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January 09, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-01-09

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Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the Coliegen year, at
'OFFnCn: Timnes building N. Main st., oppoulte
post office.
J. A. LEitoy, '90, Managing Editor.
G. iR. Sums, '99, Assistant.
C. D. CAny, tGr. L, Ansistant.
. F. T11mAeto '9r", Assistsnt.
S. E. EssPErn, '98, A thlotic Editor.
L. C. WALKEno, '90. Business Mainager.
it. C. hAnLS, '(0 Al, Assistant.
Associate Editors.
[G. A. Pratt, 'Q6. A. K. Petrie, '980.
C. A. Boughton, '06 D. G. Ml. Heath, '96 P.
K'atherine Reed, '97. ii. iB. Gammon, 'OS M.
W. W. Ilughes,'90. iR. it. teiliy, '9(0.
it. C. Bach, '99(0Al. Suoannah liicl'dson,'98


The nsscripion price oC the D~aily hus
been reduced to Si.5) is advance Ccr the rc~t
oC the year. Leavc subscriptions at the
Daily office or with P. C. Meyer, U. 'Cfii.
Neon Stand.
The IDaily \vooldindisorse' tih'sc
grstollitiiaoio'by the(' sriii r of Mtle
('oiiiiiiiitiionin iianioothe~r ciiiisi
tatith're 1w' sn iiivestiglioii of tilt'
ellaig(es roentily miaude agaliisl M'ii.-
ig.aii by Ilarper's Weekly. 'l'o' iy
ofth lii niivr-I.y sile'nc'e'in the 'Cao'e
of thorse cliarga's gist's a s(?litotl(Iel,
abloth sluellits andol iiiiiiio'i'y-
tveear'e do' ioaiii att heiiiiIo'ooato'o
be looked1'liinto soid theo'niameso f Mio'ii-
~iiii hes'iiidiole I.
'1lT foloinIngpertinenit s'ditil'
f'rsom the Dencotaour nal has the 'haets-

Communication. lowsvatnldarot.leaves iii opon ltoenno' CALENDAR.
'fa theo Editoi' of the I. of AI Daol(ly iai.. ii iilegtonte1101 FrI i.,Ian. 10, Graniger's Acadowey.-
oils. So loingais moltre"'ognizedo'ls'e- neh
Dear Sir-Itso'riis to iio'(Ito-01thereo'8scil
liss oro atoolelo ino'rlsiiooliri' whre''aosiprofessionials, ire 'ligibie 1to iFi.ai.1(.-Sair of re'serv'ed seats
to ignotro' anootkeep quiet atinlatt 'r of ouor tesims, lhey aro' sue 'tIai' looakedl feor'M'y19'titailcNpins at School of
great simo'tance, wit-i uirct'ly con. ,wttsi~i'ci 'srwiot i ii1
juistly no. It is lime o' io or0oi'fii' zf it 1 81.Il.. isily-
tornis theio' t'noersity anid itsgoodotH1aiii.- ir iosoel '0hcyeiooorlf, '70), lee-
naomie. i refer'toftie e'iiai'ges orloll'I o 1)e9loi a1i lsl teoh ilnssu~i Priwsonsanod Sibo'i-
by IG'spaur X\'iitney ill two oio' rent louig t1Iany of ooir tils whssoose 'tand ian I';sile.
issues of Itairllet"5 Weekiy agaiiost pro- i( s11iilt'rishtsyio0105 F'o Iu 1..o.ii,'n'riy
fesoaillaogtc aios~ ticii. Le(, tiem o, ho is i-igil tnoon iIHall.-IlCioal lilion iniioratorio oct
fersitnis of Iiio W'ethe taioiilleOi-9 iillc ebli fMiiill i ooLi~
versi e~sof tae Aestand Xomo citlWe iii.an22.-lIegenlts isieet.
aulong thim'iiicithgon, whlichi -booge. eooal. tWliedo.. odhps~ '00ct .l.2l), lraniger's Acadoenmy.
iba' icelc(I h''ogros ooosour wi lonis for so yer or (1too. btthtlo '9it 0 00111l
c nrot'in ttrin '0'0'e'stgingiiefot t lilial. 511(0001( ho tin' lsst consid tco'on t000 il 1F('). 14, 8 .8 til., t'nh-o'rsiy
Wetan n atc tr 0001-co11li) 00hero'thelietioosl(f liooieosty ii-I loon. tenry Watlerson iSt. L.
(oil. thio'whlcoun otitry. A.course'
,'heot the first soiticle' 01101)". e I willtsh oioorioo.Fri.,Fcb. 14. Watermian Gymnnas-
rhoiargo's agsainstlb'h11011o1'of Mk-i -I as eieei.totmsntmn f TwseiitiethXAiiial Mail of thoe
gallo, Chlica5go, Minnieensso oul1111 NoststooI11f1 isIlsliiooloogc P'all'diniumfrateriiities.
55 o-t('rii nic-orsitlo's, 0itc"asgrc--too oo lo cotlrocsioosiss os'c COM1 I IFhN'fAIIY TO t'MEtLIN
c'tl ats ostoormo o' llillI o i nlguio l' sgoos s'sooill loroveariiIAtNo.
tlils sction. ''Ibis iliioaoti 0000 00 0 so'stcd.it-, '11. '0Witilo'shas oo I lo Sec're"tary' Clo'imo'it of tho'eAnn Aro'rou
'calle'dlfoortoto y iliot 0' osiololot t ha tlooope1r -ondlItairot re'maoo' sine hreOroanCo.has rceoiv'ed the foloiwing
stscoooo'oc ooooloiio'i n t oi s- onloyodoring" ise'foootbalseaoson. ndtooeostimooialohfrooinRudolph tisonii Sosoopso,
couaoh in 0'v'ery os-so lost' ty s loooiiisltrol D01 eI 0 tc.11t w'itho tho'e oodlr cConicert
golo-sl saonolswooeointo en '' ( 10oh5t00010 10001otoo'o'e'foor'osothimio. Iheo :
oloaogo's.*Thiis cdo'iial oslos'' st Ihir~liisoi"oAn0oitl oo on 7A11l ror, llo-lo.. Dec. 1>; 18S03.
in01 towoluenooficialssi s+Oiooandhotfoon lo'io'o''o"goiost015. 10111 s00faol' not, 0"rLii wis0 511. C le'ost'u, Igi'. Aisn
11too 01019'to this110 ooolo~oritstis'' c Oio'l loio"lDetoaiiis01l"ot oooir,-sg llon u p('00.,e t
ho' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ zr4 llo ot1llci o 1"0711.0coo to y'ou 19liy ilits fi'orouir,
Soo ooii oooifnsosorsitlo'0 oollo'it, - ruh .70's sondliocol-lipubllicity tsre so'o coas kinolno'.s in hoosliog loaneo the illoltul
n-soto iioom Mr.'o''totoi't' 1oosiieo'iooghlotoo oooorit cooisioi'ooiooi i .If ldiot1 1110far thie'concert sit liol-
bl hesc'at isleo'u001 We'st Ioll'trposo'e tooiop'r asolIot ilit sel'o' paoiotfor i 1 ' sorsott oall011lSasturdayl' evenlingIDle,
foolr ios''stgsot'. Xs 1 rslilBiss rri( coslioro' ItIis falll, theo st10 0l 11th. It g"si 010'sioll tssre to
and aticleon te nlloisat t'opp~oooooruitym9'ofots loooociiug 'or-
ttl~ a ler, ene1lot lo' soi'l'so's 00iiow 'of itsandoNi I(I 'so thh (
of thc'dotasils, boil left lis c ilrgo' 0 0'to'Oitgroos o'ilol000 tlit ilstrtlolilt. Its evreil sioo
noot. tioc' 'ooool11n00m0'of oor Vlnivs sitysiaod fine' 'resant lono' afforded moe the
goe'sal strongthenoo n dol onfoooirmed'o.
le' too's shot isosw-direct09 lyosoge Mit- Oto'ians iosthast odeniall boi'adesiso' pub- "i'o"ato'stsatisfaocton.
gpaes i h ot ic-19 1s theoo' o'h;suigoshaseoso' lotol 0 . A"'ain tendoeringlilsy sincre'st
1(7:11 sihs Isoyisgloloycs ol tc' 0,0 thankissfor ol ur00co'uwrte'sy. I I'oaolln,
blosl teoos tis year,'boit he,'0xpoo0scs Ion '"t1119.~lou5s1respoectflly,
soispirAicPPRTERof is toeiotolono' iltihe A I'l'l'( iTl''tOF 1'AfTl1.1 10 111DOIL'it VON .SCARPiA."

hotg of c-Xboo'lcc't:
"P'robalyh tis'e0110ot sabsoluito' 100's-

oh' better' vohtilltoohnd io l iillthe boo's o'o'nsure'o' iohigsun ifor is for I oos'-
opeorainig roo. WhloeOiot he elig-s
are eoooiiiiti'i11''1'liighoilt' r;is ;,oo i 1011a-edI Bienion tho' toamoownho were
outlet foor (hoe -iouuore a001 he'ste'ohair hot aasotur. lisivihg bostt uh' 0010-
exettby' lmeans 00f so fo'ws sioallor- 1tear'stoinhhig )109oaochiing footbllh
fnoor' -uoos's snot swith the uoo'oso'ei taus01w059'e oo~sioloiI~s'oui
of li('i'101105ohie'hnrndoitotylf pe r-em rpaigpoesoa aaa
slons in this ro o q~e or oa ealkote'e tloton sold bettoo'lii'bo'st ob'-toontrol looreo'etoos hoof oioiuotn the
tab le bynodern hl0I0ilandotsc'io'ioliio' smue stsanodsrd of soiosho'urisioo as Clog
menes. Sevorsal blgr:e ly-1liis-Woould A. A.1'. 1110 O'very othico'ms eu'r
not only uuio'os''e theo' presentloor001 sthleticleaguo'. Its rueos rosioetehaot
light -withiswhicho t' he ot ons hose oo'I
cotend'oil 01lotorkclas', boutssoiulodalso ss ouoouo lih lie so bohusolio'stodetou
providlesil'hit for theo'foolnir ou -- do010ng lisrolege' iworko sali'7fsicorit9'
sioueot 109'the' hreohoro' of so oouios' sond thbat lehuislrecolvr noipay9'for
poplle. W'0hilo' the'Regentls sre p1a'ht'on01109'of oul'tesbons. 'fhot
obligeod, lbeopause of the hoostiiity of thor assuireot he Itoar'd does noi cre if 110'j
boo lgilstue' cosoro hc tol esl9,ho-s receisveod19009 for Iis being con-
Io hi' ecoomoiial iou their rlepioi-
tres, it swoould no nly 011'joist that oleeteo thtiltieis in tie ts.
h.art, lit least, of the eauroings ofthe I11semsto010he owrite'rthattisis haa
opoeratinggrconicshouildthe aiiliio'oto- very -loss'standal~rdlforthoc'highest so11-
os'arils liii'comifort'andoood heo iailthof letic body oilthoe Lixis'er. il9'oftdicho-
those stiudeno'o h ooncro'easethe' g-n- g ost mwligt e~o
ecrl fundotof tliii' i'oo is9'seseratlOfihtoe.I usliigoseds'-
thoiusand d.olollars annuaillyi9. edge the force of the argumient lihat
__________________ stndents often 10119 tieir wasy it rol-
Invitation to Seniors. ,10(70y layn o ems nsumr
The seinior omedial class has ce- coneloing, etc., andothoot it miay seem
ceivedill invitationo fromu Dr. J. on ahoudahip to role them ot.Poless
Kellogg, of Mattle ('reek, Miich., no wse do it, hosweser, soe mre tiking a
visit the nedical aind surgical saini- stand that is not recognized by any
tarinmcoder lis sepers-islon at that amnateur athletic, body in the country.
place. This wilt be loot only an en- Men in such °staliding are not eligible
joyable trip for the students but one to compete in the gamed of the Aomer-
of mch hractla"Ibenfitto hem ir !an Intercollegiate Association, of
of mch lirttlal enet t thm i which we are ao member, andi would
their future work. not be recognized as eligible in any
To Iteot--One suite with furnace league in the country.
heat and bath. S Monroe at. T1 Furthermore, the maintaining of so

Conventoon Held at Pennsylvania
During the Holidays.
'l' sciehoists of lhe'isxnaotionasl sio-
eie'tie's heoold oetio-ssill thio',ohis of
he I'll,'c t tllniylalis-11'1.
tho' bioosiY. It ~-as proobablthile'
0mo0sf soiritool c'Ollvi'cationofiotitslinel
esor bold, ihet'ressonlprobasbly -bc'iuug
thtouo'eo' boforo'haveoost' man011109'il--
dlcoots:ieloltir uassoriations lel ou t hoc
4n i hle uno laltei. Amxogthe omast
infeo-ostiiog of thoo' oisrussions sw-Och
camoie u010lo'fooo'o'hoc'se'veraot sneoic's
is-sos Ithatof thoc'Aolierircoii Society' of
.Nauturalists in regaorodtoo tile 001(7101uIod
relaoonos of ihecfBorao snod faunot of thut
Aioroiistio' andootmsolioi'eial regions,
P'rof. 1'Willioamo I. Scott, of Prinvton,
wsvssoeteot president for the ensuing
year.i 'fle sice presidlent's elected were
l'rofessocoIV. IG. Foster, ofHaorvoarod,
C. I0. W'hitmoan, of U'ivsersity of ('lob-
(logo, anloThleodore (till, of thoe Siot-
sonison Institute. During the coinvenu-
lion thoe social comnmittee on arr'ange'
muents gave a banotnet 1tobohe ailiated
societies at the Hotel Lafayette, at
svloicio ahout 130 of the scientists woere
present-Daily Princetonian.
Musical-F. Steinbaur, Xi Psi P111,
'98 D, teacher of Banjeau, Mandolin
and Guiar. Ann Arbor Organ Co.
Res. 7 V'olland st. 40-minute lessons
50 cts., GO-minute lessons 75 cia.

lOi the ev-ening of V'eoioispbay, loot.
22, sotlthe ese 'i'alentine thrate',.
'folrodo, the Waltor Dsooorosch Grmantoo
~Opera o. owisl lfiii a omusical engiage'-
mont n'li' promiises to eclipse soil in-
ti'itauiniits of lime seasoon. As a greaot
manyii9'Ann Arbor popoho' aove ex-
pressedlsodesire 10 attendl, the Ann
Arbor rasilroad l runcciia: trainlt eaving
hiore iat:) p. oi., retunnog lease'T'oe-
ledto at 114:30 1, in.uPtces swisbing*
soeats roesoeroeod1'anldo so lot adviance.
The fatre to Toledoo and return ivill he
75 cenuts.
It. S. (tREEtNWDD, Agent.
The '90 "Ites Gestae" Board, offer a
casiohoprize of $13 for the best short
story oo a legool soobject. Contcibu-
tionos from all departoioecols. are incited.
allothblo Board roserve t~he righot to lose
-all Inanuscript submitted.
The Castalian wvill ofter eithber a
cash prise of not less than ten' dollars
or a series of boobs of equal vaine-
for the best poem subniitted on or
before January 15. Poems pertaining-
ton college life preferred.
Guitar for Sale-A Grand Concert
Washburn Guitar for sale cheap, For
further particulars apply at the IHch,
3 and 5 E. Washinegton st
A nicely furnished front suite, three
south window's, register in each room.
Iteasonable price..5% E. Washing-
toin StT0
For Rent-Two furnished suites, both
antd furnace heat, corner of Dioiion
and William ats.([T

'40" 1

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