SltJeffersonian Society. I Grand Opera House.
Theiprogam oftthe lettcrsoniian so-C o in u
cutylbfleetiight 1s s8 follows: Itead- we have left a fair stock of FRIDAYI EVENING, NOV ST, '96
Published Diloiy (Suday excepted during ini'. MLOakes; bigrapuhical sketch of all sorts of r0A hshIisteooropeet
the Colet year, at iiMr.Siy.MrFtriieChiurlchsitul h as me theohoni o.torsn
H.rLR it imes buildinig N. Blain St., opposite werdeit. ss-gssive. Mir. Hlfld;bitce, Tiic H atst Liin g eplist isTHeiry
pDstotfice. "tesolec, That itosetreedncsiila- which can e closed out as lrings ipectisulis liiamati.Vii-
listed lb' Wasliigltin, J-efeoiand follows: io of octtcssublimec poe,
EDITORS. Moere tfusing a thirdil eritt for tie:'- MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, a 5C 0 0 IF>A US T 81 . 0E9'
J. A. 1 tte, '9O, Managing Editor iuet iof ills' tied Sates solid tbc GOOD RULED TABLETS, 0 P3FORIOC ltootd sih a earload ill tpecial scenery,
G.BHASuON, ' oiLtsistt ouite.tI P. 3 R elrtioa[and cilcismseffects Thiggest
HR B ,99 il~tGOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC riductio of Faust eeplacedeoiay Stage.
CD. CHARYsGHi-. Assiost Harvard-Cornell's Scores. CRNLIETAE, - -
S.5. K. iaces, 9, Athletic Editor CRN1IE ALT 5C PRICES 35C, 50C, 75C AND $100.
It. °" P/Ases, S'. Mssistuan. niic' 5-0lIIt-iril1l'ad ecii s-sri'av BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C'
AssociteEdiors. re t iii the foitall iltisery ec WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. Low ney's Chocolates.
L i'tt. A.ittfMA lK eteie, '98 tiiii tttiiEllel ii ei W. This stock sill nel e replacedt. Hot Lunches.
C. A. Houghtn, '5uID. . 7M. Ieath, '96P. 'lheisi-tres wintes: 4lgeil.tsHarit 77 one quick for first choice. ____
Katherists Rood,'-o i. Ii, . Gasoo, 'is i. Corersi it al t se l 1s2. Itrraril/
J.. Tlto~siss, 97 W. . Hughes,'95 ii.C(rnelt (, t Stri'iilii1803~, lir- Argus Printing House. TUTg jTLEt'S, 48 S. State St.
B. .etteassy, iS I. . Itily,'99 crd-ti , 14Corneti- t ilNess Yrk; 1894
1. C. uc, s9t i. lars-at-fl22('srsti-l 12; 741:07. Hairitr
2, let-ell i).
The price of the Daily will ct-mainit sohee- __
totore, 2 i i year, intvarably iniadvasice, DON'T FIAl,
notswithtstaniding the fact thatt publication ToFe s--Siier's ss'iiles, 25, S.
sitt he onstinuesd untilismmeceent
Communication, It e on cmiission, G PI. Huo st.
.10 thes stidetslofitts' 1 5th i -i1
Titers' seems to tebe anismptissionini, O BE ~~E][R
tlie msindssof ially f et c"icstst. G S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST,
thattheItrea1sur101y of the ath lletic iss-
titinIs iws-ill filetd. Theretesnis cisls CORNER OF WILLIAM,
of liii'student;ils si-tie ss5 stbsrtibed OA5 0A COMPLETE TOK 01t'
tonythil'tslt i fnd avbe lowsiileUNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS!yn tersbcpiowhe
Ots woinddt s Iscis 5 ro Newanod Second-Haned.
netgett d't l ans ssi. 'tiscsiti ict his
wrog ipresio, Ito~n7 o tnsh stNoe blists asntd tther Stdents' Supplies
siroig ilirisselt I 5iii li 017' lti t iosiitss ecns, I-ie Sistissi ry. Sprtisg
tilt' assoc'iaioits i n great ed f Hoeds, etc,sihichithtey oer at thisles-t
msosnsy. Ts satse ixpeses osral imen_____________________________________
hi ie lit--il dirtppedi frosii the triinisg Clt and see us before Purchaing.
fi essr7' sily about half the illiutillt HIE I-
i'stiss 1tiietismi ctti ia KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD BALLI
All-sithosts'e suits-ribisI are earilest- Hsthec sts y li tic tabies iiitiii-ly. I Tile bicycle only weighs front 19 to
1 eteteioiadsntieiis-si -Whlsie cigars asdtobacco andeiga-th
17 1tsiss e o isditti-i'siicis tts 23 pounds, but he wantsth best. It
ton aitst-sitas' Ilt'1 ittho Cpossibly "arie
affr todoire ost hi'ntstilu sie ANOUyto-DoOprsproety.rsng dwant bcethidonthatkisw.3T henay
tos slssss i'' i-ilt psin 1ais5 soon'ii tsias n
plyrs are' wosrkinsg hard..Letctihie NORMNAN W.BllNttlAbt JR., 1 0 ahead of them all" so he buys a
studssdolste sir -sha~re snos. Cptain of thse Mottt Havsen Tamns189i1.0
This siiqits'lssbioo'isa auiueic symisissmIf you follow godideasyo'lf-
.Chicago Successful. escisoss sidt ty y wllowiasssistii -ss, x- go o'l±±
erNtold lsss e teasm-c sptstiisoli tcrsia,
The ('hisago Athltics- iaro Sfssisndss ticr bradi sesiigare repiro- lD o psal, buy a Keatl
cserriesdiissg isicic teniccs,elscoiysg
elevenet t lclthle \SuteusactsoseIn iutog Loing, isicy kri, tc.are pacticaly
shliei~ciiictu tlisis losss usingskatigsbi yci-sieutc.,Hissei.,ctti, pstl Uncle Sam's aid, and you
sopsttselyil soralrte, caaloue
1d17 by7 a sciri'of #ii ts 0 . .I l~tu- -Fosrsate y aliboossselers. aveou
sde-t, Iacleitil thei'acity Lat Ye'ar, THE LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY, C .
slduth beis'ltsiwosk for this' (hicsatgit 92teri Steet, Bist-o.
Purdue Defeats Minnesota. Take_______ ________________________
Ft'e Putue lu('ileges'lvsni-ideofeatedcii A Look
Antisiii' uesdayti'sly17-a sts-cof Sit.' ,
toi 4st Laattei7iis, Indt.ThSlt stier AT
T~iteam 05was otplltsii7 on iesviry plist
bist clii uisil.iTshe Flt'Indtiaaosse
linedouinitgoodl ishpe ust hadcl io
tirossble itsgosig ttihugh tir hoo- 1
tos-lit'nlut. Purduse11p5lays'oe Niov. 1;.
lLPIN'F1711'I'tATES.- ar
Auents of Oh (io'etralsinlues suet's- S olid
seiing Iluote-s' Tickcets- tot all pististas Ferviceble
iii the hutinisitertoryeis st hutes' tls
rates. See thisie Hessi-tAgensts1(62 wf
To see Stablo's wsindosw, 25 S._
Fourth liase
Found-A pocketbook, Inquire at 61 6 I MAINI S1I
H. Washington st. iiiIill i