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December 03, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-12-03

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me T~abl (eisd)My 9,84, L SENIOR SOCIAL. The University of Moscow.U 'TAL
TieTal Reie) a_0,e~ Ninety-S~x Will Give Its First Fri- Ti110 tiliverosily of Moscow, iii
EAST. . , WEST . H day Night. Itn aia lisover 44,1))00 tu ts initit
Malad a_-_3 50 Mall._ 5_ _843 tnace l e h tdnsilT 0&C y .&X
N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Specal-:. 7 31 Thie irt Senilor social of 11e year lllli.tlik (ielolii il K &MKY
Eastern Ex----1 12N. S. Limited....0 25 Aimerican lUniversities, 11he iRussians aSolid I lh Irc l 0 1 viceToedo, Ohio,
A. M, Pacific Es.11 I57 0will Sic giveia in CGangr's Acadoiiy,, .1and1C(1t1l10esit 1 a , va to), rbs .the
Atlantic Es._7 47 P. 0'o naei ~lltc fgma-sotadol ietrue3
.NExpres.... 5 40 Western EX.7---2 10 Friday eveinig Of tIdso week. No 1Iloloai.ii i i~leia0 ylllst'r 114015Oec 01.
G. RRExx .5s _11hocChiorEx------los oo10 28r itotics nor do they hv lublcclls or 11001-BEWN
G, R EX ------- 557 br nr- xpene hs ben sare toToledo, .
4'GW. RUossoE, A.W. AYE, lii iililis of lily srt. 'iiie sludlents ida .
0.P. & 1. Agt., Chicag. At., Ann Arbors1make it 0110 of thie most enjloyable so- niyO
c lo ta11t11Till te given thils700.ear hao to wai' unfors of a lresriboil Kenton, .
'fickes have bein plceditt $1 H1uh lt'l. 111i 1111 111 lll~l'Clmu,0
¢ lke I~r-c~s o thea ruiy. Tle r'oAthens, .
. 111111 le nmber' solill Ile imiteld lM lioso 11'I~l, ii iddeport, .
, to(atifty. osrwii'loi°ig 151 011aPosery, .
) t NORTH MICHIGAN coat of ullfol-niciii.he i ilisiiiii Pt. Pleasant, W. Pa.
' RAILWAY. Outing for December. Uniiversity 1111 faculis, IislriolI- ichmond. V9a.
NReH. SOTH, GligfiDoii ri esnbe aii~1 :1- lcliliiiiiiI Petersburg, V.
7:37 ai,7:0ain OuigfrDcm e iss snbe phll ic ,1.1' meiam te i-125p.m. '110 ai.m rl. .hs Oltelad ht.o atr lse-d Point Comfort, V.
4:5p.m.n51900.m. itan I lc1 du~i t .Tiiie -bsia 111(ll fisiia 0-Wiliamsbur~g, Va.
All trains5daily except Snday iction doiiarlnieiit l1110 Iwo cimllon ce-. Eii-hof lola ci pirs foac Nwprt News, V.
.Trainss ronbetwes AsnoArbor 11114Toledo
oy ~ P REWQ) AgstoriesIwhilel tiii'sortig-foldlii . 011101'sst0dy1111 .1 i d iiioiioiio wiiliNrfork, V.
W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . iiiiiabliy coerid.'Ii. "liihe alil n Of liii'rrcline",o liii' year s. Th i'i rt slimuser And11 11al l1utheastern '0oints. FegntE
drsinoom005 01011s 10on Iix3 011 o Ihtrs 1s.
ANNA ipi~lOR YpS N BYS . yNlt,' atii' picture of iiigiiol I'o e cxldi'iil raiii thei2111 f Auio 11'oSafc 1100ifolrmationl on11111yor local
ANNAmBRitYPILNTI; Ska~tinlg,"'1-by i.d. A (',ihismails; le scn o mmence11110101s 0:1:0 51001.Oe 1 o iUif, Gen'1 1a'v0.Ag..
-____isiiii;7Tolo, .
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895 81111117, 1111exhrt oilse, liadoos;; hiiiil la1111 :r'd11 nd1l lt e hatteliir p3* IV.A.PIETitiS, Mihii,1Pass'lA0 en,0
Leave Ypsiati from Cogess x., 7:10.8:45 ''Iiltiiii th1111'at'11111111.'' "Cariboo1111 f llay. 'Thei- fl-I-for i :1:-l 1liostr
and 11:0a. m.;121:45,2:5,5:00, :4, :13 asd
10:45 p. m. Iliit ilg, "'"Iwo Hours 010v'rlDecoys" 'i ify ridle's0 ,2,).
Leavt; Ass Arbor Jsctio, 7:40,9:13 andOaexmt~ills r da.teR1-PANS
11:50 a.i.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30, 7:15. :43 and 11:17,, "An u (1111(10iii Labrad1llo," by R17.,I. 111 011111 110 11 ill ii ti
p~. SUNDAY TIME. 'Tibti';''A Turkecy SHllt," appIal to ii of I'ach-:ye1ar, 1111101 at the endi lft L
Leave Ypsilasti from Congress st, 1:30,330, alsi t~el 51 "5a11'i. '' ilo10 sioiing of thei' 11-111111:and:11:111101711e1a tiobig ex T'he modern sa d
10,:10 and :00p.m. ce t St ifitut. 'flt oss-uar .
Leave Anis Arbor Junction, :0,4:00, 5:0 811:11W1'Iicoe,"' do 'irilios U 000l110 11 lf7 :(11 11 111101r11111
Oasru n iytime Fare: sisge riS0 l5 lbig inii:'ellar3I'e't. wvi l'l'l:l111 il01 o't it-1 :'lts DadFml ei
cents; rousd triptickbets n censi
155. '. PARIKE, Sop~i 1(11read s11(111interst "Lenirs Witi :flith' I iiti'si S . 11 tl'11 1 Clue: Cuesthe
S'IPoFAG P111'and111"'ouil'Ii1:4 it l1:~ll"I is is:0is:1111$ 011:111110 common every-day
For 11h1 11innesot1a Gameoi'at Dtroi. 1"i' li'i ckI iugi1toIu 11011: 1:1 i oild i'I~trl'i tDaily 51.r, 1N5 of humnant.
Leave orders s ith . . p . - ta
511111 s l'ii^ i (0s s ter ios 111101. liie e' IiIntrcolegiate. ID ThEEE
sso 01i0 0,014s.la,.lf1ed ll10t11111:1 It.t 1'q8i
Hot ad }d Loi ,1~1 at 1All Hours. 511 orgrfr itnti's..111 01eet1:-1:1cl:in Of:1.ti::11 1~
Unity ClubToih. lyato 0
THE KINOERGARBEN BILLIARD HALL 3:17 - Tniht 1 t:1f:r 'ctl G le"_______will_______
WS~HOLE SALIE CIG3AR1S hal1( 111113'1:11'ratl t ,l'l0 einighl rl t t tale 11Eolsi:thIidalI: igt:e11n 111Lo ' ey' , Chocolates.
TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. ti' I it1111u-1course. Lcture 'at ioliiiayo oiiliort ,r oncets
Railroad + Ticket + Brokers.o'l:linlolltiil1clll. V.Ii': i:, :,t't1:I: 11 H t]I'1C cs
plOc ".('.SSlS Al' l3IAN(,'I-ti1 it1111 If th:i (or ult I I-tI I LUT rT'1,48 S. State St.
open1 IitIis 111111 firllu1111' 11111111 f 111
S Orti 130 or 1er $ 13.W tip 011Overc 7at 0111(1be''ll-'lII'Ii0ed11igllCo1111 7-1:11:T -he [oley-U (1lP.
a5 spolcialy Z -lp i, , 11 1 ' 7110 i~
FORDHAM & GLEN, 001 Ili1: io i'Ili~l 'l113-:11 101' to gl-c you aii ar spplemelIont
57:Le oat.iotr111, 211 .11:110 s. oA rN A ct il i ' es d11 and 11111 tailiii ch'1I'l Xfit,, IO1111i'iI: Iflf e Iy Snill 1(1thte 11U of lM . Daily evey
iligs. IIgiIi s m e flos 111 15 1 1 dr111c10 il tTln r i~i d. iiyi Iheh1e1--, aniiilWe tin not
A . N ID A. 1 171 lirii; 1:ic, il011- I week : 1 11.1 :'sl , ''l(111110011 lea1 - 1 .11 :11' 1111 buit 011teof11 2.1111a
_.. k.- -_ _ ~ rap tr 1 eiig- 'll tni 151115t fthe
1-spas :, 1 11y7r i O l'leate cast. 1Un11111siy an1(1all 1the student
15 Waslington Block. W' 1111 sCti'iiN01e igll 'h 11'15 1-511 il 111111ut ogaii'e:- ml S.
1 -& jOl 2ita.5 TATE 3011 iiei 0mack~tlintosh i 11 1toiishow lit-l ill 01111mIV8R11:t117'l, DciWIP'Garti c
T00__STREET______+_yo111our0sock, 111h' 100re 11'iliihc1-1:110fromia11i toi12 1. li. Alltuden:,11 wo1'liI5S
Call on them for 111 Iii10 0f711117lliglis-'uiO IlIhtul wl -:ii 1111:11
Fine Lunches, t11n)111. Whr'd Iilersily 1Boo3store, hit se11 apllelhil 111 lptls.. 111t11- iregtlr 1delivry'of the iDaiy at
FieCooae,20 S. 1State st., nn Arbor i111-1. slvsst ilIslme. yor door uniiil liii'end of the
FieCoolts EORGE110ITEhtS l cllege yoar, furlishing you
and Baked Goods. N0TIh1NG LIKE11 'I'IE (110 ________- pomtp, 11001105te sallScomiplete
Try Our Lunches. ('EN'T'RAL 1SILEAGETICKE('Tl-'. ,10 (Quar~s of lilig:ll's cci report0011110fIUnIiviersiy 1'v'ents
fruts clmd as smme fr oad. facultyan ass01110tices10, it Isl-
('hIersm ore1am iileage tbh ll11113'tichoet fuisIuiile1115111111 fu 1 1- lein (f Ilic dates of ahletic
,,FLAG PIN"1A1 USALin th iarkt. The only 1book goodl ('71 ut le " lyttinic,"21 71,-uilhli 1011 gamesentortainmIlis, 'tc.-the
f IN4AS USAL o entie B. O. sst inwest f Priate ~intn rdomporrcnientsnew inf yo itownana millinerhe
IWs ala havesa fine isS Ptitsburghi. It also inctides the Bign r « Quc toii. 711011. t. 10neipartm'eynts sucheepmposed
0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~.4 system. (et it ad have a ee:readig vey10g1'penn
- readiy ticket 0100 all imprtanine I h ~ oGrico nh et tik o pertaininig to the Uiivrsity
WM, ARNOLD' Price $20.00; good one yar. Apply pins aiid an Annapolis 11:11p1111. tinder
Jrewelry Str. I hmCentral -Agens, or addrs oltuIukG.PAToleosO.Couse11 i in 0110La1 tin ard'ngoilb o rUsn olid~il
JENNINGS, EAST 3 MusicalST.. Steiidiiur, Xi Un iPil, o'clock insead of at 11. aa I lofct111(ie1.o '
and (Giar. Aiii Arbuor Organ ('. Subcribe foi' the Dily. Dily is Ike only paper which
Hot Lunches, Res.___VolandSt._0-ininuto_______ cnake you thiis offer. It has
Chocolates and 50ets., ('t)-inte lessons 75 cts. RENTSCHLER, nt oert10the I yuiveityyo
1H1ome-made Candies. One sute and one single 0000, fuir- O OC~P~ will receive sore tlac your
Wisd, lit asiulb001111$2 slid $1. money's Ioth froni your sr Sub-frete n o h
subscrib orPsLithe Daily, per week-30 S. Ingalls s. 58 ANNM ARBOR. MICH. football season.

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