3 i i i THLE U. 01f,?TM. DAILY [+INLANDER CONTEST. Communicat on. L f I+ < "itu+ Announcement of Rues Prizes Aitit Ahr rNov. 251' C losing O ut Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during etc., to Govern It. Editor 17. of ll. Daily: We have left a fair' stock of the College year, at As announced in the \'ovether nun Dear Sir -During the first Choral all sorts of pout ofice. pr fUtvri alwr itre literary enideav-or among fhr students atofUivriy falwr itre which ran be closed out as EDITORS. of the University offcr the followin" hyby(lie openinig and shutting of doors follows: J. A. LRo~y, '50, Managing Editor. ie:duriiig the rcmditioii of a piece. toI MOH20PAETBEn G. 1. Suns, '05, Assistast. atbtin o hecotiuolitihse MAd,600MULTH 0 ALE TAB00EPT, FO5 C. D. CAR, Cr. L, Assistant. For the best short story, aei ditotohecm tinhicusd coDRLDolLT, 0 P 3FRI J. iF. Tauluts, '07, Assistant.ilete set of tiele irii-iClassic-suwicih by the cntrane of persons not suli 6000 WRITING TABLET, _- 8 S. E. KurrusZ, 'OS, Athletic Editor. , 'c cetyaorrllv o tesfeigCAELNTALT - -I5 L. C. 'ALttKER,'96. BiuinesMansager. are readt in: Professor Deniiinuu's l apeitveo tes eltg yCAELNE 'B~ R.C nu~s'9 YAsitn. course its English mlasterpicees. it coltd draughit of air swtept in thuat BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET,- 35C Associate Editors. w iatot oanoea l.ss In .Pat 1. A.i.Pti,'0 thits competition ilr. Itcee acidwisdatrutoiyoiatllus WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. C. A. ilougtus, '9t D. C. Al. Sleuth, '01 P. MNIr. Strauss hov-e kindtly conscentedt to cetihie to coldls. This stock will not he replaced. Katherine BEed, 'l9t. 1. iB. Osumun, '50 M.acasjdeadathrwilba- At the best regulated concerts in this Come quick for first choice. a. a. Metheasy,'09.0R. tR. tRitly, '99. act aslludgestuemlcauttirdswillebeoan- R. C. tuck, '09 Ai. Susannah tilbdsoun unCed litter. The conp'tiion a l s olir1 ouirie'th Aor u rnigh ue F. A. Miner, '96 i. E. L. OGimre, '08 L. o)no13rt negautsO h arc, kept closed iluriiig the renditioin Tiu p c' l te laly sll c a asher- iterairy departmuent. Those who de- of each numbier oii a programu and it is tofore, x'.50 a year inv'-riabty in a dvance, sire to comptete, are asked to reaid tobitta fi ugetin'sieGa d O ea H ue notwithstanding the fct that publication carefully the following lireeiolis: niade through youir columns the mnu-___________ sill he continuedo util iCoumenceent. Teaeeto h hrlTiiumgt _______________________________________ 1. 'tle 1p1per used for lii' nali-~ gucu fht i~ll111111101 Today antilomorrowv liii stuidents of Mitchigant will he scattered itn variouis directions frot Anii Arbor, yet all will conie together again ini Chicaugo ''hanksgiving Day, if not in hotly at least in spirit. It is then that we expect to cud gloriously a gloritmus football seasoitaxid to etkohlisithbe- yond furthier disptute our supiremialcy int the West. Tlits will nouthe easy to do, however, 115 sotme seem to think. Chicaigo, while not