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December 03, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-12-03

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Gl al Themselves Champions-Yale
Published Daly (Sunday excepted during Says Nothing
the Col lege year, at Pennisylvaniai laiis te iierol-
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN legiats' fooiall ealauoislsit this
o rriE:. Times uilding N. Main st., opposite year. iHer caimis ress oii the folow-
est ofice.
ifg coisnrissl: Ye iplayeti a tii
EDITORS. game witi Brow, (orel sdefelte
J. A. Litoy,', iMlanagint Editor. tBrowi, HasrvardI beat tisli tron ansd
G. R. Sls, 'it Assistant.
C. D. CAty, G. tL, Assistant. (oriel, ad Peinsylvaiili defeaed
J. F. TetuAS, 't, Assistant. Harvard, Browii aid(Coriel, the laist.
S. E. Kntree, 'Ft Athletic Editor.
L. C. WaLano, 'lit. housnes..Maagee. namiieiby (le decisive Core of i46
i. C. t'Xso.oS, '((5 Ii, Asistat. to 2. This is tkiig115 accuiit, of
Associate Editors, tie sowig iate by li'iilsylvaiii
L. A. Pratt. ',6. A. K. tetrie, '9. ''isthrad iil a cli
C. A. linughton, '95 1D. . M:. flath, 'ii 1'. agantIa"ad hcwsbae
Ktatherine lced, '%It. 1. Ii. Comn, 'ss M. by 1rinceeo, sld I iriocitss rtite-
B. R. Metieaiy,'955. i. ildly, 9 cnetdisi efa by-l.A
It. C. lic,'t9 Nf. sannh iicl'dsts,'tSsselttccsv efa y1ae
F. A. timer, '5.ii . . i eineer, '9 L. letter received lhefrins aitfoottiail
W. V. hughes, 55 tai litil lusitss 5thaiit Miciigai
Tie price o1 tie Daly ill rsiaiui as here- put till isice as godst '~ie agaist
tore, t.5t a ye, isiariahig iin advance,
niostiitistiidiiithteitfact tiat pbliilhtinS IIacaid id Iti'i'iiiiyisaiia. It 1151
will e ci'tiniiedi snsiii'innsciicciiist. futerhatibillitilt'opiionsof theii
sc-ii, if ichilgimsid hi e likintlg
It i a ilelat, bt nt to Itl( togame:s'as wll devlopsd ao tilt' he. I,
cexii'iiilheaty ciiigrltiiiisito te liii' n te Esti oudsil scm r
achiesvs'sinlie ls 'asi ljustloesed.
fT'e victoy of lists 'lisrsdiv ist a Would Abolishs oal Kicking.
fittingsig5110n lii toiShe itiiit'lititofTh'Its t' iuhi'aetsi Iilliimny
liii'pasititwo iiioiiths. (Criti ss deuitissisifsiit(le dsiabsliiity sit.aolilvh-
firstiiof all to thl'li aiiid!iiespeiiiialiy9iih lt' goal frosatstoucdown. It i
liii'cataisi. esali, isamisg's'andstrin- m *,ei ttit Iptslitooilsiiit'i import(-
c, whoisei'etfistsihave 'elnris iiss mace is. il, Wll'o I ur acyil iciiii'
stiuriiiiilain ri trnginig abut iti' sueis (sll, 1s aaistth(ii' Iamsiworstisof ilt
stir, hisisbe'i'lheli'lilntiiitilo syalty p ls'sssssscexamlells'ofiii esi' e ii',i
a1111supporit. tt itt.Ii icivrsity, b iiiwii 0 appaireltilly111 ssicsers't'iiy i lii.
gradussate ansiundsetrgr aduati. it is 13' (hist y555'
this which'i lslhsas is'tle isile tiegriatl HUtN'lEIS' RATES.
adancinii'' ii t tisily cins., which is Agnts of Oio Ceitral Linies arc
ilI telt.a sulitt excu'vsts, it. sit'is stlilngtisisiters' Tickets is all onts
netitsary, for tlinii' dts' otyedito''i iiss(le lhsuntigterriory st Ihunsers'
footblsl :id111 ills fos' l fcius 1 11111 rats'.Sec Gio CtraliiiAg't. 12
'1lliiIIiccrdi gl as ii t' rllyisg - SwanssLineni 'aies'. oilf i s. 52
oit ftes iii cit: it. Michiganiallioveriii
tilii cotisry, anctheii'filet-iii t owe so" Grand Opera House.
itirrossly loll:1itiil rose ithiemito
still geate'r'zeiiifor sucsiti, i '96.1 ONE RUNNY NIGHT.
We"'sre wlicii tard:.i lcea<;itkanSATURDAY, DECEMBER 7TH
from theiE:1iAtii tillilear, nexs yeat ni
11m1stiaki' it Comspli. I alltComedies
The University of China [[ HE iOMFOBT11S OF HOfME
AS st reslt of iie reci'stlwarii'e-ii' Xsstast Enas.Ss Spittsitutinis
lissssil40tiNi,is ii NwsYork.li lass
livein Japanli l at 'hu, 5 getll 0 ili- thn -Thle (riate Seretry" Carey's
Aait" sr 'lTooMuch Jhsos." Inlinlg
vresily i it1o'estaisdt lt'ii5the jvia litte cmedin,
li. 1 Iss biesinliiiyeistrs liutiast VWALTR PERKINS.
piasunfr a ('usisie suiivrsit y see
dran ipan th eecio bca', utPrices. - 35C, 50C and 75c.
ofsl l ls th svwos' undet'illitu sil ll-
let throusgh. lu is liii wariclouiltC losin g Ou~t
now rioll awaiy it IS cera1111t, liiisil
intitutiion will be busil. Te i isier- We ave left a fair slek of
shty sillle suier lii'eontrolisit.tie alt sorts of
Chies gvenmnt afl il-hvea - _ WRITINGu TABLETS
Mr. C. 1. Tenneis to be 1theii'fist. awhichi can be closed out as
pr'eisiden. H its vssformer'ly thei- ~fllows:
vale Ictut sit. the setrs of Litug MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5
C'1an1g. fhelu'iater (isis oilril)td a GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC
large suni of mioiy with whichi the GOOD WRITING TABLET - C
building is to te eece. CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15
Guitar for sale-A Glrand. Concert BEST CRAE LINEN TABLET, - 35C
Washibsurn (Giar for sale heasp. For WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB.
further psriculars apply at the Ilunt, This stock will not be replced.
3 and 5 F. -Washinugon. s. Gene quick for firt choice.
Wanted-Another steward Apply
to Mar.I. C. gamnes, 7 N. Stae 5. Argus Printinlg House.

ill i,g st giti team our Cloak D heparment isser Set Iaviland". Bet teer-
tithi na auil l b iv.ecn awayto purchser niortCloak Departmnenttfor
ANDREW HUNTER, I E. Liery t. hnaia
Bicycles Repaired or Rented seeiweled1to aiad sreeI, Ail
'Dentall Insrments Repined OOUSI S & T-,L,
STL I) NTS ?Greet ou.s.ea t 11 iestyle
It you wnit goodi rs'liabe ifecritsa ssecall in ~ nrn CATEER,
o Fred ci mcer,sicesN. S, 1. 5 lllIIY 20irm ii' onidiu
Foarlii see, 9i NflflUU *16E tIi~i9El tn
Positively Limted to Docember 24th.
Nversaatn irill thre bsnelather specillOhler menthis gr'at t asadaDitiona sr'
andi EFscperspsiu f tlhe Irhs l, nnnrda'- 00 ilsut in touadv 0ancsate prhe iont 0 icter
3st, soitthosnssiciseeutInsus ll wansti lfe hav I ts esete ai ten~t:sinsf i 1 'a51 t'nishi555is.
Ahfte carefuli ctnsideratihn,i.wet havsetccidescoiniiaue o peelsul tllf()irarsuniltiithtabive date '1Thi
issdonestsimplysnsd onytstaansofsi'dvtisings sthisitondierultrreuns fillnfmaiun. 5Weido
not eptsct tiam on sey by hisoferase verytlowvricse n 55e'teelys'ltieal esms litesorteta
mtsodostnand ptdtelhne rferee lirar. No adertmta dolu thwoksutictlis
is ownasamosteslsentloae, Recetlaopeltesctuahols ISt.tLiilsttsM.,sntlmnysethectiesl
in pefeence an all otheeditieonariesand eeccluecdas, tils esuali 10a collec edatoio.
Yorepator,teacher,teriend,pesl,eor ourdchildren witlleapreciate this geate worst:eyonid expree-
Isi. 5It illasilist l ime and as give scoatisaction. Nobushnsscorcepesstoiesionl omianssteahr-t
tudt, echanic, lnostih e oarsiuelers who wshe itoikeep arest othe timsc, itrshissite-
ese ite ]wadaboisii enterriedhse-datiniscanesaffotlsalowsthtis e opptortsuttollPassitout
cirfu Islatse'igtioU nd Cierst altigtworktc liea a1listhehfeaueof cmple iti aad
a thoroagh ELaclap is inshe e ndaetielu anIo- aeci
Encydlo ic ictionary
I. situtoffered alatesthdlis paertd teste of7'e. pm', ssy, Is ocntly pymntas oSuke each,
uniatesmofs1titlh.ljeis eaid. 'hiiti isutllitluicmosec tlianl one}url therecula eeic.
'rsis greaestof cal t cionarsiei nd Enicctsrsiiscstwas itedbyculrach sworld-renownuted sholrs en
Dr. Pob't. Hunter, AM., FG,,Prof. uxley, Mrri, ertage, Etucelt. Williams, etc.,
asistdbyst cresafothieoscitivar uisahescof linledged
_________ ________Don't forget
1__'t~ this special of-
fr holds good
h-'--2- only until
lnu st Mallu at whih time
lots1 5-krro the prico will
c rax 0jjjj R' iotlPku s "C Ois EC .be advanced to
1 Z l TrotllJ I IIII ,$42 to $0 per
h'°pi" a l '~Iset, and abso-
ACRE -'- ltely no devia
on'as-I Z T~I s~blstin from these
' II'__'_ 1 Vtal sprices will be
~s~s~~sj ~ I~s ~made. It is nt
' for sal inbook-
Sstores, and can
only be obtain-
d from us or
our authorized
Teao sinra reeortsunsof 'f cvYLoP rtlIC DICTIjVAR reprsentatives
Fbua assie t~naesiaadsecse nice!piishdod.siscOItouhlaontts
Over $750,000 Required to Produce This Magnificent Self-Educator.
It is a ('eussoc irt B'iunarof he Egisahslagag. Nierswodl is ehausivelyn tete as to
I.soriin, hiistydcveltiuti 'eityoly,prouniationtsadvaisameain.
ISilsye a esnls Ess~reysiss issaofanc atlioy, lcaaa,'.hemstsr, .uoig,.geology, aet, muaic,
agrclt'uee, ilhysics, Petlscituhs, sachanics, hity thooisguicy, titiesl hnowlidg, e.
l t sa asuperb rhtlrar Bos usntillond,pritd tm ew plate, in large, lear lie,
en heavylwsittcpaperacciiluistatesihtousadssofcciipiuesadeesesscialy forshis won.
It ha etere e'r lsa,othssr sieisosaris easesscth liatet ediat fiWocedstedconaiasns ittu,00
wsand 2~ist.10p ts'-sthe hIattbsci ctallbut,i000sorsa2,tts seailocs the Stsntacd contain
has istlitle oed Sittist icesti anud 2t318 ates, ash ve est ioCetary ectais hla5t.20,0cacti, Land aells oe
$R0s Iiits 00.lecslou.1ettssofCvarious thistasactsfo ( s t0tstThingedoa NCCIOPZEDLfS DI-
TIONARIY, titisinissgict itulipaes oe 5,000iilaouss, huse infusrosehnasoame ilume, haver
250,000t colts, 50,000 esuycinpiadice s.sand Is110 aceptedclanthriy ad heEnsgih laguage
Nine Opinions-Thousands More Equally Good
The Eucyldteictielonrisu esee forse in IhaiB thegeaeslet tumol-ma ir anog al my hooks
the isuit ii sol~ s:o civigce ollit atiisaction. Oatefereea-. ''Thee Isaa0oliscrk of many times,
Afte esuuleusiauc ess,imhiosailuteleasudsingcitsizanosteasaha anaor amitmeateompae
dict~aaeia, oaurssse1,Ice' sliced in frecamny ih it-i~ev.. W. Miller D. D.,aldlbua, a.
otheri. Auus a ra~itsd ctsictny, yoaiiworkcIn l epcsw kta vr suetadhm
lecace nthigsooeded ; .tsad thudprofusionoP shl o ssa-ov.uhc'eya.WotsdeocaNhcm.
enylpei bmtetre, yet susstlapt'5 -in'.(tnT.Wetncttt
eover'sicsthoslcs rpran opisdiccsae n l'e lopnedc ieioaaypenaathsitioary
a linsearh eithogh th escdsest'eaio cs. twer shalaisyinothe cein thdhStanaard
cedias.-Nliner . taec, Cthitsas Cuseiiof alt11heIils'esatian-New Yrk'Wrsd.
Studyt ao., tt.LouslaBarlofdusatiou. 15oemstaupeetees leecars at knolete asd
I hav Wst ise, 5tocete, adt ltdCetury andh"twetdth15easuscss etcan eseclpuetia ell 1s a.
fb.eclcoeptsusi ae hi0l',itas'tia ndApls- Ctisitury. bectdlie soe et l~Re. Gruge
tous's. 'rhos~cyascsptseascitio'iaec is a magiiceslt'ttersons, D. D., Mdc Glagc, Na Sota.
susitseailof Tiuon-.l. IlkAw.'ud, Esq-, A marveceofcondesseatin-ahoonauoeieyast-
Allow yess-tsea iecssndlh, E-1s..dant-Itesv OlieCrane, DD., IL.D.,Boaton.
SOdves t'epuscfit olletie srfereehIt. EtenaivIn iatsemato, usmpeehalehnu
hraiy.-Cth iatikuu tHerldh, tii' Yok- u..-PubichLedger, Philuephi.
Boosttguaahed a3eprsenhedl or money rfunded if returned wiiin tlen days.
HOW TO ® CO' il^ 0tE&ATWORK Set'n 2 psOoeorter.-eupessemdre,r
check;atbsilicdi f ,'ituahls r~si blame'switssi t'oltde e veo iry manth thereftae sed it, in h
same mane,utilstn "'s1uisytlttai.itlnstun,,ththleself volmea isetsethee4t
ttl israidltus ,o alyilst'.,' 1.sI icHiwile payig heaals ltie,aul Ise roeo7cle ecaper sa. All
f ict'scrasnar- l~e'isr.5mustI lait'p urchae: AlioeeihigaO payah rte
dIw ENTS o~euut<diu'ss't duit t i0sa 1 .ret., ihandsd14.0, Thi alacne is pactically then
IANTED coist. kei', ha cuns't1Pprchasen ecystems. ilegrefer aeoammercial
St heora. 1nk iPiilaeha. Alih e s, telOts paepr )
aPamphlet f So specimen pges free on receipt of 6 cta to pay postage.
gq ! a ® y g" p y ( ''! 236 So. Eighth St.,.
Syndicate P bls in Co., PHILADPLIPIIA, PA.


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