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November 19, 1895 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-11-19

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The Very Liatest Noble's Star Clothing House, S. RanT
Novelty in Goods. IO1
For the next 2 weeks for Some of the newest things in Four-in-Hands, '
$19.00 AND $23.00. Puffs, Strings and Bows. Some of "'Oure-
Jose llauf auch's" Best.
The Practical Tailor, !SEE O uIR'W INDO0W. r d
101F. t'oshixxetxo t Up Star
1O""f ryOur "Red Star" Oil.
No 1 smok e No o Icnsve odor'5Wi11 not thor the vv irk.-
m h oy&f lPeC itl} Safe lit grai ty,1 H-as niiequaintothis
mnarket. i~cliix cid pronmpty to aoy part of the caty in
n~nor lcone.Price ide per gation.
.o.«.o....acyx ..ra........ oaderis- 1DAN & CCOMPANY.m is t
ninccl 1arpyetoahigh grade0 1 110 1.s04 44So zth am i. Street.___________________
sr:ex t c s ee ss hmon a~ pplN
oi 'L j epoyiw is 15 th$- UIVRSTYNO'TES. CATNixtAitGEUEM N
lflxcsoe lx epiythoyec theere oil - Sixll., NOV. 18. trot.(Greene 1inte
mend . Writel f toe cias. were t i el!0i ol yesleritoy miiigni-i2 11'- oly ('tal) o iebe tnHlanadsrtr
ACM CYrCL ECOfIPANY, rtc usfrtn lnnst oi. Toes+., NOV.19 n,1 0esiylv tcmlti crtpee
. ELKIIART IND. ri4e«7 el hlti ii tifilErlin ur.0111 Chllitciit e 11110_'fc dcgod
TPhei'r 10 l 191h ' 5x'xiixxio xiiill'c 1x1 hr l ineon series, Tihoiiis' rxxiiilli lxeel es. ile iod
O Iei ofC hiag 'holis o'rgsy i ocs 1 I tciLllllli
qizzed in101 C mi l L awil i netixt week.i. lc xo t' t.of coie otor ii'i 0 i I 5. Yes
NV ( ., -ov .-Inelelss 1ootb ll cidfn rbt 0110111 lr i py (f f h i) 5
A. 06SPALD! NG & BROS. Prf. IiIc y 1t15 bllnined'0!(llllttneo 1inef;oioicofi r:uati4thnlrl ih
( Football Supplies a ici lxxC nw 1f i.xlxiiiot,
S peciaty 1F11Ale., Nov. 20, ]it .., ACxixixxiiix ilS S. '. BICHPISLD'S
I cr oxieq isie o ile 'il'ixeie.,xNov.li?1x -itxxliii . F Cx' tp ire.il.li ilil '1'. 111 Cxlitollielxii Ms'1x'lxxetonri i
s ( it h ,t 01ant0, ler- of '9(i t W'xltolSlixx ' 't I-1. il. i ilt ioc 'xx t hxxixc ilo ~l i'lxxe
~lx'x'o, ShxosC , - ' 1 a> iroper and' o rretl hin in 5 cre ivie
S k Friel.,Nxxx. F2.Iirst l irxsh al o ycia o i lIan 1)1.1
.ix Ii1IC b in urd ead d f't~i '. Iliglil''nd lil i L i rd'x ri., lxl*Nov' l. ' x2. 811 ., i'x'lsb l'i'rini cC' xo .10 l i
I1or ixdxoilg's Ohciaix'
xI'xiix'ugrilc Foothall th Po.A . I. Axuixl. )fthii' oxw id(.- lxllixii 'rxt l'x'lxx'xon xxii ' i. S o Y
gnuib i sinall MatehSJ i [JP#IIp9l
00cl h $ ~. t'rxx l~"o"i~lrsdo h't 1 ci. 10YUB E
et V0R I50 rtr's (o eax rl lb o eri c lFi. Noxv. 2r 8 p~. ailIi.ODlie l -
.1 xotae1ttxleon;ixit s (~hilCiil~~t i4tern.- - iulmgl'iit biiiiix. i-u xx:r"and t'e. . Mx lxxix .xx r txicaiinx
tic lx' iin tayxo xt 'xi yi Mx d xx
o rc Cct t ldoxsxcy tei'xixy.xhxo xxiecxllx t e subjexicto innt ala
IIxix i IFoi lxix x xtltxixx.se 'est ' cx'. ieyllY dxxiiesx xil rx'xleiixxt ihe Acadxxxlx'x ay nard Oly xxxx'ul i t 11i5ehxcxi
'ew 01 k, x h ixieg, r ide~~ph5 . l~e ixrshxiii 1). ailiioxf Cdixlngolx. Noxv. ZS.-AI ionx'cxlxac xiatixeiroit. of Muicl"bxilxixx. Noix s to mount0;11
iex " lxxi ex xxon xli.i .lll sl'lii ' ceb: lxx oxi.. 'xxx'. 2-1 txxxfo il ixxll xaxd P -tll x'xxxi xi nd11 xsxixg 001om exon g xind loor.
.FIRST NA 'ioNAL BANK. rl hoe l ni diviiit'hiix'aiexxi l r It'xclxxlxxefore 1'imiy ('hll. subljxxct:____"Thee_____
OFi ANN Atin3 it. xvery e''iiig hit11 xx'x'xlt, .coln o~n I "xlx , lx x'xx 0
Ox'xioxiMxIRiMi. txxiightiit01 7oxsi l i~. 'i'xx'.J. A Xxx ey( rv. liii 1 u1 li. xiil t xli.e,
( ixtltSure ipixs andx) reft , 0011'll.0.At iike 15 ln cx i PEZtA 0° =0 '
'l'nscix55 it hxx'u l lxoxbitiixg Oxsnsixexs l Ii'ix'' 1' x lx liZilx i 11o i I lit x'i Aeixo"'y i ~ . es
ii'cxeigxi esxxixxes boghtaaxxtioid. tFurnixii Coil ix( \t F'idayxi lexenlinxg li. ".I. tl i., Dec. Iib.-Suxtxixioxrx'11111ter f rdi.1..
P iBAHi i'es. 1 S. W . ARiiiSON, Cahier. I t ilpey. f OxiHI l ix't(,. \I 1ria i llx'1 0viii tx WI 1 1i..- , ~ ~ ~ '
sixx xk xxia "''xxo )'x'vs I Cixrillig .ixixi, NxxxW'is theti e oIoenxx hxxiii laix' h s ixn ' "* Ot I I. .I .. .
THE ANN ARBOR1 SAVING~S BANK of_______Belw___S_._dncngat__________er OI'ee
tapital Stxxckixs 001110 sxxelxs,tie15x,00 icde Oil Ut lax nIl. it.
Flooox..;,10,i000C. 'l rix' tx'lI'11'vexr'1y iixixi'x'Iili" i~'ixx oiHAIR BR UJSH ES8
Of rlie lx' I(xxveos deosxi~.~~1ri eCcxi ieln ii its u s 'lindx'xi1f lxxSolilxiwantlll1 Ttitili'<'i) 'll. nitotI itxxix aoxnoi i y01 ou
Bolx e 11.1))t Oi lix 1)pa 11 l tie If thel as ixt x'x'x'iiiixp.xxe txy'S.1."xW .. Ly nixoxxii iix' Nox'x i et ihit' Cihxralt t I xix xxxioxieiixl lxxxxh anxxy Oil) lxx 1.:lix I
Eder (t x ,lx l 'si os xie sx o n. 1 lij' 1w~irS'"adteohr ly crspol wl eolgdxodoV P. ixi tolrSiix yiix ior
O ldilxxil xxxi oi InokltPre s;0W. . ixxicxthxex ix x lx lx ' iriixl'xexic'xatiith e xtxiiofx'xi alx ,.xx' '~ xixxt o xlit i)yx0
Caihexrx. lxx px iik Pxe~ S I rltxxi ''txx.ttbook.
r:ohiceX1h. 7. -eit Ax-isaxt C' sh~ier. slxxiroklxx.txxex'neheeoil'sT'xixi, hxit iix'kel(if PALMiER'S PHA M C .0
tie o nxiii."' ' xi'enxixxicx' xwas xiii nt xto lxx' x- il i thtie doorxis xarxe C6 1 t xx-t
ilargerta sa n.ll noe eah( ht it tothehal fr Lc ixxxdiba ixxc,.e C1ix' oly
tlilxl~xliC iixill' 1. 1 Vxtlxl, hxxses axc ll hightxsteppersx
We oee uxsixsx..and xxx'arx'up is ail the TuE 'iiiC'A(li)CAIll $5.00t. H It( l-i'i'KIil IOXCt iiOt) x
Texx' anti Sanda~irdDaxxcex. iix'r his xxvCnt CxAnAi m x is' iiti To0bVirginia cmld thee S xlih, No. 19tt- -
UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING xroadiviii cxi.x ix'eixx ii ithroulixxghi Dx. :3antd17i-18t5. -SPECIAL.
44 AND)<-i1 . STiATE ST. to ('iicago xvixa Miiixxtinb(is th e Oxil ixte aove dxales lagentsi of tice _____________________
roux i tl ' xex'ixpx'xi bxx ite e,_i Ohixx (C'ntrali Tines xxiii selTExurion () M. MART'iIN. txl iDirectox, Clothl
i ileiitt xoie fxre toe the roundxi r ndMealixxaskets lxxx) (oxxxxoxn
euie t 10'xi xxof ii' Athlid'l fns hai atSpxecialty No. 10 E.
'TI-i £ - Assoiaton0 oviexiig 20(11tieu.-limit fxrxreurns30 xdays. Wsh'ingti~onist.
Gts ae i. t_'ps xy f or thei' xs- Consullt (O. C. Agens T (OtF h. IA'ti. '1Ntx lAR t and Baxxl lith-
sens'T O of unxdxx il 'tr. Cxitce)'llir II A\'iElCO ME, a coniinelot1 i I, room. ni 'xixixlxxlflilxxflst e s . xx
CCtE 1liIic il 'xTkt0xs I.of1t. Sxm xii' xloecx) anxddoca in Ix a.inxdes'a.Ixt.x
xix'ixni un a 4e e ot C oo h 1.o I elowlaxY l , Z, tic air liesosixe SIC Ixatiu aloxCiiir. 0. t.
BUY' 'Y'OlJI hawsex Vi ixr'I StateC't:,tsi.ti, orl'of cxxxibhtton. ItALEL'S .IE'iI-,ttY ro.Cxixcski, 30OS. Stole t.
M 1S aint, of liii'Atixtic tboxexd. STORE~x. eLlEN 'nix 'SAN'yoslc lxtie'cleaned,
K OL Nov. 25 ixicn o to teaxchiConxver Sati oxxx l' rxxic oratory a prons xxade to order.
Iti. C. (IZEtllN'OODx Agxent. IoneC-ialf thoi a d-ayxoyxr his roxxn
-IS AT- 'Ia4h lxT l(Tex'e xxix .132 xxx'elhx' eftheWshexxx c'e
class of xl)(iat 4 p. InlxxW elcayxin Lost-A PacxI.. F. irt foutxain ten, yI-
n lith sineopatliecixtxhithieatre'. Please ieturin o 28/_,. Tiftii axe.
1i TABLR . . ,HIOUtSiE, Pres. Subscribe for the Daiiy:
.Office 11 W. Washtington st. FRATERNITY BADGES, , LARGEST 0 "'I'HT :KAY & CO

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