+Minneapolis Papers Think: We Are W smre'1~l rsie
in Good Condition. We have left a fair sock of (;hryo bem. s nw iSufeb loo. All
publshed Daiy (Snday exepted) driegs all sorts of ruivedocalndtnllm-
tHheUCollegeTYyear,a "+ R Tilleli('llliilis Jeul 1h11il' 10he l- * I& ~L
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. lewingiso y conerneingfile Mih!"i111 - WR II TABLETSI rerl aes (.2SLnivrr ae
lseics: Times biling N. Minlst., opposite tamlapoplosil of t111ecoinllg gm ilt 01 wirlch il be closed out1 as
1p0st ofie. lDtroitf SflrdlA: follows:
- EDITORS. "Tile OMihigan levnkIiirst f el lMAMOTH{2y00 PAGE TABLET, FR C
J. A .ol6, 55,to0505100Editor. ctndllil.It is 1115 .1t 1011matter lt GOD RLEOLABLETS, 100 PP. 3SF01RIOC
. I) Cis',%). , Ai.ttt('lflll ~lli jllil ~'fl GOOD WRITING TABLET - SC This space is reserved
J.1.P. TeeOA5.b'at ,Aistantl~. 1G1,hdfs 511llC~ll~f111 t RAE LINEN TABLET, - 5C for the Grand Opera
S & Ko orev, 'l0,Athletc rI BEST RAE LER 'IAItkET, - 35C
L. C. WALK I lii. leltes lliltge. los fur yllw 111111111lefere,'ha o11 tt1111 C 11111URE f~
R. C.l ite.o.1 . 11 . Asistnt. gfi'il11 10,111 iCllll l'10WRITNG PAPER BY {HE QUIRE 0OR LB. oue
Associate Editors. TiissHouwil105bsrfierd
L. A. Prat, 96. A. K. pett i, '8. fil utfi'rl~li ioll l l Coins lqfick for firs choice.
G. A. Iitlrfto,'1. . 11. Hlath, 'It P. mfe1 rloliiy good formllat1 111s 1111m' of L
Ktllrihse 1,001, '917]I. 1. Oesb1o, '55 1. ill' 1e1. Mihigan;1.tac11 lek forard A L yus EinIPg .o i
B1 . , Met eny, '1. It.I. it.letly, 'fil. ___________________________________________
R3. C. loot', 55 ill. Sie.115111 110'd'10t1,fithff111lnllst euaill iterestf to ifs 1tff1
50. A. isr, " 1If. E. 0. Get oer, °"';L. ii u'fl~ls i il ll' ii il
Th (('50111a11Deroi, Nv ..'ff,11111wit11
Tfhe prc' of the' Dalily lill lan Lias 1he1e-
OItero ,0 Lt 11y , invtariably 1in ad mice, ( llli1f0 1117('lea o n e l lnllkgivilg
______________ 11''al toilr11111 if i 1s, l 15 111- Positively Limited to December 24th.
Ilhit, Daily would(liketo atts 11 111l- 01 I 111 il11li'Wot~ 1111 Neer ataie wi thre be entther Speia Offer maeoti s igret SttndrlDictinar
adti Scrtietdio fite Wrd'e KnoeeeIdge. Os'sfrlly intended o daosesthices Oc tort
t illso 1 1 r If 11111 i fl~S 15 1101 not 1p1on .fiil 11;isi 15'(0 flicrsseogfniin3 1, holi thosasdeof people i inal salssof life toe reellsed5n oeteniol of lime 0nti1 Chrism's.
Aler arelalcosidertin e, siaveltdeidd to 001a11i05uet'rSpeife utl hessllabosate dl. This
rec'eiv'ledlitlt' tconsidera1tion1it leiti, froill fli 110illi ll lffio5tf ll' aisdoe simlyisnd oly Illasmenls of derlisg ths wl Iodrul sotrehoue sf ifr ati. we ds
not expect t o mke moey b-this or,asteery lwlprie on rxtremely libral., terms 111110 mesthan
Eastil 515. 'h tnsbtei o00tl o asforp5e0 risiof and bidig b5t110 1rem01dous amont ef talk ceeId 101110 poade tIIS101s
010/.,th ., fl'h 111111 01f 0111 117 1 , o CI-01 ii- 111i mfl ~ ~ eossmoder asdup-to~dtsle h erreelibraer. Notrrlrrlosd hoiflheeI 1
511theiiil ttllflb iesthoft bltts te111'lriOwmostI 01 e01louentl adoate . I11 a shy loped byteschs osf St.Loais,l., and 000ysotsr sitis,
el'ls, wihbl e Io~liiichsolels 111111t 11111('i prfesesce t l othe1r5ditioariesd esyeipsdlios.It is eqal to olrgs edcat110i
ourlproin'i'fce' Illsf110 01111 1111)11or-inlf,4Iff tli't'icagofi)a11111hl.tlfotti FOR A CHRISTMAS IFT NOTHING COULD BE BETTER. I
Tourps,teacherfried,prets,sryor childe ill apreaethigeatsorkbyod eps
1115 ttf 't 1 dlrt' 111r is i i l e Dily's l1 1elol'fi f 111 5t'ear. '1110 111111 fel[ 01on. Iwillinstl Illsi01 andolwle'ys gie satfato. Na bsiess o profes 100on al s, ma rh i febr,st5
dsst, mechaicI, housew iesr ayslie prs hoiheI s teep abrast f theim1 0,0o initer
- - 11111he' Ideserv l t' i tl eho evr es ise 1110010110 ssrpriefsl-edcolo, ca s afford tosalltw this 111re oprtuityllt 1 o s 1011h00t
l01flyt o b10 h i' 111111 1 rilif 5111 1151 ft'. il ee- ,-1 casrelsei 1115011151105.U dersastf, this gratiswo re odis all te feotures of a omssplte Ditioary an
port forti' dts fl' l i15o l 1' efor that1. ]1)'tfy i i 11115 itt, illI Ioii tfi 111 a thoogh Ecylopedi. Thee sd entiely psttse-ims
but 1to 1.1a1t out whrel' ilit tad 1111op1- 11,4 t lacelar ige sore apll 0111' Enc3Tcloped ic D ictionary'
is now offeretllsfmaeders o1 this ptperst ths reofee7cP. per dy,, i othly pyets of W4.00 ea10,
011111-0 5th k fil 1111.1ililf. lii l~~ to ot~ ~ . '~ Tis 0gre0ate sto llcioarisd Esrycloplrial 10a0edit-t by suh old~i-rnownedSholrsas
reason reconnlvw1ai itsto 1111'forilia..clenly, 11111.. on1 lifi(.' f~itDr oh Euaner, AM, P6S4~Prfs. soly, Morris,Hertag, Estslet, Wllas.etc.
Choraltfi 0 lrl f1'inny 11be010vv-p tasstimor1esb o'eoandlfoot0lefiehldsthts toasIwell. Don't fre
w ngilol~th d sell~ti. ills. tw ittfit'e'- tthis special of-
T~t ilt 1orl io111llr'se ot frts lis1111t it' 1ittr 11110 sotfar ieefill'ay-111 - ___~fr holds goo
x hll otilrtiltl.' ll ~e flit' v letrsty l5 11 fo. o 11110at if lichi-af 1 wouldioChristsEv
Musicall Sei'1 llt' 1d1 I'a111' (f gi- 1111e-i' 1111e11155'hungshouifild ii 101he twao C, t hrichastine
callalebe'n~fitiloiithe ' 1111 -lsly. Ilt i 11th Ief el fItthe ff111<. St °l I S the rc wil
fTee111501'aceitof etopii' 111 'ffitthe liigaulli rilw11d011erftreirs'gratl I 115pt0 Ts I tsp Ido ,5LO~ eavne
lliersitits (f iliit, .111115try ilft't ou 11'r1-11 li1, 111' ith mtft hopefulIotlook 7 R $42 to $70 pri
I1111111r The'1111' 1 Iel otis (f lii-'so- 111111 1 ote~te'f' t o'i bi' a1111' e0 u't'd',_11o0 P w.,O.eoset, and abso-
ilt re ailiit1111foir sill 171eateIr illillf vr s. ~5Il' I lwi 1E ' . ' lutelyno devia.
sil-_________- CEIN.5 'I is t ton rom hes
ach-lieveI'int 5is r.0A111Aiior 115 10 NINETY-SEVEN MEETING. - l-bs RI tEZtinfrmths
Officers Elected or tho Ensig °jImae ti o
01111' ill' 00'l]fails!spotInterYa'5 fot, h hrl1:511111 Ill litir Yar.ts ' for sale nbool
uror IIl-t'l "' lt'r-loI~r 1111 1'i11'1-St0I'I 1111 1-bo li~tlltstores n a
nee i.l -ee O t ls etb 111lcke poiInfi efeto- a0dOnly be otan
th r tsev r vdac ll t illtIy01stt'f111 iill ll'e iioifiII'il i buillfil-' n fo s
this yearlI. What ifrtslrece'v.11000 -or, Of 111111dlb-ethlii'ftiilvt oifhileu our authorize
is~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~; "P1Ie 1111r 1111re fftl,1. 1'.111it', rit''Mr1 ~. Will'Y, Thssots is aseactrepodction of TP PTC1'LPAMICDCIONARY.lva
isgete upottanPli'bfre ot massiteoinaehssomerade o f polishdwotd rrtttohht£401I~s" represetativesu
and11 1(his 1t'at Daily believei't 1i5 ftinlif 'tty; .011. 1(111 11g ITlael'hfr; A. Over $750,000 Required to Produce This Magnificent Self-Educator
to 11a101. 0A.A' ,1111ii], L bsbl lll iiillfe ;.0l,1 It i Com seplete Dttnary of lbseEEnglish laguag eey wrd is ehstsiely teatd as t
- ~~Ittsoinhitory, des'epnent etymologyprouncitiolndaiossmeoaning.
I ltliil -111. tel-kll- i 111111r. Arfilhi fIt te a TorutghlItsy5'clstltdt olanatsoy, oany, chem iy, zoolgy, geology, srt, msicl
afrclturiel, phyis, phiosphy em,history1001, Iyholgy 01011001 knowlede, 01.
WE WERE NOT IN IT. Smihf, Alpha Deft v at.e1001'ciioir It isaSttpee Library Bkustantallyoouen Od pitedfrI ew ltes, ilargi ie, ceo tpe
o hevy whitefspap ad illtadwith thiousans of ew picturesmaderspecillfhisrtw~ork.
nino tesoil onmtte it -il] It ts hettrt hnaoer iene dtotest eueteatest ditsiol 1 of orserctaisllObt 1100
Minnesota.'Wisconsin Game atu- hiiii 11 0111lt~liii' 011 ~lwsndssstha,1251po00 he laetOWehsteaonisshbut 1400wordslind.tli pges; thStandrdcontain
001's llsores2,00owords sd ,fiIlfs, asdee h0e TntuOory otilsllho2250,000 wordeP, and sells 10
day Decided Championship. fottexr to nihlit l 111soil afafhirsi-t$61o$100t. Eyoip~ahof 1verios kistset orIo$00to t20. Thisgrrt ENCYLOPEDIC DIG
TIONAIY, cotaning 5.57 pgs,oer 30It llsioso, oani odhanssso oumesect, be as
hLell Ill oiti the cass.150,055worsd, 1,00 eylpediasbjets, and is t100cceted suthority olheasEglih lngag.
Ot ifthis oo'iisit sees001' id r1111 ine__p_____-_____________q__ll
fully applre'cihhte the Impforanr'of the TIIANJKSGIVONII VAATION. Nn O iiosT uads M e q lty God
Foor flit above rcesile AritAbor Te EcyclpdisfDitisnaries orderd frIsessi It is thergeeatest tmesaver aog all my heskf
MItnil'sbTa- ATIScOliI ilt2 fila111151t1-the pblice 10000l1 se giting eellt O satiatin foefeercr.Theepsnoothrsoro mony ties
gIlhad W~~foill sell tlioktS to 5ftldlenti5After sn exhusiverexamiatio olsll the Iaistigots sze111dcost tht can foe a momet opas
Ills 1i1111'e~~l. erlii ctaari, yurs was oelethiprsloree to sy with l-lRes.S. W. Siller, D. D.,Oslthourg. Ph
ceday.'lTh is wht th0lll t aiiIlohr rsrhi h r ohc. Assnosshlde ttSiossy,ysu orIt[il011 rpcsssh ~ts'sssrlo o
Aril 0155 o il d~es, t 010 1111 ole-ilirdfti foltaveIsoting to be dsired, anddllhe prolsonosould011posessGo. Ge. T. Werts, of N.J.
A1'il sys f i: Ctes atoil(andonethid fre.fortreenyloaedi ater, trse, ytricoepehei,
coverings'thosndsl porasntepog icte stopnTe Encyolpedic Dictioarypessthr ditior
"'ill' 001'511rli fooball seasoh1 retellil-rondiltrip, go(oi g ii'No. 27 ad 28 along srh throgh he moossromeiceo rt iwh~icayainyvsole'sthe Cntrythe OSdos-
- osuli tlilt l~itilDec.2. Teket ovil rhpdis.-lter. Lery, Chaimso. toero C cJ and theIteratioal.-New York Werld.
C9its t111101 01111'filaO )111 tega 2 teay heis hlmt niOec .Tckt i lld fo., St. Lotie Bard fEdstist. I fares prfet tresry o1 kowledge at"b odt l )115 as1C1g1 nd Ihv eseWretr n h etrads''e h ~ oe fi n lp~v ela
I'i'ihe sold Ill allCIOIiltIOtIlf tte lligest.01111 I hilte' Os'hav0sse tee Bia oand nd r Afclse-odictosey.thendie iore soeesi-ped.ho -eI
0001.l paintslon theplinesofloils Toledo ton's.oTheatters, . D.,ElOhgwotet.
The0vitos ftoda~y 1111y'farly h'bie s' '~lttOI0iiIsCnta''sbtoitefor all of te.J.SI.. Atwood, Es., A manel of condesto-a boss toeprn sts
conctosWthnth enrl rffcAtoeye-obLa, Lave'nwor0t, Ran. det-IRev' OleCrane, D.D., LL.D., Bostn
ed as le best 1ea111ll 1110 Nor'hliSoeofAssociatien. Seve'sthe prpoeofllhPcoeplete eferesceslb Estesive'In isIofrmati, siepsabaleis sen
rry.-Critit Herrad, Nworte. ae.-Pbiic Ledger, Philadelphia
Mcioigi has beeni devoting 11er surt- . S. GREENWOOD, Aentf. Books garaneed as represened or money refunded if reurned wihin en days.
~elsothis year Et tsfrrisgflles, 011511,000 MILES, HOW TO GET THIS GREAT WORK--Ord $2 Op ps-offiesrder. spessordr, o
obek, slnd hsselir. f'oerhadsomeoumeswillbhsforwardd. Eery mnth theafesenod $, isIh
Alwl S aleadr, te Oho Cetral sesmerse.until he oom f5$11115 lod.Untdertad tewo'eset of4 vlsisrtset wethe fis,
a cotpijrsOo ihi her t1a5111 l xviie100 Awys odete2hoCeiolis paidthuou h0av111theOse550f11thet while pyng the ~tshle,at 10e raeof centet per day. A
ILins nileage ticket1 Wih laes alld- AE fS rigit oecxpeoess gs eoste ad byprcabser Asoeishig tpayssotlrtb
to bo 1ftI until later in the season. AGN Sca~phete, mor 00110010 ~r cet., ad snd $1440hils aane is pactilly t
ions ts the hst. Covrig the Bi WANTED. sst o bepnf tOeotif puechatedo estyers. W reee o insspoomemes
agecy, sr sny bskinloPisdelpha. Atdree, (Mentiolthis ar
Roert G. Ingersoll% lectures aitt Four, B. & 0,., 011. & D. Ohio Cen- pamphlet of 8 specimen pages free on receipt of 6 cta to pay postage.
works may e had at 14 iMaynard St., tral and Innsmerable other sytems, it Sy diat6ub is inSo. PIAELiht S,.
J. A. Rosen, agent for C. P. the favorite Travelers' Companion . Sy d c t Pu ls i g C . PILDPIAPA