-west. Such a union could en-
act uniform rules: to govern all ath-
letic contests, and would have the
power to enforce them. There should
also be a board of arbitration to sittle
disputed questions, from which lthere
could be no appeal. I do ot doubt
that other instittutions are meeting the
same difficulties which we have to
content with, and the advantages of
lending one another a helping hand
would be very great. But whether
such a union be formed or not, it s
our plain duty to move forwiard and to
keep well in mind that no standard
but the highest and best is good
Baseball Manager Shields probably
makes the most practical suggestions.
He says: "Professionaisn of every-
kind and nature should be totally ban-
ished from college athletics. * * *
To my mind very stringent rules
should be. passed and all the
colleges joining in the compact
should agree to refuse to have any
athletic relation of any nature what-
ever with iany college violating the
rules or agreement. If the leading
universities and colleges of the West
do this, there will be no trouble in the
future and no repetition of the many
accusations and disagreeable discus-
sions of the past year. I would sug-
gest as a foundation for such rules
the following:
"1st. Prohibit from engaging in col-
lege athletics all, who, at any time,
have received money for their ath-
letic services. 2l. Prohibit from en-
gaging in college athletics all who
have coached for money. 3d. No per-
son to play on any college team for
more than four years. 4th. Prohibit
from . engaging in college athletics
those holding any position in. their
respective colleges for which they re-
ceive compensation. 5th. Prohibit
from engaging in college athletics any
person in college simply for the pur-
pose of coaching, whether they receive
money therefor or not. 6th. All who
engage in college athletics amst be
bona fide students doing regular work
in the college they represent. Make
the rules plain and capable of enforc-
ment. If they cannot be enforced
there is no use in making them."
The following opinions are expressed
by the other contributors:
James A. LeRoy: There are consid-
erations of expediency, but there is
also a principle involved. The colleges
should be the exponents of amateur-
ism, and college teams should be the
examples of purity in this respect. It
is no idle sentiment that prompts this
statement, but in its acceptance and
observance lies the future of inter-
collegiate athletics. The present fever-
ishness and the extreme stress put
upon victory are unhealthy, and the
structure must rest on a sounder basis
if it is to last. In other wordst; sport
must mean pastime and not business,
or be destroyed as it was destroyed by
the spirit of professionalism that be-
came attached to it in ancient Greece.
What more fitting than that the task
of preserving it from the mercenary
taint should be entrusted to the col-
Roger Sherman: "The most success-
ful teams in the country today have
built upt heir reputation and their suc-
cess by the judicious expenditure of
money in securing the services of good
players. That nearly all of them still
cling to this practice is well known to
those who are in the possession of the
true state of facts. Practice makes
perfect. In the east the syste inow
runs with so little friction that its very
existence is denied by as astute an oh-
server as Caspar W. Whiitney. In the
west, success is no less the guiding
star. The friction here is stilh evident
to the most casual observer. * * *
If down in our hearts we could say
thatt the true and only end of all con-
test is the pleasure of honorably con-
tending, then we would one and ah
declare for purity instanter. But the
majority of us are near sighted and
anxious to win; we are pratical and
the present strongly appeals to us.
Until we can put aside this sordid de-
sire to succeed we will inevitably look
for the surest and most practicabie
Ieans of winning.. If it is by seeking
first for purity, the teauss throughout
the country have yet a lesson to learn.
If it is thought professionalism-an
evil, but not an unmixed evil-let us
remember that it is a bad means to a
good end and as such should be cast
aside as soon as the end is reached."
Professor cILaughlin: "I believe
the safest, most reasonable and satis-
factory rule is to shut out all men
from college teams who have ever re-
ceiveed money compensation for any
kind of athletic service, including
coaching. This is not because coach-
ing or playing professional teams is
immoral, but because it is bad policy
for generalas well as particular reas-
ons. The other kind of professional-
ism is immoral. It tends to degade
athletics and to blunt a sense of honor