-f ITERSTIG AD RES. es' icilos. Not only holt'p1 oce
~l+of f I~t~J NL{SJN A)RS. Where gariliool reole m,arl e j(o'on- O u
MRS. KELLEY SPEAKS T") UN1- ((111(1, o tle fact of111.0i 1 \\e have left a fail' stock of
P')9lihd Ilaily IS ildaY exceptled) during VERSITY STUDENTS. diseases0 in he roi~os(If the ,workers)I all sorts of
thre Coll(.-,(,year, _____at~llllyell~li l iei
TH} NIESTYO ICHGA Sweating System and Child Labor eiCi.'11iw TN A LT
TH NVRIYOFMCIA,<L~s h )E 'ltlwi i(1eO 1FlyDiscussed-Probable Solu-olI
ljrr:'ho aids .Ml po ite of Problem.,ilil11 111 iwhli i'el i 'oilch can be closed out as
pos ofi~v"'illlicelltly assists' 1111 1.. Ea 1e ' 1111010 follows:
EDITORS.,of firlol 110l"i l:ive 11w 5111- 101 0 r ltsito 11h1wholes 1ier0 0 ills MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5G
J. A. IRets, 'iii, ilain,r ditor. (tentsof his 11ls ilytyrl ll1111' li Itoll llhe111111 ehalllo hi111,1t(y GOOD RU1LED TABLETS, 100 PP.3 FOR100
(G. B. 111,ilelooN, '91ii L, Asistait.
G. 1R. S,'10, Asslolat. pub10 olicldresso e ilii 111010 ollcente 111,rll'l ls. 101 lly belies es t11101 111111 ull GOOD WRITING TABLET, 89B
'. 1. ('A llY'i. L, Aissistli si 11111lillilgii eli ya1siletiloty legislfii 5is(ill', silceier 1sel CRAE INNTALE, - -
s. . K. EN'eesA'10, Ai EitAoe.CAELNN ALT 5
L. tC. Vliel. '91. RIliinesi i''011 l lal l IolwolIl' ~ 1055il 55eil'it. jlil Il1 BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C
It. C. 'Antll0. 'liiiAt, Astistt li.N-lly spoke.i'Phis laiyly - eel 1 ltles. 'ilie advsocates a lisinlal liiiWRITING PAPER RY THE QUIRE OR LB.
Associate Editors, liewy' 111fl'('l'l1(113li 5'l'llln . 1'ii'ila11lice(l'.se f 11(111 llo:'1sv'hole- This stoek woill riot be repilaced.
I . Pol.1'1,'ii3. A. If. l'ti ,'Oi.
C. A. 11 lllflltoi,'91 il. G. 91. l 0 1 1 i lor<t)'6P N111 t 111ha1111 1 lllt l 1111 0110 llles ill sloillil10; 1-; igil~ly' as fclni C'otne quick for first choice.
Katllerille Iteed, '117 . 1. B. l(ilrnon,'98 l.1 h (ll' fo~Iililily siill a 1 1 o l l I- l li' lllllllies (ifJ. . Iloia,'7 W. .I41le,'S
13. B. Alettlieasy'. . It. 1.Reilly, '91:. \o '1 "eOsI,111111Nvllch leser fai1 ll( 'O1111he'evis of child-l11111;,h1 illdiiA gsPrnig H ue
T~e1 l R . h (ilC. 1 ll l l'k,'99 i s 11 1 ii' ( 11(1 11111 910110il iid(' 11( .1(,1'0] i l ' pateic111il l li' i-i elelli1]1 nnIdl' 1 1 .
tahlre, 0.00 11t etr i i i ri itlill ii eilllie, r'sidenil (f 111111 1111100'. 1nd1111 sil l (' I1Ie s. oi 11 l 111'9 ' o 01 i
wil b c)rri~iedli~ti t,:):m~r e r~n.. :1 iAisllllii illli fllelol' 15551'ilii'-. of li'lIlt.poli 111111 iilretsly '1)1)ci __L_______
1,11 ill9 (I b'ioiiii hi '1111' 111 111 huh'llio. 1111 twel'e If I 111109 f11 i itlityand ill ( ly " So1uEL-L
siloIl iolile ll llslsg llellli iiiXisw17,.111:1'11l t "V IIIe (0 l1
11119'e11(1111(10i11 1'.I lt 1( e h l'ol' .'l'lieyo1110-1' l i ll' (irlll(1.( 10111 Ifs liiii ".ltli. le 111 111 fl'
t0 ~l i lS\'o 1' C 11?l '1I
S)e rry 1c 1r 11i011 elll i l h i e l'tli II 0.1of r'. il l .1 1ev t0 1 .11 1'foe 111( 1 A o 110 11 I ho Daily?1\'1 1 (11
vvc 1('~o'(. t ll' 1Js o14e ill Ilhilisi to111. (iiel o, hl ''le :oi . 1sli I ________________bo __kopt ____________ool. _
l'11111800 911(11' 1111111 0 l 1. e1'(hi'' liiii i,' '009.laed ald -oll
a3(dles lida*a (lis~ieixe her i, 1o.,:>blil-i' ins flia )eo loh isLle l t.1111. olli-l111os'lo 11l
al__________ ill ill 0 ll.. 1 t 11t ( s i 's12'5 11111 111' i I 'i =.d c1 1:111111 Edtm d by I.. Al
Ta m Bgilnig os o t 1Y I tt lve IInt ^Play- '111 Ill111,0 iy 0 iolSnlJoro 110'.ldt o lda
1111111ltol e i ll-lllee so ld oo'isiosll[ ifNe c01 11' iie ley "o Iors' l il( No 1 7.. +~io t, Ony 111 111.1d 11111
al ' 1)1'o 'o1 11 11 (1e (11ml..111 (Illoy111 1111' t1l l'l' e1' 'lil. 1*0 1111 .> ' .,il Ia
Io 'eei 1110 (111's, 11(1 1111io lli i s yfllt(' ai ?itliiil'i' 111111' 0 1'=ii-.o(111119' '1f 1 '
11111l(o(1t 111al'' 1511111 t0. 11115. 1: 1 11' 11'11I'1111 1110 1'151 000509he51
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