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December 12, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-12-12

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Pablis hed Dlaily (Seeday ecep ted) durne-
the Co llene year, at

Ninety-Eight Achieved One Mere
'[ lie sellioiisire' claiss gate .laitr la-
Students111 With Conditions Cannot
Belong to Various Societies, ii~lhpa naisAdelyls

The Weci's League will give a
Clhrisltmas party Ptiddly es'eciie, tDec.
18', at 7:30lJo'clock prtomiptly, in Me~-
Mlillaea Mall, te which all maeaibers. ef
(lie League ire invitill. League lick-

OFFICt: Times haillling N. Male st, appsise Which Necessitate Absence FromI ' uu t111" s"
eatole.School-List of the Rules. (le iiiist'.cijyable iveiis o i 5ea- Te irt 'lI7 seial sill be held at
EDTO Se ii'flloi gicriubis, ri'iiiriiel I-by s'sa. thefu ' ell ev et e - Clran rs Aatleisy ridaty, Dee1. 7
J. A. keLils, rMa aiiaEditir I il. llfresliiiieiiiswere -erel IOWiy 1ike~ t ioi s&llo at iiee dllar each
0:I. iiCSA R, ' r.,LAssis antl ~ li inithe evenlig. aacl (le nuiiiber is limiel.
.. . Tilirsses'97,Assisant h at.yr i~nu drtem l- (1A U l L B
S. iE. Farcesv, '(15,Athletie 1ditas an sillb, ceduo ' tl0ey agei fe t h le flles P eain; o iile: '[i Cr-laeChlstliiet tte
L. C Waerist s 5. lsssiie ss Mainer. M'ibr 111Tihieso heeaalc ..I.iana iGrttei li,"i a a dee atetlub i llAiietll, thie
i. C. FAresis, '557, Assisanit. J ,D4aP ign esiec,0 ncietA gl,'u
Associate Editors. Itiisareferridd tolae riqusilaedl it lshifa l iiisi(ll .c.r.~ilyis liDe 17, 151, 7:0)p. i. rof,
L. A. Inst, 'Kii. A. K. Icicle, 'v8(15 c. li lll 'd tt iy 11 SI)lding sill iail a paupnci sca E-
CEatSeli' ~tlrei,'917. G II i.bas s, PS. I l liter.tn te ltcay )pciina E ouinofPa t
Kahrn ed'7 .B m o,9 .111(1.B. B. lseiiiisssy, 'i. RI. i ciy,'99 sralrical aid. kitl reic d gaiiiaai~ciaas. hIni-naliia -iiiiiiifel'-C. i alsNortoniiinedsSimeeeoa play fr daie-
I.. M icek, '99ATI. 5isa ilsih liil'ils,'98 ci-isiaiieil ini 51111111 it iii cliioasill- B l lea i, d cni l" a-hlfill rni a a lly Illex laige fist
F, A. llie,'96 11. ElI. Gbeisisec '8aL. (Relie af ilii' lili-rahy ilepari sell),'iii'rse o anii.ici .)-1 Xaalte wa ve i .
(. i. ulgies, '9. Bdenti'of Clii Kaliles Ii; I., W. _____ar___1____________Phi______________L.__.____
The picierofathe JiIaly sail s-elmai as hee- t (1 ssaca 'i'iall ii e 'aiillis ZeaI',Ii
Calerr, 17-r0 ayar, Iivariabily ini adrasice, :I' n omc--KII. 71. I taI h as ci iiin (lhiictthtpblctonoein f h niestyr hefl 1t ~himn;I,1 fin~r, im
wils beh as ii continued u htilpme cn" ati U.-'rli ofg tir liioIiiei'ailt ii lii , l
sail r asiilillosiiilais e ilurid aii- a Iusic ll is iil i Iii '~ll!: L. I'si-Deltaul Delhi. Wie Ihave left a lfair slek f
Taind rThs l-s-iud uii lereafteru'u'to inoiify li' il liicili lii . d I all salts cf
is uiagtau-l uyuuiius~l a ull' lacic ini elist al. IItsil carmanii; 1P I. O'J 1 'a5 - - W RITING TABLETS
bis-s iul lood aiuth'oatoicl i ioi n alaAstul'i si7 Ii-i- isi r Ett a Phi; 1C. 1h. lDavis, DIl KIpp
s anuu-ihiy-ofi'seil 1-1111uiu'idla ii. a iilidi-ras fi 'aiiit ill ors i i plii i l iii B El ili. ashiche rn becloed ut as
'II iii' s liil illerll1111-ohey in the opi liiioni ofii'I folilowis:
11111117- llis lisa lii111 llm er ei lauu-ul, is iiii c-irint allt i siiliis a el-cae: 'l-liiIa. A M T 0 A E TBE1 B
elici-fIr a ni rii y ies l rretlii 11 - a s il-s li hi i.k cll.. . e I l tiuil., G. W lat-GOOD RLE TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IO
- li-i-sill aollIl.e .ork.uiiGOOD WRITING TABLET - C
thougif iis li-il I aise willy (lisi-(arIfo-naili'il Giiti.Lii ll-MS al
lieso li aalic I oii'riiul- ebterSaiey Pega CsRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C
lisa hit firssoiiree iife'stoodilitithei-i-- BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35G
gul li~ 5lii sil~l' i lii, i 1111 tlit ieipali ill a e o1111f iiiii. iiii ff1'rneit Il'iJeo l atofilt, W 7's'. l tise ealisWRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB.
elocutionIi stiik asillliit his'ephcd.
lia'loc i utio lil o ator} l iii 11 mo ta, vl. cN (illii iib lrsliob lltined fron', i ' a s n, Dei<IB liii U
71111'.Ilil(,ll.iti'tyii7rlililliIly I.'Bk iii -
8. Nii 1Ii1I 511 Illisiligsi15 G and OperaaD ouse
ye s's i l s-y -'l: t m , .as a nfat, us pi-i rIeli-i l ri' adyisI-h i 1a n etb tt l kei-l ef liii( ti h ut , ts ilv , ' .11 ,Ils1 H U S A YEthNe0 O 1
Iuciill of'ii a' I~E on- o'llid iail gtlt at a rtu-ii ill --it li -ll il,111 ls lais iiIi' llirC u t ve F OLY, '
4yteullilie ,ie sould b a lesliel
y thiullu i i tii Cl I lila '11i1iiii - ;.Nillrsonlhiinglailli-il Ally o ioni t l us ifl'lat ii. afi ii' iii 1111'{[ ;1 DEC
iiiccd 551y7' l 'li' --l it '1tar, ill'' it'l iie'luioi'sii t ,ii l iiu lllio-'A.i '.lls usilli-siul ( hail atd ,. t shyallit a1 1
llha n t llbeaen iiiihi ndis li allal i zialar r tab levee tolvi to1p111 g tt alt 'overt andlDil t.s', 1
Yh i-ia.r ls al'li 's i ''lui'ii'any atiis-in ii Tin Iasialkis sauwifhoti'i' rillor a P1C ..sri e Stoo c, O C, 75c amr n d $1.
this dircc tioir. 1111 thi Jeffersonian Society, I lsh hus' t s i-s of au ii ui ll tbrlto n ae M l :ad aco Patepe
or t au-iii's iffbaucshiaf c-quill a alul
ule 111 ih''sl ifli' i'li liiulgiP is as fiiiliiia a: Ituis1511147,tl t, lo're jilli'7 1:, d ti l slie -I11111
1's-i sill.nti.-i ii otiuieauI}.iue iuihit W'ilke'l(-iuc:'sli lausuiiua, 1. I'h1ertellsgs'iifelrr-fls-reil.C a iwdit h
sschlti'he. iPtiyl'beitpeials fa tell'Ic iiia 'hlihsuO ii: Trheatre.17, lilsc; n'i'1' ib'sI- Sktth7effects.II'
arecs~rl u Bu -kubliveTr i ~lotc, of i- ~tsiil A 1 -l- u~x iuiiiiu e.3at 7 57 s elueCu's'0ci al75rc asdies
I Jffeso ianSocet. c1Ohiie fiiora l iess-ihl sell doluirso
zaish o h.rih ot v ta ied.the c tl siiai'n pioleamieir' to a or7' tha C ens t 0 poAe unit on'r A rW. S d. r Knl g
Unit'heitrsflts fo w. l us- ihtl i sta llous 5s ic' lbtali boe JanLay 1tA5. (PNcipetaiO Cnin Crg . tt ndN ioveat
verifySch _nrgaiz.io. 1. Tui'r l cuan idnul .1vN. an i rehil;. It, TB f iE .______________________
Esls-a-s 'ssukic o11iI.Itkusliefa.i2f190.teOirtaed anda ndyOOC A HE o
w elsu b el a r tly s o a llih i to l l s (I r a-is is iil5 I n l a in L g u T n i g hr s , t. T h Yi f a r e n id I r5 i b e ta s- C n a l s la-i n c a c e . ' h r s c r a i y p p r i g a h f C if J s i e o V r i i n h o t , N v 9
lions Se OlilweectralAgenll or ANN aOR Me.r
gealclisi 'ati i re anygod thasi'y iu l Jlidr ust e i tIiilieiI7. inECin- n te- bv dtsagnso
fullCenpart iculas wl elxuso
wicteflh l iis'ne daiwll sbf sup-clit- lanul T 'iu atanac lectiural allie i o eun3 as sur ot.Atilo u ade
gail. '[hee is hal laneanul15th-gitet langhitin ih Clirrhe t elrise inglirlancaoivheareIatehhadatstT criDtical.
Na.ied,5. Sale st OushtureebdearlIdeyesewansgryd reliblesllfeO.nCrangenea.
greyanto.'selsii .il~eresioto' ote,it as-ibea ci- enFredT S.cbPhR K EeRe.5.
en U ~il seful tobeawlrs.ua Hreol fl l.OcheARA S-AO N d I Ca-n-Cr.tSAdvertienN Uivrty ve
.J.TuaanJN.]atn aieTRA LIE.e toget ens' helby r for. Hul- N .WashbsO.Hff xi ' Tcesrn Gi rs aleec che25ap3. REarSYouR ,w n
p11515 ralscote rnt.torsaleate2rWetebyoporrt ewad.AplsfurherJartiuars apLyt ftheruhDaly
S.ax Stale k, *perb6hL. I ttMs.H.C.asua,7thetae i.3and 5,183. Waelsniug reand a in TheA~~l


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