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December 02, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-12-02

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,[,+ f#1. Pvadn.
Published Daily (Sudy ecepted) during
the Colege yar t
OFFIt: Times building N. Main s., opposite
post office.
J. A. LElto, 'P, Managing Editor.
G. iR. Sis,'95, Assitat.
C. D. AsY, G. L, Assistant.
J. F. TisosAS, '7, Asstt.
S. E. EsArrE, '8, Athletic Editor.
L. C. WAsisn, '0. Bsness Manager.
hR. . PAULS, '15 M, Assistat.
Assoolte Editors.
L. A. Pratt, '6. A. K. Petrie, 'I.
U. A. Ioughton, 't D. G. M. hleath, .00 P.
Katherineteed, '7. If. B.. Gansnon,'S0 M.
B. B. Metheasy,'Sl. tR. R. teily, 'l.
R. C. uc, 'iiiM. Sosaannahllichi'dson,'IO
F. A. Miner, 'It i1. IE. L. Geismer, '80L.
W,. W. Hughes, '5.
The price of the Duly will remain as here-
tofore, $2.0 a year, isvariably is advace,
nowithsansding the fact that publication
will e cotissed otl Commecemet.
Wihithismissur the Daily retumeis
publication, andawill continueewitout
hinhsriiis-sii liii to the Crisitmlas va-
ctuatioinitntil college 011011.
The Inland League Course.
TileIlaiid League is out with n
annsoncoemient of its corse, winch,
owin~hg to the g-eat intimber of oler
lectures allot tntertainmenrits, hits beei
shitrtesed and reduced in price. Tie
folowisig is the core so far a0slar-
De. 5.-Cosici I oiidrr rirrtio f
Prof. FransP ork, 'ssted iby Alfred
lisiffmn, rellis. aidlMiss Jessie (or-
ltt(, opriano.
Jti. 1.-Lecture, robbly by Prof.
H. L. Willet, of Ciicago.
tan. 31.-"Muse iii Public School
Work." III alge of Miss Lucy K.
Fitb.--. -Lecture by Mr. S. P. Orii,
boranstol for liue Cook exeritiusi to
(Greelandi in 151. Illtstratos by
stereoptican views of tiat ext(iio.
Mrris 13-The Caberlein Cocert
Co., HemnuHIaberleit, cellist; Miss
Assa Gillies, soprano; Miss Ruth Hey-
3Pla1n, piaurist.
March 27.-CLaries' eiug, pro-
grasn- to be asnousced.
Season tickts for the course will
he sold for fifty cts, ad in ese
oneoc, two miore etertainments are
addedt there will be 0.0 extra charge.
Meeting of Schoolmasters Club.
The seting of tie icignu
School 'Mastes' Cust held here Friiay
anoe Saturday w',as well atesniedI both
b.y high school teachers treoghrost
0he state sd by nmeibes of the fac-
ulty.'Thenieetings were iheldt iithe
School of Music building except Fri-
day afternoon, when experiments
were grven before the society in the
physical luboratory.
Agents-of Ohio Cetral Lines are
selig Hunters' Tickets to all points
in the huting territry at hoters'
rates. See Ohio Cenrsl Ageos. 12

(Coninued from Iist ae)
forty-ive yards away. Ilie comes back
twelve yards, tand then got-a(own be-
fore Flint's ard tackle. A fumble ad
is tackle behind the line by Roby lose
three yads for Michigan, andl then
Bloomnstoni punts twny-five yards.
Farimeni toekes Clarke focrii loe.
Nichols and tilesake a yard each,
thirouigh the hune, andth ue bll goes to
Michigan. FBoomnigstoit imaks as-
oilier short kick, anid Iicharis falls oii
it. lHollister msakes four, Vll, fosr,
andetFarmnivle yards, all tby tacnle
plays san tandesti, anti Fertert goes
agaiist Not Flint without a gan.
Htoling gives the bal to Chiago. Al-
lest starts aroundi the endi, but is met
by Fernuintieee yars behind the
line aud stols there. t is otparet
by this thur that Chicagco is absoutely
usnaible 10oiiake aily hetatiway agist
Michigan,'s ensd, tiogiattimlpslre
still madsie.
_Nel is accordingly forcedt to icesit to
tliooningstos, twety-ive yards awy,
who romes back fiften, esily elsisg
Flint, but going uinder to Robty. ar
isumn fails to gaiu and Villa is too
mruch 'hamspered iy NWitihoitson tu
mioro' thanss liteli'bal awith no les.
tlioomtimgstoni pnts forty yaids, anti
Nel is stippdinisli tracks. Gale
iives a yrd, adeieii ilmiti fails 1o gili.
-Nelpusnts twentyive yaris, estct
Bloonington comeis back toi.
MAirtiigam's rcaptain egins to raic
the immiiense' advnage lie has iii his
full bark's kickig abiliy, anet nes
hiimi more aid mioe as tine secoit half
adnvance. On the fiot line-p this
tulhe the ball is tassiied eek to hm for
a planst, suit 'lie the tball is doncil
Michigan less dvan-ictthirty yrs.f
Aulnt intlNeel manki'the rrei'd ive
yares initwoysattemptlis andictthen Clire
signas for the tihe hocnored criss-
cross. There is it insfast's hesitation,
anditheii Senier spriigs oni Nichols
andt downsimiliwith ia yard ls.
inlols mai~ks fosr yaidtCee sct
tily. but Allen da.reilnt risk atehler
attemt'li.assetNele iluso thirty yars
to Blootington, woio as ususal, comiets
bck ive yris bfore liii ends cani
dtowsn his. Sester plows trosgi.Ce
sawdust for a ya.r, but s0111e Oili-
.mii siaetis fosntguilty of hluoding
anid the ball goes 10 Chicago. Neither
ichols nos' Gale casn ginis, auitNnel
lucius to Itioonisgstsn a-io this time
faalls where lee catches the bl, with
Roby on top of hum.
Michigan againi resorts to kicking on
the first dlown, aidi loomisesgstoeo trier
a sort punst, Euhlkoter, ey sheer
stresigth, forces iiself a yard aead
and thiess (ale ose siore tries ic
harit'rdrive, betle stos as if le hail
trietd to penetrate the proverbial s0one
wall.The sue-s! as-elgitisgaills the
fsry of despair andh in the vain at-
temptt to keep Michigan frons scoring
tmother toucrhdown, raller thanswathi
the hope of ainning or scoring them-
Neel drops back for a psnt, but
Htooper asd Hall are on himi amsost as
0000 as ele ball. Te bal hits ose of
then, and bounds far bak toardi
Chicago's goal. oth teass rae after
it at top speed, and a Chicago man and
a Mich'gan maa- div for It at the
Isame Instant. A minute later they are
rovere three deep by the pursuing
Michig n ha, the ball, and Ferbrt

is puishmedlsheath a yard.. Again hold-
lurg gi'es tee l to Chicagso. C losin g O u~t
Nichols snakses six yards in to a't-
tempts, asid Neel inasiree Chi nent We have left a fair stock of
trial. Ghale siakses a yard, aind it looks all sorts of
aI if ('hicago's goailwouul coon be out ~ ~ N
of idanger, bstt hieie lhis bernholding WRI-NGTABLETS
in the line, anid Michigan ges the bail.
Ferbert Makes thr'ee yard;.. Senter hs which can be closed ont as
for'en, agaist the hune', bist folsIhack follows:
wiahoust a gain, anti seeinsgly aith all MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C
the bureath, ksiocksed our of him. Ht= GOOD RULED TABL ETS,10P. O 0
comes around inia miute.cor tao, andic OD IN TALETur O O
itisists on lbeing alloovecdtoIlply the GOIRTN TBE, - B
gamle oust. A amass ech--y trougle the CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15G
center gives live yards, and Ferbe'rt BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35G
gins0 three iuore. Then Mihiigan WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB,
inasoes on Chicagos right tackle. All
anid Flint, rssn to force it badck, ancd T'his stoek will not be replaced.
Come qnick for first choice.
thiesn Bloonuisgolton suwinugs oust, odashes
tast Flisnt, andutoover the line for a Argus Printing Huse
second tosuchdcownsiovhile tic'bleachucrso se
a nclgranclstanl agin are batied 15n
blue andelgold. OMichigansgetstshebceasy
gautl, andt thue score stanids 12 to 0i.
Allen kicks to "Vilua, awio is dowvned
ovithioust gain by PlhIAllent.IBloomu-
isugstccn punsts to Gule, cud. Cliicogo
tie's a compica'cted comnbinsation, wvhichi
loses them ta-u yards. Gtalc' divesa T s pace is reser e
yard, amid thuen Neel punts othonCie for the Grand Opera,
field. Fericort cotchues time balllint
Looneryitonos hiim, amid he stopus.- Sen- House.
ter gains a yard, mmid then: Bloomng-,
ston falls batck for a shiort kick. 'rhr
kick is bihocked, asnd Flint fulls on the
blall. Gale fais 10 gain, antIAllesi's
csis-cross leses ('hicago tuwo yairds.
'[hirer or four e'xchuanges of punmts, withi
Clue advasntage inii Michihgcn'o favor,_______________________
tbr-iugs theluo l snai-Chicago's lhue ,a
agai., anti thiei thie is cualle'd: S'"J E N ''.

Our Chicago Alumni.
Ournesudred amid fifty ('lidcago alumi-
ni sutot at Kiisey's for sninmformaul
banmquet anus to prepare for the gae
last 'Tusdoay night. Sucon-clues overo'
inlde by Enlaard oweInur.of Den-ve'r,
051 Michuiganm in'n ini Cle Wesi.; by
James Baurd, 051 the Hatrvardegamte;
icy tRobcertOMct'assln'y, intregairdtto uhie
twenty-fiftfhianiivnersary of Dr. An-
gel's ptresidhency of thur iuiversity and
the pirojct Co raise' $10000 to founduc
fiellowships iii huos'r of hiits aork.
'T'he follooing oCficers werre elcect
for the esueinug0ear: Henry S. Towvle,
p~residenhlt;WilliamtiJ. Eltgiislu, vice-
pcresienst; Sauel Hawley, se cretary:
Johns A. Jamsiesoni, treasusrer; A. '1'.
P'ackardl, J. H. Conrad anud CHenry
Lost.-Ladies' gulch oatchi mnd chauin,
sonmewhere betwveen the High School
hiuildisng sanoduhe Fifth, woard schoolc.
Finder oill please eave at Hualler's
jeovelry stole and srenie eward.
that every maker of Choco-
late candies makes dif-
ferent grades at differ-
ent prices? When you
boy of us, every piece
wilt be good. That is
the way we select them
-only the best and most
expensive kinds.
60 Cents a Pound.

Tate your Kod ih Worh to
Satisfaction guarasteed. 0 E. Hluron St.
Call and get prices.
University New's Stand..
411 E. William st.
ANCSTiERFER, 20 E.onsoh nR
A Good Grain
FOR $a.
A few paintof,'Diamond
Foot Ball Shoes
hI WORTH 5.00, -FOR$35-'C-
If price is any object. LV'l'R '?
Detroit,* Mich.
Readers of the Daily will con-
fer a favor on the Editors by men-
tinning this paper when dealing
with advertisers.
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in The Daiy.


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