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November 26, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-11-26

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[+INLANDER CONTEST. Communicat on.
L f I+ < "itu+ Announcement of Rues Prizes Aitit Ahr rNov. 251' C losing O ut
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during etc., to Govern It. Editor 17. of ll. Daily: We have left a fair' stock of
the College year, at As announced in the \'ovether nun Dear Sir -During the first Choral all sorts of
pout ofice. pr fUtvri alwr itre
literary enideav-or among fhr students atofUivriy falwr itre which ran be closed out as
EDITORS. of the University offcr the followin" hyby(lie openinig and shutting of doors follows:
J. A. LRo~y, '50, Managing Editor. ie:duriiig the rcmditioii of a piece. toI MOH20PAETBEn
G. 1. Suns, '05, Assistast. atbtin o hecotiuolitihse MAd,600MULTH 0 ALE TAB00EPT, FO5
C. D. CAR, Cr. L, Assistant. For the best short story, aei ditotohecm tinhicusd coDRLDolLT, 0 P 3FRI
J. iF. Tauluts, '07, Assistant.ilete set of tiele irii-iClassic-suwicih by the cntrane of persons not suli 6000 WRITING TABLET, _- 8
S. E. KurrusZ, 'OS, Athletic Editor. , 'c cetyaorrllv o tesfeigCAELNTALT - -I5
L. C. 'ALttKER,'96. BiuinesMansager. are readt in: Professor Deniiinuu's l apeitveo tes eltg yCAELNE 'B~
R.C nu~s'9 YAsitn. course its English mlasterpicees. it coltd draughit of air swtept in thuat BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET,- 35C
Associate Editors. w iatot oanoea l.ss
In .Pat 1. A.i.Pti,'0 thits competition ilr. Itcee acidwisdatrutoiyoiatllus WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB.
C. A. ilougtus, '9t D. C. Al. Sleuth, '01 P. MNIr. Strauss hov-e kindtly conscentedt to cetihie to coldls. This stock will not he replaced.
Katherine BEed, 'l9t. 1. iB. Osumun, '50 M.acasjdeadathrwilba- At the best regulated concerts in this Come quick for first choice.
a. a. Metheasy,'09.0R. tR. tRitly, '99. act aslludgestuemlcauttirdswillebeoan-
R. C. tuck, '09 Ai. Susannah tilbdsoun unCed litter. The conp'tiion a l s olir1 ouirie'th Aor u rnigh ue
F. A. Miner, '96 i. E. L. OGimre, '08 L. o)no13rt negautsO h arc, kept closed iluriiig the renditioin
Tiu p c' l te laly sll c a asher- iterairy departmuent. Those who de- of each numbier oii a programu and it is
tofore, x'.50 a year inv'-riabty in a dvance, sire to comptete, are asked to reaid tobitta fi ugetin'sieGa d O ea H ue
notwithstanding the fct that publication carefully the following lireeiolis: niade through youir columns the mnu-___________
sill he continuedo util iCoumenceent. Teaeeto h hrlTiiumgt
_______________________________________ 1. 'tle 1p1per used for lii' nali-~ gucu fht i~ll111111101

Today antilomorrowv liii stuidents of
Mitchigant will he scattered itn variouis
directions frot Anii Arbor, yet all will
conie together again ini Chicaugo
''hanksgiving Day, if not in hotly at
least in spirit. It is then that we
expect to cud gloriously a gloritmus
football seasoitaxid to etkohlisithbe-
yond furthier disptute our supiremialcy
int the West. Tlits will nouthe easy to
do, however, 115 sotme seem to think.
Chicaigo, while not <so conident of
victory as Michigan of coutrse, is yet
thiorotughly hiopefuol of winintg. XX'imt
is mtore, Chicuago wsill let iio opptortuni-
iiy slip hy which its chmnces of suic-
cess will he hetttred. What MLichiganu
mneiwanut is a clan,tdecisive victory
in ani hontest, manly contest, amd this
we have' every reason inosw to exp~ect.
Captain 1tenninger, in you antd your
sttirdupclportertsvwe p111ce ourfcaue,
feeling sure that our confidenee is
slot nmisphuced.
New Lockers for the Gym.
Th legymnatisiuin receivet yesterdaly
fromIii nldianaxpolis alittindredlond
forty-four niewv locker-s to he iput til
for use at onuce. This additioii hrinkgs
the nuiiiei' of lockers utp to twelve
liundrett aidiortoiy. The latteindtance
at the gymnaisium cltsses luau not heen
as large this fexll as las-I wintet',huit
the sale of lockers has heen mnuch
greaiter and it can he expected thait
after Thiainksgiving and. the close of
the football season the attendance wilt
be greatly increased.
Y. M. C. A. Course.
'The second entertainmetith ie Y.
M5. ('. A. ectui-e coturse will he a
lecture hy Rev. .. tBlarkley tonight
leuture hy 1Rev. .. tBIarkley tonlighit
Barkley is a ptromuinlent Detroit clergy-
lulu alndt los tiade sette repoutationx
by his lectures ott the swar. 'The en-
tertaittiietill bii egini at S o'clock ini
the P'resbyterian church, :andlite Uni-

sc ripottitlst niot he smualler than11 note
tiper ntor larger tita t pae of thec
Inlantder. SThe(swritiig listtbe iii
inkltanibtto011'sitde of tithpatter
musthe usuetd.The mauitscrttshtoultd
lnt he rollt'd.
2. Ini the' tpper right tiandticorcer
of echi sheet imust aptpear a pseut-
dontymo steled tty tilt'.rites.
3. Accoixpanitig thuetianuscriptl
shioutilSte a sealed einvelopte beariitg
thuepsetudonym tof It'esrito'r, tout
'oltalitillglilt ital naan dtolatltret
ontSthe title of the' story.
4. Thte test dteut'at whichi atny
mallnuscriplt iii he reeived Is Weti-
Ilesoday, Dec. 15. Mtiiotserlttm1011'be
senutSty mail direect to te Mattiagitig
Ittitor of Inulndler, Anni Arbtor, ot'
they may b' etdrtoptpedtin. the boxyton
lihe door of Rloont 4, Untiveroity Balli.
Ito either 1ate 'For Inlatne'r Price
Colsttition" shotuld he writtenil st
lowet' left handt cornoer of enveltto'.
5. The story- should toatv- a plot.,Shot
is, shouil1101 be'mnre'yt'v aatte
sketcho. Other ' intucs heing oqulut, a
strong oealing ivithi tuivert-ity tile
wvill take itrecedeince of one' teuttitu y
ws-ihi othetr intelresots.
ft. Ix lenugth, tile stork-' shouldtoi A-
e'xcedl 1,500(wordts nor falulo000 bt
ft is Sb: outgh thekiticns acnd liher-
iltity otf the pulshingog utte of Mac-
millan ,t & Co., of N-ewX York, thaot te
Inxlandet' is aleicto offer flits X'luletitt
set whiteh is made ott of the folloinug
books: More's 'toutia, edited Sty
tuiuty; Bahcon's essas, cedited by'
Wrighlt; :Miltot's Areollagituca ; Siteu-
se's Faerie Qucene, Book I, edlited by
L itclhit; Shakespear's Sotugs 1114
Soinnets, edtited by Pllrove; M~ilton's
D~ryden's, Wordssvortli's atdTul'emny-
sot's Poetical 'Work-s; Ctirlyl's Sar-
Incr Resortus; George Rhio's Silas \War-
tier, and Browiting's Drotnas.
Taukenu together these wo~rks form a
set of hooks gottets 010 ixnstactillahn

see it to utdopt a luke tmetliotdaund ue-
ceivee1'ttatiksItf a1muittc lov-tog
plic. With flue hopte that the suth-
ject mayl3'receiIfive t'e consideratioln
wXhich I hatvt' asked atnt thatukinugyoot
its axdvancute for anticitpated faxvors,
I 11111 Siuicerthly,
WE'll** 'ittYt AN OTHERli
Fridaoy, 'Nov. 210. at 5 p. ii. te Annt
Arbor Riliroald will start ifs seconid
teater train to 'ledo.'T'e attrac-
(tin is "tOn it th os-et y' Skt-vt' lirto-
lit's ettutty tlrttiot. Thioustatds 55-e
tutrnedtiawaylyeost night. 'Te fa1r for
r oundthtrill wiltlite 75 centts. T1hue patr-
hoc car fit' of Ann Atrborvill ftc
pt laoil tile tain, if tiparty cats St
se'c'uretot tloccupy it.
Luntchtwill toe st'rvedl to tis cat 'botth
going taind returlnin~g for thlose wshiotde-
site it.
lTttiinles ;Tolhedo rl'ttlrlilg 1to
1t. 5. GRIEENWOOD, Agt.
'fle speettl trintifotr('hictigo via
leaetl t,a9 Ia. i. toorrow. All st-
d~ents11nd1 oos-uspt'ophe ure insited 1to
tike' aduautage oh' it. Sitecial car for
'ftoe Atnn AM tbor roadh begin;th le slue
otf stutdet.o tickt; totday insteatd of to-
We have et-tred floe agetucy for'
"Tile Rotyal" Stuchuituoshi Coats. If
y-oun eed 1 at'akin~toshasmuttisto shiows
yout ootr stook, thety are slenhdid coats
atil will tot cost y-ott anythinlg to set'
themu. XXIltr's Utolsersity Bookstort',
2(1 S. State st., Antn Arbor 'Michi.
Agents of Ohio CentraltineItse aite
selling tluntrs' Tickets to all poinuts
in thuc huntsing territory at hutsers'
rates. See Ohio Cetrt'l Agents. 16-2
tLost.-tLaht--'golt swatch amid cihi,
somteswhere bctwvoeem the high Scholo
butildiug ttnd ill-Fifthssward scho-tl.
Finduer wsillpleaseo leavest'.u Iaihert;
jewvelr'y store aad. receive ressard.
Guitar for Sale-A Gratud Coneert
Washbturn Guitar for sale chielap. For
furthser particulrs apply at the Htub,
3 and 5fE. Washington st.
Musicuil, -F. Sleiiuhautt, Xi Psi t'hi,
'98 D, teacher of Manjeau, Mandolin
and Guitar. Ann Arbor Organ to.
Rtes. 7 V'oland st. 40-minute lessons
501 ct,00-minute lemsons 753erho.

era Ho~da11'
Pair of. Kids.
PRICES,- - - 35C, 50C AND 75C.
Tube ycur Kodik uWork to
Satsfacion guaranteed. 61kE. Huron St.
Call and get prices.
University News Stand,
46OE. William st.-
A Good Grain
FOR $3.
A fewv pair or 'Diamtond
Foot Ball Shoes
.~LARTH$5.e FOR'$3,50.
If price is any object. ,W1 HY?
Detroit, Michi.
Rleaders of the Daily will con-
fer a favor on the Editors by men-
tioning this paper when dealing
with advertisers.
Advertise Your Wants
in The Daily.

v ersity orchlestra svill render sotne of & Co.'s best style and valuted at about
its selections for haf ati hour befoucef$15.0)0. It is it pr'ize sorth wsorkitselctroein.fr
Thenosy gymunasiutm at Alma col- Private ditniug rooin for chub. At-
loge was opened yesterday. tractive. Quick service. Board t"2t0.

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