VOL. VI. No. 8. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, T UESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1895. Fouui PAGES-3 CENTS. litj 1111 ONE GUITAR 9$ Is enough for one person toA 111 play on at one time. One 11 p guitar is not enough, howv- ever, to supply 3,00 stu- dents. That'swhy we have H constantly in stock several X1 dozens of guitars of varions h'1 1 makes aed prices. oBETTER LOOBK AT OUR RU. OF M. GUITAR. UNIVERSITY MUtiSICIANS. to the ifaojii club a naundelin club will MODERN INTERPRETATION GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS ABE jl, examzrination of candidates 1~l IS THE BASIS OF THE BIBLE IN- ORGANIZING FOR THIS YEAR. tbetielil Fridaiy e5Oi i ginlRoom 24 at STITVITE LECTURES. 7 o'clock, 1a(d it is destreid that every- Planning for New Trios Through onei ierestedillii#1te otmccess of th2e Prors. Burton and Willett, orfCt-i- the West-B. C. Worden. Glee Club org,iliiti(0 te lpresent ut ftit time. cago Divinity Schools, in Charge- Leader, and B. D. Ewing. tanjo Something of the Aims of the Si)ffar tliedireitors (if te lu lb has, Club Leader. Bible Chairs. rOf been securedt, bot itlmou idodit. li-e Glee aint fianjo :dubs heilt their toey will be0uniier the supervision of The piurpose of the 11ible' ntitute, firs of eeting larst ev'ening, Presidenzt I those AwhIo lhave cortribtbed so smchat tiresent heimgighl illNwNberry C. 11. Morse, jr., potst g;radiite, hio- formerly tiiirri the success of time 11.i11, tuner the zzii)1i00 of theii-(uille It's good as its name. 1li1t no secreiiiry. (Of te ldii nietiliters of lPrepai atiions are already being mideJiable as history and literature, azccord- ARBR OGAC91 lthle (flee clob time folloiNve eplc'tt fortei ew itisic, ad ei lit 1((4coiiiiii't- ito imiiisern niethllaof "scriptural lllj~~~ TU ANlt:t H. 1t. O(tanoon, '98 91; I1. B. lee are hiarid at work. Thie first (ali- imiterpiretmationi. The course coinsists of S. liWotmome, '910, . C. Daiivies, P'. G., firstc rtf will no0 ioiubt be given atIlionie ettliteemi lectures which begman Sunday (0015,; T. lRiyioldts, 'lit,.NIsecoiicil siotti esoon. iinht, iandlconitinue this iseek, two lee- S 'lu D iN TS%*3! tlnor; NV. A. Spit/.le9, Karl It. Miller,; rce or MesToih. tuiiis bl)in0fgiven emich mooning andi }(Y3,AN lflirst b 111(1nd . .Blind', A. mi. fternoon iandlo00)ini the os(-limlg imntil IF O WNTMaias and . P.C. Worden, '1,secomlit .'lime.Oracle board will iiie e s ' the iimmiber is tcoile~te. B of his This-g lass. C,. ilead], 9, a foa~lrer (iii0- dliy at 7:45 i .i. uait. tie ]sin i snicTimstsork has heemti illi:;igtiateil for tiber iifthit club anie with ie tluib (t 5Bei-ii1, GIL1. Ii5i ' e ,lite first time this fall by Dr. Yoilm-, of tie begimining of lthe year, wsijs oo wl .Cie-x, i l~miii the ('ilech (if ('hrist, assisted(lby IProf. piresen~t" i 1~5 ~I buiesl-s at Bay1 ity (i * Ita'. Co(ier, foriii-rly of tile (lib.1ni- oo ~ fthe Bainjo clmib tiltre seore tile e versitys-le-rin a sssaltlri fellovil It, 1. _, 1 liilliilgs -'9w, ban - _________fe_______________ ssomr of phlilosophly. The Bible CALL. AT THlEjeauiune; It.D. Es)imig, '9t, andlsI.BNOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. ('I)-ir-istateteen(staiblishied in Annm STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE 1h'.it mndart, 'f98, iiat oihis; 33. S. -Artbor- by-thie ('bristiimm Woiammo (Itlbutmn and(1A. S. Malitlmint, '97,1(ban- Inmorer l-to gist- otr sumbscrbtrs flit Bhard of .Missiomis, whoist-emltttim~rters Lass'anaiM icl tt1Giee to; 1mind(C. IK. nMorse amimAVW. .1best setr-ice- loss ithe se ve m1-pe't(edIre at Indlianapilihs. 'T'hey iremis-- Latin.m 1awr pen-everyone guaranteed. You'll time '114cltub, amid B. It'. Sickeuthi, P.(G-, ionsm~uayIave ltettil'pap tllllhorliutile to11 uIlh-slilts also find the best Iniversily Statioll- second blass (If last tlee Ilublt)hitir hioilitaddiress tittil collmlence- (-n11inll lllnlitrfi ri