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October 08, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-10-08

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litj 1111
9$ Is enough for one person toA
111 play on at one time. One 11
p guitar is not enough, howv-
ever, to supply 3,00 stu-
dents. That'swhy we have H
constantly in stock several
X1 dozens of guitars of varions h'1
1 makes aed prices.

UNIVERSITY MUtiSICIANS. to the ifaojii club a naundelin club will MODERN INTERPRETATION
GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS ABE jl, examzrination of candidates 1~l IS THE BASIS OF THE BIBLE IN-
ORGANIZING FOR THIS YEAR. tbetielil Fridaiy e5Oi i ginlRoom 24 at STITVITE LECTURES.
7 o'clock, 1a(d it is destreid that every-
Planning for New Trios Through onei ierestedillii#1te otmccess of th2e Prors. Burton and Willett, orfCt-i-
the West-B. C. Worden. Glee Club org,iliiti(0 te lpresent ut ftit time. cago Divinity Schools, in Charge-
Leader, and B. D. Ewing. tanjo Something of the Aims of the
Si)ffar tliedireitors (if te lu lb has,
Club Leader. Bible Chairs.
rOf been securedt, bot itlmou idodit.
li-e Glee aint fianjo :dubs heilt their toey will be0uniier the supervision of The piurpose of the 11ible' ntitute,
firs of eeting larst ev'ening, Presidenzt I those AwhIo lhave cortribtbed so smchat tiresent heimgighl illNwNberry
C. 11. Morse, jr., potst g;radiite, hio- formerly tiiirri the success of time 11.i11, tuner the zzii)1i00 of theii-(uille

It's good as its name. 1li1t no secreiiiry. (Of te ldii nietiliters of lPrepai atiions are already being mideJiable as history and literature, azccord-
ARBR OGAC91 lthle (flee clob time folloiNve eplc'tt fortei ew itisic, ad ei lit 1((4coiiiiii't- ito imiiisern niethllaof "scriptural
lllj~~~ TU ANlt:t H. 1t. O(tanoon, '98 91; I1. B. lee are hiarid at work. Thie first (ali- imiterpiretmationi. The course coinsists of
S. liWotmome, '910, . C. Daiivies, P'. G., firstc rtf will no0 ioiubt be given atIlionie ettliteemi lectures which begman Sunday
(0015,; T. lRiyioldts, 'lit,.NIsecoiicil siotti esoon. iinht, iandlconitinue this iseek, two lee-
S 'lu D iN TS%*3! tlnor; NV. A. Spit/.le9, Karl It. Miller,; rce or MesToih. tuiiis bl)in0fgiven emich mooning andi
}(Y3,AN lflirst b 111(1nd . .Blind', A. mi. fternoon iandlo00)ini the os(-limlg imntil
IF O WNTMaias and . P.C. Worden, '1,secomlit .'lime.Oracle board will iiie e s ' the iimmiber is tcoile~te.
B of his This-g lass. C,. ilead], 9, a foa~lrer (iii0- dliy at 7:45 i .i. uait. tie ]sin i snicTimstsork has heemti illi:;igtiateil for
tiber iifthit club anie with ie tluib (t 5Bei-ii1, GIL1. Ii5i ' e ,lite first time this fall by Dr. Yoilm-, of
tie begimining of lthe year, wsijs oo wl .Cie-x, i l~miii the ('ilech (if ('hrist, assisted(lby IProf.
piresen~t" i 1~5 ~I buiesl-s at Bay1 ity (i * Ita'. Co(ier, foriii-rly of tile (lib.1ni-
oo ~ fthe Bainjo clmib tiltre seore tile e versitys-le-rin a sssaltlri
fellovil It, 1. _, 1 liilliilgs -'9w, ban - _________fe_______________ ssomr of phlilosophly. The Bible
CALL. AT THlEjeauiune; It.D. Es)imig, '9t, andlsI.BNOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. ('I)-ir-istateteen(staiblishied in Annm
STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE 1h'.it mndart, 'f98, iiat oihis; 33. S. -Artbor- by-thie ('bristiimm Woiammo
(Itlbutmn and(1A. S. Malitlmint, '97,1(ban- Inmorer l-to gist- otr sumbscrbtrs flit Bhard of .Missiomis, whoist-emltttim~rters
Lass'anaiM icl tt1Giee to; 1mind(C. IK. nMorse amimAVW. .1best setr-ice- loss ithe se ve m1-pe't(edIre at Indlianapilihs. 'T'hey iremis--
Latin.m <tt Mmm ~t iatmsand0151rid CA- (1I lzm, '<+,f utftittrs. Imaddiiomi lie local1 circ-ulatiomi in ts'hei tilts (if sigmetdto give sthll-y i1,stm-(mtio inm
loge Text 13,)ois at reducmed rmates tt-ie ((1as F. 11. Waldlrom,'97, IMan- M. P. C. AMeyer, mimd sve ('a11 lte the study of tile Bible to stdelits of
to studients. Drasving Jnstmruments mul, gtim-timtee litiriiomptldieguilar (de-lvery heUmieritmmd lsemse.o lt
alud nuigneers' Suplies10. Sbhumt.-yBeacel h'r( -liie ti , li, semis (if phllb5s, ttlelistIas.ho-seitrotmlitedhe-iel mppliedI ('risimanity,5with mil
WEldS ELL THE BEST' AND I-l-cted mlsisluluutbusiness immilml,,r. a1(11 any failture ho recieie hieu 1tipmhemirmofiihe'ilogril
C HEAPE'ST'1"O UNTlAIN PEN nuliz~eailo nlecn -u<
MADE.,'Soeie ,Ni'i-mis si-it oil time disculs- tchmnge of aldress m]nay be repomrted. tmeit of rightmiduliitis tometer tile
"- s;in oitetm ris for tile canninlglyemar, Mt-yl-m'simetssstmandl46t 1. Villil, 01riilistly, milndlof hillidinggtup ma Iligl
S I'EIE1'AN & CO.. manmithoughtlnot1101flitmiely mrraniged, mt the Dmally ethics-, 1slytO 11-hrengil <grad it luioumtl-y emilito 1-11001oo.
STATE STREET 111thuy w ibesomme-satiafms fellows.: time co-operathion of ottr subhsribm-mns 'ls use lecturirsthis fmll ale-Prof.
ii uui-t--11,('hmristnmiis slamitionl<Il hmmt sue are mle -'to idetet aswron~g udi- emst.. hllho io le 'r 7Sil-
tr 1 )ip il hi Itakenm throumlghmOhiot, Il- i- 1115,5a1111 se-reque-st ilohik m#ion letoheDvntmfho llclnc
T E DN T IO il 111a1111 probablyIlhlinmois, eumbrmil- atuy irregularmel-is-try. All papmers iils-hthe('i-go ii-mhy
TnanwitEAheIh ritio TAILORty
1 iin lbot I doze-ilconcerts. In thue tholululbe Ideliveedlby- 1 ot-ctotkIand(11thluof. Ihurotn Ihls he hair i'of Ele
.AND IMWPORTER. sprinig ht htipiwilltie seest, cov-eing -u'bscribers ilmy lexpset timei'rill-ers at'iestllit-ut, tInterrtamlioll mnmmis isli)-
The latest utnd intst Fashitsnableol(ally- (f the cities of tielea1t11 3-5irt,11he imle of dmy1atmit cfliesityreceive rilig hi-Iloftn thellelure011ntilt'Six
Foreig""n Fabrics fomr Men's Wear. meC'icuago, St. Louiis, Ommthlm, Tiopeka, this nubr. (Genermally At-cepteth Letters if time
Time L-irghst Stock in the City. Deer,eub'elo, 111d1 perhapths Salt A hiounmdl volumeil'of thein i~ly 04 Apostle Pmil., Mr. lHerblitiL:Wilbet
NO , )oll ,I.ki City and hgden,retriimg colmliete-ml'recorof aycmtr of C'Ileil- is sutlhmown-mthuletson8111 ofun'f-
NO. 2tWSIGO S.ERMI.hrmtmuglhLicolnl,NI-li., IDis Mouites (liltsity' -elis.,NWe have perfe-t-d mc-
-N ADnierpamstr of thue Bmuptist tchurch.Ile
XIL Davenpis or~htiI. lIowa. No Iselal- trip suill u-mit'ielsmiili lig subseribiers still gis-;istt lectutres ((11Iamlyhy(111'esl-
bt htkenn l iciiigmm, .1b115cocel-ts keep a. ile lto gil thi-r nmltmtti'ms botindillltIisoy loiiil-eglimum
[ III 11111 ~wil begis-enimt svrioits tuneslt hroulghi atIlilecil dratett'5hei'('1enof tin' year.
~A~E y~ FAT '01,1RI-i~thillyetmlr ill lhe lladimng-ielss, ctilomme- 'fltose 55-110 bsire oho miean'litihttge
We can mot yotur Ineis in Ithe in1(_il~sig, (Grmndmuei iuds. Smiglln sf tlis-offer eshold hiify time busills tllspekesuithi goodietis. Syllamiiof
way of test-books, supplies, etc.. no ,.thir lec'ltmies ine to lii hiadifou 10
matler whlat your class or depart- IaBtly i3, Ioint:IHuron.,iid IDetroit. ummmimlier lat (, ((ilonce.~m yliulot i-mn'
ment, at either of siur stores, and sve Icemntshhinattt e iititlit-5 ull-,ut1crptiomstotim Dm03 'ltlyli
have the right kind at tile right oz',Wttlmr's hooik stort's.
price. Bring around a list of syour ieild here aleseveral iniithe is' Lletflt. it y nes sstmimd, 55 lull maiy
wants ; a trial purchase is the best sersits' sslmiihave hien promliiitinentiin i'e eof IllselDaily hbemaedlor luthlor- (litSundmay5nilehit the auiehhnce 1111T11-
imdicator as to where you shuould bee bu 0 nd-a ral n
tradte all liltyear. thme club ianid sliso1ma1y be inluceld ho iziid solicitor, eo' at the D~aily office. ter-llhllt11 1) smsgetylt
WAe buy, sell and exchange second- recturn tIhils eai'.Ammong;lbseni. arePltusicmation ss-ll ciiser timensire cii- frtefd. 'T'le lmohringll and mfternoot
hand books in large quantities, and - ssin nMna e eiuhsnfe
can tiller yout special bargains in II. B, Bodolall llti last y'lar's letlder loei year' andi subhscribetrs lemaingltgill n-~ 15tl ~nt3-sic-Iill umt
this line. W''4e are sole agents for of the Banijo s-ub; Jothn Pra=#t, '9i, o1 ilediately asfter tlie spriung examina-im mumhrmdh,5-, as OtllIclmuhs co1(ulinomt-
the celebrated Watermnan fountain tn u h .oU!)> 1awr
pen-everyone guaranteed. You'll time '114cltub, amid B. It'. Sickeuthi, P.(G-, ionsm~uayIave ltettil'pap tllllhorliutile to11 uIlh-slilts
also find the best Iniversily Statioll- second blass (If last tlee Ilublt)hitir hioilitaddiress tittil collmlence- (-n11inll lllnlitrfi ri<luillg fiemm ifh3' to
cry, Note Blooks, Drafting Supplies, 1} n eea~a ~ll tlrk a~v
Suveaters, etc., at special rates at 'heIlt(hee (luh eleeteid is lele ,lmlett -hlout extra cost. '('le sutb-(( 1( see(11m -ml5mhflttai'
- , ('WA~ret '98itotscceedA.lG.iuiel " _listecim-s,
-l.en,'itS o suceed A,(3,pCti-e relinalts as lieretefore, __________
W A F-'.Ife, s9elieh is 1101 in 1thelUnivrsity. , s f)(a. B. D-get. rcaptain of fle'A'Varsily
P1oe, DueTe, '('lie Banjo chub elected lI. D. BusilmgOr. B. IIARiIISOT, (l-venilnto1'2 anid 'f3, is comlelimtg the
ll wi, DwnTwr~iiv+_cmitv neohisseoe, 0Oesste (ortlsase ,
20 Sl ate St-. 4 N. 1Ma1in1St. 'Oft, as leader.,''his 1-eat iadsdition Butsiness MlIlager. Eure-ka College tea~m ltBurei, aIlls.

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