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December 12, 1895 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1895-12-12

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For a Stylish

Noble's Star Clothing Hou~se, S.Man



Jos W.Kollauf,
ci.Merchant Tailor,
Strictly high grade work at
moderate lprices.
10 E. Washington St.,
EImp Ioyj
~ jMen'
vetsinspart paymentfor ahigh g'adeAmen
bice, whicesend ,Che on pievl. Io'

Is what our new line of Neekwear is. (Speci-a1l
Holiday Line). Our Price 50c. .-'...
Sold here and raised everwhere. Nice Holiday f ,
Presents. 4
D)O YOU 81v401{E?4
4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - = - 5c .... 4
7 Pull Value Cigars for- ---- --25c
6 Pred*gy Cigars fer - - - - 25c RA _
4 Owl Boquet Cigars fer- ---- --25c
3 Royal Banner Cigars for - - - - 25c 7 q
Lowest Market Price by the Box.
44Sot MinSret DEAN & CMIPANY.jaiat


I YcY i. vulu11 LPLMlll ot1CCll. I

If bos oresoappyctemust be welirecom liI1(ooLele s lest ciili l oiciglit. ltiurs., lDee. 1 2, 7:30 p1 ic.I lariii 6S. MINST. AND STATE ST9.,
mended. sa-ite rprticls.Col III e i ccliiu lc ~l.Frt llit(uidicpsc CORNER OF WILLIAM,
ACME CCYCLE COM'PANY, eciwillT'huiii' liiili ic. dos..lDee. 1-2. 8 p. ii,Dihsciples'
. ELHART, INDcl oirch Iclol cil Le-igulee coteic coos, ci .HAVE A COMPLcETEcSTOCK Or'
isill Ie :1 iiisle i f lihi- i-ieicc lireceion of i-tot i-i zis Yoil. UNIVERSITY -TEXT - BOOKS!
G. SPALIN A BQSI t!) Fi., lece.. 1:l e--cuts Met.1 cil
.1 4 SPALDIN)!& BROS y a 41:, l). 111.il III(,holne- Fri. lic. 1:, Orr ic-er' i~aemccii New and Second-Hand.
Fotball Supplea ,1i c 05l. Iitilii-:ic. 'J7social. Noite boolksndoilier Suilets' Supplies
[ pecialty. IFri.Dee. us,,ii7:le-1). I'li:iic - 0Dm ooo tin Pesc i necc Sts lisilery Sporting
lctigi o~~lrth fl"I f its 1o- ri leG3- oiodis, etc.. wich eb y offe t the lowst-s
r r y tilusite iiir the Ii111Lll---i c el.--Woiac s I tiiic Cliisien~cspriceo. _____
me oo~kt Pns.Tr c f ~br ui1rc1i s.1 Il- hillty.
dtoiesngies, orr is Hl.l i di r., liee.13 8 p. niic 1 is1iihi Cell and see us before Purchasing.
iii lt itiig, eril'
hv e iia loistubere Iloiiib- cii- Sicili-cits i licl 111 Atssciaioii ii eeiiic lililliii I- gi---ie ci ______________________________
ie Sini Guards, lieaid ________________i________
iiiii-e-o pl-oeii- otlciali siti 'allgiii'fioi asi-i li-siioifell sl le ic lty i il l ie.
U w; ri ,$5 00. Qn ( vi".ic ( l~lnJEna "1
Ciic.4iiNiicoioil iallieiiiiii Ciiis li c iaiiii iii tle iidlius liiy i cec iiciiI.ht
l C ilkils, of NePtoi .551t, 1. «'11irbeityec~iii h sbet fca cii ocala
i. e Price, lU ots. icuisiccmi y S it., -c. 11, ph i ., 55 1 : its ii -is.t11.i.e11i luii tieiia
Illustrailteeotisail Catalogee nt reui eo. slii:ii-c - -A l 1 ill ol e t Co. '.L Aucu se eAcaeicy, is iayiiaiii i., opposie 5ehisil
N w-ok lcao, Phii-deirhi.c.ofiiMusiciciillici.m isNostir stoimouiit;
ix--Soc. Foster This Atrnoon. hasll.. li.Iliiiiiuiatlilciss sto . C. .____________________
XFIRST NATIONAL BANK. I M..Dee. ti~. 4p1iii1., Roo-imi ._ ~ H K Y S
OF ANN ARBIOR.iILssjiaiiiiiiiiofiiicandliidte;c; for Ii cli
Oreciiieci iit,1i'3i63Iiii 7i l,iii -iiiiiifhou s il flel-i- dcl.
CTrales10is0a0.i creelinioits 4000c ici-iiCuiBalcs.l(t'I t)''ll. Dc (; . l. Lliarl~ OPERA HOUSE EW LE
Ferreigi eehan-e esgiht eudtclc Fcrnisheli ti"Ilst ilciiliiti li s iil-1 -1 s clnicli-Picf .\iIig iCe
letters ofcedoit. jlii seriess il 1iiie.-iis IlailltIhi: lcd, " 'I eetiicity in itsi- lii cy " PINS:-U1. of M., A. A. H. u.
P. BACK hPres. .IV.CLARIKSON, Cashier.i Uliiiiniiti- 5 c ht01ity Club coeiis. TetietiiIiecl.Cmn c
hisnt. Dei. ? .P ii i.t: ) l. liii\-lte--,
TUDE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK 2a1theilit- iicicliui- __-5e-ci i -i1-i
Caidt icl S o ,t() iui is iiiiisfilituiPhsilosohical Socioty. lo( i., Deci. 17,7:80 15-p. IIrs
o - i e oi cte - 5,0000 iii llasicis l_\letilgafts ac e e t
o thsSidr elcivies depoesits, bees andI liii iiiitiiiiiof t 'l llsoiiisiiiesl C li les. Siililoil o "Expeii meini til f
sells s e on thi e pc iriiincil cities iof the dci }' lutn d" - aouil ffi t'.
Uniteid S-c. lDraliecasised cupoi proper il--ifoiiiil-ii ir ycs l-i yisa fthei s iliitiiiihaveiiiiiusdiree ie nei r
icletice.ion.u ailey ilepeit i-uses te rent. ,1 TiI . o. 7-}r11 n i wl ini neofii crns.A ilt
Osric2ios: Chiii i !lcli Ples.; W.V . 10 1. Iiiili555 id lil iii11111i diic. ii 1. atl 111(_-ii-e..i0 sctuiieiue' iii 0
Harrimiani. Vice-iee.: Cihis L. iliscck S tlf., . I . I t::sii I.ii.. Rlu mIiii .i1 inbl t (allilliiacrd ;;et -iflee
Hfastier: 14I. J..ricz Asistant Cashier. iix Vic isltcle ii c0il lxsuuuitaiuuii if c-.iuiuidictts for f sampl# e .
IIlihi on"h Auhti-Cn- ulllanl lu.0 PAL ER'S PHARMACY.#
I iiic lL -s rl.''I'1iis., Dec. I,,), hp.lii. lirize~ t 1 . il For the liectci u itier s lnd hand-0
" i Ahl-tcs- i~ly ce rtic . somestliorses,'lione lMoies' Liivery.
1 dlix PhI iieya uns. De.A1). p. ci - 1Preshlte-i-c . ^ar ^
i4"e arecup stairssuchdiwi ire xi in aill theu e rnoo0.11 iil e-cu ilog aul will blin liii. i hi 'l.-liuhiii. tilnds-te, V. dI. CI. --
NIieO 5idiiiid 0 lutanes. atteiiiiilii ueei- l i;lit115ls wit-I. 1A.leiicturecosuruse. SPECIAL.
UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING tl -011(i(i, lO IiEAE ri. c.2)cohgCiitisc-________________
liAD-t - TT -T ~ ~ ~ .ceSess inc.llisM.)11IIAII;TIN. Funleral IDirector, Coth
If itl rsc ii-h ici o~ Tises., dais 7--Ilisersity opellss fter .sandi Ietallic Casikrts andii Iseun
If yu tati f oi, tllosrtd Iiile S I Cffiens. icrluiuc a Speiaslty. Nio. ii E.
ihuueiiig hti e'ar }yen1si-ill1sarE Ii- c .- Clh:iistilss Y@eess.dWashingtoniuist.
NV byI uhsing15a1 :0hhoosauicli lte tice-i.Fri., 114, l, atcriiiais(iylulias-
ruiTheibestli ilietiiisarket sire 1Oho,, i -ilni-TssclshiethiAisiusal Bali of tOhs , OF II SIAVl-Ainimeut ofiisut 1i5s
os lsue b aeno-fu (Ohic Ciltrsht huh-s. Plllddiumiilfinhernities. Importedl anii domesticeiars. Ladies artis-
- tic ihai rilressilis aeid bathineg parlors. J. 1.
rheyi m,,goodovercu- cl inpr1110 TINGD.'rejaoosii30OS. State st.
stO li st ieofhiigPhi-t-1111c, the Bi-i se--lg e e-a iriyTAflIEN YOU IVANTCyour loth-es clearsnd,
liihav rugsbac cero-t V ih r oilese ,relinedO or rebounid ;oito Mrs.
jhFhuretc. Sic-aligilliSof 01O0hioCntral Fn- eoer Sehnsbo tr.Lb
M e 11iines before pluhicasiog Priceo.1.2 hateli of kid glov-es, hid .a.er i l sored- oratory apronsmade to order
good nelyar.hufflr in thie 1pockets.iethlrl it he
Possibly your gym. suit _oi 108er.8_ _E.001 Waslhigton st. fee re-exc-ltge NEW STYLES IN COLLARS AND CUFFS.
is in that coindition. If Itusical.--F. Sleilibahhr, 11 PsI Phl. iaiirereise resward. 60 Epcilystiinnthionconvention-
I ecag tfranW '8D ece fBnjaMnoi kaia h tltcFed is ae swalelftherase.TeosKlea,"gor-thatd
soecagr tfranw, ,teclro ajaMnoi kaii i ~eAhhleFed ice the nmell theas heonKbletahirgh-atd
One at e~nd Gulitr. Ann Arbor Organ Co, rink es-cry afternoon, and eveniog .ir1 collar, Is from Earl & i~iloe. The cufg to
onRt et.7 ela( t 0-iuelesn orrespond nith the "Keleta,"is called the
7 Vhlndst.40miutelesoo llission 10 cr00s. Sealson tickets .$2 "Chronango,"asd is also as Earl & Wilson
S AEES Lb p111I R5It. '0-iuelsos 5c ah style. Th eharmosy with thie high-beed of-
l is slasting edge. The high-bard collar is1
TUBULAWaCHInEtCLOCK. WD1QI GH 9TAY & Cl0 dress. Foe that purpos this firmsmas a
WahntnS. Suitable for CHAPTER flIUII# coerd-front collar about ftno inches high,
ARBR. HOSES DEROI, KYknown six the "Swatara."Fee evening near
__OUSES.____DETROIT,__ARE SOLE AGENTS. cuff; iOlisa he

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